[Odrl-version2] New ODRL v2.0 Model

Alapan Arnab aarnab at cs.uct.ac.za
Mon Jan 16 22:56:26 EST 2006

Hi Susanne,
Thanks for your comments. I will try to reply to each email - should
make tracking a bit easier.
> 4.5.1 Containers
> We kicked out the containers because it is extremely complex to define
> semantics and implement containers. (That showed the implementation
> experiences). On the other hand we did not come up with a better
> for expressing XOR/OR/AND relations. In ODRL v1.1 containers are
allowed for
> a bunch of things; maybe in v2.0 Containers should only be allowed for
> permissions, prohibitions and duties. What do you guy think?
I have the exact same problem - containers are very useful but dificult
to define and implement. I have an idea - maybe not a generic container,
but something that might do the job - I will use constraint as an

        Define a container type for each type that we wish to be 
        in a container eg. ConstraintContainer. This can be defined
                ConstraintContainer = <container><Constraint>*
                ConstraintContainer = <container><ConstraintContainer>*
        where container is one of "and","or","xor" and "not"

This allows for a nested list of constraints, and then instead of
linking to a constraint, it links to a constraint or a container.

> 4.5.2 "NOT"
> By allowing to express "Prohibitions" we have our means to express
> Originally the NOT was requested to express things like: "Everything
> allowed, except 'thisandthat'. The odrl-v2.0-"prohibition" offers such
> means.
The way I have defined prohibition does make that work - but not could
be useful for parties (something not catered for). 
> 4.5.3 Next Rights
> I kind of like the idea to eliminate one level in the ODRLv2.0 and
> use a variable to express different types of rights expressions. We
> want to think about adding your "Type" attribute of License to the
> element. By that however we reduce our flexibility to but e.g. an
offer an
> "next rights" into one "rights" node tree? 
> In your current proposal a ticket could be part of a license which
> have the Type="Offer". That would not really make sense to me. We
> keep ticket, offer, request, agreement, etc. on one level respectively
> the same type of element. In your proposal, offer is an attribute and
> is an element.
Yeah, I am not totally happy with how I have done the current
implementation. The improvement in my view is to have three elements at
that level: communication, license and nextRights. License and
nextRights can then be either tickets, statements or contracts.
> 4.5.4 Parties & Duties
> I need some more information on this issue because I don't understand
> conflict that you have. Is it because the Duty always refers to an
Yes - a duty requires an action. However, you might want a prohibition
license that allows everything - hence there will be no action to link
with the duty.

Alapan Arnab
Data Networks Architecture (DNA) Laboratory
Department of Computer Science
University of Cape Town
Rondebosch, 7700
South Africa

Tel: +27 21 650 3127
Web: http://people.cs.uct.ac.za/~aarnab/
Blog: http://idiots-mind.blogspot.com
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Juan Manuel Fangio

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