IRC log of eval on 2012-06-28

Timestamps are in UTC.

13:52:33 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #eval
13:52:33 [RRSAgent]
logging to
13:52:35 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
13:52:35 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #eval
13:52:37 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be 3825
13:52:37 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see WAI_ERTWG(Eval TF)10:00AM scheduled to start in 8 minutes
13:52:38 [trackbot]
Meeting: WCAG 2.0 Evaluation Methodology Task Force Teleconference
13:52:38 [trackbot]
Date: 28 June 2012
13:52:56 [shadi]
zakim, call shadi-617
13:52:56 [Zakim]
ok, shadi; the call is being made
13:52:57 [Zakim]
WAI_ERTWG(Eval TF)10:00AM has now started
13:52:57 [Zakim]
13:53:06 [shadi]
chair: Eric
13:53:15 [shadi]
regrets: Tim, Moe
13:54:39 [shadi]
agenda+ New questionnaire
13:54:39 [shadi]
agenda+ Open issues from discussion on the list, previous telco’s and questionnaire. Please join in the discussion on the list. Reference:
13:54:39 [shadi]
agenda+ DoC ID 4 – Change language
13:54:39 [shadi]
agenda+ DoC ID 7 – Definition of “website part”
13:54:39 [shadi]
agenda+ DoC ID 18 – Seems to contradict
13:54:41 [shadi]
agenda+ DoC ID 25 – Person or organization
13:54:43 [shadi]
agenda+ DoC ID 41 – Re-used portions of pages
13:54:47 [shadi]
agenda+ DoC ID 44 – Testing all pages
13:55:10 [MartijnHoutepen]
MartijnHoutepen has joined #eval
13:56:50 [vivienne]
vivienne has joined #eval
13:57:33 [Zakim]
+ +1.301.975.aaaa
13:57:34 [Zakim]
- +1.301.975.aaaa
13:57:34 [Zakim]
+ +1.301.975.aaaa
13:57:48 [shadi]
zakim, aaaa is Liz
13:57:48 [Zakim]
+Liz; got it
13:59:00 [Zakim]
13:59:07 [vivienne]
zakim, PPP5 is me
13:59:07 [Zakim]
sorry, vivienne, I do not recognize a party named 'PPP5'
13:59:16 [vivienne]
zakim, ??P5 is me
13:59:16 [Zakim]
+vivienne; got it
13:59:20 [Zakim]
13:59:21 [vivienne]
zakim, muteme
13:59:21 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'muteme', vivienne
13:59:36 [vivienne]
zakim, mute me
13:59:36 [Zakim]
vivienne should now be muted
13:59:46 [MartijnHoutepen]
zakim, ericvelleman is really me
13:59:46 [Zakim]
+MartijnHoutepen; got it
13:59:49 [Liz]
Liz has joined #eval
13:59:53 [korn]
korn has joined #eval
14:00:04 [MartijnHoutepen]
zakim, mute me
14:00:04 [Zakim]
MartijnHoutepen should now be muted
14:01:14 [Zakim]
14:01:22 [Zakim]
+ +31.30.890.aabb
14:01:31 [Sarah_Swierenga]
Sarah_Swierenga has joined #eval
14:01:36 [Zakim]
+ +1.978.760.aacc
14:01:39 [shadi]
zakim, aabb is Eric
14:01:42 [shadi]
agenda+ TPAC 2012 Registration
14:01:43 [Kathy]
Kathy has joined #eval
14:01:57 [Zakim]
+Eric; got it
14:01:59 [shadi]
zakim, aacc is Kathy
14:02:11 [ericvelleman]
ericvelleman has joined #eval
14:02:16 [Zakim]
+Kathy; got it
14:02:19 [Zakim]
14:02:28 [korn]
Zakim, Oracle is Peter_Korn
14:02:43 [Zakim]
+Peter_Korn; got it
14:02:53 [Zakim]
+ +1.517.432.aadd
14:03:52 [shadi]
zakim, aadd is Sarah_Swierenga
14:04:06 [Zakim]
+Sarah_Swierenga; got it
14:04:32 [MartijnHoutepen]
ack me
14:04:41 [shadi]
scribe: Martijn
14:04:41 [MartijnHoutepen]
zakim, mute me
14:04:46 [shadi]
scribenick: MartijnHoutepen
14:04:49 [Zakim]
MartijnHoutepen should now be muted
14:04:56 [shadi]
14:05:08 [richard]
richard has joined #eval
14:05:24 [shadi]
zakim, take up agendum 9
14:05:25 [Zakim]
agendum 9. "TPAC 2012 Registration" taken up [from shadi]
14:06:18 [MartijnHoutepen]
wcag-em due to meet 29-30 oct at TPAC
14:07:24 [MartijnHoutepen]
shadi: if interested: start booking!
14:07:55 [Zakim]
14:08:39 [richard]
zakim ??p32 is richard
14:08:40 [shadi]
zakim, ??p32 is Richard
14:08:40 [Zakim]
+Richard; got it
14:08:45 [shadi]
zakim, mute me
14:08:45 [Zakim]
Shadi should now be muted
14:08:55 [ericvelleman]
14:09:06 [shadi]
zakim, take up next
14:09:06 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "New questionnaire" taken up [from shadi]
14:09:21 [MartijnHoutepen]
eric: new questionnaire online, open till sunday
14:10:15 [MartijnHoutepen]
eric: if you haven't filled it in yet, do so
14:10:36 [shadi]
zakim, take up next
14:10:36 [Zakim]
agendum 2. "Open issues from discussion on the list, previous telco’s and questionnaire. Please join in the discussion on the list. Reference:
14:10:39 [Zakim]
..." taken up [from shadi]
14:10:47 [ericvelleman]
14:10:59 [shadi]
zakim, close agendum 2
14:10:59 [Zakim]
agendum 2, Open issues from discussion on the list, previous telco’s and questionnaire. Please join in the discussion on the list. Reference:
14:11:01 [Zakim]
..., closed
14:11:01 [Zakim]
I see 6 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
14:11:01 [Zakim]
3. DoC ID 4 – Change language [from shadi]
14:11:04 [shadi]
zakim, take up next
14:11:04 [Zakim]
agendum 3. "DoC ID 4 – Change language" taken up [from shadi]
14:11:14 [shadi]
14:11:42 [shadi]
14:11:57 [richard]
14:12:04 [ericvelleman]
Resolution: Leave this comment for the moment and make no change. When the comments was made, the document looked like this: We will work on that section in more detail in the next editor drafts and will have ample opportunity to discuss this as a group then.
14:12:12 [MartijnHoutepen]
eric: new resolution of DoC 4
14:12:16 [shadi]
14:12:17 [korn]
14:12:17 [MartijnHoutepen]
14:12:26 [vivienne]
14:12:26 [Liz]
14:12:32 [shadi]
ack me
14:12:32 [ericvelleman]
14:12:33 [Sarah_Swierenga]
14:13:02 [MartijnHoutepen]
Resolution for DoC 4: eave this comment for the moment and make no change. When the comments was made, the document looked like this: We will work on that section in more detail in the next editor drafts and will have ample opportunity to discuss this as a group then.
14:13:06 [ericvelleman]
# DoC ID 4 – Change language Resolution:
14:13:15 [shadi]
zakim, take up next
14:13:15 [Zakim]
agendum 4. "DoC ID 7 – Definition of “website part”" taken up [from shadi]
14:13:27 [MartijnHoutepen]
14:13:33 [shadi]
zakim, take up agendum 3
14:13:33 [Zakim]
agendum 3. "DoC ID 4 – Change language" taken up [from shadi]
14:13:51 [MartijnHoutepen]
RESOLUTION: Leave this comment for the moment and make no change. When the comments was made, the document looked like this: We will work on that section in more detail in the next editor drafts and will have ample opportunity to discuss this as a group then.
14:14:27 [shadi]
zakim, take up next
14:14:27 [Zakim]
agendum 3 was just opened, shadi
14:14:35 [shadi]
zakim, close agendum 3
14:14:35 [Zakim]
agendum 3, DoC ID 4 – Change language, closed
14:14:36 [Zakim]
I see 5 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
14:14:36 [Zakim]
4. DoC ID 7 – Definition of “website part” [from shadi]
14:14:38 [shadi]
zakim, take up next
14:14:38 [Zakim]
agendum 4. "DoC ID 7 – Definition of “website part”" taken up [from shadi]
14:14:53 [shadi]
14:15:17 [MartijnHoutepen]
eric: shadi will suggest new text for resolution DoC ID 7
14:15:19 [ericvelleman]
DoC ID 18 – Seems to contradict
14:15:21 [shadi]
action: shadi to draft a proposal for new definition of "website part"
14:15:22 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-1 - Draft a proposal for new definition of "website part" [on Shadi Abou-Zahra - due 2012-07-05].
14:15:29 [shadi]
zakim, take up next
14:15:29 [Zakim]
agendum 4 was just opened, shadi
14:15:35 [shadi]
zakim, close agendum 4
14:15:35 [Zakim]
agendum 4, DoC ID 7 – Definition of “website part”, closed
14:15:36 [Zakim]
I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
14:15:36 [Zakim]
5. DoC ID 18 – Seems to contradict [from shadi]
14:15:37 [shadi]
zakim, take up next
14:15:38 [Zakim]
agendum 5. "DoC ID 18 – Seems to contradict" taken up [from shadi]
14:15:52 [shadi]
14:16:05 [shadi]
14:16:10 [ericvelleman]
Resolution: Discard this comment. When the comments was made, section 5 was more or less empty except for some editor notes. We will work on that section in more detail in the next editor drafts and will have ample opportunity to discuss this as a group then.
14:16:16 [MartijnHoutepen]
14:16:20 [korn]
14:16:21 [shadi]
14:16:21 [Liz]
14:16:24 [vivienne]
14:16:29 [richard]
14:16:41 [ericvelleman]
14:16:41 [Sarah_Swierenga]
14:16:46 [MartijnHoutepen]
RESOLUTION: Discard this comment. When the comments was made, section 5 was more or less empty except for some editor notes. We will work on that section in more detail in the next editor drafts and will have ample opportunity to discuss this as a group then.
14:16:56 [shadi]
zakim, take up next
14:16:56 [Zakim]
agendum 6. "DoC ID 25 – Person or organization" taken up [from shadi]
14:17:21 [shadi]
14:17:29 [shadi]
14:17:42 [MartijnHoutepen]
RESOLUTION: Discard this comment. When the comments was made, section 5 was more or less empty except for some editor notes. We will work on that section in more detail in the next editor drafts and will have ample opportunity to discuss this as a group then.
14:17:50 [ericvelleman]
The Resolution would then be: replace "Person who did the evaluation" by "Evaluator".
14:17:54 [Sarah_Swierenga]
14:18:02 [vivienne]
14:18:03 [Liz]
14:18:14 [richard]
14:18:16 [MartijnHoutepen]
14:18:50 [shadi]
+1 provided the word "Evaluator" is linked to its definition
14:18:51 [Sarah_Swierenga]
+1 linking to definition
14:19:16 [MartijnHoutepen]
ack me
14:19:21 [Liz]
+1 to link to definition
14:19:58 [shadi]
scribe: shadi
14:19:58 [MartijnHoutepen]
MartijnHoutepen has left #eval
14:20:01 [richard]
+1 lonk to definition
14:20:24 [shadi]
RESOLUTION: replace "Person who did the evaluation" by "Evaluator" and link it to its definition
14:20:26 [MartijnHoutepen]
MartijnHoutepen has joined #eval
14:20:41 [MartijnHoutepen]
zakim, mute me
14:20:41 [Zakim]
MartijnHoutepen should now be muted
14:20:45 [ericvelleman]
DoC ID 25 – Person or organization
14:20:50 [shadi]
scribe: Martijn
14:20:57 [shadi]
scribenick: MartijnHoutepen
14:21:02 [shadi]
zakim, taker up next
14:21:02 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'taker up next', shadi
14:21:03 [ericvelleman]
DoC ID 41 – Re-used portions of pages
14:21:08 [shadi]
zakim, take up next
14:21:08 [Zakim]
agendum 7. "DoC ID 41 – Re-used portions of pages" taken up [from shadi]
14:21:19 [shadi]
14:22:47 [richard]
14:22:58 [ericvelleman]
Step 3 introduction text has a Note that says: “Note: This step identifies a comprehensive sample of web pages that need to be evaluated. However, many web pages will have repetitive content, such as the header, navigation, and other common components that may not need to be re-evaluated on each occurrence. Guidance on evaluating the sample identified in this step is provided in Step 4: Audit the Selected Sample”.
14:23:33 [ericvelleman]
Step 4 introduction has an Editor Note that says: “…The introduction will include advice on how to avoid evaluation of repetitive content that would not yield new findings;”
14:23:59 [ericvelleman]
New Proposed Resolution: Add in editor note in step 4: “Include this comment for consideration for when we start working on this section ” and no change in step 3 introduction text as it already covers this.
14:24:31 [ericvelleman]
14:24:46 [shadi]
14:25:03 [shadi]
ack richard
14:25:07 [shadi]
14:25:11 [shadi]
ack me
14:25:17 [MartijnHoutepen]
richard: links to the existing discussion about templates
14:26:12 [Zakim]
14:26:20 [ericvelleman]
14:26:55 [Zakim]
14:27:05 [ericvelleman]
14:28:25 [ericvelleman]
14:28:36 [MartijnHoutepen]
eric: newer version of methodology already adresses this
14:29:25 [ericvelleman]
14:29:37 [MartijnHoutepen]
eric: template issue is a different discussion; maybe close this comment
14:29:46 [ericvelleman]
14:31:00 [korn]
14:32:15 [vivienne]
14:32:22 [MartijnHoutepen]
shadi: we have to be careful; we are evaluating the whole page. This comment adresses evalution efficiency. We musnt open doors to excluding parts
14:32:40 [richard]
14:32:49 [shadi]
zakim, mute me
14:32:49 [Zakim]
Shadi should now be muted
14:33:36 [richard]
NO repeated blocks is not similar areas
14:33:56 [MartijnHoutepen]
peter: add advisory if evaluator notices repeated blocks, make a note
14:34:00 [vivienne]
ack me
14:34:38 [shadi]
ack korn
14:35:09 [MartijnHoutepen]
vivienne: We recommend taking a screenshot to identify 'shared areas', chech everything on every page, but not make a remark every time, refer to earlier comment
14:35:21 [ericvelleman]
14:35:37 [vivienne]
zakim, mute me
14:35:37 [Zakim]
vivienne should now be muted
14:36:24 [MartijnHoutepen]
eric: this is a valuable discussion, but the comment does not adress this issue. We will have this discussion later
14:37:07 [Sarah_Swierenga]
+1 to respond to the public comment - saying that we are working on it for a future draft.
14:37:15 [shadi]
14:37:19 [shadi]
ack me
14:37:23 [MartijnHoutepen]
eric: we can close this issue first, keeping in mind we will have the discussion when we arrive to discussing this specific step
14:38:25 [shadi]
14:38:45 [MartijnHoutepen]
shadi: maybe create a specific editor note asking for input on how to deal with re-used content
14:40:15 [MartijnHoutepen]
shadi: We adressed this comment.
14:40:36 [MartijnHoutepen]
shadi: If we want more input on this, we can create a specific editor note for this
14:40:39 [ericvelleman]
Proposed resolution: we addressed the comment in the editor note and close it now
14:41:01 [richard]
14:41:49 [shadi]
(1) we have a note in section 3 step 3 relating to that point; (2) we have a related editor note in step 4; (3) we are updating step 4 to refelect this in the upcoming draft
14:41:55 [Sarah_Swierenga]
+1 to close and add editor note
14:42:20 [Mike_Elledge]
Mike_Elledge has joined #eval
14:42:30 [shadi]
ack richard
14:42:31 [MartijnHoutepen]
richard: agree with shadi
14:42:51 [richard]
14:43:23 [korn]
14:43:31 [vivienne]
14:43:39 [MartijnHoutepen]
14:43:42 [MartijnHoutepen]
14:43:49 [MartijnHoutepen]
14:43:57 [MartijnHoutepen]
Rationale: (1) we have a note in section 3 step 3 relating to that point; (2) we have a related editor note in step 4; (3) we are updating step 4 to refelect this in the upcoming draft
14:44:17 [shadi]
zakim, take up next
14:44:17 [Zakim]
agendum 8. "DoC ID 44 – Testing all pages" taken up [from shadi]
14:44:22 [ericvelleman]
14:44:25 [shadi]
14:44:54 [shadi]
14:45:01 [korn]
14:45:52 [shadi]
ack k
14:46:04 [richard]
14:46:38 [MartijnHoutepen]
peter: one of the goals of this methodology is sampling, but is not mandatory
14:47:31 [MartijnHoutepen]
eric: rewording: if evaluating all pages is not feasible, take a sample
14:47:46 [shadi]
ack r
14:48:42 [Mike_Elledge]
14:49:08 [MartijnHoutepen]
richard: the majority of websites is quite small, we want to encourage them to evaluate a11y themselves. As a starting position: evaluate the whole site
14:49:31 [vivienne]
14:50:00 [shadi]
ack mike
14:50:28 [MartijnHoutepen]
mike: agree with Richard, in ideal circumstances every page will be tested, but that isnt feasible
14:50:42 [vivienne]
ack me
14:51:13 [ericvelleman]
14:51:23 [richard]
14:51:48 [vivienne]
zakim, mute me
14:51:48 [Zakim]
vivienne should now be muted
14:52:10 [MartijnHoutepen]
vivienne: most of the people who will want their website evaluated, will be large websites. The majority of websites that are evaluated, are larger. No problem with suggestion to put the whole website first
14:52:50 [shadi]
[[1. Introduction - Because it is generally not feasible nor desired to evaluate every single web page in such a context, it is essential to employ a reliable method for determining the overall conformance of a website -> In many situations it is not possible to evaluate every single web page, so that it is essential to...]]
14:52:58 [shadi]
14:52:58 [MartijnHoutepen]
richard: difference between commercial business and target user of our methodology. The more people that use this methodology the better
14:53:01 [shadi]
ack r
14:53:05 [shadi]
ack me
14:54:24 [MartijnHoutepen]
shadi: we need to make sure our methodology scales up and down.
14:55:03 [MartijnHoutepen]
shadi: in the introduction we already mention this issue
14:55:53 [vivienne]
+1 to Shadi's idea of new wording
14:55:57 [korn]
14:56:00 [Mike_Elledge]
14:56:04 [Sarah_Swierenga]
14:56:05 [ericvelleman]
14:56:06 [richard]
14:56:12 [Mike_Elledge]
14:56:14 [MartijnHoutepen]
shadi: suggestion to add a note; if you have the resources to evaluate every page, consider it your sample
14:56:16 [MartijnHoutepen]
14:56:30 [Liz]
14:56:50 [shadi]
action: shadi to go through methodology and propose wording changes to better address the possibility to evaluate all pages, if the evaluator is willing to do so
14:56:50 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-2 - Go through methodology and propose wording changes to better address the possibility to evaluate all pages, if the evaluator is willing to do so [on Shadi Abou-Zahra - due 2012-07-05].
14:57:11 [shadi]
zakim, mute me
14:57:11 [Zakim]
Shadi should now be muted
14:57:33 [MartijnHoutepen]
eric: two proposals by shadi to look forward to
14:57:48 [Mike_Elledge]
14:57:49 [MartijnHoutepen]
ack me
14:57:49 [vivienne]
well done all - good night
14:57:50 [Sarah_Swierenga]
bye - have a good week!
14:57:53 [vivienne]
vivienne has left #eval
14:57:53 [Zakim]
14:57:55 [Zakim]
14:57:56 [Zakim]
14:57:56 [Zakim]
14:57:58 [Zakim]
14:57:58 [Zakim]
14:57:59 [Zakim]
14:58:02 [Zakim]
14:58:08 [Zakim]
14:58:10 [Zakim]
14:58:12 [Zakim]
WAI_ERTWG(Eval TF)10:00AM has ended
14:58:14 [Zakim]
Attendees were Shadi, +1.301.975.aaaa, Liz, vivienne, MartijnHoutepen, Mike, +31.30.890.aabb, +1.978.760.aacc, Eric, Kathy, Peter_Korn, +1.517.432.aadd, Sarah_Swierenga, Richard
14:58:40 [ericvelleman]
ericvelleman has left #eval
14:58:46 [MartijnHoutepen]
MartijnHoutepen has left #eval
15:02:31 [korn]
korn has left #eval
15:19:20 [shadi]
trackbot, end meeting
15:19:20 [trackbot]
Zakim, list attendees
15:19:20 [Zakim]
sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is
15:19:28 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, please draft minutes
15:19:28 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate trackbot
15:19:29 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, bye
15:19:29 [RRSAgent]
I see 2 open action items saved in :
15:19:29 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: shadi to draft a proposal for new definition of "website part" [1]
15:19:29 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:19:29 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: shadi to go through methodology and propose wording changes to better address the possibility to evaluate all pages, if the evaluator is willing to do so [2]
15:19:29 [RRSAgent]
recorded in