IRC log of xproc on 2012-03-15
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 14:10:39 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #xproc
- 14:10:39 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 14:10:41 [Norm]
- rrsagent, set logs world-visible
- 14:10:41 [Norm]
- Meeting: XML Processing Model WG
- 14:10:41 [Norm]
- Date: 15 March 2012
- 14:10:41 [Norm]
- Agenda:
- 14:10:41 [Norm]
- Meeting: 210
- 14:10:42 [Norm]
- Chair: Norm
- 14:10:44 [Norm]
- Scribe: Norm
- 14:10:46 [Norm]
- ScribeNick: Norm
- 14:10:48 [Norm]
- Topic: Accept this agenda?
- 14:10:51 [Norm]
- ->
- 14:10:52 [Norm]
- Accepted.
- 14:11:06 [Norm]
- Topic: Accept minutes from the previous meeting?
- 14:11:06 [Norm]
- ->
- 14:11:21 [Norm]
- Accepted.
- 14:11:26 [Norm]
- Regrets: Cornelia
- 14:11:46 [Norm]
- Topic: Next meeting: telcon, 22 March 2012
- 14:11:55 [Norm]
- No regrets heard.
- 14:12:51 [Norm]
- Topic: Review of open action items
- 14:12:55 [Norm]
- A-206-02: continued
- 14:13:09 [Norm]
- A-207-01: completed. there's only one comment
- 14:13:23 [Norm]
- A-207-02: continued
- 14:13:28 [Norm]
- Regrets: Cornelia, Mohamed
- 14:13:53 [Norm]
- A-209-01: continued, ETA 29 Mar
- 14:14:03 [Norm]
- Topic: Review of last call processor profile comments.
- 14:14:07 [Norm]
- Norm: We only have one, from cmsmcq.
- 14:14:26 [Norm]
- ->
- 14:14:32 [Norm]
- Norm: Two substantive issues, standalone and validation.
- 14:14:58 [Norm]
- Norm: What about standalone?
- 14:15:09 [Norm]
- ...What are the cases?
- 14:15:40 [Norm]
- ...No external decls, it's irrelevant
- 14:16:07 [Norm]
- ...External decls, standalone=no, (the default) that's a validity constraint
- 14:16:17 [Norm]
- ...External decls, standalone=yes, then what we do is ok.
- 14:16:57 [Norm]
- Henry: Perhaps we should ask Michael if he made the same mistake that I did, that standalone=no does not require a processor to read the external declarations.
- 14:17:24 [Norm]
- Henry: We should also see if he made it more clear in his previous comments what he wanted.
- 14:20:18 [Norm]
- ->
- 14:21:16 [Norm]
- Norm: Looking at Michael's comments, I think he has misinterpreted the spec.
- 14:21:37 [Norm]
- ACTION: Norm to respond to Micheal and see if we can come to the same place.
- 14:22:18 [Norm]
- Alex: Reading Micheal's original comment, I think there are two interpretations. One is that these are things he thinks the XML Rec says and one is that these are the things he would like *us* to say.
- 14:22:52 [Norm]
- Norm: You think perhaps Micheal is saying that *we* should enforce this behavior wrt to standalone.
- 14:23:20 [Norm]
- Norm: The second issue he raises is validation, which he at least agrees we improved.
- 14:24:21 [Norm]
- ...I think Micheal makes a good point that it would be easy to read this spec and missunderstand that validation is forbidden.
- 14:24:44 [Norm]
- ...I wonder if we could improve things by mentioning validation in 2.3 and 2.4
- 14:25:31 [Norm]
- ...We could say in point 1 "non-validating or non-valdating"
- 14:26:22 [Norm]
- Henry: We could add a note that says "this requirement is satisfied by any conformant validating parser"
- 14:28:43 [Norm]
- Murray returns the discussion to standalone with the observation that the XML spec says there's an algorithm for turning standalone=no into standalone=yes
- 14:28:58 [Norm]
- Some discussion of how "algorithm" is to be interpreted; does a validating parser suffice?
- 14:30:11 [Norm]
- Norm: I'm not sure a validating parser covers the case of an invalid but well-formed document with standalone=no
- 14:31:00 [Norm]
- Henry: I think my problem with the standalone declaration is that it's a significant increase in complexity for an area that's very little used.
- 14:31:51 [Norm]
- Alex: What would standalone help us with?
- 14:32:15 [Norm]
- Norm: I'm not sure what Micheal meant, so I'm not sure how to answer that.
- 14:33:35 [Norm]
- Norm: In the basic and id profiles, standalone is irrelevant becase we don't read the external decls and it's a validity constraint and a validating parser can't be used to do the first two profiles.
- 14:35:47 [Norm]
- Murray: I think what Michael is saying is what I've been saying, validatity and standalone=no are things that would change the result of processing.
- 14:35:59 [Norm]
- ...If you have a document that requires validation and/or requires fetching external subsets is going to result in a different document.
- 14:36:14 [Norm]
- ...And the truth value of that document changes depending on whether you validate or not.
- 14:36:32 [Norm]
- Henry: That's why we put in the stuff about invariants, so we could be very clear that what you get may change.
- 14:38:17 [Norm]
- Henry: Maybe we should make it clear that a validating processor cannot implement 2.1 and 2.2 if the documents have an external subset.
- 14:38:23 [Norm]
- ...Validating parsers *must* read the external subset.
- 14:40:18 [Norm]
- ACTION: Henry to draft notes for 2.1 and 2.2 saying that a validating parser cannot be used if there's an external subset and to say in 2.3 and 2.4 explicitly that validation could be performed
- 14:41:42 [Norm]
- Norm: Murray, what do you want to say about a standalone=no document with external decls if it's parsed by a basic or id processor.
- 14:41:54 [Norm]
- Murray: I think I just want to say that you may have lost information.
- 14:42:45 [Norm]
- Norm: I have no objection to adding a note to that effect, I just don't think changing behavior is within our remit.
- 14:43:05 [Norm]
- Murray: I still think there should be a profile that takes in an XML document which was composed with a notion that it would be validated.
- 14:43:21 [Norm]
- it's truth value would be determined by that profile.
- 14:43:51 [Norm]
- ...But the WG doesn't agree with that position, that's fine. I think that Michael feels the same way. I think the amelioriting text will help.
- 14:45:02 [Norm]
- ACTION: Norm to draft notes for 2.1 and 2.2 to describe the consequences of information loss for a standalone=no document when it has external declarations.
- 14:45:30 [Norm]
- Murray: What would be most satisfying to me is that if we had a profile that covered validation and then if we deprecated it in
- 14:46:19 [Norm]
- Henry: I think we're doing better than that. The external declarations profile gives you the infoset you want, whether or not its validated, and then you can decide independently to validate it.
- 14:48:45 [Norm]
- Norm: Perhaps a note to that effect in 2.3 would be a good idea.
- 14:50:03 [Norm]
- Henry: In section 3, for class Extended perhaps we should say explicitly that may be absent under 2.1 and 2.2.
- 14:50:55 [Norm]
- Topic: Michael also makes a bunch of editorial suggestions.
- 14:51:26 [Norm]
- ACTION: Norm or Henry to implement Micheal's editorial changes, raising any issues we see, if any.
- 14:51:46 [Norm]
- Topic: Progress on requirements/use cases
- 14:52:18 [Norm]
- Norm: Murray are you interested in working on the use cases and requirements.
- 14:52:33 [Norm]
- Murray: Yes. I was talking to Alex, and I think we might work on it together.
- 14:52:41 [Norm]
- Alex: Yep.
- 14:52:47 [Norm]
- Norm: Excellent.
- 14:53:36 [Norm]
- Norm: Proposed ETA?
- 14:54:09 [Norm]
- Norm: How about 12 April?
- 14:55:01 [jfuller]
- jfuller has joined #xproc
- 14:56:07 [Norm]
- Topic: Any other business?
- 14:56:11 [Norm]
- None heard.
- 14:56:15 [Norm]
- Adjourned.
- 14:56:20 [Zakim]
- -ht
- 14:56:23 [Zakim]
- -Alex_Milows
- 14:56:25 [Zakim]
- -Norm
- 14:56:25 [Zakim]
- XML_PMWG()10:00AM has ended
- 14:56:25 [Zakim]
- Attendees were Norm, Alex_Milows, +1.778.440.aaaa, Murray, ht
- 14:56:25 [Norm]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 14:56:25 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Norm
- 14:56:45 [Norm]
- rrsagent, set logs world-visible
- 14:57:34 [Zakim]
- XML_PMWG()10:00AM has now started
- 14:57:42 [Zakim]
- + +2072827aaaa
- 14:59:02 [jfuller]
- i'm on telcon ...
- 14:59:08 [jfuller]
- have I missed timings ?
- 14:59:58 [Zakim]
- - +2072827aaaa
- 15:00:00 [Zakim]
- XML_PMWG()10:00AM has ended
- 15:00:02 [Zakim]
- Attendees were +2072827aaaa
- 15:05:28 [jfuller]
- I did
- 15:05:32 [jfuller]
- ug
- 15:05:35 [jfuller]
- caio for now
- 15:12:34 [jfuller]
- jfuller has joined #xproc
- 15:18:22 [MoZ]
- MoZ has joined #xproc
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- MoZ has joined #xproc
- 15:31:55 [Vojtech]
- Vojtech has joined #xproc
- 15:43:46 [alexmilowski_]
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- 16:17:54 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #xproc
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- 17:04:09 [ht]
- ht has joined #xproc
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- jfuller has joined #xproc
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