Details on Product UI Security

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There are 12 issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-20 (edit) CLOSED If browsers apply UI Security heuristic without an explicit opt-in policy, should we always block and not have the unsafe UIEvent property 2012-11-01 UI Security 0
ISSUE-25 (edit) CLOSED Do frame-options directives (or other UISafety directives) make sense in a meta tag context? 2012-11-01 UI Security 0
ISSUE-27 (edit) CLOSED Implementation concern on how to enforce display-time : should we provide more advice on how to do this efficiently? 2012-11-01 UI Security 0
ISSUE-45 (edit)
CLOSED Is 'top-only' worth preserving? 2013-03-05 UI Security 0
ISSUE-52 (edit)
unsafe DOM API
CLOSED unsafe attribute requires every handler to check 2013-04-25 UI Security 0
ISSUE-53 (edit)
UI Security model for composited drawing models
CLOSED UI Security model for composited drawing models 2013-04-26 UI Security 0
ISSUE-55 (edit)
input-protection and seamless iframes
CLOSED How to handle seamless flag for input-protection policies? 2013-10-31 UI Security 0
ISSUE-5 (edit) PENDING REVIEW Is covering identical UI with different effects in-scope? e.g. "like" button that doesn't indicate what you're liking 2011-11-01 UI Security 0
ISSUE-22 (edit) PENDING REVIEW Are there cases of synthetic UIEvents where it would be useful to set the unsafe attribute even if the policy is block (so event is not delivered) 2012-11-01 UI Security 0
ISSUE-28 (edit) PENDING REVIEW What specific attacks are prevented by OS screenshots, should this be recommended against generally? 2012-11-01 UI Security 0
ISSUE-29 (edit) PENDING REVIEW What are sane defaults for clipping with clipping or selectors? 2012-11-01 UI Security 0
ISSUE-21 (edit) POSTPONED Do assistive technologies send real events or synthetic events? 2012-11-01 UI Security 0

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Daniel Veditz <>, Mike West <>, Chairs, Wendy Seltzer <>, Samuel Weiler <>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: all.html,v 1.1 2020/01/17 08:52:51 carcone Exp $