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I am now working at École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne (part of Université de Lyon) in Institut Henri Fayol, ISCOD team. My main interest in this WG is about the formalisation of multiple graph datasets and their semantics. I am also one of the authors of a paper presented at the workshop on RDF Next Steps. I was a member of the W3C OWL 2 Working Group (although, for unknown reason, my name is not in the list of participants). I participate in the Pedantic Web group.

I contribute the Graphs Task Force.

Some thoughts




  • Standardise Turtle pretty much "as is" in the member submission. Do not try to put graph stuff inside
  • Standardise a serialisation for multiple-graph documents (can be as simple as N-Quads) as a different format type

RDF Semantics

Other information