ISSUE-70: RDF Concepts should mention all datatypes defined in the core specs


RDF Concepts should mention all datatypes defined in the core specs

RDF Semantics
Raised by:
Richard Cyganiak
Opened on:
RDF Concepts defines what a Datatype is, and defines the rdf:XMLLiteral datatype in detail.

However, it doesn't even mention the fact that the RDF Model Theory defines a set of XSD-based datatypes for use with RDF. (Update: Not quite true; RDF Concepts *does* have a link to the respective section of RDF Model Theory.) Given that Turtle, SPARQL etc have a certain amount of built-in support for some of these datatypes, this seems strange.

I think that the list of compatible XSD datatypes from RDF Model Theory should be moved or copied to RDF Concepts. There should also be a statement about conformance requirements: is support for these datatypes required or optional or what?

The section should perhaps also mention how rdf:PlainLiteral relates to RDF (it's defined as an RDF datatype, but MUST NOT be used in RDF graphs)
Related Actions Items:
Related emails:
  1. Re: Status update on LC comments and post-LC changes to R2RML (from on 2011-11-07)
  2. Status update on LC comments and post-LC changes to R2RML (from on 2011-11-07)
  3. RDF-ISSUE-70 (xsd-in-rdf-concepts): RDF Concepts should mention all datatypes defined in the core specs (from on 2011-07-21)

Related notes:

The list has been added to RDF Concepts:

Still needs to be removed from RDF Semantics.

Richard Cyganiak, 20 Nov 2011, 20:19:20

RESOLVED: the Semantics document will make the notion of semantics extension more explicit, and will refer to the POWDER and the SPARQL Entailment Regimes as good examples

David Wood, 29 Oct 2012, 15:21:06

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