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PIL OWL Ontology Meeting 2012-01-30
From Provenance WG Wiki
Meeting Information
prov-wg - Modeling Task Force - OWL group telecon
- previous meeting
- date: 2012-01-16
- time: 9am PT, 12 ET, 5pm UK
- via Skype
- wiki page: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/PIL_OWL_Ontology_Meeting_2012-01-16
- titan page: http://titanpad.com/hQVVmMGhrT
- next meeting
- Khalid
- Mike
- Daniel
- Stian
- Satya
- Discussion on Mike's blog post + some suggestions and examples. We could write some other blog posts based on the scenarios proposed by the incubator working group, like the disease outbreak or the business contract.
- Discussion about the issues raised by Daniel. New actions identified to align both prov dm and the ontology.
- 226: We decided to add actedOnBehalfOf as a relationship between agents for the quealified involvement too, since the entity is optional. So we will need a hadQualifiedActivity property to link the qualifiedDelegation to the activity.
- 227: Just an issue to remind that some diagrams are inconsistent. Tim, Khalid to fix them.
- 228: A list of issues that remain to be changed. Action set to Satya and James to check that they are solved.