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From Provenance WG Wiki
Renaming "Formal" (i.e., the OWL)
Resolved: The short name prov-o was chosen in 2011-09-13. per http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/track/issues/120
- PROV OWL Ontology
- PROV OWL Model
- because "OWL" implies "Ontology", making "PROV OWL Ontology" redundant
- because "OWL" distinguishes ProvenanceOntology.owl from the Abstract Data Model of ProvenanceModel.html
- PROV Ontology (PROV-O)
- Which happens to be in OWL, or are we making other ontologies, like in SKOS? -Stian
- Luc liked the suggestion (by Paolo) of PROV-SW, since this specification should deal with a range of semantic web techniques. It contains an ontology (PROV-O, or similar), it will discuss how RDF named graphs are used (PROV-RDF or similar), and will probably contain rules (PROV-RIF or similar).
- PROV-SW is good for those reasons, but are we here suggesting that we also describe serialisation recommendations in the same document as the ontology, or is that part of PAQ? I can see cases where reusing the ontology in non-recommended serialisations (or none at all) can be desirable - but for provenance interchange and compatibility purposes we should have strong recommendations, such as "Use Turtle, do named graphs such and such, always include explicitly any PROV properties and classes" - which to me sounds like something that fits better in PAQ. -Stian
Name Suggestions for the Standard
Resolved: The name PROV was chosen in telcon 2011-09-15 - and is not an acronym.
- APL: Assertion-based Provenance Language
- APM: Assertion-based Provenance Model
- PAST: Provenance Assertion SchemaTa
- PAX: Provenance Assertion eXchange
- PIL: Provenance Interchange Language
- PILO/PILV: PIL Ontology/PIL Vocabulary
- PIM: Provenance Interchange Model
- PAAP: "PAAP is About Asserting Provenance"
- PDGRE ("pedigree"): Provenance data general representation for exchange
- TPL: The Provenance Language
- Prov (or PROV, or prov): as in "the Prov Provenance Exchange Vocabulary" or "the Prov Provenance Framework", like "The OWL Web Ontology Language" (the name doesn't have to be an acronym).
- "before" (e.g. B4, BFRE, etc)
- PIV: Provenance Interchange Vocabulary
- PAV: Provenance Assertion Vocabulary
- PAL: Provenance assertion Language
- PIF: Provenance Interchange Framework - This is modification of Provenance Interchange Language (PIL), since we are defining more than a "Language" (ontology, access and query etc.). Following the idea of PIF, the provenance interchange framework, it has multiple components:
- PIDM: the Provenance Interchange Data Model
- PIO: the Provenance Interchange Ontology
- PIP: the Provenance Interchange Protocol?
- PIX: the Provenance Interchange XML representation
- ...