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Short description:

Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records—or FRBR, is a conceptual entity-relationship model developed by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) that relates user tasks of retrieval and access in online library catalogues and bibliographic databases from a user’s perspective. It represents a more holistic approach to retrieval and access as the relationships between the entities provide links to navigate through the hierarchy of relationships. The model is significant because it is separate from specific cataloguing standards such as AACR2 or International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD). [from wikipedia]

Included in the catalog not as an interested community of people, but as a related conceptual model.

Alternative/existing provenance standard? (Or a complementary concept?)

Existing conceptual model which may overlap to some extent with provenance models.

Domain specific? (If yes, is it only a domain specific convention for a general provenance standard? If yes, which one?)

Subject specific? (Are there any restrictions on the subject of the provenance information?)

Based on existing data model? (Is the standard/concept embedded in an existing general standard or data model?)

It is a conceptual model. There is a corresponding RDF vocabulary that has been developed by Ian Davis and Richard Newman.

Are there bridges/crosswalks to other standards?

Are there documented use cases that should be taken into consideration for the Provenance WG?

Known, relevant issues?


Contact for Provenance WG?