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From Provenance WG Wiki
This page summarizes the current status of the PROV DC Note.
LATEST DRAFT: https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/dc-note/dc-note.html
Fix the layout of the figures (adopt these guidelines: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Diagrams) -
Use PROV notation to refer to agents -
In figure 2, the activity should appear above the entity. -
Improve the text for dates. It is not easy to understand. -
Spell check. -
Update the terms left out of the mapping and dct:isVersionOf. -
Clarify dct:alternative, dct:replaces and dct:references.
Resolved (accepted changes)
- dct:isVersionOf: owl:equivalentProperty to prov:wasRevisionOf.
- Why not mapped to prov:wasSpecializationOf?: In some cases this is not a valid mapping. Example: a resource "A" generalizes another resource "B" in a later version. A is a dct:isVersionOf B. However A in not a prov:wasSpecializationOf B, since it is more general.
- dct:alternative: dct:alternative is not similar to prov:alternateOf. dct alternative is a specialization of dct:title to refer to an alternative title/name of the resource. For example, "The Bible" can be referred to as "The Holy Book".
- dct:replaces: a replacement does not allways imply revision or derivation: Imagine that you are describing a catalogue and you replace an item. Element 2 might be replaced by element 4 (which might not be related to it). You could say that element 2 had some influence in the replacement (it is what it was there before), but element 4 it is not a derivation or a revision of element 2. Another example are the proteins in a database superseeded by new discoveries. The protein superseeding the previous record is not a revision, derivation or specialization of the former, but it replaces it.
- Update: dct:replaces will be removed as prov:wasInfluencedBy. Instead, a complex mapping will be added. We can consider that the replacement activity takes an input the a specialization of the old entity and produces a specialization of the new entity. The relationship between both specializations is prov:wasDerivedFrom.
- dct:references:
- Update: In PROV, a derivation is defined as "a transformation of an entity into another, an update of an entity resulting in a new one, or the construction of a new entity based on a pre-existing entity". If a resource n1 references another resource o1 then the construction of n1 is based on o1, even if o1 does not influence n1 significantly. Removing the reference to o1 in n1 would lead to the construction of another resource n1', different from n1.
Under discussion
Detailed Answers
- Answer to Luc Moreau
- Anser to Simon Miles
- Answer to Tom Baker
- Answer to Stian Soiland-Reyes
- Answer to Antoine Isaac