Minutes of last week's teleconference and of F2F meeting were approved. It was agreed that outstanding F2F actions related to the model should be converted into issues against the model.
Discuss Plans for Connection Task Force
no significant progress on this front.
Discuss Plans for Implementation Task Force
Helena presented the summary of the survey. The issue of privacy was raised, and the coordinators are going to check with stakeholders whether information can be publicly released. It is proposed to gather further information, and identify requirements to inform the activities of the WG. A plan will be drafted and circulated for discussion.
Towards first public working drafts
Luc reiterated the approach the WG is going to follow to produce FPWDs. Documents are being released at this call for internal discussion. Issues have to be raised against these documents, and they will be tracked through the tracker.
Discuss Plans for Provenance Access and Query Task Force
Graham released a document for Provenance Access for internal discussion. This document is to be reviewed in the context of the ProvenanceAccessScenario agreed at the face to face meeting.
Discuss Plans for Model Task Force
Paolo released a Provenance Model document for internal discussions, based on consensus reached so far by the working group, and presented in a coherent manner. WG members are invited to review the document and raise issues against it on the tracker.
Satya indicated that an OWL ontology file will be committed in the mercurial repository by next week and that it will be followed by a document (the so-called formal model document) explaining the ontology.
JamesC explained why formal semantics could be appropriate and he illustrated several ways to go about it. This was followed by a discussion on the purpose of the semantics and what it brings over the OWL formalization. It was agreed this topic will be revisited once a first draft of the OWL ontology is available, trying to identify issues that would deserve a mathematical formalization and that are not covered by the OWL ontology.
14:51:25 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/07/21-prov-irc
RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/07/21-prov-irc ←
14:51:27 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world
Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs world ←
14:51:29 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be
Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be ←
14:51:29 <Zakim> I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot
Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot ←
14:51:30 <trackbot> Meeting: Provenance Working Group Teleconference
14:51:30 <trackbot> Date: 21 July 2011
14:51:34 <Luc> Zakim, this will be PROV
Luc Moreau: Zakim, this will be PROV ←
14:51:36 <Zakim> ok, Luc; I see SW_(PROV)11:00AM scheduled to start in 9 minutes
Zakim IRC Bot: ok, Luc; I see SW_(PROV)11:00AM scheduled to start in 9 minutes ←
14:51:44 <Luc> Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2011.07.21
14:51:54 <Luc> Chair: Luc Moreau
14:52:22 <Luc> Scribe: Yogesh Simmhan
(Scribe set to Yogesh Simmhan)
14:52:31 <Luc> rrsagent, make logs public
Luc Moreau: rrsagent, make logs public ←
14:52:36 <Luc> Topic: Admin
Summary: Minutes of last week's teleconference and of F2F meeting were approved. It was agreed that outstanding F2F actions related to the model should be converted into issues against the model.
<luc>Summary: Minutes of last week's teleconference and of F2F meeting were approved. It was agreed that outstanding F2F actions related to the model should be converted into issues against the model.
14:52:45 <Luc> Regrets: Eric Stephan
14:53:16 <Zakim> SW_(PROV)11:00AM has now started
Zakim IRC Bot: SW_(PROV)11:00AM has now started ←
14:53:23 <Zakim> +??P2
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P2 ←
14:53:25 <pgroth> Zakim, who is on the call?
Paul Groth: Zakim, who is on the call? ←
14:53:25 <Zakim> On the phone I see ??P2
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see ??P2 ←
14:53:35 <pgroth> Zakim, ??P2 is me
Paul Groth: Zakim, ??P2 is me ←
14:53:36 <Zakim> +pgroth; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +pgroth; got it ←
14:54:01 <pgroth> Luc have you set up the call?
Paul Groth: Luc have you set up the call? ←
14:54:33 <Luc> yes
Luc Moreau: yes ←
14:55:38 <Zakim> + +44.238.059.aaaa
Zakim IRC Bot: + +44.238.059.aaaa ←
14:55:50 <Zakim> +??P8
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P8 ←
14:55:56 <Luc> zakim, +44.238.059.aaaa is me
Luc Moreau: zakim, +44.238.059.aaaa is me ←
14:55:56 <Zakim> +Luc; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +Luc; got it ←
14:56:01 <Zakim> +??P14
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P14 ←
14:56:10 <Luc> yogesh, everything is set up for scribin
Luc Moreau: yogesh, everything is set up for scribin ←
14:56:29 <Paolo> zakim, ??P14 is me
Paolo Missier: zakim, ??P14 is me ←
14:56:29 <Zakim> +Paolo; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +Paolo; got it ←
14:56:45 <Paolo> zakim, mute me
Paolo Missier: zakim, mute me ←
14:56:45 <Zakim> Paolo should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: Paolo should now be muted ←
14:57:12 <Zakim> + +1.443.987.aabb
Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.443.987.aabb ←
14:57:32 <Zakim> +??P18
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P18 ←
14:57:39 <stain> Zakim: ??P18 is me
14:57:47 <stain> Zakim, ??P18 is me
Stian Soiland-Reyes: Zakim, ??P18 is me ←
14:57:47 <Zakim> +stain; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +stain; got it ←
14:58:30 <stain> Zakim, who is noisy?
Stian Soiland-Reyes: Zakim, who is noisy? ←
14:58:41 <Zakim> stain, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Luc (38%)
Zakim IRC Bot: stain, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Luc (38%) ←
14:58:56 <stain> (I'm just never sure if I get my mute button the right way around!)
Stian Soiland-Reyes: (I'm just never sure if I get my mute button the right way around!) ←
14:59:04 <Zakim> + +1.315.330.aacc
Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.315.330.aacc ←
14:59:37 <Zakim> + +1.540.449.aadd
Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.540.449.aadd ←
15:00:06 <Zakim> +Kingsley_Idehen
Zakim IRC Bot: +Kingsley_Idehen ←
15:00:19 <MacTed> Zakim, Kingsley_Idehen is OpenLink_Software
Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, Kingsley_Idehen is OpenLink_Software ←
15:00:19 <Zakim> +OpenLink_Software; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +OpenLink_Software; got it ←
15:00:25 <MacTed> Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me
Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me ←
15:00:25 <Zakim> +MacTed; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +MacTed; got it ←
15:00:30 <MacTed> Zakim, mute me
Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, mute me ←
15:00:30 <Zakim> MacTed should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: MacTed should now be muted ←
15:00:34 <Yogesh> zakim, +1.540.449 is me
zakim, +1.540.449 is me ←
15:00:34 <Zakim> +Yogesh; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +Yogesh; got it ←
15:00:41 <Zakim> +??P36
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P36 ←
15:00:47 <Zakim> +??P28
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P28 ←
15:00:51 <jcheney> Zakin, ??P36 is me
James Cheney: Zakin, ??P36 is me ←
15:00:56 <jcheney> Zakim, ??P36 is me
James Cheney: Zakim, ??P36 is me ←
15:00:56 <Zakim> +jcheney; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +jcheney; got it ←
15:00:59 <MacTed> Zakim, who's here?
Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, who's here? ←
15:01:05 <Zakim> On the phone I see pgroth, Luc, ??P8, Paolo (muted), +1.443.987.aabb, stain, +1.315.330.aacc, Yogesh, MacTed (muted), jcheney, ??P28
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see pgroth, Luc, ??P8, Paolo (muted), +1.443.987.aabb, stain, +1.315.330.aacc, Yogesh, MacTed (muted), jcheney, ??P28 ←
15:01:08 <Zakim> On IRC I see khalidbelhajjame, jcheney, tlebo, satya, Helena, Curt, Yogesh, Paolo, pgroth, Zakim, RRSAgent, Luc, MacTed, stain, edsu, sandro, trackbot
Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see khalidbelhajjame, jcheney, tlebo, satya, Helena, Curt, Yogesh, Paolo, pgroth, Zakim, RRSAgent, Luc, MacTed, stain, edsu, sandro, trackbot ←
15:01:11 <Zakim> + +1.512.524.aaee
Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.512.524.aaee ←
15:01:23 <Helena> Zakim, ??P28 is Helena
Helena Deus: Zakim, ??P28 is Helena ←
15:01:23 <Zakim> +Helena; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +Helena; got it ←
15:01:31 <Zakim> +??P55
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P55 ←
15:01:50 <khalidbelhajjame> zakim, ??P55 is me
Khalid Belhajjame: zakim, ??P55 is me ←
15:01:55 <Yogesh> zakim, i am scribe
zakim, i am scribe ←
15:01:59 <Zakim> +khalidbelhajjame; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +khalidbelhajjame; got it ←
15:02:03 <Zakim> sorry, Yogesh, I do not see a party named 'scribe'
Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, Yogesh, I do not see a party named 'scribe' ←
15:02:27 <Yogesh> Luc: agenda for today
Luc Moreau: agenda for today ←
15:02:31 <Zakim> + +1.518.633.aaff
Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.518.633.aaff ←
15:02:48 <Yogesh> Helena: Stephan is almost done with report. Discuss what is there is wiki.
Helena Deus: Stephan is almost done with report. Discuss what is there is wiki. ←
15:03:04 <Yogesh> Luc: will review future plans. its on agenda.
Luc Moreau: will review future plans. its on agenda. ←
15:03:15 <Zakim> + +49.302.093.aagg
Zakim IRC Bot: + +49.302.093.aagg ←
15:03:16 <pgroth> http://www.w3.org/blog/SW/2011/07/16/results_of_the_provenance_wg_first_f2f_m
Paul Groth: http://www.w3.org/blog/SW/2011/07/16/results_of_the_provenance_wg_first_f2f_m ←
15:03:23 <Yogesh> scribe: yogesh
15:03:57 <Luc> http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/meeting/2011-07-06
Luc Moreau: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/meeting/2011-07-06 ←
15:03:57 <Yogesh> Pgroth: please advertise activities of the group. URL is in irc
Paul Groth: please advertise activities of the group. URL is in irc ←
15:04:04 <Luc> http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/meeting/2011-07-07
Luc Moreau: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/meeting/2011-07-07 ←
15:04:21 <khalidbelhajjame> +1
Khalid Belhajjame: +1 ←
15:04:23 <Paolo> +1
Paolo Missier: +1 ←
15:04:25 <jcheney> +1
James Cheney: +1 ←
15:04:28 <Helena> +1
Helena Deus: +1 ←
15:04:30 <Yogesh> Luc: support for minutes
Luc Moreau: support for minutes ←
15:04:30 <satya> +1
Satya Sahoo: +1 ←
15:04:30 <rgolden> +1
Ryan Golden: +1 ←
15:04:38 <tlebo> zakim, I am aacc
Timothy Lebo: zakim, I am aacc ←
15:04:40 <Yogesh> +1
+1 ←
15:04:42 <olaf> +1
Olaf Hartig: +1 ←
15:04:45 <tlebo> +1
Timothy Lebo: +1 ←
15:04:45 <stain> 0 \: Didn't attend day 2
Stian Soiland-Reyes: 0 \: Didn't attend day 2 ←
15:05:02 <zednik> +1
Stephan Zednik: +1 ←
15:05:10 <Zakim> +??P5
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P5 ←
15:05:12 <Zakim> +tlebo; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +tlebo; got it ←
15:05:14 <Zakim> +??P6
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P6 ←
15:05:15 <tlebo> zakim, aacc is tlebo
Timothy Lebo: zakim, aacc is tlebo ←
15:05:16 <Edoardo> +1
Edoardo (Edoardo, Edoardo_and_David) Pignotti: +1 ←
15:05:18 <GK> 0 (only there part time)
Graham Klyne: 0 (only there part time) ←
15:05:29 <dcorsar> +1
David Corsar: +1 ←
15:05:34 <Luc> ACCEPTED: minutes of F2F1
RESOLVED: minutes of F2F1 ←
15:05:45 <Luc> http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/meeting/2011-07-14
Luc Moreau: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/meeting/2011-07-14 ←
15:05:47 <Zakim> sorry, tlebo, I do not recognize a party named 'aacc'
Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, tlebo, I do not recognize a party named 'aacc' ←
15:05:50 <tlebo> zakim, +1.315.330 is me
Timothy Lebo: zakim, +1.315.330 is me ←
15:05:56 <Zakim> -??P5
Zakim IRC Bot: -??P5 ←
15:06:02 <Paolo> +1
Paolo Missier: +1 ←
15:06:03 <satya> +1
Satya Sahoo: +1 ←
15:06:03 <khalidbelhajjame> +1
Khalid Belhajjame: +1 ←
15:06:04 <Zakim> sorry, tlebo, I do not recognize a party named '+1.315.330'
Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, tlebo, I do not recognize a party named '+1.315.330' ←
15:06:04 <tlebo> +1
Timothy Lebo: +1 ←
15:06:08 <olaf> +1
Olaf Hartig: +1 ←
15:06:08 <Yogesh> +1
+1 ←
15:06:09 <stain> 0 (away)
Stian Soiland-Reyes: 0 (away) ←
15:06:11 <jcheney> +1
James Cheney: +1 ←
15:06:16 <Zakim> +??P5
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P5 ←
15:06:19 <Helena> +1
Helena Deus: +1 ←
15:06:19 <GK> Zakim is being very slow/temperamental today
Graham Klyne: Zakim is being very slow/temperamental today ←
15:06:25 <zednik> 0 (Did not attend last week)
Stephan Zednik: 0 (Did not attend last week) ←
15:06:28 <GK> Zakim, ??P5 is me
Graham Klyne: Zakim, ??P5 is me ←
15:06:30 <rgolden> +1
Ryan Golden: +1 ←
15:06:37 <Zakim> +GK; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +GK; got it ←
15:06:38 <dcorsar> +1
David Corsar: +1 ←
15:06:38 <Zakim> + +1.518.276.aahh
Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.518.276.aahh ←
15:06:38 <MacTed> Zakim, who's here?
Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, who's here? ←
15:06:42 <Zakim> On the phone I see pgroth, Luc, ??P8, Paolo (muted), +1.443.987.aabb, stain, tlebo, Yogesh, MacTed (muted), jcheney, Helena, +1.512.524.aaee, khalidbelhajjame
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see pgroth, Luc, ??P8, Paolo (muted), +1.443.987.aabb, stain, tlebo, Yogesh, MacTed (muted), jcheney, Helena, +1.512.524.aaee, khalidbelhajjame ←
15:06:48 <Zakim> ... +1.518.633.aaff, +49.302.093.aagg, ??P6, GK, +1.518.276.aahh
Zakim IRC Bot: ... +1.518.633.aaff, +49.302.093.aagg, ??P6, GK, +1.518.276.aahh ←
15:06:49 <Zakim> +??P12
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P12 ←
15:06:53 <Zakim> On IRC I see dgarijo, olaf, zednik, Edoardo, dcorsar, GK, rgolden, GK1, khalidbelhajjame, jcheney, tlebo, satya, Helena, Curt, Yogesh, Paolo, pgroth, Zakim, RRSAgent, Luc, MacTed,
Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see dgarijo, olaf, zednik, Edoardo, dcorsar, GK, rgolden, GK1, khalidbelhajjame, jcheney, tlebo, satya, Helena, Curt, Yogesh, Paolo, pgroth, Zakim, RRSAgent, Luc, MacTed, ←
15:06:54 <Yogesh> RESOLVED: last week's minutes approved
RESOLVED: last week's minutes approved ←
15:06:58 <Zakim> ... stain, edsu, sandro, trackbot
Zakim IRC Bot: ... stain, edsu, sandro, trackbot ←
15:07:08 <dgarijo> Zakim, ??P12 is me
Daniel Garijo: Zakim, ??P12 is me ←
15:07:08 <Zakim> +dgarijo; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +dgarijo; got it ←
15:07:10 <GK> I'm not seeing an agenda for today in the wiki
Graham Klyne: I'm not seeing an agenda for today in the wiki ←
15:07:10 <Yogesh> Luc: need scribes for future. please volunteer
Luc Moreau: need scribes for future. please volunteer ←
15:07:22 <pgroth> agenda is at: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2011.07.21
Paul Groth: agenda is at: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2011.07.21 ←
15:07:22 <Luc> Topic: Discuss Plans for Connection Task Force
Summary: no significant progress on this front.
<luc>Summary: no significant progress on this front.
15:07:34 <Zakim> +??P9
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P9 ←
15:07:48 <Curt> Zakim, +1.443.987.aabb is me
Curt Tilmes: Zakim, +1.443.987.aabb is me ←
15:07:51 <Yogesh> Pgroth: Eric left note that eric, yolanda and kai are away
Paul Groth: Eric left note that eric, yolanda and kai are away ←
15:07:55 <Zakim> +Curt; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +Curt; got it ←
15:08:11 <Zakim> +Sandro
Zakim IRC Bot: +Sandro ←
15:08:14 <GK> The date in the agenda is incorrect
Graham Klyne: The date in the agenda is incorrect ←
15:08:27 <Yogesh> Luc: Eric asked if we could identify who can work on the conection task force report for Sep
Luc Moreau: Eric asked if we could identify who can work on the conection task force report for Sep ←
15:08:47 <pgroth> q+
Paul Groth: q+ ←
15:09:24 <Luc> ack pgroth
Luc Moreau: ack pgroth ←
15:09:29 <Yogesh> Pgroth: we did this last week. several has said yes. Those who signed up last week should put their names on the wiki
Paul Groth: we did this last week. several has said yes. Those who signed up last week should put their names on the wiki ←
15:09:34 <pgroth> q-
Paul Groth: q- ←
15:09:38 <jcheney> We had volunteers for model and impl task forces only...
James Cheney: We had volunteers for model and impl task forces only... ←
15:09:42 <MacTed> GK - I fixed the agenda date
Ted Thibodeau: GK - I fixed the agenda date ←
15:10:02 <Luc> Topic: Discuss Plans for Implementation Task Force
Summary: Helena presented the summary of the survey. The issue of privacy was raised, and the coordinators are going to check with stakeholders whether information can be publicly released. It is proposed to gather further information, and identify requirements to inform the activities of the WG. A plan will be drafted and circulated for discussion.
<luc>Summary: Helena presented the summary of the survey. The issue of privacy was raised, and the coordinators are going to check with stakeholders whether information can be publicly released. It is proposed to gather further information, and identify requirements to inform the activities of the WG. A plan will be drafted and circulated for discussion.
15:10:04 <Yogesh> Pgroth: will extract those who signed up last week from the minutes and send to Eric
Paul Groth: will extract those who signed up last week from the minutes and send to Eric ←
15:10:09 <GK> @MacTed thanks - was confusing me :)
Graham Klyne: @MacTed thanks - was confusing me :) ←
15:10:38 <Helena> http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Implementation_Stakeholder_Questionnaire_Response_Report
Helena Deus: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Implementation_Stakeholder_Questionnaire_Response_Report ←
15:11:10 <Zakim> + +1.714.454.aaii
Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.714.454.aaii ←
15:11:26 <Yogesh> Helena: We may not be gowing as detailed in the report. Should add more details. What are the expectations. Hope the survey will help.
Helena Deus: We may not be going as detailed in the report. Should add more details. What are the expectations. Hope the survey will help. ←
15:11:32 <Zakim> + +1.860.673.aajj
Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.860.673.aajj ←
15:11:46 <Yogesh> s/gowing/going/
15:12:25 <Yogesh> Helena: list of orgs that answered survey and the role/field of people
Helena Deus: list of orgs that answered survey and the role/field of people ←
15:12:27 <pgroth> q+
Paul Groth: q+ ←
15:12:47 <Yogesh> Helen: sah people who are willing to implement and the language
Helena Deus: sah people who are willing to implement and the language ←
15:12:57 <zednik> http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Implementation_Stakeholder_Questionnaire_Response_Report
Stephan Zednik: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Implementation_Stakeholder_Questionnaire_Response_Report ←
15:13:41 <Yogesh> Helena: members to add/edit the wiki table to address their concerns
Helena Deus: members to add/edit the wiki table to address their concerns ←
15:13:50 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:13:56 <Yogesh> ...Excel spreadsheet with freetext responses is available
...Excel spreadsheet with freetext responses is available ←
15:14:28 <Luc> ack pgroth
Luc Moreau: ack pgroth ←
15:14:31 <rgolden> Have a concern about privacy also
Ryan Golden: Have a concern about privacy also ←
15:14:35 <Yogesh> Pgroth: did questionaire say the responses will be made public?
Paul Groth: did questionaire say the responses will be made public? ←
15:14:48 <Yogesh> Helena: We assumed people will not mind.
Helena Deus: We assumed people will not mind. ←
15:14:58 <rgolden> It is easy to identify the person from the organization and organization field
Ryan Golden: It is easy to identify the person from the organization and organization field ←
15:15:00 <dgarijo> +q
Daniel Garijo: +q ←
15:15:34 <Christine> My concern would be that at least some of the information may be personal data
Christine Runnegar: My concern would be that at least some of the information may be personal data ←
15:15:44 <Yogesh> Pgroth: best thing may be to contact stakeholders to ask if they mind, esp. the freetext response. We can try to make this report members-only in the meanwhile.
Paul Groth: best thing may be to contact stakeholders to ask if they mind, esp. the freetext response. We can try to make this report members-only in the meanwhile. ←
15:15:44 <MacTed> q+
Ted Thibodeau: q+ ←
15:15:55 <Yogesh> Helena: will contact the stakeholders
Helena Deus: will contact the stakeholders ←
15:16:05 <MacTed> Zakim, unmute me
Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, unmute me ←
15:16:05 <Zakim> MacTed should no longer be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: MacTed should no longer be muted ←
15:16:09 <Yogesh> Luc: can we make a wiki document members-only?
Luc Moreau: can we make a wiki document members-only? ←
15:16:48 <Yogesh> Sandro: not on the wiki. is possible in w3c site. may not be a way to remove wiki page from history even if deleted.
Sandro Hawke: not on the wiki. is possible in w3c site. may not be a way to remove wiki page from history even if deleted. ←
15:17:08 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:17:08 <MacTed> was there any assurance of privacy *given* in the questionnaire?
Ted Thibodeau: was there any assurance of privacy *given* in the questionnaire? ←
15:17:20 <Helena> no
Helena Deus: no ←
15:17:37 <Yogesh> Sandro: we can delete wiki page in good faith while we get responses, and figure out other options.
Sandro Hawke: we can delete wiki page in good faith while we get responses, and figure out other options. ←
15:17:57 <pgroth> and the organization information
Paul Groth: and the organization information ←
15:17:57 <pgroth> !
Paul Groth: ! ←
15:18:01 <jcheney> the page will still be recoverable in the wiki history...
James Cheney: the page will still be recoverable in the wiki history... ←
15:18:06 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:18:10 <MacTed> q-
Ted Thibodeau: q- ←
15:18:11 <Luc> ack dgarijo
Luc Moreau: ack dgarijo ←
15:18:16 <jcheney> but if we delete now it won't get indexed by search engines
James Cheney: but if we delete now it won't get indexed by search engines ←
15:18:29 <GK> Copy+keep the wiki-markup content deleted!
Graham Klyne: Copy+keep the wiki-markup content deleted! ←
15:18:51 <Yogesh> Helena: gathered info from outsiders to help modeling group see if we address requirements
Helena Deus: gathered info from outsiders to help modeling group see if we address requirements ←
15:18:52 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:19:02 <rgolden> q+
Ryan Golden: q+ ←
15:19:11 <Luc> ack rgolden
Luc Moreau: ack rgolden ←
15:19:36 <Yogesh> Ryan: should ensure that there is no personally identifiable info.
Ryan Golden: should ensure that there is no personally identifiable info. ←
15:19:38 <Christine> +1 to ryan's comment
Christine Runnegar: +1 to ryan's comment ←
15:20:00 <sandro> q?
Sandro Hawke: q? ←
15:20:13 <pgroth> q+
Paul Groth: q+ ←
15:20:14 <Yogesh> ...also add disclaimer on how we use personally id info
...also add disclaimer on how we use personally id info ←
15:20:31 <Luc> ack pg
Luc Moreau: ack pg ←
15:20:44 <pgroth> ack pgroth
Paul Groth: ack pgroth ←
15:20:45 <Yogesh> Pgroth: be clear about how we use it.
Paul Groth: be clear about how we use it. ←
15:20:59 <pgroth> but very cool
Paul Groth: but very cool ←
15:21:03 <Yogesh> Helena: can delete current page and put back info once we have ack from stakeholders
Helena Deus: can delete current page and put back info once we have ack from stakeholders ←
15:21:10 <pgroth> very cool report
Paul Groth: very cool report ←
15:21:23 <Yogesh> Luc: is there a clear plan for the task force?
Luc Moreau: is there a clear plan for the task force? ←
15:21:49 <Yogesh> Luc: is there a clear plan for the task force?
Luc Moreau: is there a clear plan for the task force? ←
15:21:54 <Yogesh> Helena: no lined up plan yet. need to identify who understands the model and can help us go over the list to see what is being addressed.
Helena Deus: no lined up plan yet. need to identify who understands the model and can help us go over the list to see what is being addressed. ←
15:22:03 <Yogesh> Luc: can we put that as an agenda for next week?
Luc Moreau: can we put that as an agenda for next week? ←
15:22:18 <Luc> action: helena to produce plan for implementation task force
ACTION: helena to produce plan for implementation task force ←
15:22:18 <trackbot> Created ACTION-33 - Produce plan for implementation task force [on Helena Deus - due 2011-07-28].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-33 - Produce plan for implementation task force [on Helena Deus - due 2011-07-28]. ←
15:22:20 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:22:50 <Zakim> +??P35
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P35 ←
15:22:51 <Yogesh> Luc: intent was to identify gaps in model, act as requirements. What is mechanism?
Luc Moreau: intent was to identify gaps in model, act as requirements. What is mechanism? ←
15:23:06 <jorn> zakim, ??p35 is me
Jörn Hees: zakim, ??p35 is me ←
15:23:06 <Zakim> +jorn; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +jorn; got it ←
15:23:14 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:23:36 <Yogesh> Helena: use them to improve use cases. See whats in the model that can be used by stakeholders. Test cases
Helena Deus: use them to improve use cases. See whats in the model that can be used by stakeholders. Test cases ←
15:23:54 <Yogesh> Luc: is this after the first working draft, when we go back to stakeholders?
Luc Moreau: is this after the first working draft, when we go back to stakeholders? ←
15:23:58 <Yogesh> Helena: yes
Helena Deus: yes ←
15:24:16 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:24:17 <Yogesh> ...will put this in the plan, even if this is done after Sep
...will put this in the plan, even if this is done after Sep ←
15:24:25 <pgroth> Fantastic work Helena and Stephan
Paul Groth: Fantastic work Helena and Stephan ←
15:24:38 <Yogesh> Luc: +1
Luc Moreau: +1 ←
15:24:38 <Luc> topic: Towards first public working drafts
Summary: Luc reiterated the approach the WG is going to follow to produce FPWDs. Documents are being released at this call for internal discussion. Issues have to be raised against these documents, and they will be tracked through the tracker.
<luc>Summary: Luc reiterated the approach the WG is going to follow to produce FPWDs. Documents are being released at this call for internal discussion. Issues have to be raised against these documents, and they will be tracked through the tracker.
15:25:10 <MacTed> is there a closing date on response submissions? should perhaps note that on the questionnaire, if nowhere else
Ted Thibodeau: is there a closing date on response submissions? should perhaps note that on the questionnaire, if nowhere else ←
15:25:33 <Yogesh> Luc: 2 public working drafts: prov models and formalization/ontology
Luc Moreau: 2 public working drafts: prov models and formalization/ontology ←
15:26:01 <Yogesh> Luc: agreed at F2F1 that accessing provenance will also be available in Sep
Luc Moreau: agreed at F2F1 that accessing provenance will also be available in Sep ←
15:26:32 <Yogesh> Luc: GK has produced first draft for PAQ, Luc and Paolo done same for model
Luc Moreau: GK has produced first draft for PAQ, Luc and Paolo done same for model ←
15:26:49 <Yogesh> Luc: please identify concern with the draft and ideally make counter proposal
Luc Moreau: please identify concern with the draft and ideally make counter proposal ←
15:27:09 <Yogesh> Luc: document will evolve as issues come up in email and discuss over phone call
Luc Moreau: document will evolve as issues come up in email and discuss over phone call ←
15:27:16 <pgroth> also please mention the issue number in your emails
Paul Groth: also please mention the issue number in your emails ←
15:27:21 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:27:28 <pgroth> q+
Paul Groth: q+ ←
15:27:29 <GK> q+ to note that we can make agreements in email too
Graham Klyne: q+ to note that we can make agreements in email too ←
15:27:39 <stain> +1 - specially due to holidays
Stian Soiland-Reyes: +1 - specially due to holidays ←
15:27:43 <Yogesh> Luc: any process question?
Luc Moreau: any process question? ←
15:27:52 <pgroth> q-
Paul Groth: q- ←
15:27:58 <rgolden> q+
Ryan Golden: q+ ←
15:28:09 <Luc> ack pgroth
Luc Moreau: ack pgroth ←
15:28:11 <Yogesh> Luc: please raise issue using tracker that will generate issue number
Luc Moreau: please raise issue using tracker that will generate issue number ←
15:28:41 <Yogesh> GK: preference for resolving things by emails rather than telecon
Graham Klyne: preference for resolving things by emails rather than telecon ←
15:29:02 <Luc> ack GK
Luc Moreau: ack GK ←
15:29:02 <Zakim> GK, you wanted to note that we can make agreements in email too
Zakim IRC Bot: GK, you wanted to note that we can make agreements in email too ←
15:29:03 <Yogesh> Luc: will have to reach consensus as group. if it emerges from email, we should try and get approval on email.
Luc Moreau: will have to reach consensus as group. if it emerges from email, we should try and get approval on email. ←
15:29:29 <Yogesh> Luc: chairs and editors will curate issues as they are raised
Luc Moreau: chairs and editors will curate issues as they are raised ←
15:29:31 <satya> q+
Satya Sahoo: q+ ←
15:29:36 <Luc> ack rgo
Luc Moreau: ack rgo ←
15:29:53 <Yogesh> rgolden: was graphical language in the specification?
Ryan Golden: was graphical language in the specification? ←
15:30:12 <Yogesh> Luc: (yes) will talk about it in model task force plans when paolo reports
Luc Moreau: (yes) will talk about it in model task force plans when paolo reports ←
15:30:17 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:30:22 <Luc> ack saty
Luc Moreau: ack saty ←
15:30:52 <Yogesh> satya: there was a vote on some definitions over email, but we seem to revisit them
Satya Sahoo: there was a vote on some definitions over email, but we seem to revisit them ←
15:31:17 <GK> I think the repeating definition threads will get easier once we focus on the actual draft documents
Graham Klyne: I think the repeating definition threads will get easier once we focus on the actual draft documents ←
15:31:20 <Zakim> +??P39
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P39 ←
15:31:41 <stain> Zakim: ??P39 is me
15:31:44 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:31:47 <stain> Zakim, ??P39 is me
Stian Soiland-Reyes: Zakim, ??P39 is me ←
15:31:47 <Zakim> +stain; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +stain; got it ←
15:31:49 <satya> ok
Satya Sahoo: ok ←
15:31:51 <Yogesh> Luc: nature of standardization WG. new people or those who were not present. Unvoidable. Will potentially have people from outside group raise issues once we publish the drafts
Luc Moreau: nature of standardization WG. new people or those who were not present. Unvoidable. Will potentially have people from outside group raise issues once we publish the drafts ←
15:31:54 <satya> yes thanks!
Satya Sahoo: yes thanks! ←
15:32:06 <Luc> topic: Discuss Plans for Provenance Access and Query Task Force
Summary: Graham released a document for Provenance Access for internal discussion. This document is to be reviewed in the context of the ProvenanceAccessScenario agreed at the face to face meeting.
<luc>Summary: Graham released a document for Provenance Access for internal discussion. This document is to be reviewed in the context of the ProvenanceAccessScenario agreed at the face to face meeting.
15:32:24 <GK> PAQ document on W3C site: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/tip/paq/provenance-access.html
Graham Klyne: PAQ document on W3C site: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/tip/paq/provenance-access.html ←
15:32:24 <GK> Announcement http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-prov-wg/2011Jul/0162.html
Graham Klyne: Announcement http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-prov-wg/2011Jul/0162.html ←
15:32:39 <Yogesh> GK: has put draft at W3C mercurial wiki
Graham Klyne: has put draft at W3C mercurial wiki ←
15:32:58 <Luc> Pointers to working drafts from WG page: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/WorkingDrafts
Luc Moreau: Pointers to working drafts from WG page: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/WorkingDrafts ←
15:33:19 <Yogesh> GK: changes status to editors draft and tidied up things since the last version
Graham Klyne: changes status to editors draft and tidied up things since the last version ←
15:33:46 <Paolo> zakim, unmute me
Paolo Missier: zakim, unmute me ←
15:33:46 <Zakim> Paolo should no longer be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: Paolo should no longer be muted ←
15:34:05 <Yogesh> Luc: members should identify aspects of doc that do not support scenario or is out of scope
Luc Moreau: members should identify aspects of doc that do not support scenario or is out of scope ←
15:34:06 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:34:24 <Yogesh> q+
q+ ←
15:34:37 <Yogesh> http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/ProvenanceAccessScenario
http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/ProvenanceAccessScenario ←
15:34:59 <pgroth> ack Yogesh
Paul Groth: ack Yogesh ←
15:35:25 <Yogesh> want to make sure there are no concerns with the scenario itself
want to make sure there are no concerns with the scenario itself ←
15:35:26 <pgroth> q+
Paul Groth: q+ ←
15:35:53 <Yogesh> Pgroth: we agreed line by line
Paul Groth: we agreed line by line ←
15:36:03 <Yogesh> q+
q+ ←
15:36:04 <GK> q+ to note that not every part of the functionality in the scenario is necessarily addressed directly by PAQ (e.g. "Oh yeah" button)
Graham Klyne: q+ to note that not every part of the functionality in the scenario is necessarily addressed directly by PAQ (e.g. "Oh yeah" button) ←
15:36:16 <pgroth> ack pgroth
Paul Groth: ack pgroth ←
15:36:39 <pgroth> ah ok
Paul Groth: ah ok ←
15:36:52 <Yogesh> was only refering to concrete scenario
was only refering to concrete scenario ←
15:36:59 <Luc> ack yo
Luc Moreau: ack yo ←
15:37:03 <Yogesh> not to the abstract that was agreed upon
not to the abstract that was agreed upon ←
15:37:32 <Yogesh> GK: draft may not have exact solutions for all parts of the scenario
Graham Klyne: draft may not have exact solutions for all parts of the scenario ←
15:38:05 <Yogesh> Helena: we should consider feedback from survey
Helena Deus: we should consider feedback from survey ←
15:38:17 <Zakim> -jorn
Zakim IRC Bot: -jorn ←
15:38:20 <pgroth> everything?
Paul Groth: everything? ←
15:38:25 <Yogesh> Luc: not refering to model, but to PAQ
Luc Moreau: not refering to model, but to PAQ ←
15:38:42 <Yogesh> GK: model and scenario are connected
Graham Klyne: model and scenario are connected ←
15:38:43 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:38:47 <sandro> q+ to talk about previous topic for a moment (deleting wiki page)
Sandro Hawke: q+ to talk about previous topic for a moment (deleting wiki page) ←
15:38:49 <GK> q-
Graham Klyne: q- ←
15:39:00 <Zakim> +??P35
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P35 ←
15:39:01 <Luc> ack sand
Luc Moreau: ack sand ←
15:39:01 <Zakim> sandro, you wanted to talk about previous topic for a moment (deleting wiki page)
Zakim IRC Bot: sandro, you wanted to talk about previous topic for a moment (deleting wiki page) ←
15:39:42 <Yogesh> sandro: has made backup copy of wiki and deleted entry. was easier than expected.
Sandro Hawke: has made backup copy of wiki and deleted entry. was easier than expected. ←
15:39:50 <Zakim> +??P48
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P48 ←
15:39:53 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:39:59 <satya> q+
Satya Sahoo: q+ ←
15:39:59 <Yogesh> Helena: spreadsheet with raw text should also be access controlled. will send to sandro.
Helena Deus: spreadsheet with raw text should also be access controlled. will send to sandro. ←
15:40:22 <Yogesh> topic: Discuss Plans for Model Task Force
15:40:35 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:41:24 <pgroth> what you just said
Paul Groth: what you just said ←
15:41:24 <Yogesh> satya: we have prov example scenario for model concepts. understanding was PAQ example was to be a subset of journalism. how are they related?
Satya Sahoo: we have prov example scenario for model concepts. understanding was PAQ example was to be a subset of journalism. how are they related? ←
15:41:36 <GK> Provenance model draft at: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/tip/model/ProvenanceModel.html
Graham Klyne: Provenance model draft at: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/tip/model/ProvenanceModel.html ←
15:42:06 <Luc> Subtopic: Model progress review
Summary: Paolo released a Provenance Model document for internal discussions, based on consensus reached so far by the working group, and presented in a coherent manner. WG members are invited to review the document and raise issues against it on the tracker.
15:42:21 <Yogesh> Pgroth: it is considered as a subset of journalism example. Concrete scenario should show this relationship.
Paul Groth: it is considered as a subset of journalism example. Concrete scenario should show this relationship. ←
15:42:45 <Yogesh> Satya: should constrain ourselves to the scenario for first draft.
Satya Sahoo: should constrain ourselves to the scenario for first draft. ←
<luc>Summary: Paolo released a Provenance Model document for internal discussions, based on consensus reached so far by the working group, and presented in a coherent manner. WG members are invited to review the document and raise issues against it on the tracker.
15:42:49 <Paolo> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/model/ProvenanceModel.html
Paolo Missier: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/model/ProvenanceModel.html ←
15:43:14 <Yogesh> Paolo: link to latest version of draft. Link should stay current.
Paolo Missier: link to latext version of draft. Link should stay current. ←
15:43:34 <Yogesh> ...Have worked with Luc to consolidate discussion.
...Have worked with Luc to consolidate discussion. ←
15:43:37 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:43:41 <Luc> ack satya
Luc Moreau: ack satya ←
15:43:53 <Yogesh> ...Baseline wiki page from F2F1 and additional discussion from emails since then.
...Baseline wiki page from F2F1 and additional discussion from emails since then. ←
15:44:07 <GK> +1 not the union of all proposals!
Graham Klyne: +1 not the union of all proposals! ←
15:44:19 <Yogesh> ...Spirit has been to not disrupt agreements but ensure coherent document for discussion.
...Spirit has been to not disrupt agreements but ensure coherent document for discussion. ←
15:44:49 <Luc> A few comments are available from: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/model/note.txt
Luc Moreau: A few comments are available from: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/model/note.txt ←
15:45:14 <Yogesh> ...Process: open to entire group for contributions to discussion.
...Process: open to entire group for contributions to discussion. ←
15:45:31 <Yogesh> ...List of constructs that should be part of language.
...List of constructs that should be part of language. ←
15:45:47 <Yogesh> ...Intro e.g. is a simplified version of journalism
...Intro e.g. is a simplified version of journalism ←
15:46:08 <Yogesh> ...No official syntax proposal, anything else is ok too.
...No official syntax proposal, anything else is ok too. ←
15:46:39 <Luc> currently, graphical notation is not explained ... but hopefully it is understandable
Luc Moreau: currently, graphical notation is not explained ... but hopefully it is understandable ←
15:46:41 <Yogesh> ...Sec 3.3 graphical proposal comes out naturally. Made iup, no pretense of being eventual graphical lang.
...Sec 3.3 graphical proposal comes out naturally. Made iup, no pretense of being eventual graphical lang. ←
15:47:23 <GK> I would like to eliminate "bob"s from the specification... I'll try and formulate a proposal.
Graham Klyne: I would like to eliminate "bob"s from the specification... I'll try and formulate a proposal. ←
15:47:24 <Yogesh> ...each construct has definition and e.g.
...each construct has definition and e.g. ←
15:47:27 <satya> @Paolo: like the graphical notation since it seems to be compatible with OWL/RDFS syntax
Satya Sahoo: @Paolo: like the graphical notation since it seems to be compatible with OWL/RDFS syntax ←
15:47:49 <Yogesh> ...There was discussion of IVP Of
...There was discussion of IVP Of ←
15:47:54 <pgroth> q+
Paul Groth: q+ ←
15:47:54 <Luc> @GK, we have noted that too
Luc Moreau: @GK, we have noted that too ←
15:48:23 <Yogesh> Luc: bob
Luc Moreau: bob ←
15:48:25 <pgroth> I like it :-)
Paul Groth: I like it :-) ←
15:48:29 <Yogesh> ...looks bad
...looks bad ←
15:48:52 <Yogesh> Paolo: do not want to arbitrarilly choose terms till we have consensus
Paolo Missier: do not want to arbitrarilly choose terms till we have consensus ←
15:48:54 <GK> @Luc: fine... having a document to talk about makes it easier to make constructive suggestions. I'd like to *eliminate* bob, not rename.
Graham Klyne: @Luc: fine... having a document to talk about makes it easier to make constructive suggestions. I'd like to *eliminate* bob, not rename. ←
15:49:08 <Yogesh> Luc: it would be useful to have readable text by replacing "bob"
Luc Moreau: it would be useful to have readable text by replacing "bob" ←
15:49:14 <GK> Bits and bobs?
Graham Klyne: Bits and bobs? ←
15:49:14 <Yogesh> s/test/text/
15:49:16 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:49:54 <Luc> ack pgr
Luc Moreau: ack pgr ←
15:49:55 <Yogesh> Paolo: has been discussed in length, need to come up with something dignified.
Paolo Missier: has been discussed in length, need to come up with something dignified. ←
15:50:28 <Yogesh> pgroth: question on process. Had number of model "actions". Should we eliminate them and redo them?
Paul Groth: question on process. Had number of model "actions". Should we eliminate them and redo them? ←
15:51:06 <GK> +1 replace actions with issues against documents, as appropriate
Graham Klyne: +1 replace actions with issues against documents, as appropriate ←
15:51:07 <Yogesh> Luc: should review actions and contact relevant people
Luc Moreau: should review actions and contact relevant people ←
15:51:20 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:51:55 <Yogesh> GK: action 30 should be marked complete
Graham Klyne: ACTION-30 should be marked complete ←
15:51:57 <pgroth> will go through the actions
Paul Groth: will go through the actions ←
15:52:01 <Yogesh> Luc: will do.
Luc Moreau: will do. ←
15:52:05 <GK> :)
Graham Klyne: :) ←
15:52:27 <khalidbelhajjame> +q
Khalid Belhajjame: +q ←
15:52:31 <Yogesh> Luc: read document and raise issues. will discuss over email.
Luc Moreau: read document and raise issues. will discuss over email. ←
15:52:58 <Yogesh> khalidbelhajjame: raise issue for even minor things? Typo?
Khalid Belhajjame: raise issue for even minor things? Typo? ←
15:53:11 <Paolo> q+
Paolo Missier: q+ ←
15:53:20 <Luc> ack ka
Luc Moreau: ack ka ←
15:53:21 <Yogesh> Luc: can be done thru mailing list so we get an archive
Luc Moreau: can be done thru mailing list so we get an archive ←
15:53:22 <khalidbelhajjame> -q
Khalid Belhajjame: -q ←
15:53:23 <Luc> ack kh
Luc Moreau: ack kh ←
15:53:23 <GK> Khalid: +1 don't necessarily raise issue for non-substantive changes if note in archoce without objection.
Khalid Belhajjame: +1 don't necessarily raise issue for non-substantive changes if note in archive without objection. [ Scribe Assist by Graham Klyne ] ←
15:53:29 <pgroth> also it's a mecurial repository
Paul Groth: also it's a mecurial repository ←
15:53:29 <Luc> ack pa
Luc Moreau: ack pa ←
15:53:36 <GK> s/archoce/archive/
15:53:49 <pgroth> q+ to respond
Paul Groth: q+ to respond ←
15:53:54 <Yogesh> Paolo: what is relationship between task force members and other WG members on commenting on doc?
Paolo Missier: what is relationship between task force members and other WG members on commenting on doc? ←
15:54:04 <Paolo> ack
Paolo Missier: ack ←
15:54:11 <Luc> we identified contributors/authors last week
Luc Moreau: we identified contributors/authors last week ←
15:54:26 <Zakim> -??P35
Zakim IRC Bot: -??P35 ←
15:54:26 <GK> I expect any WG member can raise an issue against any document.
Graham Klyne: I expect any WG member can raise an issue against any document. ←
15:54:40 <pgroth> q-
Paul Groth: q- ←
15:54:41 <Yogesh> Pgroth: draft editors can ask for significant contributions from TF members.
Paul Groth: draft editors can ask for significant contributions from TF members. ←
15:54:42 <Zakim> +??P35
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P35 ←
15:54:55 <Luc> subtopic: OWL Ontology progress review
Summary: Satya indicated that an OWL ontology file will be committed in the mercurial repository by next week and that it will be followed by a document (the so-called formal model document) explaining the ontology.
<luc>Summary: Satya indicated that an OWL ontology file will be committed in the mercurial repository by next week and that it will be followed by a document (the so-called formal model document) explaining the ontology.
15:55:43 <Yogesh> Satya: there are two ontology doc. not sure how to merge. Description of ontology and actual owl file.
Satya Sahoo: there are two ontology doc. not sure how to merge. Description of ontology and actual owl file. ←
15:55:55 <Paolo> q+
Paolo Missier: q+ ←
15:56:21 <Yogesh> Luc: it can just be owl file in repos and check it out thru web/mercurial
Luc Moreau: it can just be owl file in repos and check it out thru web/mercurial ←
15:56:42 <Yogesh> ...do we have an estimate on when we it will be ready?
...do we have an estimate on when we it will be ready? ←
15:56:44 <Paolo> @Satya: why did you do a branch rather than a module? if that makes sense
Paolo Missier: @Satya: why did you do a branch rather than a module? if that makes sense ←
15:56:50 <GK> q+
Graham Klyne: q+ ←
15:56:51 <Yogesh> Satya: by next Thu
Satya Sahoo: by next Thu ←
15:57:04 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:57:09 <tlebo> is the owl file on http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov ?
Timothy Lebo: is the owl file on http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov ? ←
15:57:10 <Luc> ack paolo
Luc Moreau: ack paolo ←
15:57:12 <GK> q+ to ask about use of branch in repo for ontol
Graham Klyne: q+ to ask about use of branch in repo for ontol ←
15:57:16 <GK> q-
Graham Klyne: q- ←
15:57:27 <tlebo> +1 paolo's no branch request
Timothy Lebo: +1 paolo's no branch request ←
15:57:28 <Yogesh> Paolo: why do a repos branch than a module under model?
Paolo Missier: why do a repos branch than a module under model? ←
15:57:58 <Yogesh> satya: interpreted Luc's email as need to create branch.
Satya Sahoo: interpreted Luc's email as need to create branch. ←
15:58:08 <tlebo> +1 having a module for ontology without a new branch.
Timothy Lebo: +1 having a module for ontology without a new branch. ←
15:58:16 <Yogesh> paolo: branch is hard to merge.
Paolo Missier: branch is hard to merge. ←
15:58:25 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:58:26 <Yogesh> satya: will craete module instead of new branch
Satya Sahoo: will create module instead of new branch ←
15:58:40 <Yogesh> s/craete/create/
15:58:42 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:58:48 <Paolo> @Yogesh: paOOOOOOOOlo :-)
Paolo Missier: @Yogesh: paOOOOOOOOlo :-) ←
15:58:50 <khalidbelhajjame> +q
Khalid Belhajjame: +q ←
15:58:54 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:58:57 <Luc> ack kha
Luc Moreau: ack kha ←
15:59:16 <Yogesh> @Paolo sorry :)
@Paolo sorry :) ←
15:59:29 <pgroth> there could be
Paul Groth: there could be ←
15:59:45 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:59:51 <stain> I guess there could be syntactic arguments :)
Stian Soiland-Reyes: I guess there could be syntactic arguments :) ←
16:00:06 <Luc> subtopic: Formal Semantics
Summary: JamesC explained why formal semantics could be appropriate and he illustrated several ways to go about it. This was followed by a discussion on the purpose of the semantics and what it brings over the OWL formalization. It was agreed this topic will be revisited once a first draft of the OWL ontology is available, trying to identify issues that would deserve a mathematical formalization and that are not covered by the OWL ontology.
<luc>Summary: JamesC explained why formal semantics could be appropriate and he illustrated several ways to go about it. This was followed by a discussion on the purpose of the semantics and what it brings over the OWL formalization. It was agreed this topic will be revisited once a first draft of the OWL ontology is available, trying to identify issues that would deserve a mathematical formalization and that are not covered by the OWL ontology.
16:00:25 <jcheney> http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/jcheney/pilformalsemantics.pdf
James Cheney: http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/jcheney/pilformalsemantics.pdf ←
16:01:07 <MacTed> Zakim, who's noisy?
Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, who's noisy? ←
16:01:08 <Yogesh> jcheney: slide 2: wy formal semantics is important
James Cheney: slide 2: wy formal semantics is important ←
16:01:08 <stain> I love the romantic music
Stian Soiland-Reyes: I love the romantic music ←
16:01:17 <Zakim> MacTed, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: 27 (61%), +1.518.276.aahh (40%), MacTed (65%), jcheney (96%)
Zakim IRC Bot: MacTed, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: 27 (61%), +1.518.276.aahh (40%), MacTed (65%), jcheney (96%) ←
16:01:31 <MacTed> Zakim, mute me
Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, mute me ←
16:01:31 <Zakim> MacTed should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: MacTed should now be muted ←
16:01:41 <Yogesh> jcheney: smaller core languages for java
James Cheney: smaller core languages for java ←
16:02:01 <pgroth> Zakim, mute 27
Paul Groth: Zakim, mute 27 ←
16:02:02 <Zakim> sorry, pgroth, I do not know which phone connection belongs to 27
Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, pgroth, I do not know which phone connection belongs to 27 ←
16:02:06 <Yogesh> ...description logic semantics, 1st order logic
...description logic semantics, 1st order logic ←
16:02:08 <GK> DL, OWL, FoL, RDF all underpinned by model theory
Graham Klyne: DL, OWL, FoL, RDF all underpinned by model theory ←
16:02:19 <pgroth> Zakim, mute +1.518.276.aahh
Paul Groth: Zakim, mute +1.518.276.aahh ←
16:02:19 <Zakim> +1.518.276.aahh should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: +1.518.276.aahh should now be muted ←
16:02:23 <Paolo> Zakim, mute ??27
Paolo Missier: Zakim, mute ??27 ←
16:02:24 <Zakim> sorry, Paolo, I do not know which phone connection belongs to ??27
Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, Paolo, I do not know which phone connection belongs to ??27 ←
16:02:25 <satya> @GK: agree
Satya Sahoo: @GK: agree ←
16:02:31 <MacTed> Zakim, who's here?
Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, who's here? ←
16:02:31 <Zakim> On the phone I see pgroth, Luc, ??P8, Paolo, Curt, stain, tlebo, Yogesh, MacTed (muted), jcheney, Helena, +1.512.524.aaee, khalidbelhajjame, +1.518.633.aaff,
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see pgroth, Luc, ??P8, Paolo, Curt, stain, tlebo, Yogesh, MacTed (muted), jcheney, Helena, +1.512.524.aaee, khalidbelhajjame, +1.518.633.aaff, ←
16:02:34 <Zakim> ... +49.302.093.aagg, ??P6, GK, +1.518.276.aahh (muted), dgarijo, ??P9, Sandro, +1.714.454.aaii, +1.860.673.aajj, stain.a, ??P48, ??P35
Zakim IRC Bot: ... +49.302.093.aagg, ??P6, GK, +1.518.276.aahh (muted), dgarijo, ??P9, Sandro, +1.714.454.aaii, +1.860.673.aajj, stain.a, ??P48, ??P35 ←
16:02:40 <Yogesh> ...Not same sematics as "semantic web" but in representing human knowledge
...Not same sematics as "semantic web" but in representing human knowledge ←
16:02:41 <Zakim> On IRC I see Reza, JimMcCusker, StephenCresswell, Christine, jorn, JimM, dgarijo, olaf, zednik, Edoardo, dcorsar, GK, rgolden, GK1, khalidbelhajjame, jcheney, tlebo, satya,
Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see Reza, JimMcCusker, StephenCresswell, Christine, jorn, JimM, dgarijo, olaf, zednik, Edoardo, dcorsar, GK, rgolden, GK1, khalidbelhajjame, jcheney, tlebo, satya, ←
16:02:47 <Zakim> ... Helena, Curt, Yogesh, Paolo, pgroth, Zakim, RRSAgent, Luc, MacTed, stain, edsu, sandro, trackbot
Zakim IRC Bot: ... Helena, Curt, Yogesh, Paolo, pgroth, Zakim, RRSAgent, Luc, MacTed, stain, edsu, sandro, trackbot ←
16:03:10 <Yogesh> ...Slide 3; not like a prog language. So why bother?
...Slide 3; not like a prog language. So why bother? ←
16:03:38 <Yogesh> ...identify which are individual entities
...identify which are individual entities ←
16:03:42 <GK> To some extent, if we have OWL definition we have some formal semantics automatically. Certainly, use of model MUST NOT conflict with OWL or RDF formal semantics.
Graham Klyne: To some extent, if we have OWL definition we have some formal semantics automatically. Certainly, use of model MUST NOT conflict with OWL or RDF formal semantics. ←
16:03:49 <Yogesh> ...formal basis for design decisions
...formal basis for design decisions ←
16:03:57 <Yogesh> ...common starting point for users.
...common starting point for users. ←
16:04:11 <Yogesh> ...not confusing like english language
...not confusing like english language ←
16:04:33 <stain> @GK, but a formal model can better deal with use/generation time, IVPs etc
Stian Soiland-Reyes: @GK, but a formal model can better deal with use/generation time, IVPs etc ←
16:04:46 <Yogesh> ...people can make use of provenance without knowing how your system works
...people can make use of provenance without knowing how your system works ←
16:04:53 <GK> +1 start with _lightweight_ formal semantics (slide 7)
Graham Klyne: +1 start with _lightweight_ formal semantics (slide 7) ←
16:05:17 <Yogesh> ...avoid heavyweight
...avoid heavyweight ←
16:05:42 <Yogesh> ...inspiration from math model for data preservation
...inspiration from math model for data preservation ←
16:05:47 <Zakim> - +1.518.276.aahh
Zakim IRC Bot: - +1.518.276.aahh ←
16:06:12 <Yogesh> ...Slide 4;
...Slide 4; ←
16:06:37 <GK> q+ to ask if this is introducing a new formal model framework, or is si=omething that can be described in terms existiong web formalists (e.g. OWL)?
Graham Klyne: q+ to ask if this is introducing a new formal model framework, or is si=omething that can be described in terms existiong web formalists (e.g. OWL)? ←
16:06:53 <Yogesh> ...two MS documents in different formats represent same information
...two MS documents in different formats represent same information ←
16:06:56 <satya> @james: I agree with your points on formal semantics, but I am confused how does what you have in proposal 1, 2, 3 relate to OWL/RDFS semantics
Satya Sahoo: @james: I agree with your points on formal semantics, but I am confused how does what you have in proposal 1, 2, 3 relate to OWL/RDFS semantics ←
16:06:57 <Reza> IMO, this is excellent. This type of formalism will probably answer some of the concerns I have regarding the model.
Reza B'Far: IMO, this is excellent. This type of formalism will probably answer some of the concerns I have regarding the model. ←
16:07:05 <Yogesh> ...Slide 5;
...Slide 5; ←
16:07:11 <Reza> The formalism will at least drive at exact definitions.
Reza B'Far: The formalism will at least drive at exact definitions. ←
16:07:28 <Yogesh> ...information content has not changed even if preservation method has changed
...information content has not changed even if preservation method has changed ←
16:07:40 <Reza> How do we tie this type of formalism to the Model?
Reza B'Far: How do we tie this type of formalism to the Model? ←
16:07:56 <Yogesh> ...Slide 6; asking informally for agree, disagree, nont want to answer
...Slide 6; asking informally for agree, disagree, nont want to answer ←
16:08:24 <Yogesh> ...its in the charter but we need not *have* to do it
...its in the charter but we need not *have* to do it ←
16:09:17 <Yogesh> ...Slide 7; develop formalism along with model/schema
...Slide 7; develop formalism along with model/schema ←
16:09:54 <Yogesh> ...Slide 8; proposal 3 is for lightweight first version
...Slide 8; proposal 3 is for lightweight first version ←
16:10:09 <Zakim> -??P35
Zakim IRC Bot: -??P35 ←
16:10:21 <Yogesh> ...can end up putting lot of effort that may not eventually make it
...can end up putting lot of effort that may not eventually make it ←
16:10:35 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
16:10:38 <Yogesh> ...Happy to talk about it with others
...Happy to talk about it with others ←
16:10:49 <khalidbelhajjame> +q
Khalid Belhajjame: +q ←
16:10:55 <Luc> ack gk
Luc Moreau: ack gk ←
16:10:55 <Zakim> GK, you wanted to ask if this is introducing a new formal model framework, or is si=omething that can be described in terms existiong web formalists (e.g. OWL)?
Zakim IRC Bot: GK, you wanted to ask if this is introducing a new formal model framework, or is si=omething that can be described in terms existiong web formalists (e.g. OWL)? ←
16:11:05 <Yogesh> GK: fan of formal semantics, but not too much. do not want to exclude
Graham Klyne: fan of formal semantics, but not too much. do not want to exclude ←
16:11:15 <Yogesh> ...as a result of formalism
...as a result of formalism ←
16:11:39 <Yogesh> ...Is it a new framework? May cause problems for adoption.
...Is it a new framework? May cause problems for adoption. ←
16:11:58 <pgroth> q+ to respond to GK
Paul Groth: q+ to respond to GK ←
16:12:00 <Yogesh> ...Cant we just use owl ontology that is in framework of web semantics?
...Cant we just use owl ontology that is in framework of web semantics? ←
16:12:18 <Yogesh> jcheney: not owl expert
James Cheney: not owl expert ←
16:12:44 <pgroth> q-
Paul Groth: q- ←
16:12:47 <satya> @james: capability of OWL (tractable fragment) is "sameAs" description logic
Satya Sahoo: @james: capability of OWL (tractable fragment) is "sameAs" description logic ←
16:12:48 <Yogesh> ...Did not want to take things too far to make them redundant with existing schemas
...Did not want to take things too far to make them redundant with existing schemas ←
16:13:37 <Yogesh> ...describe properties and relationships between artifacts. help with model interpretation.
...describe properties and relationships between artifacts. help with model interpretation. ←
16:14:05 <GK> I think that sounds like something that OWL described very naturally
Graham Klyne: I think that sounds like something that OWL described very naturally ←
16:14:18 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
16:14:26 <Yogesh> Luc: charter has something that said that formalism should capture math properties that cannot be captured in owl
Luc Moreau: charter has something that said that formalism should capture math properties that cannot be captured in owl ←
16:14:29 <satya> @Luc: Would those properties be expressed in RIF?
Satya Sahoo: @Luc: Would those properties be expressed in RIF? ←
16:14:47 <Luc> ack khal
Luc Moreau: ack khal ←
16:14:51 <Yogesh> GK: we can see if owl can do job or not if we start simple
Graham Klyne: we can see if owl can do job or not if we start simple ←
16:14:53 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
16:15:33 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
16:15:43 <Paolo> q+
Paolo Missier: q+ ←
16:15:54 <Yogesh> khalidbelhajjame: why do we need formal model? will be helpful for public, but will also be helpful for model TF members to gain understanding and precise definition
Khalid Belhajjame: why do we need formal model? will be helpful for public, but will also be helpful for model TF members to gain understanding and precise definition ←
16:16:16 <GK> Khalid: +1 attempting a formal model helps to clarify ideas
Khalid Belhajjame: +1 attempting a formal model helps to clarify ideas [ Scribe Assist by Graham Klyne ] ←
16:16:17 <Yogesh> ...dont have lot of time. so light weight formal definition.
...dont have lot of time. so light weight formal definition. ←
16:16:42 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
16:16:47 <Yogesh> ...e.g. IVP Of, Bob, that are still being discussed
...e.g. IVP Of, Bob, that are still being discussed ←
16:17:13 <pgroth> q+
Paul Groth: q+ ←
16:17:19 <pgroth> to respond
Paul Groth: to respond ←
16:17:21 <Luc> ack paolo
Luc Moreau: ack paolo ←
16:17:22 <Yogesh> Paolo: if we choose owl for semantics for data model, what is difference between formalism and @satya's owl efforts?
Paolo Missier: if we choose owl for semantics for data model, what is difference between formalism and @satya's owl efforts? ←
16:17:33 <Luc> ack pg
Luc Moreau: ack pg ←
16:17:49 <Yogesh> Pgroth: owl ontology trying to represent conceptual model in sematic web language
Paul Groth: owl ontology trying to represent conceptual model in sematic web language ←
16:17:58 <Yogesh> ...formalism is math description
...formalism is math description ←
16:18:04 <Reza> As an implementer, specially given the approach of the majority of folks is to err on the generic direction, I think the formalism will be very helpful. The formalism will be much more clear than OWL in form of things like boundary conditions for the implementers.
Reza B'Far: As an implementer, specially given the approach of the majority of folks is to err on the generic direction, I think the formalism will be very helpful. The formalism will be much more clear than OWL in form of things like boundary conditions for the implementers. ←
16:18:08 <GK> @Paolo: if OWL can capture the semantics, then there is no (necessary) difference, IMO,
Graham Klyne: @Paolo: if OWL can capture the semantics, then there is no (necessary) difference, IMO, ←
16:18:14 <Yogesh> ...If we choose description logic for math, it will map to owl easily
...If we choose description logic for math, it will map to owl easily ←
16:18:15 <satya> q+
Satya Sahoo: q+ ←
16:18:38 <pgroth> q-
Paul Groth: q- ←
16:18:42 <Yogesh> ...Math gives different way for representing formal model constraints
...Math gives different way for representing formal model constraints ←
16:18:52 <Yogesh> Paolo: not fully convinced
Paolo Missier: not fully convinced ←
16:19:10 <Yogesh> ...owl DL was not for designed for semantics of programming language
...owl DL was not for designed for semantics of programming language ←
16:19:13 <GK> OWL *is* a DL language; mapping DL to OWL is misleading, IMO
Graham Klyne: OWL *is* a DL language; mapping DL to OWL is misleading, IMO ←
16:19:24 <Reza> Please remember that implementers will need to tie Query and Model together with some implementation (implement search algorithms, etc.) and having a formal Model provides boundary conditions (for example, what search algorithms may not be admissible, etc. based on the mathematical formalism)
Reza B'Far: Please remember that implementers will need to tie Query and Model together with some implementation (implement search algorithms, etc.) and having a formal Model provides boundary conditions (for example, what search algorithms may not be admissible, etc. based on the mathematical formalism) ←
16:19:41 <Paolo> @GK I know, thanks
Paolo Missier: @GK I know, thanks ←
16:19:48 <Yogesh> Pgroth: difference between formulas and owl
Paul Groth: difference between formulas and owl ←
16:20:15 <Yogesh> satya: @GK is echoing similar concerns
Satya Sahoo: @GK is echoing similar concerns ←
16:20:45 <Yogesh> ...if there are things we cannot model in owl, we can go to owl full and RIF
...if there are things we cannot model in owl, we can go to owl full and RIF ←
16:20:56 <satya> @Reza: That is exactly what encoding in OWL will do
Satya Sahoo: @Reza: That is exactly what encoding in OWL will do ←
16:21:14 <Yogesh> Luc: cannot resolve today. @jcheney, howshould we proceed?
Luc Moreau: cannot resolve today. @jcheney, howshould we proceed? ←
16:21:25 <Yogesh> jcheney: wanted to start discussion.
James Cheney: wanted to start discussion. ←
16:21:42 <Yogesh> ...Know about DL and first order logic, not owl
...Know about DL and first order logic, not owl ←
16:21:44 <khalidbelhajjame> I like prolog :-)
Khalid Belhajjame: I like prolog :-) ←
16:21:49 <Paolo> +1 for the P-word (= Prolog)
Paolo Missier: +1 for the P-word (= Prolog) ←
16:21:50 <satya> @james: yes about RIF
Satya Sahoo: @james: yes about RIF ←
16:22:01 <Yogesh> ...Several views on what formal semantics is.
...Several views on what formal semantics is. ←
16:22:17 <Yogesh> ...Need not do things two ways if owl is sufficient
...Need not do things two ways if owl is sufficient ←
16:22:27 <dgarijo> RIF is compatible with Owl, right?
Daniel Garijo: RIF is compatible with Owl, right? ←
16:22:37 <Yogesh> ...Can come back to topics in 1-2 weeks when I come back with writeup
...Can come back to topics in 1-2 weeks when I come back with writeup ←
16:22:51 <Reza> I guess I'm just unsure that OWL can capture exact boundary conditions, etc. Perhaps we can use the formalism that James wants as a test case to see if the ideas can or cannot be expressed in OWL.
Reza B'Far: I guess I'm just unsure that OWL can capture exact boundary conditions, etc. Perhaps we can use the formalism that James wants as a test case to see if the ideas can or cannot be expressed in OWL. ←
16:22:55 <GK> @jcheyney: if you write something down, there are ppl here who can help with expressing in OWL, if possible
Graham Klyne: @jcheyney: if you write something down, there are ppl here who can help with expressing in OWL, if possible ←
16:23:06 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
16:23:09 <Yogesh> Luc: satya will release first version of owl ontology in 1 week. we can schedule formalism discussion after that is done.
Luc Moreau: satya will release first version of owl ontology in 1 week. we can schedule formalism discussion after that is done. ←
16:23:15 <Luc> ack satya
Luc Moreau: ack satya ←
16:23:17 <pgroth> exactly, that's the point
Paul Groth: exactly, that's the point ←
16:23:31 <Yogesh> Satya: is scheduling telecon with Deborah. @jcheney is welcome to join
Satya Sahoo: is scheduling telecon with Deborah. @jcheney is welcome to join ←
16:23:35 <pgroth> we shouldn't be artifically constrainted by owl
Paul Groth: we shouldn't be artifically constrainted by owl ←
16:23:51 <pgroth> agree wiht Reza
Paul Groth: agree wiht Reza ←
16:23:54 <Yogesh> Luc: will work with jcheney to schedule call later
Luc Moreau: will work with jcheney to schedule call later ←
16:23:58 <Zakim> - +1.518.633.aaff
Zakim IRC Bot: - +1.518.633.aaff ←
16:23:59 <Zakim> -tlebo
Zakim IRC Bot: -tlebo ←
16:23:59 <Zakim> -Paolo
Zakim IRC Bot: -Paolo ←
16:24:00 <Zakim> -dgarijo
Zakim IRC Bot: -dgarijo ←
16:24:00 <Zakim> - +1.860.673.aajj
Zakim IRC Bot: - +1.860.673.aajj ←
16:24:01 <Zakim> - +1.512.524.aaee
Zakim IRC Bot: - +1.512.524.aaee ←
16:24:01 <Zakim> -??P9
Zakim IRC Bot: -??P9 ←
16:24:02 <Yogesh> meeting concluded
meeting concluded ←
16:24:03 <Zakim> -Luc
Zakim IRC Bot: -Luc ←
16:24:04 <Zakim> -jcheney
Zakim IRC Bot: -jcheney ←
16:24:06 <Zakim> -khalidbelhajjame
Zakim IRC Bot: -khalidbelhajjame ←
16:24:11 <Zakim> -pgroth
Zakim IRC Bot: -pgroth ←
16:24:12 <Zakim> -Curt
Zakim IRC Bot: -Curt ←
16:24:12 <Zakim> - +1.714.454.aaii
Zakim IRC Bot: - +1.714.454.aaii ←
16:24:19 <Zakim> - +49.302.093.aagg
Zakim IRC Bot: - +49.302.093.aagg ←
16:24:21 <Zakim> -??P6
Zakim IRC Bot: -??P6 ←
16:24:23 <Zakim> -MacTed
Zakim IRC Bot: -MacTed ←
16:24:26 <Zakim> -??P8
Zakim IRC Bot: -??P8 ←
16:24:32 <Zakim> -stain
Zakim IRC Bot: -stain ←
16:24:35 <Zakim> -Yogesh
Zakim IRC Bot: -Yogesh ←
16:24:56 <Zakim> -Sandro
Zakim IRC Bot: -Sandro ←
Formatted by CommonScribe
This revision (#2) generated 2011-07-25 07:00:52 UTC by 'unknown', comments: 'removed ronald'