Government Linked Data Working Group Teleconference

Minutes of 26 July 2012

Bart van Leeuwen, Benedikt Kaempgen, Dave Reynolds, Fadi Maali, George Thomas, Gerald Steeman, Ghislain Atemezing, Hadley Beeman, John Erickson, Martín Álvarez, Michael Hausenblas, Phil Archer, Raj Singh, Richard Cyganiak, Rufus Pollock, Sandro Hawke, Tina Gheen
Rufus Pollock
John Erickson
Original and Editable Wiki Version


<sandro> Guest: Rufus Pollock
13:47:21 <RRSAgent> logging to

RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to

13:47:23 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs world

13:47:25 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be GLD

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be GLD

13:47:25 <Zakim> ok, trackbot; I see T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 13 minutes

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, trackbot; I see T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 13 minutes

13:47:26 <trackbot> Meeting: Government Linked Data Working Group Teleconference
13:47:26 <trackbot> Date: 26 July 2012
13:50:05 <George> trackbot, start telecon

George Thomas: trackbot, start telecon

13:50:08 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs world

13:50:10 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be GLD

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be GLD

13:50:10 <Zakim> ok, trackbot; I see T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 10 minutes

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, trackbot; I see T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 10 minutes

13:50:11 <trackbot> Meeting: Government Linked Data Working Group Teleconference
13:50:11 <trackbot> Date: 26 July 2012
13:57:36 <PhilA> zakim, this will be GLD

(No events recorded for 7 minutes)

Phil Archer: zakim, this will be GLD

13:57:36 <Zakim> ok, PhilA; I see T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, PhilA; I see T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes

13:57:48 <HadleyBeeman> Hi, PhilA!

Hadley Beeman: Hi, PhilA!

13:57:56 <PhilA> hi Hadley.

Phil Archer: hi Hadley.

13:58:04 <PhilA> I'm with Rufus & co this aftrernoon

Phil Archer: I'm with Rufus & co this aftrernoon

13:58:10 <HadleyBeeman> How are things? I feel like I haven't seen you for ages.

Hadley Beeman: How are things? I feel like I haven't seen you for ages.

13:58:17 <HadleyBeeman> Oh, hello to Rufus and co as well!

Hadley Beeman: Oh, hello to Rufus and co as well!

13:58:29 <PhilA> It's been a while. Things OK - looking forward to hols v soon

Phil Archer: It's been a while. Things OK - looking forward to hols v soon

13:58:46 <Zakim> T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM has now started

Zakim IRC Bot: T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM has now started

13:58:53 <Zakim> +??P5

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P5

13:58:54 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

13:59:03 <BartvanLeeuwen> Zakim, ??P5 is me

Bart van Leeuwen: Zakim, ??P5 is me

13:59:03 <Zakim> +BartvanLeeuwen; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +BartvanLeeuwen; got it

13:59:03 <PhilA> zakim, code?

Phil Archer: zakim, code?

13:59:04 <Zakim> the conference code is 45394 (tel:+1.617.761.6200, PhilA

Zakim IRC Bot: the conference code is 45394 (tel:+1.617.761.6200, PhilA

13:59:06 <olyerickson> zakim, ?p5 is me.

John Erickson: zakim, ?p5 is me.

13:59:06 <Zakim> sorry, olyerickson, I do not recognize a party named '?p5'

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, olyerickson, I do not recognize a party named '?p5'

13:59:08 <Zakim> +GeraldSteeman

Zakim IRC Bot: +GeraldSteeman

13:59:13 <Zakim> +fadmaa

Zakim IRC Bot: +fadmaa

13:59:24 <olyerickson> zakim, ??p5 is me.

John Erickson: zakim, ??p5 is me.

13:59:24 <Zakim> I already had ??P5 as BartvanLeeuwen, olyerickson

Zakim IRC Bot: I already had ??P5 as BartvanLeeuwen, olyerickson

13:59:31 <Zakim> +George_Thomas

Zakim IRC Bot: +George_Thomas

13:59:44 <fadmaa> Zakim, who is here

Fadi Maali: Zakim, who is here

13:59:44 <Zakim> fadmaa, you need to end that query with '?'

Zakim IRC Bot: fadmaa, you need to end that query with '?'

13:59:45 <Zakim> +BenediktKaempgen

Zakim IRC Bot: +BenediktKaempgen

13:59:50 <fadmaa> Zakim, who is here?

Fadi Maali: Zakim, who is here?

13:59:50 <Zakim> On the phone I see BartvanLeeuwen, [IPcaller], GeraldSteeman, fadmaa, George_Thomas, BenediktKaempgen

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see BartvanLeeuwen, [IPcaller], GeraldSteeman, fadmaa, George_Thomas, BenediktKaempgen

13:59:50 <olyerickson> zakim, who is on the phone

John Erickson: zakim, who is on the phone

13:59:52 <Zakim> On IRC I see fadmaa, BenediktKaempgen, DaveReynolds, PhilA, mhausenblas, HadleyBeeman, George, Zakim, RRSAgent, MacTed, BartvanLeeuwen, martinAlvarez, olyerickson, danbri,

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see fadmaa, BenediktKaempgen, DaveReynolds, PhilA, mhausenblas, HadleyBeeman, George, Zakim, RRSAgent, MacTed, BartvanLeeuwen, martinAlvarez, olyerickson, danbri,

13:59:52 <Zakim> ... trackbot, sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: ... trackbot, sandro

13:59:52 <Zakim> I don't understand 'who is on the phone', olyerickson

Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand 'who is on the phone', olyerickson

14:00:07 <olyerickson> zakim, who is on the phone?

John Erickson: zakim, who is on the phone?

14:00:07 <Zakim> On the phone I see BartvanLeeuwen, [IPcaller], GeraldSteeman, fadmaa, George_Thomas, BenediktKaempgen

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see BartvanLeeuwen, [IPcaller], GeraldSteeman, fadmaa, George_Thomas, BenediktKaempgen

14:00:15 <fadmaa> Zakim, mute me

Fadi Maali: Zakim, mute me

14:00:15 <Zakim> fadmaa should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: fadmaa should now be muted

14:00:18 <olyerickson> zakim, I am ipcaller

John Erickson: zakim, I am ipcaller

14:00:18 <Zakim> ok, olyerickson, I now associate you with [IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, olyerickson, I now associate you with [IPcaller]

14:00:25 <Zakim> +??P13

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P13

14:00:34 <Zakim> +??P11

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P11

14:00:42 <Zakim> +HadleyBeeman

Zakim IRC Bot: +HadleyBeeman

14:00:52 <BenediktKaempgen> zakim, who's here?

Benedikt Kaempgen: zakim, who's here?

14:00:52 <Zakim> On the phone I see BartvanLeeuwen, [IPcaller], GeraldSteeman, fadmaa (muted), George_Thomas, BenediktKaempgen, ??P13, ??P11, HadleyBeeman

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see BartvanLeeuwen, [IPcaller], GeraldSteeman, fadmaa (muted), George_Thomas, BenediktKaempgen, ??P13, ??P11, HadleyBeeman

14:00:54 <Zakim> On IRC I see GeraldSteeman, fadmaa, BenediktKaempgen, DaveReynolds, PhilA, mhausenblas, HadleyBeeman, George, Zakim, RRSAgent, MacTed, BartvanLeeuwen, martinAlvarez, olyerickson,

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see GeraldSteeman, fadmaa, BenediktKaempgen, DaveReynolds, PhilA, mhausenblas, HadleyBeeman, George, Zakim, RRSAgent, MacTed, BartvanLeeuwen, martinAlvarez, olyerickson,

14:00:54 <Zakim> ... danbri, trackbot, sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: ... danbri, trackbot, sandro

14:00:57 <martinAlvarez> zakim, ??p13 is me

Martín Álvarez: zakim, ??p13 is me

14:00:59 <Zakim> +martinAlvarez; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +martinAlvarez; got it

14:01:07 <Zakim> +??P16

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P16

14:01:12 <olyerickson> scribe: olyerickson

(Scribe set to John Erickson)

14:01:14 <martinAlvarez> zakim, mute me

Martín Álvarez: zakim, mute me

14:01:17 <Zakim> martinAlvarez should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: martinAlvarez should now be muted

14:01:30 <Zakim> +mhausenblas

Zakim IRC Bot: +mhausenblas

14:01:40 <olyerickson> topic: attendance

1. attendance

14:01:49 <mhausenblas> Zakim, cygri is with me

Michael Hausenblas: Zakim, cygri is with me

14:01:49 <Zakim> +cygri; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +cygri; got it

14:01:51 <Zakim> +sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: +sandro

14:02:00 <olyerickson> PhilA is with Rufus from OKFN

PhilA is with Rufus from OKFN

14:02:03 <PhilA> zakim, who am I?

Phil Archer: zakim, who am I?

14:02:03 <Zakim> I don't understand your question, PhilA.

Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand your question, PhilA.

14:02:15 <Zakim> -BenediktKaempgen

Zakim IRC Bot: -BenediktKaempgen

14:02:17 <George>

George Thomas:

14:02:20 <PhilA> zakim, ??P16 is me

Phil Archer: zakim, ??P16 is me

14:02:20 <Zakim> +PhilA; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +PhilA; got it

14:02:21 <fadmaa> +1

Fadi Maali: +1

14:02:26 <olyerickson> topic: minutes from previous meeting (28 June)

2. minutes from previous meeting (28 June)

14:02:27 <PhilA> zakim, mute me

Phil Archer: zakim, mute me

14:02:27 <Zakim> PhilA should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: PhilA should now be muted

14:03:00 <olyerickson> george: minutes accepted

George Thomas: minutes accepted

14:03:04 <Zakim> +BenediktKaempgen

Zakim IRC Bot: +BenediktKaempgen

14:03:11 <olyerickson> topic: new attendees?

3. new attendees?

14:03:12 <PhilA> zakim, I have Rufus Pollock

Phil Archer: zakim, I have Rufus Pollock

14:03:12 <Zakim> I don't understand 'I have Rufus Pollock', PhilA

Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand 'I have Rufus Pollock', PhilA

14:03:14 <mhausenblas> is a positive step, indeed - thanks danbri

Michael Hausenblas: is a positive step, indeed - thanks danbri

14:03:25 <olyerickson> * no apparent new attendees

* no apparent new attendees

14:03:28 <Zakim> +gatemezin

Zakim IRC Bot: +gatemezin

14:03:34 <olyerickson> topic: announcements

4. announcements

14:03:42 <PhilA> zakim, PhilA has Rufus

Phil Archer: zakim, PhilA has Rufus

14:03:42 <Zakim> +Rufus; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +Rufus; got it

14:03:42 <olyerickson> 1. PROV in last call

1. PROV in last call

14:04:03 <PhilA> present+ Rufus Pollock

Phil Archer: present+ Rufus Pollock

14:04:07 <olyerickson> * george as had a look

* george as had a look

14:04:12 <HadleyBeeman> +1 to going through the provenance work

Hadley Beeman: +1 to going through the provenance work

14:04:17 <olyerickson> * would be good for GLD to talk in future

* would be good for GLD to talk in future

14:04:17 <PhilA> zakim, unmute me

Phil Archer: zakim, unmute me

14:04:17 <Zakim> PhilA should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: PhilA should no longer be muted

14:04:24 <olyerickson> topic: DCAT


14:04:41 <olyerickson> * thanks to Rufus for feedback/comments

* thanks to Rufus for feedback/comments

14:04:57 <olyerickson> * thanks to Ed Summers (Ed, are you on call)?

* thanks to Ed Summers (Ed, are you on call)?

14:05:06 <Zakim> +[LC]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[LC]

14:05:14 <tinagheen> Zakim, [LC] is me

Tina Gheen: Zakim, [LC] is me

14:05:14 <Zakim> +tinagheen; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +tinagheen; got it

14:05:48 <olyerickson> I told Zakim...

I told Zakim...

14:05:59 <olyerickson> ;)


14:06:00 <atemezin> zakim, who is here?

Ghislain Atemezing: zakim, who is here?

14:06:00 <Zakim> On the phone I see BartvanLeeuwen, [IPcaller], GeraldSteeman, fadmaa (muted), George_Thomas, martinAlvarez (muted), DaveReynolds, HadleyBeeman, PhilA, mhausenblas, sandro,

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see BartvanLeeuwen, [IPcaller], GeraldSteeman, fadmaa (muted), George_Thomas, martinAlvarez (muted), DaveReynolds, HadleyBeeman, PhilA, mhausenblas, sandro,

14:06:03 <Zakim> ... BenediktKaempgen, gatemezin, tinagheen

Zakim IRC Bot: ... BenediktKaempgen, gatemezin, tinagheen

14:06:03 <Zakim> PhilA has Rufus

Zakim IRC Bot: PhilA has Rufus

14:06:03 <Zakim> mhausenblas has mhausenblas, cygri

Zakim IRC Bot: mhausenblas has mhausenblas, cygri

14:06:03 <Zakim> On IRC I see tinagheen, atemezin, cygri, GeraldSteeman, fadmaa, BenediktKaempgen, DaveReynolds, PhilA, mhausenblas, HadleyBeeman, George, Zakim, RRSAgent, MacTed, BartvanLeeuwen,

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see tinagheen, atemezin, cygri, GeraldSteeman, fadmaa, BenediktKaempgen, DaveReynolds, PhilA, mhausenblas, HadleyBeeman, George, Zakim, RRSAgent, MacTed, BartvanLeeuwen,

14:06:06 <Zakim> ... martinAlvarez, olyerickson, danbri, trackbot, sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: ... martinAlvarez, olyerickson, danbri, trackbot, sandro

14:06:21 <olyerickson> rufus & PhilA DCAT

rufus & PhilA DCAT

14:07:00 <Zakim> +rsingh2

Zakim IRC Bot: +rsingh2

14:07:06 <PhilA> -> OKFN spec

Phil Archer: -> OKFN spec

14:07:19 <olyerickson> rufus: "hkh dskjfh  *(*)( kjdhfkjd..."

Rufus Pollock: "hkh dskjfh *(*)( kjdhfkjd..."

14:08:12 <George>

George Thomas:

14:08:34 <olyerickson> rufus: ??? spec is for harvesting, etc

Rufus Pollock: ??? spec is for harvesting, etc

14:09:14 <olyerickson> * two components: spec for catalogs to conform to, protocol for harvesting

* two components: spec for catalogs to conform to, protocol for harvesting

14:09:38 <olyerickson> * has spoken with Fadi and PhilA

* has spoken with Fadi and PhilA

14:09:44 <mhausenblas> Michael: Just FYI, I've added an data catalogs use case the Linked Data Platform WG Wiki (both ADMS-based and what Rufus is talking about), see ->

Michael Hausenblas: Just FYI, I've added an data catalogs use case the Linked Data Platform WG Wiki (both ADMS-based and what Rufus is talking about), see -> [ Scribe Assist by Michael Hausenblas ]

14:09:54 <olyerickson> * has offered suggestions w.r.t. DCAT

* has offered suggestions w.r.t. DCAT

14:10:51 <olyerickson> * reminder that CKAN is about aggregation, that has been the focus for CKAN spec (and protocol)

* reminder that CKAN is about aggregation, that has been the focus for CKAN spec (and protocol)

14:11:23 <olyerickson> PhilA: hopes we can hear (barely...)

Phil Archer: hopes we can hear (barely...)

14:11:34 <olyerickson> * to keep conversation short...

* to keep conversation short...

14:11:56 <olyerickson> * Rufus & PhilA have thought about difference in purpose between specs

* Rufus & PhilA have thought about difference in purpose between specs

14:12:27 <olyerickson> * Particular desire with CKAN spec to specify "required" vs "optional"

* Particular desire with CKAN spec to specify "required" vs "optional"

14:13:20 <atemezin> Actually, is it common usage to specify "optional" in vocabs design?

Ghislain Atemezing: Actually, is it common usage to specify "optional" in vocabs design?

14:13:21 <olyerickson> * wrt protocol/API, need to "park" discussion

* wrt protocol/API, need to "park" discussion

14:13:46 <olyerickson> george: likes "member submission protocol" idea

George Thomas: likes "member submission protocol" idea

14:14:00 <olyerickson> * not sure about "conformance" question

* not sure about "conformance" question

14:14:25 <olyerickson> * other issues that Rufus/PhilA want to jump into?

* other issues that Rufus/PhilA want to jump into?

14:14:46 <olyerickson> Rufus: bullet 4: distribution

Rufus Pollock: bullet 4: distribution

14:15:14 <fadmaa> the current diagram

Fadi Maali: the current diagram

14:15:14 <olyerickson> * superclass vs subclass

* superclass vs subclass

14:16:12 <olyerickson> PhilA: API is a way to access...but many datasets aren't available for access that way

Phil Archer: API is a way to access...but many datasets aren't available for access that way

14:16:42 <George>

George Thomas:

14:16:44 <olyerickson> * but makes sense to have "distribution" as a resource that can be elaborated upon

* but makes sense to have "distribution" as a resource that can be elaborated upon

14:17:32 <olyerickson> * PhilA: in favor of having a resource, and having distribution as a sub-class (specialization) of that

* PhilA: in favor of having a resource, and having distribution as a sub-class (specialization) of that

14:17:45 <olyerickson> GEorge: Fadi? cygri?

George Thomas: Fadi? cygri?

14:17:58 <olyerickson> cygri: its complicated...many issues to consider

Richard Cyganiak: its complicated...many issues to consider

14:18:08 <olyerickson> * forget for a moment history

* forget for a moment history

14:18:15 <olyerickson> * forget about current use

* forget about current use

14:18:21 <olyerickson> * focus on what really makes sense

* focus on what really makes sense

14:18:37 <olyerickson> * agrees that "distribution" is unfortunate

* agrees that "distribution" is unfortunate

14:18:58 <olyerickson> * concept exists on many data catalogs but isn't usually named as such

* concept exists on many data catalogs but isn't usually named as such

14:19:26 <olyerickson> * origins of name: simply due to the hisoty of CKAN, might not make much sense otherwise

* origins of name: simply due to the hisoty of CKAN, might not make much sense otherwise

14:19:44 <PhilA> Resource or DatasetResource

Phil Archer: Resource or DatasetResource

14:19:50 <PhilA> (from Rufus)

Phil Archer: (from Rufus)

14:19:53 <olyerickson> * w.r.t. "resource," not too happy about the term, too overloaded

* w.r.t. "resource," not too happy about the term, too overloaded

14:20:07 <olyerickson> * In RDF, resource has a specific meaning

* In RDF, resource has a specific meaning

14:20:15 <olyerickson> * in webarch, a slightly different maning

* in webarch, a slightly different maning

14:20:19 <PhilA> Rufus:  dcat:DatasetResource ?

Rufus Pollock: dcat:DatasetResource ? [ Scribe Assist by Phil Archer ]

14:20:29 <olyerickson> * in DCAT, a possible third different maning

* in DCAT, a possible third different maning

14:20:46 <olyerickson> * raises the question: how are dataset and resource different?

* raises the question: how are dataset and resource different?

14:21:10 <olyerickson> * w.r.t. webarch, dataset is *already* a resource

* w.r.t. webarch, dataset is *already* a resource

14:21:28 <olyerickson> * how then are things "under" dataset resources?

* how then are things "under" dataset resources?

14:21:33 <PhilA> Rufus: +1 on API, Download/File etc but we need superclass ...

Rufus Pollock: +1 on API, Download/File etc but we need superclass ... [ Scribe Assist by Phil Archer ]

14:21:38 <olyerickson> * May need more specific terms

* May need more specific terms

14:22:38 <olyerickson> rufus: this sort of repetition already happens

Rufus Pollock: this sort of repetition already happens

14:23:01 <olyerickson> * remove ambiguity by defining the hierarchy

* remove ambiguity by defining the hierarchy

14:23:12 <olyerickson> cygri: how about doing it without the superclass?

Richard Cyganiak: how about doing it without the superclass?

14:23:36 <PhilA> fine - what then is the name for the property :-) e.g. dcat:resource or dcat:distribution

Phil Archer: fine - what then is the name for the property :-) e.g. dcat:resource or dcat:distribution

14:23:52 <PhilA> we relocate the question to properties from classes ...

Phil Archer: we relocate the question to properties from classes ...

14:24:14 <olyerickson> cygri: (thinking out loud) only have specific sub-classes, no superclass

Richard Cyganiak: (thinking out loud) only have specific sub-classes, no superclass

14:24:20 <olyerickson> * already have shared property

* already have shared property

14:24:43 <olyerickson> * even if we don't have the superclass, we still have the commonality

* even if we don't have the superclass, we still have the commonality

14:24:43 <PhilA> but that property should be renamed  (sorry not clearer about that ...)

Phil Archer: but that property should be renamed (sorry not clearer about that ...)

14:24:51 <PhilA> if dcat:Distribution renamed so would property

Phil Archer: if dcat:Distribution renamed so would property

14:24:52 <olyerickson> * makes documentation a bit confusing

* makes documentation a bit confusing

14:25:08 <olyerickson> * still need to explain/provide guidance

* still need to explain/provide guidance

14:25:13 <George> q?

George Thomas: q?

14:25:25 <cygri> cygri: ditch superclass, rename property to something like dcat:associatedResource?

Richard Cyganiak: ditch superclass, rename property to something like dcat:associatedResource? [ Scribe Assist by Richard Cyganiak ]

14:25:27 <PhilA>  dcat:distribution -> dcat:resource (or dcat:datasetResource)

Phil Archer: dcat:distribution -> dcat:resource (or dcat:datasetResource)

14:25:38 <PhilA> cygri: understood - that sounds good ...

Phil Archer: cygri understood - that sounds good ...

14:25:43 <PhilA> (Rufus)

Phil Archer: (Rufus)

14:26:04 <PhilA> s/cygri:/cygri/
14:26:50 <PhilA> Rufus: +1 on dcat:associatedResource

Rufus Pollock: +1 on dcat:associatedResource [ Scribe Assist by Phil Archer ]

14:28:22 <fadmaa> Zakim, unmute me

Fadi Maali: Zakim, unmute me

14:28:22 <Zakim> fadmaa should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: fadmaa should no longer be muted

14:28:32 <PhilA> please repeat last point olyerickson -missed it

Phil Archer: please repeat last point olyerickson -missed it

14:28:36 <olyerickson> did any of that make sense?

did any of that make sense?

14:29:00 <olyerickson> fadmaa: one more option

Fadi Maali: one more option

14:29:02 <cygri> olyerickson: i'm opposed to making any reference to "required" parts of the spec

John Erickson: i'm opposed to making any reference to "required" parts of the spec [ Scribe Assist by Richard Cyganiak ]

14:29:16 <olyerickson> * accessURL and...

* accessURL and...

14:29:20 <olyerickson> * downloadURL

* downloadURL

14:29:41 <Zakim> -rsingh2

Zakim IRC Bot: -rsingh2

14:29:55 <olyerickson> * downloadURL used only if provider is sure it is downloadable

* downloadURL used only if provider is sure it is downloadable

14:30:13 <olyerickson> rufus: problem with locating addition information

Rufus Pollock: problem with locating addition information

14:31:01 <olyerickson> cygri: What is the proposal on the table now?

Richard Cyganiak: What is the proposal on the table now?

14:31:16 <olyerickson> rufus: leave classes as they are

Rufus Pollock: leave classes as they are

14:31:36 <olyerickson> (sorry that was fadmaa)

(sorry that was fadmaa)

14:31:52 <olyerickson> * downloadURL points to downloadable dataset file

* downloadURL points to downloadable dataset file

14:31:53 <cygri> zakim, who is noisy?

Richard Cyganiak: zakim, who is noisy?

14:32:02 <PhilA> zakim, mute me

Phil Archer: zakim, mute me

14:32:02 <Zakim> PhilA should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: PhilA should now be muted

14:32:04 <Zakim> cygri, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: [IPcaller] (14%), George_Thomas (13%), PhilA (57%), gatemezin (4%)

Zakim IRC Bot: cygri, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: [IPcaller] (14%), George_Thomas (13%), PhilA (57%), gatemezin (4%)

14:32:23 <PhilA> q+

Phil Archer: q+

14:32:29 <olyerickson> * accessURL point

* accessURL point

14:32:35 <olyerickson> cygri: Doesn't see it

Richard Cyganiak: Doesn't see it

14:32:41 <olyerickson> * can't see the distinction

* can't see the distinction

14:33:08 <olyerickson> * if we know it's a download, don't see what we would need separate "access" URL

* if we know it's a download, don't see what we would need separate "access" URL

14:33:21 <olyerickson> * doesn't think we would want to provide two

* doesn't think we would want to provide two

14:33:30 <olyerickson> * thus why make distinction?

* thus why make distinction?

14:33:42 <atemezin> +1 not to making the difference btw "download" and "access"-URL

Ghislain Atemezing: +1 not to making the difference btw "download" and "access"-URL

14:33:48 <olyerickson> * seems simpler to have a flag e.g. accessType

* seems simpler to have a flag e.g. accessType

14:34:05 <olyerickson> * target URL and a type

* target URL and a type

14:34:14 <PhilA> Rufus is nodding his heada in violent agreement

Phil Archer: Rufus is nodding his heada in violent agreement

14:34:19 <olyerickson> fadmaa: now that cygri says it that way, not so convinced...

Fadi Maali: now that cygri says it that way, not so convinced...

14:34:26 <fadmaa> Zakim, mute me

Fadi Maali: Zakim, mute me

14:34:26 <Zakim> fadmaa should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: fadmaa should now be muted

14:34:29 <PhilA> ack me

Phil Archer: ack me

14:34:40 <olyerickson> George: Are we back to "associated resource?"

George Thomas: Are we back to "associated resource?"

14:35:09 <olyerickson> PhilA: +1 on "associated resource" (or is that Rufus?)

Phil Archer: +1 on "associated resource" (or is that Rufus?)

14:35:31 <PhilA> Rufus + PhilA are happy

Phil Archer: Rufus + PhilA are happy

14:35:36 <olyerickson> * Rufus and PhilA are happy (together...)

* Rufus and PhilA are happy (together...)

14:35:38 <fadmaa> Zakim, unmute me

Fadi Maali: Zakim, unmute me

14:35:38 <Zakim> fadmaa should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: fadmaa should no longer be muted

14:35:53 <PhilA> zakim, mute me

Phil Archer: zakim, mute me

14:35:53 <Zakim> PhilA should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: PhilA should now be muted

14:35:53 <cygri> ISSUE-9?

Richard Cyganiak: ISSUE-9?

14:35:53 <trackbot> ISSUE-9 -- dcat:Distribution and its subclasses are unnecessary -- raised

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-9 -- dcat:Distribution and its subclasses are unnecessary -- raised

14:35:53 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

14:35:56 <olyerickson> George: How does this happiness reflect on our status?

George Thomas: How does this happiness reflect on our status?

14:36:37 <PhilA> Rufus happy with Richard proposal to abolish superclass and use property

Phil Archer: Rufus happy with Richard proposal to abolish superclass and use property

14:36:47 <PhilA> but also happy to keep and rename ...

Phil Archer: but also happy to keep and rename ...

14:37:09 <George>

George Thomas:

14:37:13 <olyerickson> cygri: thinks Ed's point under original issue was "access url" could be (directly) the URI of the distribution resource

Richard Cyganiak: thinks Ed's point under original issue was "access url" could be (directly) the URI of the distribution resource

14:37:22 <PhilA> This is me - cygri is singing my tune :-)

Phil Archer: This is me - cygri is singing my tune :-)

14:37:24 <George> ISSUE-7

George Thomas: ISSUE-7

14:37:29 <George> ISSUE-7?

George Thomas: ISSUE-7?

14:37:29 <trackbot> ISSUE-7 -- Drop dcat:accessUrl, use the URI of the dcat:Download resource instead -- raised

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-7 -- Drop dcat:accessUrl, use the URI of the dcat:Download resource instead -- raised

14:37:29 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

14:37:58 <olyerickson> fadmaa: confirms: Ed's issue was, why not just use the URI

Fadi Maali: confirms: Ed's issue was, why not just use the URI

14:38:01 <George> q?

George Thomas: q?

14:38:10 <PhilA> q+

Phil Archer: q+

14:38:17 <PhilA> ack me

Phil Archer: ack me

14:39:12 <olyerickson> PhilA: Hates conflation of access URI/distribution URI (please explain)

Phil Archer: Hates conflation of access URI/distribution URI (please explain)

14:40:17 <olyerickson> * if URIs are forever, one doesn't need an access URL because URI will suffice

* if URIs are forever, one doesn't need an access URL because URI will suffice

14:40:28 <fadmaa> this is Ed's original post:

Fadi Maali: this is Ed's original post:

14:40:32 <PhilA> zakim, mute me

Phil Archer: zakim, mute me

14:40:32 <Zakim> PhilA should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: PhilA should now be muted

14:41:29 <PhilA> I have accessURL but it seems to be practical and necessary for a lot of people so, reluctantly, I have to come down on the side of keeping it. Ref. ADMS, chat woth cygri and Rufus today

Phil Archer: I hate accessURL but it seems to be practical and necessary for a lot of people so, reluctantly, I hate to come down on the side of keeping it. Ref. ADMS, chat woth cygri and Rufus today

14:41:36 <PhilA> s/have/hate/
14:42:03 <PhilA> I hate accessURL but it seems to be practical and necessary for a lot of people so, reluctantly, I have to come down on the side of keeping it. Ref. ADMS, chat woth cygri and Rufus today

Phil Archer: I hate accessURL but it seems to be practical and necessary for a lot of people so, reluctantly, I have to come down on the side of keeping it. Ref. ADMS, chat woth cygri and Rufus today

14:42:21 <PhilA> zakim, unmute me

Phil Archer: zakim, unmute me

14:42:21 <Zakim> PhilA should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: PhilA should no longer be muted

14:42:38 <PhilA> zakim, mute me

Phil Archer: zakim, mute me

14:42:38 <Zakim> PhilA should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: PhilA should now be muted

14:42:52 <olyerickson> Looks like PhilA restated it (and it's how I understood him)

Looks like PhilA restated it (and it's how I understood him)

14:43:28 <olyerickson> cygri: What do we need a subclass that says "this is a download," etc

Richard Cyganiak: What do we need a subclass that says "this is a download," etc

14:43:35 <PhilA> q+

Phil Archer: q+

14:43:41 <olyerickson> * why can we just describe what kind of a thing it is via properties?

* why can we just describe what kind of a thing it is via properties?

14:43:58 <PhilA> q-

Phil Archer: q-

14:44:15 <PhilA> Rufus +1

Phil Archer: Rufus +1

14:44:22 <olyerickson> * thinks it is helpful to have rich set of subclasses to help client "understand" what is available/what can be done

* thinks it is helpful to have rich set of subclasses to help client "understand" what is available/what can be done

14:45:03 <olyerickson> * if there is info attached that say "this is a download" etc is useful

* if there is info attached that say "this is a download" etc is useful

14:45:31 <olyerickson> * but is in favor of accomplishing this clarification with structure of subclasses

* but is in favor of accomplishing this clarification with structure of subclasses

14:45:55 <olyerickson> * bottom line: do it through subclasses or do it with properties?

* bottom line: do it through subclasses or do it with properties?

14:46:15 <PhilA> ack me

Phil Archer: ack me

14:46:24 <olyerickson> George: Back to Rufus & PhilA

George Thomas: Back to Rufus & PhilA

14:47:06 <olyerickson> rufus: avoid doing it as a hack

Rufus Pollock: avoid doing it as a hack

14:47:25 <olyerickson> * having distinct subclasses is preferred

* having distinct subclasses is preferred

14:47:50 <olyerickson> * happy for superclass to be there, happy for it to go...

* happy for superclass to be there, happy for it to go...

14:48:07 <PhilA> Rufus "subclasses" (distinct classes) is a very good idea

Phil Archer: Rufus "subclasses" (distinct classes) is a very good idea

14:48:37 <cygri> so, drop dcat:Distribution superclass; keep subclasses; rename dcat:distribution property to dcat:associatedResource?

Richard Cyganiak: so, drop dcat:Distribution superclass; keep subclasses; rename dcat:distribution property to dcat:associatedResource?

14:48:43 <PhilA> happy for super class to go if we retain discuss classes "dcat:Download" etc

Phil Archer: happy for super class to go if we retain discuss classes "dcat:Download" etc

14:48:43 <olyerickson> PhilA: conscious of time; will try to send email to come to resolution

Phil Archer: conscious of time; will try to send email to come to resolution

14:49:01 <PhilA> Rufus +1 to cygri proposal

Phil Archer: Rufus +1 to cygri proposal

14:49:02 <olyerickson>  suggestion: examples might be good

suggestion: examples might be good

14:49:16 <PhilA> zakim, mute me

Phil Archer: zakim, mute me

14:49:16 <Zakim> PhilA should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: PhilA should now be muted

14:49:30 <olyerickson> George: Recap and clarification would be appreciated

George Thomas: Recap and clarification would be appreciated

14:49:56 <olyerickson> I would be happy with enything that is clear and is extensible

I would be happy with enything that is clear and is extensible

14:50:08 <PhilA> action: PhilA to summarise discussion and make a proposal for agreement or not

ACTION: PhilA to summarise discussion and make a proposal for agreement or not

14:50:08 <trackbot> Created ACTION-73 - Summarise discussion and make a proposal for agreement or not [on Phil Archer - due 2012-08-02].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-73 - Summarise discussion and make a proposal for agreement or not [on Phil Archer - due 2012-08-02].

14:50:14 <PhilA> ack me

Phil Archer: ack me

14:50:19 <olyerickson> olyerickson's concern is adding confusion for adopters

olyerickson's concern is adding confusion for adopters

14:50:32 <olyerickson> topic: "What this means" (PhilA)

6. "What this means" (PhilA)

14:50:51 <olyerickson> * these vocabs are on the "rec track"

* these vocabs are on the "rec track"

14:51:09 <PhilA> Rufus (from email) Clarify "conformance". Suggest either removal (is it relevant for

Phil Archer: Rufus (from email) Clarify "conformance". Suggest either removal (is it relevant for

14:51:10 <PhilA> vocabs?) or phrasing as: "Conformance means using terms from this

Phil Archer: vocabs?) or phrasing as: "Conformance means using terms from this

14:51:10 <PhilA> vocabulary whenever they are relevant"

Phil Archer: vocabulary whenever they are relevant"

14:51:12 <olyerickson> * does it make sense to have a "conformance statement"

* does it make sense to have a "conformance statement"

14:51:20 <olyerickson> * if so, what is it intended to do?

* if so, what is it intended to do?

14:51:26 <PhilA> (apologies for line breaks!)

Phil Archer: (apologies for line breaks!)

14:51:38 <olyerickson> * mostly we mean, "please do not re-invent these terms"

* mostly we mean, "please do not re-invent these terms"

14:52:07 <PhilA> zakim, mute me

Phil Archer: zakim, mute me

14:52:07 <Zakim> PhilA should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: PhilA should now be muted

14:52:15 <PhilA> ack me

Phil Archer: ack me

14:52:16 <olyerickson> * For DCAT, is it appropriate to have conformance statement, and of so what should it say?

* For DCAT, is it appropriate to have conformance statement, and of so what should it say?

14:52:32 <DaveReynolds> Isn't conformance about interop?  If every application does it's own profile then there's no interop.

Dave Reynolds: Isn't conformance about interop? If every application does it's own profile then there's no interop.

14:52:33 <olyerickson> George: wants Sandro to weigh in?

George Thomas: wants Sandro to weigh in?

14:52:59 <Zakim> -tinagheen

Zakim IRC Bot: -tinagheen

14:53:00 <olyerickson> Sandro: Has been thinking, likes Rufus's comments in email earlier

Sandro Hawke: Has been thinking, likes Rufus's comments in email earlier

14:53:27 <olyerickson> * conformance clauses are there to keep people on track

* conformance clauses are there to keep people on track

14:53:47 <olyerickson> * the more precise people are, the more helpful

* the more precise people are, the more helpful

14:53:53 <olyerickson> cygri: agrees with Sandro'

Richard Cyganiak: agrees with Sandro'

14:54:02 <George> q?

George Thomas: q?

14:54:11 <olyerickson> * unclear what it means to conform (unlike many other specs)

* unclear what it means to conform (unlike many other specs)

14:54:28 <olyerickson> Q+


14:54:55 <olyerickson> zakim, I am [ipcaller]

zakim, I am [ipcaller]

14:54:55 <Zakim> ok, olyerickson, I now associate you with [IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, olyerickson, I now associate you with [IPcaller]

14:55:25 <olyerickson> * can we add conformance/non-conformance in the spec (reasonably)?

* can we add conformance/non-conformance in the spec (reasonably)?

14:55:30 <olyerickson> * how to make it work?

* how to make it work?

14:55:44 <olyerickson> * much easier with a protocol than e.g. a vocabulary

* much easier with a protocol than e.g. a vocabulary

14:57:27 <George> q?

George Thomas: q?

14:57:34 <George> ack olyerickson

George Thomas: ack olyerickson

14:57:40 <PhilA> An idea: "The nature of a vocabulary is that each person's use is likely to be different. However, inclusion of a term in this vocabulary is in indication that the community sees it as being important and/or useful!

Phil Archer: An idea: "The nature of a vocabulary is that each person's use is likely to be different. However, inclusion of a term in this vocabulary is in indication that the community sees it as being important and/or useful!

14:57:48 <George> ack [IPcaller]

George Thomas: ack [IPcaller]

14:57:57 <olyerickson> zakim, mute me.

zakim, mute me.

14:57:57 <Zakim> [IPcaller] should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: [IPcaller] should now be muted

14:58:08 <PhilA> ack me

Phil Archer: ack me

14:58:16 <olyerickson> Sandro: not much experience w.r.t. "comformance"

Sandro Hawke: not much experience w.r.t. "comformance"

14:58:40 <George> DCAT conformance means that a provider uses the entire DCAT vocabulary when publishing catalog and dataset metadata.

George Thomas: DCAT conformance means that a provider uses the entire DCAT vocabulary when publishing catalog and dataset metadata.

14:59:01 <olyerickson> Rufus: Please explain what DCAT spec means when it (currently) refers to conformance

Rufus Pollock: Please explain what DCAT spec means when it (currently) refers to conformance

14:59:10 <sandro> sandro: I don't know of any cases in the industry where people have had difficulties around conformance with a vocabulary, so it's hard to know what problems to address.

Sandro Hawke: I don't know of any cases in the industry where people have had difficulties around conformance with a vocabulary, so it's hard to know what problems to address. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

14:59:33 <Zakim> -BartvanLeeuwen

Zakim IRC Bot: -BartvanLeeuwen

14:59:43 <olyerickson> * DCAT spec currently says, conformance means using it all.

* DCAT spec currently says, conformance means using it all.

14:59:44 <George> q?

George Thomas: q?

14:59:58 <cygri> +1 to rufus, the current wording is not good

Richard Cyganiak: +1 to rufus, the current wording is not good

14:59:59 <PhilA> zakim, mute me

Phil Archer: zakim, mute me

15:00:00 <Zakim> PhilA should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: PhilA should now be muted

15:00:08 <olyerickson> George: We have a lot to work on w.r.t. "conformance"

George Thomas: We have a lot to work on w.r.t. "conformance"

15:00:26 <olyerickson> * protocol usage might inform/guide

* protocol usage might inform/guide

15:00:36 <olyerickson> topic: Wrap Up

7. Wrap Up

15:00:45 <martinAlvarez> q+

Martín Álvarez: q+

15:00:49 <olyerickson> * thanks to olyerickson for typing

* thanks to olyerickson for typing

15:00:56 <PhilA> Rufus thank-you!

Phil Archer: Rufus thank-you!

15:01:04 <olyerickson> * thanks to Rufus & PhilA for recent work on this

* thanks to Rufus & PhilA for recent work on this

15:01:08 <PhilA> I'll send some follow up mails/issues

Phil Archer: I'll send some follow up mails/issues

15:01:08 <Zakim> -DaveReynolds

Zakim IRC Bot: -DaveReynolds

15:01:10 <martinAlvarez> zakim, unmute me

Martín Álvarez: zakim, unmute me

15:01:11 <mhausenblas> Thanks!

Michael Hausenblas: Thanks!

15:01:12 <Zakim> martinAlvarez should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: martinAlvarez should no longer be muted

15:01:14 <olyerickson> * thanks everyone for productive call

* thanks everyone for productive call

15:01:17 <HadleyBeeman> +q

Hadley Beeman: +q

15:01:25 <olyerickson> martinAlvarez: Remark (informative)

Martín Álvarez: Remark (informative)

15:01:31 <cygri> thanks for joining Rufus!

Richard Cyganiak: thanks for joining Rufus!

15:01:43 <atemezin> Thanks Rufus for your comments...

Ghislain Atemezing: Thanks Rufus for your comments...

15:01:45 <olyerickson> * currently in charge of recommendation for Spanish govt

* currently in charge of recommendation for Spanish govt

15:01:53 <olyerickson> * al levels of govt

* al levels of govt

15:02:08 <olyerickson> * guidance on publishing govt data using DCAT

* guidance on publishing govt data using DCAT

15:02:19 <olyerickson> * would like it in a stable format

* would like it in a stable format

15:02:39 <cygri> martinAlvarez, what's the timeline on this?

Richard Cyganiak: martinAlvarez, what's the timeline on this?

15:02:42 <George> q?

George Thomas: q?

15:02:43 <olyerickson> George: Encouraged to collaborate on GLD cubmission

George Thomas: Encouraged to collaborate on GLD cubmission

15:02:45 <martinAlvarez> zakim, mute me

Martín Álvarez: zakim, mute me

15:02:45 <Zakim> martinAlvarez should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: martinAlvarez should now be muted

15:02:49 <George> ack martinAlvarez

George Thomas: ack martinAlvarez

15:02:54 <olyerickson> HadleyBeeman: hard to hear

Hadley Beeman: hard to hear

15:02:56 <PhilA> Rufus: would like to work with martinAlvarez on that!

Rufus Pollock: would like to work with martinAlvarez on that! [ Scribe Assist by Phil Archer ]

15:03:04 <olyerickson> * been thinking about data discivery

* been thinking about data discivery

15:03:09 <martinAlvarez> Please, Rufus :-)

Martín Álvarez: Please, Rufus :-)

15:03:16 <PhilA> ack me

Phil Archer: ack me

15:03:17 <olyerickson> * any thoughts on discovery

* any thoughts on discovery

15:03:26 <George> ack HadleyBeeman

George Thomas: ack HadleyBeeman

15:03:35 <olyerickson> PhilA: repeat question

Phil Archer: repeat question

15:03:40 <olyerickson> HadleyBeeman: as been brainstorming

Hadley Beeman: as been brainstorming

15:03:47 <olyerickson> * what behaviors are assumed

* what behaviors are assumed

15:04:01 <olyerickson> * behaviors w.r.t. interacting with datasets

* behaviors w.r.t. interacting with datasets

15:04:32 <olyerickson> PhilA: This is pertinent w.r.t. the protocol/API work currently being done at CKAN

Phil Archer: This is pertinent w.r.t. the protocol/API work currently being done at CKAN

15:04:33 <HadleyBeeman> I should look to the definition of an API work that Rufus is doing? (to confirm)

Hadley Beeman: I should look to the definition of an API work that Rufus is doing? (to confirm)

15:04:35 <cygri> HadleyBeeman, there are some thoughts here:

Richard Cyganiak: HadleyBeeman, there are some thoughts here:

15:05:44 <HadleyBeeman> Sounds like we should all talk more.  Thanks, Rufus, PhilA and cygri!

Hadley Beeman: Sounds like we should all talk more. Thanks, Rufus, PhilA and cygri!

15:05:46 <PhilA> zakim, mute me

Phil Archer: zakim, mute me

15:05:46 <Zakim> PhilA should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: PhilA should now be muted

15:05:46 <cygri> thanks all!

Richard Cyganiak: thanks all!

15:05:49 <olyerickson> George: End with massive +1

George Thomas: End with massive +1

15:05:49 <HadleyBeeman> Cheers, all!

Hadley Beeman: Cheers, all!

15:05:55 <olyerickson> I don't know how to close this out

I don't know how to close this out

15:05:57 <PhilA> bye all

Phil Archer: bye all

15:06:03 <olyerickson> can someone help????

can someone help????

15:06:04 <Zakim> -mhausenblas

Zakim IRC Bot: -mhausenblas

15:06:06 <Zakim> -fadmaa

Zakim IRC Bot: -fadmaa

15:06:08 <Zakim> -GeraldSteeman

Zakim IRC Bot: -GeraldSteeman

15:06:10 <BenediktKaempgen> Thanks.

Benedikt Kaempgen: Thanks.

15:06:12 <Zakim> -HadleyBeeman

Zakim IRC Bot: -HadleyBeeman

15:06:15 <Zakim> -PhilA

Zakim IRC Bot: -PhilA

15:06:16 <Zakim> -sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: -sandro

15:06:18 <Zakim> -martinAlvarez

Zakim IRC Bot: -martinAlvarez

15:06:18 <atemezin> rrsagent, bye

Ghislain Atemezing: rrsagent, bye

15:06:18 <RRSAgent> I see 1 open action item saved in :

RRSAgent IRC Bot: I see 1 open action item saved in :

15:06:18 <RRSAgent> ACTION: PhilA to summarise discussion and make a proposal for agreement or not [1]

ACTION: PhilA to summarise discussion and make a proposal for agreement or not [1]

15:06:18 <RRSAgent>   recorded in

RRSAgent IRC Bot: recorded in

Formatted by CommonScribe

This revision (#2) generated 2012-07-26 15:46:17 UTC by 'sandro', comments: None