Optional meeting to discuss policy updates scheduled for Tuesday 2 August, usual EOWG time. Check usual #EO IRC channel for Zakim code. Suggestions from the teleconference will be brought to EOWG.
(Minutes are short so no other summary provided.)
<shawn> denis: introducing what each person does at W3C; answering FAQ and org chart, including chairs for each group
<shawn> fyi, W3C by "domain" http://www.w3.org/People/domain
<shawn> liam: what user goal is this supporting?
Shawn: One main discussion point (slide 5, Broad view of accessibility). ... Discussed quotes last week, updated slides several times during the week. Email discussion shows support for version from last week (not changed version).
Shawn will update the slides.
Be sure to fill out the survey so that we can finish this project.
People need to provide updates for different countries.
<Sylvie> I would be happy to help updating and searching for updates for other countries and France
<AndrewA> I'll tackle NZ as well as Australia
Jennifer will be providing input to the policies.
Introduced through email with examples for testing.
There will have to be trade-offs. Current implementation may not work in all browsers. For example, all text is displayed but expand/collapse doesn't work is an acceptable compromise. All text not displaying is not an acceptable compromise.
Shadi started the email thread; is involved in the coding; not currently on call but will be checking minutes.
<dboudreau> Will be looking at the expand/collapse problem with a colleague of mine here at the office. We might be able to suggest another approach that would be compatible with a broader range of browsers and browser versions (as well as ATs of course)
Update your availability for upcoming EOWG teleconferences.
Shawn: Setting meeting for August 2 at same time as EO to discuss policy page details
<Sylvie> ok for me
Shawn: conclusions from optional Tuesday am meeting will be brought to next week's EO meeting
Shawn: If we set up a small group mailing list for this, who wants to be involved?
<Sylvie> Sylvie would be interested
<dboudreau> I'd be interested to be on that thread too
Meeting should be about an hour long, Shawn will let us know what phone number to use; will use EO IRC bridge.
<hbj> CEN is establishing a secretariat for accessibility, it will be hosted by Norway, it is part of a new EU mandate can't remember the number, maybe shadi knows