FAQ for HTML5 Last Call

On 25 May 2011, W3C announced "Last Call" for several specifications published by the HTML Working Group, including HTML5. This FAQ is intended to answer questions about the transition to Last Call. See also the press release for the HTML5 Last Call.

Q. Is HTML5 a standard?


Q. When will HTML5 be a standard?

W3C reaffirms its expectation that HTML5 will be a W3C Recommendation in 2014.

Q. Where is HTML5 in the W3C Standards Process?

On 25 May 2011, HTML5 entered the Last Call phase, which involves broad review of technical requirements and dependencies.

After Last Call issues have been addressed, the HTML Working Group expects either to continue to Candidate Recommendation (if there are no substantive changes) or to return to Last Call (if there are). W3C anticipates that there will be changes to this specification as a result of the resolution of Last Call issues.

See the HTML Working Group Chairs' timeline for reaching the next transition.

Q. Is the HTML5 specification feature complete?

No. While the major features are now well-established there remain open issues about some features, particularly related to accessibility. The Working Group will address those issues during Last Call. The HTML Working Group does not anticipate adding major new features.

Q. What are the pre-Last Call decisions the group will now address?

Any decisions related to to pre-Last Call issues that the group knows today it will address during Last Call are listed in the status section of the Last Call drafts.

W3C is committed to creating an accessible Web; see the W3C Director's comment in the associated press release. In order to advance the specification to W3C Recommendation, the Working Group must resolve accessibility issues to the satisfaction of the Director.

Q. How will the HTML Working Group make decisions about these issues?

The HTML Working Group Chairs will apply the HTML Working Group Decision Policy (which continues to evolve based on group experience).

Q. What will the HTML Working Group do as of Last Call?

Q. Can I join the HTML Working Group?

Yes. Learn how to join the HTML Working Group.

Q. Can I send comments about the HTML5 specification?

Yes. W3C encourages comments as of the First Public draft. Last Call provides the broader community an opportunity to review the specification. Each specification includes instructions for submitting comments.

Q. Can I start using HTML5?

Yes. A number of features are already in use, at varying degrees of maturity and implementation. One can use HTML5 today, knowing the existing limitations and using fallback mechanisms. W3C welcomes feedback based on your experience using HTML5, as well as contributions to the HTML5 test effort to improve interoperability.

Philippe Le Hégaret and Ian Jacobs
Comments? site-comments@w3.org
$Id: html5lc-faq.html,v 1.34 2011/05/25 20:59:22 ijacobs Exp $