Transposing to machine-processing...
Predicates, logic operators (at least Conjunction, Disjunction and Negation), comparison, sometimes matching, intersections, "negotiations"
More generally: a Policy refers to a set of rules
Each application often defines its own format, configuration mechanisms and processing of the rules - Issues in distributed environment
Web Services Policy 1.5 - Framework, W3C Rec (2007)
focus on policy languages that are already specified and broadly address the privacy, access control, and obligation management areas
may explore the use of relevant technologies toward delivering interoperability frameworks for policy languages.
Application: essentially social Web
Based on XACML (OASIS specification for Access Control)
Adding credential-based AC
Modelling some enforcement, matching, negotiation workflows
Expression of Rules - could use RIF to improve interoperability
But Semantics needs to be known for each application
Dependency on application data models is very high: policy preferences and obligations should be defined for each data model
... that the AC may be asking: