W3C Meetup in Lyon
4 November 2010

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W3C invites the public to gather for an evening of discussion, networking, and free food and drinks with the W3C community:

In addition to informal connections with W3C community members who are meeting that week in the conference center, the evening will feature speakers and demos on topics such as HTML5, SVG, augmented reality and the Web, W3C's new Unicorn validator, and more.

Participation in the meetup is open to anyone. We encourage Web designers and application designers (especially those who do not regularly participate in W3C) to join these discussions, and to meet and chat with other Web experts.

Please register online to help us better prepare the event logistics. This is a free event thanks to the support of the Grand Lyon.

Questions? Contact Marie-Claire Forgue (W3C) - mcf@w3.org - +33 6 76 86 33 41

Confirmed presentations and speakers

Augmented reality audio navigation

by Y. Lasorsa, J. Lemordant, M. Razafimahazo (WAM Project-team, INRIA)

Description: There will be a realtime demo of a global indoor-outdoor navigation system for visually impaired people. An SVG-based remote control console running in Lyon will show, and eventually be used to help, a person navigating inside the INRIA building in Grenoble. This person will be equipped with a smartphone which will localize the person through dead-reckoning using its embedded sensors and will trigger virtual 3D sound objects positioned in the building.

Gaming on the Web

by Utku Kaplan (Les Tanukis)

Description: Les Tanukis is an innovative studio creating contents for the Internet, TV broadcast, and cinema. The company has been working on online projects since 2003 mixing all kind of technologies, such as games, cartoons, or rich Web applications. Utku Kaplan will introduce the activity of the company and present a few projects.

HTML5 in action

by Frank Olivier (Microsoft), Hakon Wium Lie (Opera), David Baron (Mozilla) and Jonas Jonas Sicking (Mozilla)

Description: The excitement keeps growing around the new wave of Open Web technologies, and everyone is eager to see HTML5, CSS3, SVG, or various Web APIs in action. What is it all about? See the latest implementations!

SVG "wow!"

by Doug Schepers (W3C)

Description: Whether images or apps, stand­alone or inte­grated into HTML, CSS, or Canvas, SVG is a pow­er­ful tool in a devel­oper or designer toolkit. With full script­ing sup­port, ani­ma­tions, and advanced visual effects, SVG lets you reuse skills you already have. Super cool demos will be shown!!

Use Unicorn and make the Web better!

by Jean-Gui Rouel (W3C)

Description: Unicorn is W3C's unified validator, which helps people improve the quality of their Web pages by performing a variety of checks. Unicorn gathers the results of the popular HTML and CSS validators, as well as other useful services. Check your Web pages now!

W3C validator appliance

by Ted Guild (W3C)

Description: Run your own W3C Validation and Quality Assurance checkers in-house.

Venue - Cité Internationale - Centre de Congrès, Lyon

The meetup will take place in the "Cité Internationale - Centre de Congrès" of Lyon, Salon Pasteur (Level 1):

photo of Lyon convention center

50, quai Charles de Gaulle
09463 Lyon Cedex 06
Tél. : 04 72 82 26 26
Fax : 04 72 82 26 27

See how to access the convention centre.


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logo of INRIA grenoble Rhône-Alpes
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