Gallery of Accessible Templates and Widgets
22 Oct 2010

See also: IRC log


Judy, Jeanne, Jan, Andi, Peter, Cynthia, John
Jamal, Elizabeth
Jeanne, Judy


checking on contributions of "prime the pump" initial materials

PK: AOL has been developing ARIA components, there are slides from AEGIS conference that are public. Also MooTools from Germany.

JR: They are public. The Fluid Project is part of it.

ASW: We are trying to make web site changes. They are more complex than I thought.

JR: AEGIS JQueryUI widget demos (http://hanshillen.github.com/aegisdemo/)

... they don't put the focus into the widget, so you have to tab through the entire page.

... I don't think can extract a single widget from the page, the page has to be fixed before it is accessible.

JB: So my understanding is that none of the DoJo material will be ready this week or next week. But there may be material available to be contributed in a few months.

ASW: that's correct - nothing in the next week or two.

JR: the AEGIS JQueryUI link above is in very good shape.

PK: This snapshot is Paciello Group's own branch of JQuery. If you use this, I am concerned that it may not make it back to the main project branch.

... that may cause problems if we are posting the Paciello branch, and the example is not folded back into the main JQuery branch.

... do we put this up as an example? I don't want to encourage people to use it if it isn't folded back into the main branch.

... there is no permission problem if it is back in the main line. It is under the JQuery license.

... the status will be included in the slides, which I am looking for.

PK: Do we want to put previews rather than ready to use? For example, the accordian may not be folded back, while the slider is ready. The slider can be linked to with no problem. But the accordian is a preview without a link.

JB: My guess is that we would not include examples that aren't ready yet.

testing ARIA gallery

JB: Email from Jan with testing results from two examples

JR: I included the links to the documents, the environment used. I ran it through a WAVE report to test the basic HTML, which it passed. I found a AAA error and some usability problems.

... I would steer away from the first example if we can avoid it.

PK: They are not in the main JQuery. The next version will be shipped in March 2011. They are still a prototype, so we need to check with Chris and TPG to get permission. They will probably become the JQuery 1.9 version.

JB: Who would be the logical person to check on it?

PK: I will write the email

<Jan> http://hanshillen.github.com/aegisdemo/

JR: [review second example]

JB: Is this something that someone would useful?

JR: That is a good point, perhaps to confirm whether someone entered their birthdate correctly.

JB: I could see it as an example of a test for a high school.

JB: But the testing was good.

JR: there was a test with only one tool.

... it just tested the static web page, WAVE was not useful for the dynamic test

CS: there are other tools. I can provide links to Windows test tools. There is a similar thing for Macintosh. These are tools to test if they are basically accessible, before you go to AT testing.

JB: can Jeanne please describe how the WCAG2 candidate rec implementation testing worked?

JS: there were some explanatory resources for evaluators

...and then there was a walk-through series of steps to follow in testing the candidate implementations

...and then a page in which you tracked your evaluations

...presumably wouldn't need something that complicated

JB: right, not looking for something that complicated --

JB: right, not looking for something that complicated -- but what elements were most helpful?

JS: having the individual break-down of the tests was very useful, picked up the nuances

JB: what's the simplest system that would be useful for this?

JR: I spent 15-20 minutes on the first test, about 10 minutes on the second

JB: How would you talk about your process?

CS: This assumes you know what you are looking for. I open it in IE. I launch the inspect32 tool, which allows you to see what is passed to the accessibililyt api. I tab through and make sure that anything that is tabbed gets focus, then that the information is passed to the api. Then assuming I know what the tool does, I tab through again and make sure that

... the information that should be passed is. Then I'll look at a DOM inspection tool and look at anything strange and figure out why they are strange.

... you do have to know what you are looking for.

JB: Is this something simple enough to coach people on? We had volunteers from the DC Unconference. How would we show them?

CS: ... then if the thing I am looking at is static, then I would you a static tool - I like HiSoftware, but there are many other tools. If it is dynmaic, I don't bother.

... I have trained software testers with no accessibility experience and they do very well. But they have experience following step by step instructions.

PK: Some novel techniques for figuring out themes in the browser.

related projects

JB: Thanks to Cynthia for introduction to Nigel Lewis from AbilityNet

...somewhat similar project, but theirs looks much broader

...my guess is that there may be other similar projects/portals

...how best to coordinate?

...keep our focus more sharply defined

...we link to their material, invite them to link to ours

PK: Let's invite Nigel

JB: Will do

next meeting

All: most available next week, then not for the week after, and not the 26th

JB: So will be a full agenda for next week

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.135 (CVS log)
$Date: 2010/10/22 20:22:25 $