IRC log of swxg on 2010-09-01

Timestamps are in UTC.

14:30:25 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #swxg
14:30:25 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:30:27 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
14:30:27 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #swxg
14:30:29 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be 7994
14:30:29 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see INC_SWXG()10:30AM scheduled to start now
14:30:30 [trackbot]
Meeting: Social Web Incubator Group Teleconference
14:30:30 [trackbot]
Date: 01 September 2010
14:31:01 [mischat_]
14:32:43 [hhalpin]
Zakim, who's on the phone?
14:32:43 [Zakim]
INC_SWXG()10:30AM has not yet started, hhalpin
14:32:45 [Zakim]
On IRC I see RRSAgent, hhalpin, mischat, MacTed, oshani, renato, danbri, tlr, FabGandon, karl, AlexPassant, trackbot
14:38:41 [hhalpin]
Zakim, who's on the phone?
14:38:41 [Zakim]
INC_SWXG()10:30AM has not yet started, hhalpin
14:38:42 [Zakim]
On IRC I see RRSAgent, hhalpin, mischat, MacTed, oshani, renato, danbri, tlr, FabGandon, karl, AlexPassant, trackbot
14:38:56 [tlr]
zakim, this is SWXG
14:38:56 [Zakim]
ok, tlr; that matches INC_SWXG()10:30AM
14:39:02 [tlr]
zakim, who is on the phone
14:39:02 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'who is on the phone', tlr
14:39:04 [tlr]
zakim, who is on the phone?
14:39:04 [Zakim]
On the phone I see ??P22, ??P16, [Garlik]
14:39:18 [hhalpin]
Zakim, ??P22 is hhalpin
14:39:18 [Zakim]
+hhalpin; got it
14:39:24 [hhalpin]
Zakim, ??P16 is renato
14:39:24 [Zakim]
+renato; got it
14:39:33 [hhalpin]
Zakim, [Garlik] is mischa
14:39:33 [Zakim]
+mischa; got it
14:39:41 [hhalpin]
chair: hhalpin
14:39:43 [mischat]
zakime, mute me
14:39:45 [hhalpin]
scribe: mischa
14:39:49 [mischat]
zakim, mute me
14:39:49 [Zakim]
sorry, mischat, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you
14:40:01 [danbri]
is zakim hosed, or worth trying to dial?
14:40:08 [renato]
ODRL Website
14:40:12 [tlr]
zakim, call thomas-781
14:40:12 [Zakim]
ok, tlr; the call is being made
14:40:13 [mischat]
danbri: call but ask for admin assitance
14:40:13 [Zakim]
14:40:19 [hhalpin]
14:40:21 [tlr]
zakim, I am thomas
14:40:21 [Zakim]
ok, tlr, I now associate you with Thomas
14:40:23 [tlr]
zakim, mute me
14:40:23 [Zakim]
Thomas should now be muted
14:40:28 [mischat]
hhalpin, is asking about ODRL
14:40:31 [tlr]
danbri, zakim seems to have resurrected itself
14:40:36 [hhalpin]
14:40:43 [mischat]
renato: ODRL was developed around 10 years ago
14:40:45 [hhalpin]
everything is still kinda XML :)
14:40:54 [mischat]
renato: in the XML world of DRM
14:40:59 [hhalpin]
14:41:22 [mischat]
renato: ODRL is for expressing right, trying to abstract away from DRM, it is was intended to be a more general policy language
14:41:49 [hhalpin]
Which handsets?
14:41:59 [hhalpin]
I see Nokia and Vodafone...
14:42:03 [hhalpin]
on the web-pgae
14:42:04 [mischat]
renato: saying that the biggest deployment is actually a DRM based handset
14:42:07 [Zakim]
14:42:15 [danbri]
zakim, [IPcaller] is danbri
14:42:15 [Zakim]
+danbri; got it
14:42:18 [mischat]
ODRL can also handle creative commons
14:42:30 [hhalpin]
also, do we have a URI for creative commons?
14:42:30 [mischat]
there are a bunch of working groups
14:42:39 [mischat]
ODRL is going to be a policy language
14:42:43 [mischat]
in version 2.0
14:42:43 [renato]
Editors draft
14:43:09 [mischat]
the new model ^^ (updated yesterday), it now based around policies
14:43:14 [mischat]
and not around rights
14:43:36 [renato]
SN use cases
14:43:48 [mischat]
ODRL have been looking at requirement for describing policies for social networking
14:44:12 [mischat]
^^ trying to express social networking constructs such as "all of my groups" or "all my connections"
14:44:30 [hhalpin]
14:44:32 [renato]
W3C Privacy Rulesets Editor's Draft 21 April 2010
14:44:39 [mischat]
and how such things would be expressed in a machine-readable manner
14:44:41 [renato]
14:44:47 [mischat]
yes that is a part of DAP
14:45:00 [hhalpin]
14:45:02 [renato]
Express in ODRL:
14:45:09 [mischat]
the privacy-rulesets work has got some use cases around social networking use cases
14:45:31 [mischat]
ODRL group have mapped the use cases drawn out by the DAP
14:45:42 [mischat]
14:46:13 [mischat]
ODRL are trying to prove that the social networking use cases can be expressed in ODRL 2.0
14:46:23 [mischat]
there is an XML encoding
14:46:25 [hhalpin]
maybe a RIF encoding?
14:46:39 [mischat]
people from Koblenz are looking at an RDF and OWL encoding
14:46:51 [mischat]
ORDL think that these are all very important
14:46:59 [mischat]
14:47:14 [mischat]
the "plus collation"?
14:47:32 [mischat]
ODRL are looking at ACAP (access control) people
14:47:33 [mischat]
14:47:42 [mischat]
renato: can you clarify those two groups in IRC ?
14:48:04 [renato]
PLUS Coalition
14:48:45 [renato]
14:48:51 [hhalpin]
14:49:08 [mischat]
PLUC Coalition and ACAP (automated content) access protocol ->
14:49:09 [mischat]
14:49:25 [mischat]
hhalpin: asked if you can express payment / monitary obligations
14:49:37 [mischat]
so yes, you can express payments in the ODRL
14:49:54 [mischat]
ODRL is a community/grass roots organisations
14:50:17 [mischat]
the work is undertaken in good will, and lots of momentum this last year
14:50:40 [mischat]
ODRL are thinking that the W3C could be a good place to host the ODRL as a standard for policy language
14:50:42 [mischat]
14:51:01 [hhalpin]
14:51:15 [mischat]
ODRL would like to see an easy way to express policy for web content
14:52:27 [mischat]
w3c had a DRM workshop in 2001, and ODRL was there, and renato feels that now is time that policy/privacy standards need to expressed
14:52:31 [oshani]
oshani has joined #swxg
14:53:00 [hhalpin]
ack mischa
14:53:00 [mischat]
ODRL has done the work of designing policy/privacy standards, and they feel that they can get the ball rolling quickly
14:53:05 [mischat]
zakim, unmute me
14:53:05 [Zakim]
sorry, mischat, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you
14:53:15 [mischat]
zakim, unmute me
14:53:15 [Zakim]
sorry, mischat, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you
14:53:40 [hhalpin]
Zakim, unmute me
14:53:40 [Zakim]
hhalpin was not muted, hhalpin
14:53:46 [hhalpin]
Zakim, unmute Mischa
14:53:46 [Zakim]
mischa was not muted, hhalpin
14:53:48 [mischat]
zakim, unmute mischa
14:53:48 [Zakim]
mischa was not muted, mischat
14:56:44 [mischat]
renato: ODRL is talking to OneSocialWeb
14:56:50 [hhalpin]
an XMPP binding is in planned for one social web
14:57:32 [mischat]
3 concepts : Access Control, Usage Control, Privacy Control
14:57:48 [mischat]
Access Control => authenticate, and then see content
14:58:09 [mischat]
Permission Control => reuse of such data
14:58:17 [hhalpin]
so policy has a focus on re-use and obligations (i.e. credit, payment)
14:58:28 [dom]
dom has joined #swxg
14:58:32 [mischat]
Privacy Control => Putting obligations ontop
14:59:00 [mischat]
zakim, mute mischa
14:59:00 [Zakim]
mischa should now be muted
14:59:06 [danbri]
(are openid folk joining in 2mins?)
14:59:19 [mischat]
hhalpin: asked what is the next concrete step for ODRL ?
14:59:38 [mischat]
renato: from ODRL's POV they would like a working group
14:59:58 [mischat]
renato: thinks that there is enough expertise
15:00:07 [mischat]
it needs to scoped, not to general
15:00:24 [DKA]
DKA has joined #swxg
15:00:34 [danbri]
re WGs, what's W3C's annual 'active WG' budget?
15:00:54 [Zakim]
+ +1.415.846.aaaa
15:00:55 [mischat]
15:00:58 [mischat]
and AIR ?
15:01:13 [mischat]
15:01:16 [mischat]
not privacy-icons
15:01:28 [Zakim]
+ +1.510.931.aabb
15:01:42 [danbri]
2 ppl joined
15:01:45 [Zakim]
15:01:47 [dom]
zakim, code?
15:01:47 [Zakim]
the conference code is 7994 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.203.318.0479), dom
15:01:49 [Zakim]
+ +1.503.341.aacc
15:01:55 [mischat]
loads of people !
15:02:04 [danbri]
zakim, who is on the phone?
15:02:04 [Zakim]
On the phone I see hhalpin, renato, mischa (muted), Thomas (muted), danbri, +1.415.846.aaaa, +1.510.931.aabb, OpenLink_Software, +1.503.341.aacc
15:02:06 [hhalpin]
Zakim, aabb is bblfish
15:02:06 [Zakim]
+bblfish; got it
15:02:14 [renato]
Privacy icons paper
15:02:18 [hhalpin]
Zakim, Dick is aaaa
15:02:18 [Zakim]
sorry, hhalpin, I do not recognize a party named 'Dick'
15:02:18 [MacTed]
dratted calendar didn't adjust my start time :-(
15:02:20 [tlr]
I recommend reviewing the workshop report
15:02:22 [tlr]
15:02:31 [MacTed]
Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me
15:02:31 [Zakim]
+MacTed; got it
15:02:38 [Zakim]
15:02:41 [dom]
zakim, ??P17 is me
15:02:41 [Zakim]
+dom; got it
15:02:44 [mischat]
renato: thinks that we should be pushing WG
15:02:53 [Zakim]
+ +1.617.513.aadd
15:02:54 [Zakim]
15:02:57 [renato]
15:02:59 [danbri]
tlr, does w3c have a figure for how many WGs can run at same time, roughly?
15:03:20 [MacTed]
Zakim, who's here?
15:03:20 [Zakim]
On the phone I see renato, mischa (muted), Thomas (muted), danbri, +1.415.846.aaaa, bblfish, MacTed, +1.503.341.aacc, dom, +1.617.513.aadd
15:03:22 [Zakim]
On IRC I see DKA, dom, Zakim, RRSAgent, hhalpin, mischat, MacTed, danbri, tlr, FabGandon, karl, AlexPassant, trackbot
15:03:29 [mischat]
OpenID Connect and Facebook Connect
15:03:36 [manu_]
manu_ has joined #swxg
15:03:39 [MacTed]
Zakim, aaaa is Dick
15:03:39 [Zakim]
+Dick; got it
15:03:51 [danbri]
is this OpenID Connect -and- OpenID vNext?
15:03:58 [tlr]
15:04:10 [danbri]
not fb connect, then (as scribed above)
15:04:14 [mischat]
15:04:38 [manu_]
zakim, code?
15:04:38 [Zakim]
the conference code is 7994 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.203.318.0479), manu_
15:04:38 [mischat]
Dick: talking about OpenID vNext
15:04:58 [bblfish]
bblfish has joined #swxg
15:05:12 [mischat]
since the OpenID Connect came about, it has then dried up some energy around vNExt
15:05:24 [danbri]
openid mailing lists:
15:05:30 [Zakim]
+ +8014aaee
15:05:30 [mischat]
vNext was meant to fix some issues around openid, security
15:05:37 [danbri]
15:05:37 [manu_]
zakim, I am aaee
15:05:37 [Zakim]
+manu_; got it
15:05:52 [mischat]
one of the goals was to allow too into key's/browser based support for openid
15:06:09 [MacTed]
Zakim, mute me
15:06:09 [Zakim]
MacTed should now be muted
15:06:13 [mischat]
1 discovery, 2 protocol 3 usability 4 attributes
15:06:22 [mischat]
the working has been broken up into ^^
15:06:36 [mischat]
various people have been interested in various different aspects
15:06:49 [mischat]
zakim, who is making noise ?
15:06:55 [Zakim]
15:06:58 [mischat]
vNext looked like a lot of work
15:07:00 [Zakim]
mischat, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: 11 (64%), bblfish (5%), +1.503.341.aacc (79%)
15:07:04 [DKA]
zakim, mute me
15:07:04 [Zakim]
DKA should now be muted
15:07:08 [mischat]
so openid connect came around
15:07:39 [mischat]
they noticed that identity alone
15:07:43 [mischat]
was going to cause mass adoption
15:07:49 [mischat]
was NOT
15:08:22 [mischat]
so, it seemed that you needed more than just identity, this can be seen in the adoption of facebook connect
15:09:00 [mischat]
OAuth was never designed to be used by humans
15:09:07 [mischat]
no concept of identity, discovery
15:09:25 [hhalpin]
OpenID connect includes profile+APIs+identity out of standardized patterns
15:09:26 [mischat]
OpenID Connect, is trying to combine identity, APIs, and profile
15:09:27 [mischat]
15:09:34 [mischat]
like we are seeing on the web today
15:10:07 [manu_]
q+ to ask about crypto-backed identity
15:10:20 [danbri]
q+ to ask what you say when people ask if they're 2 technologies in competition
15:10:41 [mischat]
hhalpin: there is this talk of the national id system? which must be heavy security? What is the OpenID's take on this
15:11:11 [mischat]
US gov has a different focus from the european counterparts
15:11:24 [mischat]
the US gov are not talking about issuing identity
15:11:41 [mischat]
there is lots of work by John Bradley (?)
15:12:03 [mischat]
looking at how to make openid profiles more security
15:12:24 [mischat]
openid 2.0 is fairly low on security
15:12:30 [mischat]
there is also work by (?)
15:12:44 [mischat]
using artifact binding
15:12:58 [mischat]
15:13:23 [mischat]
one of the goals of the OpenID vNext was to move up the security stack
15:13:28 [mischat]
level 2 or something ...
15:14:59 [mischat]
hhalpin: asks about further browser integration, what is the critical path for browser integration ?
15:15:42 [mischat]
Dick: browser integration was a goal of vNext
15:16:12 [mischat]
whereas in OpenID connect, there are API calls, so it is near on impossible to having client based identity support
15:16:20 [danbri]
15:16:27 [hhalpin]
ack hhalpin
15:16:38 [mischat]
there is still a role for the browser
15:16:57 [mischat]
i.e. what identity are you using at the moment, which sites are you logged in to?
15:17:26 [mischat]
so there are some real problems that need solving in OpenID Connect world
15:17:51 [mischat]
in the browser, but unlike vNext, there is no intention to hold the identity in the browser
15:17:55 [hhalpin]
15:18:03 [hhalpin]
ack manu_
15:18:03 [Zakim]
manu_, you wanted to ask about crypto-backed identity
15:19:13 [melvster]
melvster has joined #swxg
15:19:14 [mischat]
manu_: is confused about what work is being integrated in OpenID Connect? Is there going to be support for digital signatures, or more cryptostuff
15:19:30 [mischat]
s/crypotostuff/ssl for interactions/
15:19:38 [mischat]
there is going to be ssl support
15:19:46 [Zakim]
15:19:56 [mischat]
no one has brought use cases for digital signatures
15:20:03 [melvster]
zakim, ??P5 is me
15:20:03 [Zakim]
+melvster; got it
15:20:58 [mischat]
the OpenID connect work in collaboration with browser vendors will help make progress towards having broswers which are more aware of identity
15:21:35 [mischat]
manu_: asks if use-cases were presented to the OpenID connect group re: digital signatures
15:21:58 [mischat]
WebID seems to be a bit far off from openid's current intentions
15:22:05 [mischat]
if you want openid connect to do stuff, show up
15:22:05 [mischat]
15:22:12 [bblfish]
15:22:12 [hhalpin]
15:22:16 [hhalpin]
ack danbri
15:22:16 [Zakim]
danbri, you wanted to ask what you say when people ask if they're 2 technologies in competition
15:22:18 [mischat]
15:22:55 [mischat]
danbri: can you help us talk about OpenID, is it a technology, is a community, it is expertise ?
15:23:01 [hhalpin]
maybe to be blunt, do we see OpenID Connect subsuming OpenID?
15:23:32 [mischat]
openid is all of the above?
15:23:47 [hhalpin]
15:24:01 [mischat]
do you see OpenID becoming an umbrella for similar technologies in this space
15:24:18 [hhalpin]
ack bblfish
15:24:41 [mischat]
answer: well if you should up, then the openid may be interested in what you have to say ?
15:24:53 [mischat]
bblfish: asks how WebID and OpenID are different ?
15:25:38 [mischat]
the client side certificates UI needs improving?
15:26:10 [mischat]
bblfish: WebID is doing something similar to OpenID, both are looking at giving universal identity
15:26:44 [mischat]
bblfish: asks why they aren't merging, and why isn't there enough information sharing
15:26:51 [mischat]
between to the two communities
15:28:02 [melvster]
The initial Yadis was based on FOAF
15:28:35 [mischat]
mmm, openid chap thinks that WebID is just an Identity provider, whereas the interesting part of OpenID is the extensions
15:28:57 [melvster]
mischat: sorry, who's speaking?
15:29:09 [melvster]
15:29:20 [hhalpin]
ack hhalpin
15:29:58 [mischat]
hhalpin: so OpenID vNext is being subsumed by OpenID Connect, are there plans to merge these?
15:30:15 [mischat]
hhalpin: are there parts of OpenID Connect that are up in the air ?
15:30:30 [hhalpin]
signing requests and responses is still up in the air
15:30:35 [mischat]
signing requests and responces are up in the air
15:31:18 [mischat]
hhalpin: is openid connect going to suffice the needs of ecommerce and the gov initiatives
15:31:19 [mischat]
15:31:36 [mischat]
answer: no these aren't out main focus
15:32:02 [manu_]
We play to join OpenID Connect group to drive the ecommerce use cases
15:32:17 [manu_]
it would be a shame to ignore those use cases when designing OpenID Connect.
15:32:27 [manu_]
s/We play/We plan/
15:33:05 [danbri]
(was that dick speaking, the 'should'?)
15:33:13 [mischat]
david says that identity work in the browser is somethign which the W3C "should"
15:33:39 [manu_]
Perhaps we can liason between WebID community and OpenID Connect community to ensure good cross-pollination of ideas.
15:34:05 [mischat]
all of this work in the identity in the browser stuff mozilla
15:34:54 [bblfish]
question on relation to xauth/oauth?
15:34:57 [manu_]
q+ to state that we'll join OpenID Connect
15:35:04 [hhalpin]
ack manu_
15:35:04 [Zakim]
manu_, you wanted to state that we'll join OpenID Connect
15:35:12 [FabGandon]
FabGandon has joined #swxg
15:35:35 [mischat]
manu: stated that they will join the openid connect group
15:35:57 [mischat]
15:36:05 [bblfish]
15:36:06 [mischat]
15:36:10 [manu_]
September! :)
15:36:11 [mischat]
15:36:27 [hhalpin]
Telecon: 15th of Sept with Aza "identity in the browser"
15:36:28 [mischat]
and their privacy icons stuff too
15:37:25 [melvster]
15:37:29 [hhalpin]
3:00 PM
15:37:54 [mischat]
15:38:27 [bblfish]
was the question on oauth/xauth
15:38:28 [tlr]
zakim, unmute me
15:38:28 [Zakim]
Thomas should no longer be muted
15:38:32 [Zakim]
15:38:34 [manu_]
Thanks to both Dick Hardt and David Recordon for speaking with us...
15:38:54 [Zakim]
- +1.503.341.aacc
15:39:10 [danbri]
(re helping organize - yes, but only after mid-oct)
15:40:20 [Zakim]
15:40:38 [manu_]
thanks for the invite to listen in to SWXG and Harry :) - appreciate it, will follow up via e-mail, etc.
15:40:39 [hhalpin]
15:40:47 [hhalpin]
Approve minutes?
15:40:52 [mischat]
15:40:54 [tlr]
15:40:57 [manu_]
+1 (not that it counts :))
15:40:58 [tlr]
(not that I was there...)
15:41:24 [hhalpin] are approved.
15:41:26 [Zakim]
15:41:34 [mischat]
15:41:45 [manu_]
manu_ has left #swxg
15:42:30 [hhalpin]
IIW East re DC
15:42:42 [mischat]
paul: meeting in washington next week to talk about Infocard people
15:42:43 [hhalpin]
infocard foundation will be there.
15:43:39 [mischat]
paul: the browser should be in full control of the release of attributes
15:44:45 [mischat]
paul: to talk about the infocard/identity work?
15:44:59 [mischat]
hhalpin: that may help us decide what to ask the browser vendors
15:45:07 [mischat]
zakim, unmute mischa
15:45:07 [Zakim]
mischa should no longer be muted
15:45:08 [danbri]
(are Mozilla 'vendors'?)
15:45:10 [bblfish]
the WebID community should put together something we would like from the Browser vendors too
15:45:27 [hhalpin]
agenda for next will be Paul of infocards/higgins
15:45:38 [hhalpin]
ACTION: hhalpin to ask sandro to attend IIW East
15:45:38 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-171 - Ask sandro to attend IIW East [on Harry Halpin - due 2010-09-08].
15:46:23 [mischat]
15:47:40 [bblfish]
mischat: we should get together on IRC
15:47:44 [bblfish]
on skype I mean
15:47:49 [mischat]
either or henry
15:48:01 [melvster]
only 1 i know of :)
15:48:13 [bblfish]
(I have been very busy last week on confs to W3C and Galway conf)
15:48:32 [hhalpin]
ACTION: DKA to shorten too long use-cases and see if he can reference in SWAT test cases.
15:48:32 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-172 - Shorten too long use-cases and see if he can reference in SWAT test cases. [on Daniel Appelquist - due 2010-09-08].
15:48:39 [mischat]
yeah i have notice henry :) we can pick a time tomorrow perhaps ? to decide what to do bblfish ?
15:48:58 [bblfish]
tomorrow is good
15:49:19 [hhalpin]
ACTION: mischa to diaspora to talk about being included in final report (interoperable code-basess agreed to SWAT tests?).
15:49:19 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-173 - Diaspora to talk about being included in final report (interoperable code-basess agreed to SWAT tests?). [on Mischa Tuffield - due 2010-09-08].
15:49:36 [hhalpin]
ACTION: [CONTINUES] bblfish and mischa to write a new introductory paragraph with definition of social web and case for open-source/business use of standards.
15:49:36 [trackbot]
Sorry, couldn't find user - [CONTINUES]
15:49:41 [MacTed]
Zakim, unmute me
15:49:41 [Zakim]
MacTed should no longer be muted
15:50:01 [hhalpin]
ACTION [CONTINUES]: Add to intro a "user story" of why current approaches don't work.
15:50:01 [trackbot]
Sorry, couldn't find user - [CONTINUES]
15:50:03 [mischat]
bblfish: tomorrow grab me on skype, and we can discuss
15:50:23 [hhalpin]
ACTION: [DONE] hhalpin to set up HTML5/Interaction domain telecon before Sept.
15:50:23 [trackbot]
Sorry, couldn't find user - [DONE]
15:50:36 [hhalpin]
ACTION: [CLOSE] bblfish (and paul maybe?) flesh out and draft identity section.
15:50:36 [trackbot]
Sorry, couldn't find user - [CLOSE]
15:50:51 [hhalpin]
ACTION [DONE]: bblfish (and paul maybe?) flesh out and draft identity section.
15:50:51 [trackbot]
Sorry, couldn't find user - [DONE]
15:52:15 [mischat]
15:52:20 [tlr]
15:52:22 [hhalpin]
ACTION: alexpassant to flesh out of profile section
15:52:22 [tlr]
15:52:22 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-174 - Flesh out of profile section [on Alexandre Passant - due 2010-09-08].
15:52:25 [hhalpin]
ack tlr
15:52:32 [danbri]
there's a subset of poco that's v close to vcard
15:52:42 [danbri]
but the schema also has all opensocial attribs
15:52:54 [hhalpin]
Could we get a convergence story that includes FOAF?
15:52:59 [danbri]
15:53:23 [danbri]
i'll ping
15:53:26 [MacTed]
Zakim, mute me
15:53:26 [Zakim]
MacTed should now be muted
15:53:30 [danbri]
happy to track consensus in the foaf schema
15:53:46 [hhalpin]
ACTION [CONTINUES]: hhalpin and melvster to review activity standards
15:53:46 [trackbot]
Sorry, couldn't find user - [CONTINUES]
15:54:07 [mischat]
I am happy to take this section
15:54:12 [mischat]
"Decentralised Social Networking Projects "
15:54:18 [hhalpin]
ACTION: [DONE] venezia to do mobile paragraph
15:54:18 [trackbot]
Sorry, couldn't find user - [DONE]
15:54:26 [hhalpin]
ACTION [DONE]: venezia to do mobile paragraph
15:54:26 [trackbot]
Sorry, couldn't find user - [DONE]
15:54:28 [mischat]
am also "Content Standards"
15:55:07 [hhalpin]
ACTION: mischa to give a good draft of content section
15:55:07 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-175 - Give a good draft of content section [on Mischa Tuffield - due 2010-09-08].
15:55:40 [hhalpin]
ACTION: hhalpin to work on strategy document
15:55:40 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-176 - Work on strategy document [on Harry Halpin - due 2010-09-08].
15:56:15 [hhalpin]
Meeting Adjourned
15:56:18 [Zakim]
15:56:21 [bblfish]
15:57:06 [hhalpin]
15:57:09 [FabGandon]
FabGandon has joined #swxg
15:57:20 [hhalpin]
Zakim, meeting adjourned
15:57:20 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'meeting adjourned', hhalpin
15:57:25 [hhalpin]
trackbot, meeting adjourned
15:57:25 [trackbot]
Sorry, hhalpin, I don't understand 'trackbot, meeting adjourned'. Please refer to for help
15:57:25 [Zakim]
15:57:34 [Zakim]
15:57:35 [hhalpin]
trackbot, end meeting
15:57:35 [trackbot]
Zakim, list attendees
15:57:35 [Zakim]
As of this point the attendees have been hhalpin, renato, mischa, Thomas, danbri, +1.415.846.aaaa, +1.510.931.aabb, +1.503.341.aacc, bblfish, MacTed, dom, +1.617.513.aadd, Dick,
15:57:36 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, please draft minutes
15:57:36 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate trackbot
15:57:37 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, bye
15:57:37 [RRSAgent]
I see 10 open action items saved in :
15:57:37 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: hhalpin to ask sandro to attend IIW East [1]
15:57:37 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:57:37 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: DKA to shorten too long use-cases and see if he can reference in SWAT test cases. [2]
15:57:37 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:57:37 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: mischa to diaspora to talk about being included in final report (interoperable code-basess agreed to SWAT tests?). [3]
15:57:37 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:57:37 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: [CONTINUES] bblfish and mischa to write a new introductory paragraph with definition of social web and case for open-source/business use of standards. [4]
15:57:37 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:57:37 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: [DONE] hhalpin to set up HTML5/Interaction domain telecon before Sept. [5]
15:57:37 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:57:37 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: [CLOSE] bblfish (and paul maybe?) flesh out and draft identity section. [6]
15:57:37 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:57:37 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: alexpassant to flesh out of profile section [7]
15:57:37 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:57:37 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: [DONE] venezia to do mobile paragraph [8]
15:57:37 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:57:37 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: mischa to give a good draft of content section [9]
15:57:37 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:57:37 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: hhalpin to work on strategy document [10]
15:57:37 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:57:39 [Zakim]
... +8014aaee, manu_, DKA, melvster
15:57:40 [Zakim]
- +1.617.513.aadd
15:57:42 [Zakim]
15:57:48 [dom]
dom has left #swxg
15:58:07 [Zakim]
15:58:13 [Zakim]
15:58:14 [melvster]
melvster has left #swxg
15:58:15 [hhalpin]
trackbot, start meeting
15:58:17 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
15:58:19 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be 7994
15:58:19 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see INC_SWXG()10:30AM scheduled to start 88 minutes ago
15:58:20 [trackbot]
Meeting: Social Web Incubator Group Teleconference
15:58:20 [trackbot]
Date: 01 September 2010
16:03:07 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #swxg
16:03:07 [RRSAgent]
logging to
16:03:10 [tlr]
rrsagent, draft minutes
16:03:10 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate tlr
16:13:04 [hhalpin]
zakim, what's the code?
16:13:04 [Zakim]
the conference code is 7994 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.203.318.0479), hhalpin
16:25:30 [FabGandon]
FabGandon has joined #swxg
16:35:05 [FabGandon]
FabGandon has left #swxg
17:00:38 [Zakim]
INC_SWXG()10:30AM has now started
17:00:45 [Zakim]
17:00:51 [hhalpin]
Zakim, ??P9 is hhalpin
17:00:51 [Zakim]
+hhalpin; got it
17:01:08 [hhalpin]
wondering if chris and evan will dial-in...
17:02:05 [hhalpin]
17:02:17 [tlr]
zakim, call thomas-781
17:02:17 [Zakim]
ok, tlr; the call is being made
17:02:18 [Zakim]
17:02:32 [Zakim]
+ +1.412.225.aaaa
17:03:00 [tlr]
zakim, aaaa is ChrisMessina
17:03:00 [Zakim]
+ChrisMessina; got it
17:04:40 [Zakim]
17:05:14 [oshani]
oshani has joined #swxg
17:05:14 [hhalpin]
just not sure how to get user experience working
17:06:12 [Ian]
Ian has joined #swxg
17:06:28 [Ian]
zakim, who's here?
17:06:28 [Zakim]
On the phone I see hhalpin, Thomas, ChrisMessina, Ian
17:06:29 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Ian, oshani, RRSAgent, bblfish, Zakim, hhalpin, MacTed, tlr, karl, AlexPassant, trackbot
17:09:50 [Zakim]
+ +43.838.0aabb
17:10:29 [hhalpin]
Zakim, aabb is EvanP
17:10:31 [Zakim]
+EvanP; got it
17:10:52 [hhalpin]
ian and tlr move to #fedsocweb
17:20:27 [Ian]
zakim, who's here?
17:20:27 [Zakim]
On the phone I see hhalpin, Thomas, ChrisMessina, Ian, EvanP
17:20:29 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Ian, oshani, RRSAgent, bblfish, Zakim, hhalpin, MacTed, tlr, karl, AlexPassant, trackbot
17:32:29 [oshani]
oshani has joined #swxg
17:44:41 [Zakim]
17:44:44 [Zakim]
17:44:45 [Zakim]
17:44:46 [Zakim]
17:45:06 [Zakim]
17:45:07 [Zakim]
INC_SWXG()10:30AM has ended
17:45:09 [Zakim]
Attendees were hhalpin, Thomas, +1.412.225.aaaa, ChrisMessina, Ian, +43.838.0aabb, EvanP
17:50:43 [oshani]
oshani has joined #swxg
18:04:44 [mischat]
mischat has joined #swxg
18:21:03 [mischat_]
mischat_ has joined #swxg
18:44:48 [bblfish]
bblfish has left #swxg
18:51:16 [danbri]
danbri has joined #swxg
18:54:16 [tlr]
tlr has joined #swxg
19:54:10 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #swxg
21:11:00 [mischat_]
mischat_ has joined #swxg
21:24:52 [mischat_]
mischat_ has joined #swxg
21:30:26 [mischat_]
mischat_ has joined #swxg
22:08:44 [Ian]
Ian has left #swxg