See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 08 July 2010
<AllanJ> regrets for Jeanne for next week
<AllanJ> partial regrets for Jeanne, need to leave before 2
<scribe> Scribe: kford
JS: Expresses much joy that
authoring tool accessibility guidelines goes to last
... ATAG needs UAAG to review. Comments are due Sept. 2.
JS: Like UAAG, our implementing doc is likely easier to read, that is ATAG.
JA: Do we want to do this as a
group or individually?
... We will put this on a future agenda and come back with a
comment as UAAG.
<AllanJ> implementing ATAG
JS: One thing I learned from ATAG is how problematic it is to let comments linger until last call.
JS: Make the effort now to get
comments on UAAG.
... Working on form to send to list that people can use to get
Group discusses strategy for getting feedback comments.
<AllanJ> c
<AllanJ> ChromeVis:
<AllanJ> all: discussion of implementation tracking spreadsheet.
group looking at doc for tracking UAAG.
<AllanJ> ... added a comment field. need to include comments to expand on how an item was met, test used, sample page, any other tools used (screen reader, extension, etc.)
Group continues to look at shared doc. Looking like we will stick with this version for working within group for now.
As you are able start updating browser details.
JA: HTML accessibility task force media subgroup working on requirements for audio and video accessibility.
JA: Group has been making
progress and reaching the point where they want some
clarifications on items.
... Gave example of cc button showing up when a media track has
cc available.
GL: A user might say in preference settings that they want doc to reflow to handle changes by automatic content or alternative such as image replacement with alt text.
<Greg> An example of user control over how overflow is handled would be that the user can set a preference setting saying they want documents to reflow to accomodate elements growing or shrinking in response to automatically generated content (like link numbering) or the substitution of alternative content (such as alt or longdesc).
<Greg> Then, the user may encounter a particular element (e.g. an image) where the substitution makes the page unusuble, so they could right-click on it and choose to have that element not grow, but instead have scroll bars, thus preventing the rest of the page from being effected.
KP: When we talked about this earlier we talked about an option where there might be some drop down option instead of scroll bars.
GL: This was just one example. There are likely at lest five ways of handling overflow content.
JA: I am preparing another set of
clarification questions.
... Would be great if people could look at the requirements doc
once and see what they think.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135 of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: kford Inferring ScribeNick: kford Default Present: +1.512.206.aaaa, AllanJ, kford, +1.425.895.aabb, Greg, Jeanne, +1.617.325.aacc, sharper, KimPatch Present: Kelly Simon Jeanne Jim Greg Kim Regrets: mhakkinen Found Date: 08 Jul 2010 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]