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<trackbot> Date: 18 February 2010
<kford> trackbot, start meeting
<trackbot> Meeting: User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Teleconference
<trackbot> Date: 18 February 2010
<kford> Chair: Jim_Allan, Kelly_Ford
<kford> chair: Jim_Allan_Kelly_Ford
<kford> Scribe: Jim
<AllanJ> scribe: allanj
logistics, etc.
GL: what is a 'mechanism'
KF: WCAG says the author should do certain things. I was looking to see if the UA could provide functionality to make it easier for authors.
<kford> 3.7.2 Local Volume: The user can set the volume of all rendered audio tracks<
<kford> (including a "mute" setting) through available operating environment<
<kford> mechanisms with settings specific to the user agent such that volume of the user agent is independent from the overall operating system. (Level AA)
note: 3.7.2 is proposed new SC
GL: ISO has independent volume
adjust as a recommendation.
... at a level AA would be fine
KP: +1
<Greg> FYI for comparison, ISO 9241-141 has *independent* adjustment of volume as a Note under the item requiring that volume of everything be adjustable. It reads:
<Greg> 10.6.2 Enable control of audio volume
JA: +1
<Greg> Software shall enable users to control the volume of audio output.
<Greg> NOTE If software generates audio output, it is preferable that it provide its own control that adjusts the volume of its own audio output relative to other software and any system-wide volume setting.
KP: example: sometimes with speech you get audio prompts and the user want volume control of the feedback audio separate from the system audio.
SH: what if there is a plug in, what is the operating environment?
Discussion of definition of OPERATING ENVIRONMENT
scribe: is there confusion. with a plugin, is the UA the environment for the plugin?
GL: could support that. may need some rewording.
SH: if the UA (operating environment) for the plugin, if it does not have the control, how does that effect the definition or operation.
GL: we don'w want the plug-in to
get off the hook if the UA does not provide a mechanism.
... rewrite to remove "operating environment". not sure why it
is there.
... the plugin is a user agent. example: quicktime plugin. the
plugin must provide the volume.
... the UA generating the audio must provide the independent
volume control.
SH: restates issue
<Greg> Kelly's proposal <<3.7.2 Local Volume: The user can set the volume of all rendered audio tracks (including a "mute" setting) through available operating environment mechanisms with settings specific to the user agent such that volume of the user agent is independent from the overall operating system. (Level AA).>> I recommend taking out the bit about the operating environment. "3.7.2 Local...
<Greg> ...Volume: The user can set the volume of all rendered audio tracks (including a "mute" setting) independently from the overall operating system. (Level AA)."
GL: don't say how they should do it, just that they should do it.
Discussion of 3.7.1, current browser behavior.
SH: reword 3.7.1 to say "globally set volume of all audio tracks it renders"
3.7.1 Global Volume: The user can globally set volume of all audio tracks it renders (including a "mute" setting) through available operating environment mechanisms. (Level A)
<Greg> How about something like: The user agent allows the user to adjust the volume of all audio tracks it renders, independent or relative to the volume level at the operating environment.
above is a reword to 3.7.2
KF: GL are you ok with global volume and independent volume control
GL: user must control volume,
through the OS or its own mechanism.
... OS provides mechanism for audio, with APIs etc. but relies
on individual applications to provide volume control.
... ISO say user must be able to adjust the volume. no how,
just do it.
... recommendation to provide independent mechanism.
KF: need separation of global and
... Poll for language of 3.7.1
All ok.
<scribe> ACTION: Jeanne to update 3.7.1 Global Volume: The user can globally set volume of all audio tracks it renders (including a "mute" setting) through available operating environment mechanisms. (Level A) [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-287 - Update 3.7.1 Global Volume: The user can globally set volume of all audio tracks it renders (including a "mute" setting) through available operating environment mechanisms. (Level A) [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2010-02-25].
discussion of 3.7.1
Proposed 3.7.2 The user agent allows the user to adjust the volume of all audio tracks it renders, independent or relative to the volume level at the operating environment.
KP: agrees with this
KF: +1
MH: +1
SH: ok
<scribe> ACTION: Jeanne to add 3.7.2 The user agent allows the user to adjust the volume of all audio tracks it renders, independent or relative to the volume level at the operating environment. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-288 - Add 3.7.2 The user agent allows the user to adjust the volume of all audio tracks it renders, independent or relative to the volume level at the operating environment. [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2010-02-25].
KF: WCAG 1.4.8 visual
presentation (AAA). Colors covered 3.6.1
... don't have zoom/scaling
<scribe> ACTION: KF to write a success criteria for viewport scaling (text, images) [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-289 - Write a success criteria for viewport scaling (text, images) [on Kelly Ford - due 2010-02-25].
zakim: open item 5
<mhakkinen> ACTION: MH to provide definition of semantic structure and navigation re 4.9.9 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-290 - Provide definition of semantic structure and navigation re 4.9.9 [on Markku Hakkinen - due 2010-02-25].
<mhakkinen> 4.9.10 Track Enable/Disable of Time-Based Media
<mhakkinen> During time-based media playback, the user can determine which tracks are
<mhakkinen> available and select or deselect tracks for rendering. These selections override
<mhakkinen> global default settings for captions, audio descriptions, etc. (delete
<mhakkinen> 4.9.b)
<mhakkinen> 4.9.8 Navigate Multimedia: The user can navigate along the timebase using a continuous scale, and by relative time units within rendered audio and animations (including video and animated images) that last three or more seconds at their default playback rate. (Level A)
<mhakkinen> 4.9.9 Semantic Navigation of Time-Based Media. The user can navigate by semantic structure within the time-based media, such as by chapters or scenes, if present in the media (AA).
set at level AA
GL: plugin can't do that without
host permission. seems pie in the sky.
... if you allow moving stuff outside of viewport.
MH: html5 alternate track (divs), expectation is to position and scale these items
GL: at level AAA ok, still need
... how would this work with quicktime?
all ok with AAA
all plugins would pass, if opened as stand alone player.
GL: is it ok to spawn to separate application.
JA: I think so, gives example of PDF, quick
GL: do we need an SC to give user ability to open a plugin or open external player.
<scribe> ACTION: jallan to write SC for user ability to open a plugin or open external player. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-291 - Write SC for user ability to open a plugin or open external player. [on Jim Allan - due 2010-02-25].
<Greg> The user should be able to use the user agent's user interface to control rendered video.
MH: sounds like an parent elemet.
<scribe> ACTION: jallan to write new sc The user should be able to use the user agent's user interface to control rendered video [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-292 - Write new sc The user should be able to use the user agent's user interface to control rendered video [on Jim Allan - due 2010-02-25].
MH: expection in html5 is that
the plugin or native rendering all methods, etc are exposed in
the dom and becomes transparent to UA
... html5 will have a list of supported codec, authors will
choose codecs. if outside available codecs author will need to
supply different player as plugin.
discussed 4.9.8-4.9.13 all agreed to let scribe write actions for inclusion in the draft.
<scribe> ACTION: Jeanne add 4.9.8 to draft [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-293 - Add 4.9.8 to draft [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2010-02-25].
4.9.8 Navigate Multimedia: The user can navigate along the
timebase using a continuous scale, and by relative time units within
rendered audio and animations (including video and animated images) that last three or more seconds at their default playback rate. (Level A)
<scribe> ACTION: jeanne add new 4.9.9 to draft [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-294 - Add new 4.9.9 to draft [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2010-02-25].
4.9.9 Semantic Navigation of Time-Based Media. The user can navigate by semantic structure within the time-based media, such as by chapters or scenes, if present in the media (AA).
<scribe> ACTION: Jeanne add 4.9.10 to draft [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-295 - Add 4.9.10 to draft [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2010-02-25].
4.9.10 Track Enable/Disable of Time-Based Media
During time-based media playback, the user can determine which tracks are available and select or deselect tracks. These selections may override global default settings for captions, audio descriptions, etc.
<scribe> ACTION: jeanne add 4.9.11 to draft [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-296 - Add 4.9.11 to draft [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2010-02-25].
4.9.11 User has the ability to scale/size the playback viewport within the limits of the containing viewport. Level AA
User needs video larger but still needs access to other application (take notes during playback), fullscreen does not allow that. Content should reflow as user adjusts playback viewport.
@@need SC for full screen
<scribe> ACTION: Jeanne to add 4.9.12 to the draft [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-297 - Add 4.9.12 to the draft [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2010-02-25].
4.9.12 User has ability to scale and position alternative media tracks
independent of base video. Level AAA
Text scaling - default setting should apply, UA should allow separate
control of the caption tracks. User needs larger captions. Snap captions outside of video, change text size and caption viewport size/position. User need to reposition and make the sign language track larger.
<scribe> ACTION: jeanne to add 4.9.13 to draft [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-298 - Add 4.9.13 to draft [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2010-02-25].
4.9.13 User has ability to control the contrast and brightness of the
content within the playback viewport.
Implementation for all of 4.9
If the browser is playing the video natively, then there is only 1 user
agent. Then it falls on the browser to meet the UAAG spec.
If author uses windows media player inside the video element, the browser needs to map its native controls to the embedded wmp controls, and provide access to all the controls.
User needs to be able to define rendering parameters of playback at rendertime.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135 of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/relys/relies/ Succeeded: s/divverent/different/ Found Scribe: Jim Found Scribe: allanj Inferring ScribeNick: AllanJ Scribes: Jim, allanj Default Present: kford, AllanJ, +1.617.435.aaaa, kim, Greg, Markku_Hakkinen, sharper Present: kford AllanJ +1.617.435.aaaa kim Greg Markku_Hakkinen sharper Regrets: Jeanne_S Found Date: 18 Feb 2010 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: 4.9.10 4.9.11 4.9.8 add jallan jeanne kf mh[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]