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Construction from Template Using Blank Nodes

A commercial in-house document management tool built on Mulgara keeps some stats of updates on a document through various interfaces. After the document IDs have been loaded into the system, the tracking information is initialized with empty data. The initializing data is constructed from a template and created for every document that doesn't have tracking data already on it.

Since this is done in Mulgara, the updates are currently performed with TQL. This syntax is:

   ?doc <ex:updates> ?blank1
   ?doc <ex:updates> ?blank2
   ?blank1 <rdf:type> <ex:PublicUpdates>
   ?blank1 <ex:count> "0"^^xsd:integer
   ?blank2 <rdf:type> <ex:AdminUpdates>
   ?blank2 <ex:count> "0"^^xsd:integer
   ?blank2 <ex:details> ?blank3
   ?blank3 <rdf:type> <rdf:List>
   ?blank3 <rdf:first> <ex:data/create>
   ?blank3 <rdf:rest> <rdf:nil>
 FROM <graph>
 WHERE ?doc <rdf:type> <ex:Document> MINUS ?doc <ex:updates> ?u
 INTO <graph>;

In this syntax, any unbound variables in the template will create new blank nodes. Note that a new set of blank nodes is required for each binding on the ?doc variable.

Something equivalent in SPARQL Update might be:

   ?doc ex:updates _:xxx,
                 _:yyy .
   _:xxx a ex:PublicUpdates;
         ex:count "0"^^xsd:intetger .
   _:yyy a ex:AdminUpdates;
         ex:count "1"^^xsd:intetger .
         ex:details _:zzz.
   _:zzz a rdf:List;
         rdf:first ex:data/create;
         rdf:rest rdf:nil . 
 } WHERE {
   ?doc a ex:Document
   OPTIONAL { ?doc ex:updates ?u }
   FILTER (!bound(?u))