13:57:16 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/10/30-sparql-irc
RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/10/30-sparql-irc ←
13:57:18 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world
Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs world ←
13:57:20 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be 77277
Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be 77277 ←
13:57:20 <Zakim> ok, trackbot; I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes
Zakim IRC Bot: ok, trackbot; I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes ←
13:57:21 <trackbot> Meeting: SPARQL Working Group Teleconference
13:57:21 <trackbot> Date: 30 October 2012
13:57:57 <AxelPolleres> agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2012OctDec/0106.html
13:59:02 <AxelPolleres> AxelPolleres has changed the topic to: agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2012OctDec/0106.html
Axel Polleres: AxelPolleres has changed the topic to: agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2012OctDec/0106.html ←
14:00:24 <Zakim> SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM has now started
Zakim IRC Bot: SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM has now started ←
14:00:31 <Zakim> + +1.310.729.aaaa
Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.310.729.aaaa ←
14:00:38 <kasei> Zakim, aaaa is me
Gregory Williams: Zakim, aaaa is me ←
14:00:38 <Zakim> +kasei; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +kasei; got it ←
14:01:07 <Zakim> + +49.897.aabb
Zakim IRC Bot: + +49.897.aabb ←
14:01:11 <AxelPolleres> Zakim, aabb is me
Axel Polleres: Zakim, aabb is me ←
14:01:11 <Zakim> +AxelPolleres; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +AxelPolleres; got it ←
14:02:09 <AxelPolleres> regrets: sandro
14:02:28 <Zakim> +Chimezie
Zakim IRC Bot: +Chimezie ←
14:02:41 <chimezie_> Zakim, mute me
Chimezie Ogbuji: Zakim, mute me ←
14:02:41 <Zakim> sorry, chimezie_, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you
Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, chimezie_, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you ←
14:03:05 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]
Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller] ←
14:03:09 <AndyS1> zakim, IPCaller is me
Andy Seaborne: zakim, IPCaller is me ←
14:03:09 <Zakim> +AndyS1; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +AndyS1; got it ←
14:03:10 <AxelPolleres> Zakim, who is on the phone?
Axel Polleres: Zakim, who is on the phone? ←
14:03:10 <Zakim> On the phone I see kasei, AxelPolleres, Chimezie, AndyS1
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see kasei, AxelPolleres, Chimezie, AndyS1 ←
14:03:23 <chimezie_> Zakim, Chimezie is me
Chimezie Ogbuji: Zakim, Chimezie is me ←
14:03:24 <Zakim> +chimezie_; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +chimezie_; got it ←
14:03:24 <Zakim> +MattPerry
Zakim IRC Bot: +MattPerry ←
14:03:50 <chimezie_> Zakim, mute me
Chimezie Ogbuji: Zakim, mute me ←
14:03:50 <Zakim> chimezie_ should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: chimezie_ should now be muted ←
14:04:44 <AxelPolleres> Zakim, who is on the phone?
Axel Polleres: Zakim, who is on the phone? ←
14:04:44 <Zakim> On the phone I see kasei, AxelPolleres, chimezie_ (muted), AndyS1, MattPerry
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see kasei, AxelPolleres, chimezie_ (muted), AndyS1, MattPerry ←
14:06:02 <AxelPolleres> scribe: AxelPolleres
(Scribe set to Axel Polleres)
14:06:08 <AxelPolleres> chair: AxelPolleres
14:06:15 <AxelPolleres> topic: admin
14:06:36 <AxelPolleres> PROPOSED: approve last week's minutes http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/meeting/2012-10-23
PROPOSED: approve last week's minutes http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/meeting/2012-10-23 ←
14:07:03 <kasei> +1
Gregory Williams: +1 ←
14:07:08 <AxelPolleres> RESOLVED: approve last week's minutes http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/meeting/2012-10-23
RESOLVED: approve last week's minutes http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/meeting/2012-10-23 ←
14:07:30 <AxelPolleres> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2012OctDec/0106.html
http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2012OctDec/0106.html ←
14:07:45 <Zakim> +pgearon
Zakim IRC Bot: +pgearon ←
14:08:03 <AxelPolleres> i18n review not yet settled
i18n review not yet settled ←
14:09:00 <AxelPolleres> topic: publications status
14:09:00 <AndyS1> i18n feedback link?
Andy Seaborne: i18n feedback link? ←
14:10:24 <AndyS1> (was to chairs)
Andy Seaborne: (was to chairs) ←
14:11:02 <AxelPolleres> http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/wiki/Transition_Request_Oct_2012#Status_Sections.2C_Changes_since_Last_Call
http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/wiki/Transition_Request_Oct_2012#Status_Sections.2C_Changes_since_Last_Call ←
14:11:07 <Zakim> +??P30
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P30 ←
14:11:17 <Zakim> -??P30
Zakim IRC Bot: -??P30 ←
14:11:36 <AxelPolleres> Axel: I did a summary on changes since LC for update
Axel Polleres: I did a summary on changes since LC for update ←
14:12:09 <Zakim> +??P30
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P30 ←
14:12:12 <cbuilara> zakim, ??P30 is me
Carlos Buil Aranda: zakim, ??P30 is me ←
14:12:12 <Zakim> +cbuilara; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +cbuilara; got it ←
14:12:15 <cbuilara> zakim, mute me
Carlos Buil Aranda: zakim, mute me ←
14:12:15 <Zakim> cbuilara should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: cbuilara should now be muted ←
14:12:20 <chimezie_> i explicitely updated my editors draft with changes
Chimezie Ogbuji: i explicitely updated my editors draft with changes ←
14:12:24 <AxelPolleres> Axel: does any other edirot have anything to add to the change summary in http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/wiki/Transition_Request_Oct_2012#Status_Sections.2C_Changes_since_Last_Call ?
Axel Polleres: does any other edirot have anything to add to the change summary in http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/wiki/Transition_Request_Oct_2012#Status_Sections.2C_Changes_since_Last_Call ? ←
14:12:36 <chimezie_> Zakim, unmute me
Chimezie Ogbuji: Zakim, unmute me ←
14:12:36 <Zakim> chimezie_ should no longer be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: chimezie_ should no longer be muted ←
14:12:56 <AxelPolleres> chime: have edited the changes section for GSP
Chimezie Ogbuji: have edited the changes section for GSP ←
14:12:58 <Zakim> -cbuilara
Zakim IRC Bot: -cbuilara ←
14:13:32 <AndyS1> query looks right - the escape sequence in prefix names was sorted - maybe that is below the bar.
Andy Seaborne: query looks right - the escape sequence in prefix names was sorted - maybe that is below the bar. ←
14:13:50 <Zakim> +??P30
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P30 ←
14:13:52 <cbuilara> zakim, ??P30 is me
Carlos Buil Aranda: zakim, ??P30 is me ←
14:13:52 <Zakim> +cbuilara; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +cbuilara; got it ←
14:13:54 <cbuilara> zakim, mute me
Carlos Buil Aranda: zakim, mute me ←
14:13:54 <Zakim> cbuilara should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: cbuilara should now be muted ←
14:13:56 <AxelPolleres> ACTION: Axel to transfer Update changes since LC from mailinglist and other changes to other docs (where not already done)
ACTION: Axel to transfer Update changes since LC from mailinglist and other changes to other docs (where not already done) ←
14:13:56 <trackbot> Created ACTION-707 - Transfer Update changes since LC from mailinglist and other changes to other docs (where not already done) [on Axel Polleres - due 2012-11-06].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-707 - Transfer Update changes since LC from mailinglist and other changes to other docs (where not already done) [on Axel Polleres - due 2012-11-06]. ←
14:14:09 <AndyS1> I should tidy up some references - remove unused, what about XSD 1.1?
Andy Seaborne: I should tidy up some references - remove unused, what about XSD 1.1? ←
14:14:28 <cbuilara> zakim, unmute me
Carlos Buil Aranda: zakim, unmute me ←
14:14:28 <Zakim> cbuilara should no longer be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: cbuilara should no longer be muted ←
14:14:35 <AndyS1> Conformance section does not mentioned CSV/TSV (harmless - JSON mentioned)
Andy Seaborne: Conformance section does not mentioned CSV/TSV (harmless - JSON mentioned) ←
14:14:42 <chimezie_> Zakim, mute me
Chimezie Ogbuji: Zakim, mute me ←
14:14:42 <Zakim> chimezie_ should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: chimezie_ should now be muted ←
14:14:42 <cbuilara> zakim, mute me
Carlos Buil Aranda: zakim, mute me ←
14:14:43 <Zakim> cbuilara should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: cbuilara should now be muted ←
14:15:10 <AndyS1> Links to final specs (e.g. protocol) need doing but it's a dance.
Andy Seaborne: Links to final specs (e.g. protocol) need doing but it's a dance. ←
14:15:25 <AxelPolleres> Axel: Sandro, Lee, and myself will sync on the final steps for publications
Axel Polleres: Sandro, Lee, and myself will sync on the final steps for publications ←
14:15:52 <AxelPolleres> q?
q? ←
14:15:57 <AxelPolleres> topic: test cases
14:16:49 <AxelPolleres> ACTION: Andy to check whether references in Query are up-to-date
ACTION: Andy to check whether references in Query are up-to-date ←
14:16:49 <trackbot> Created ACTION-708 - Check whether references in Query are up-to-date [on Andy Seaborne - due 2012-11-06].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-708 - Check whether references in Query are up-to-date [on Andy Seaborne - due 2012-11-06]. ←
14:19:03 <AxelPolleres> ACTION: Axel to check back with Sandro whether [XSDT] reference to XML Schema 1.0 is ok in Query
ACTION: Axel to check back with Sandro whether [XSDT] reference to XML Schema 1.0 is ok in Query ←
14:19:03 <trackbot> Created ACTION-709 - Check back with Sandro whether [XSDT] reference to XML Schema 1.0 is ok in Query [on Axel Polleres - due 2012-11-06].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-709 - Check back with Sandro whether [XSDT] reference to XML Schema 1.0 is ok in Query [on Axel Polleres - due 2012-11-06]. ←
15:22:47 <AxelPolleres> ACTION: Andy to add references to other specs to http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#conformance (in the Editors' draft)
(No events recorded for 63 minutes)
ACTION: Andy to add references to other specs to http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#conformance (in the Editors' draft) ←
15:22:47 <trackbot> Created ACTION-710 - Add references to other specs to http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#conformance (in the Editors' draft) [on Andy Seaborne - due 2012-11-06].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-710 - Add references to other specs to http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#conformance (in the Editors' draft) [on Andy Seaborne - due 2012-11-06]. ←
15:23:06 <AxelPolleres> Andy: asked about errata in XML-Res
Andy Seaborne: asked about errata in XML-Res ←
15:23:54 <AxelPolleres> Axel: XMLRes will be published as Proposed Edited Rec (i.e. Second Edition), cf transoition request
Axel Polleres: XMLRes will be published as Proposed Edited Rec (i.e. Second Edition), cf transoition request ←
15:24:17 <AxelPolleres> topic: test cases
15:24:53 <AxelPolleres> :agg-empty-group ... some discussion on the mailinglist cf. http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2012OctDec/0104.html
:agg-empty-group ... some discussion on the mailinglist cf. http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2012OctDec/0104.html ←
15:26:39 <AxelPolleres> PROPOSED: reappprove test-case :agg-empty-group according to the fix discussed in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2012OctDec/0104.html
PROPOSED: reappprove test-case :agg-empty-group according to the fix discussed in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2012OctDec/0104.html ←
15:28:14 <AndyS1> File to fix -- http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/docs/tests/data-sparql11/aggregates/agg-empty-group.srx
Andy Seaborne: File to fix -- http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/docs/tests/data-sparql11/aggregates/agg-empty-group.srx ←
15:29:45 <AxelPolleres> PROPOSED: unappprove test-case :agg-empty-group and approve fixed version as per http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2012OctDec/0104.html under the label :agg-empty-group-new
PROPOSED: unappprove test-case :agg-empty-group and approve fixed version as per http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2012OctDec/0104.html under the label :agg-empty-group-new ←
15:30:53 <AxelPolleres> Greg: we have no reports failing this test, so fixing in place wouldn't break any of the systems we know
Gregory Williams: we have no reports failing this test, so fixing in place wouldn't break any of the systems we know ←
15:31:33 <AxelPolleres> Option A is fixing in place, Option B is approving a new fixed test case.
Option A is fixing in place, Option B is approving a new fixed test case. ←
15:31:44 <AxelPolleres> Strawpoll? Option A or B?
Strawpoll? Option A or B? ←
15:32:02 <pgearon> would prefer B
Paul Gearon: would prefer B ←
15:32:07 <kasei> slight preference for A, I think
Gregory Williams: slight preference for A, I think ←
15:32:09 <AndyS1> Don't care.
Andy Seaborne: Don't care. ←
15:32:14 <MattPerry> Don't care
Matthew Perry: Don't care ←
15:32:24 <chimezie_> B
Chimezie Ogbuji: B ←
15:32:34 <cbuilara> Don't care
Carlos Buil Aranda: Don't care ←
15:33:03 <Zakim> -cbuilara
Zakim IRC Bot: -cbuilara ←
15:33:10 <AxelPolleres> PROPOSED: unappprove test-case :agg-empty-group and approve fixed version as per http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2012OctDec/0104.html under the label :agg-empty-group-new
PROPOSED: unappprove test-case :agg-empty-group and approve fixed version as per http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2012OctDec/0104.html under the label :agg-empty-group-new ←
15:34:35 <AxelPolleres> kasei: will add the new test case right now
Gregory Williams: will add the new test case right now ←
15:36:44 <chimezie_> Zakim, unmute me
Chimezie Ogbuji: Zakim, unmute me ←
15:36:44 <Zakim> chimezie_ should no longer be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: chimezie_ should no longer be muted ←
15:37:03 <AxelPolleres> Axel: while we are waiting: there were some new entailment tests for RIF Core
Axel Polleres: while we are waiting: there were some new entailment tests for RIF Core ←
15:37:10 <chimezie_> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2012OctDec/0105.html
Chimezie Ogbuji: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2012OctDec/0105.html ←
15:37:23 <kasei> new test :agg-empty-group2 committed with fix. RDF::Query passes.
Gregory Williams: new test :agg-empty-group2 committed with fix. RDF::Query passes. ←
16:04:53 <AndyS1> pls remove the old test
(No events recorded for 27 minutes)
Andy Seaborne: pls remove the old test ←
16:04:53 <AxelPolleres> chime: I am only aware of my implementation at the moment for RIF.
Chimezie Ogbuji: I am only aware of my implementation at the moment for RIF. ←
16:04:53 <AndyS1> else I get a reported failure!
Andy Seaborne: else I get a reported failure! ←
16:04:53 <AndyS1> otherwise ARQ passes it
Andy Seaborne: otherwise ARQ passes it ←
16:04:53 <AndyS1> like the rdfs:seeAlso
Andy Seaborne: like the rdfs:seeAlso ←
16:04:53 <AxelPolleres> ACTION: paul to look look at RIF test cases from http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2012OctDec/0105.html
ACTION: paul to look look at RIF test cases from http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2012OctDec/0105.html ←
16:04:53 <trackbot> Created ACTION-711 - Look look at RIF test cases from http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2012OctDec/0105.html [on Paul Gearon - due 2012-11-06].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-711 - Look look at RIF test cases from http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2012OctDec/0105.html [on Paul Gearon - due 2012-11-06]. ←
16:04:53 <kasei> I'll commit removal when we unapprove, along with the approval of the new test.
Gregory Williams: I'll commit removal when we unapprove, along with the approval of the new test. ←
16:04:53 <AndyS1> ack
Andy Seaborne: ack ←
16:04:53 <AxelPolleres> PROPOSED: unappprove test-case :agg-empty-group and approve :agg-empty-group2 instead within http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/docs/tests/data-sparql11/aggregates/manifest.ttl
PROPOSED: unappprove test-case :agg-empty-group and approve :agg-empty-group2 instead within http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/docs/tests/data-sparql11/aggregates/manifest.ttl ←
16:04:53 <AndyS1> +1
Andy Seaborne: +1 ←
16:04:53 <kasei> +1
Gregory Williams: +1 ←
16:04:53 <chimezie_> +1
Chimezie Ogbuji: +1 ←
16:04:53 <kasei> q+
Gregory Williams: q+ ←
16:04:53 <AxelPolleres> RESOLVED: unappprove test-case :agg-empty-group and approve :agg-empty-group2 instead within http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/docs/tests/data-sparql11/aggregates/manifest.ttl
RESOLVED: unappprove test-case :agg-empty-group and approve :agg-empty-group2 instead within http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/docs/tests/data-sparql11/aggregates/manifest.ttl ←
16:04:53 <chimezie_> Zakim, mute me
Chimezie Ogbuji: Zakim, mute me ←
16:04:53 <Zakim> chimezie_ should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: chimezie_ should now be muted ←
16:04:53 <AxelPolleres> ACTION: greg to mark :agg-empty-group as unapproved and :agg-empty-group2 as approved in http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/docs/tests/data-sparql11/aggregates/manifest.ttl pointing to the resp. resolution from the minutes.
ACTION: greg to mark :agg-empty-group as unapproved and :agg-empty-group2 as approved in http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/docs/tests/data-sparql11/aggregates/manifest.ttl pointing to the resp. resolution from the minutes. ←
16:04:53 <trackbot> Created ACTION-712 - Mark :agg-empty-group as unapproved and :agg-empty-group2 as approved in http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/docs/tests/data-sparql11/aggregates/manifest.ttl pointing to the resp. resolution from the minutes. [on Gregory Williams - due 2012-11-06].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-712 - Mark :agg-empty-group as unapproved and :agg-empty-group2 as approved in http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/docs/tests/data-sparql11/aggregates/manifest.ttl pointing to the resp. resolution from the minutes. [on Gregory Williams - due 2012-11-06]. ←
16:04:53 <AxelPolleres> q?
q? ←
16:04:53 <kasei> q-
Gregory Williams: q- ←
16:04:53 <AxelPolleres> topic: AOB
16:04:53 <AxelPolleres> q?
q? ←
16:04:53 <AxelPolleres> q?
q? ←
16:04:53 <kasei> ok, AndyS1. will do.
Gregory Williams: ok, AndyS1. will do. ←
16:04:53 <AxelPolleres> adjourned, next week we should be in sync again across timezones
adjourned, next week we should be in sync again across timezones ←
16:04:53 <AndyS1> ADJOURNED
Andy Seaborne: ADJOURNED ←
16:04:53 <Zakim> -chimezie_
Zakim IRC Bot: -chimezie_ ←
16:04:53 <Zakim> -kasei
Zakim IRC Bot: -kasei ←
16:04:53 <Zakim> -MattPerry
Zakim IRC Bot: -MattPerry ←
16:04:53 <Zakim> -pgearon
Zakim IRC Bot: -pgearon ←
16:04:53 <Zakim> -AndyS1
Zakim IRC Bot: -AndyS1 ←
Formatted by CommonScribe
This revision (#3) generated 2012-11-20 13:20:32 UTC by 'sandro', comments: None