ISSUE-165: Clarify language around multiple batteries

Clarify language around multiple batteries

Battery Status API
Raised by:
Frederick Hirsch
Opened on:
Issue noted on behalf of Tim Volodine <> :

level -- instead of "sum" of levels it should be "average",
dischargingTime -- should be max dischargingTime if in parallel and sum if
in series.
Related Actions Items:
No related actions
Related emails:
  1. draft minutes from today's teleconference, 7 Aug 2014 (from on 2014-08-07)
  2. [admin] Agenda - DAP Distributed Meeting 7 August 2014 (from on 2014-08-04)
  3. [battery] Battery Issue summary and status (from on 2014-08-04)
  4. DAP-ISSUE-165: Clarify language around multiple batteries [Battery Status API] (from on 2014-08-04)

Related notes:


Anssi email:

Frederick Hirsch, 4 Aug 2014, 19:27:15

Additional update (email )


On 19 Jun 2014, at 21:52, Frederick Hirsch <> wrote:

> Thank you for updating the section on Multiple Batteries based on my proposal and also for adding the paragraph in section 6 outlining the model for using battery full as a default.
> I suggest changing the last sentence of the 2nd paragraph in section 6 [1] from
> [[
> This prevents leaking of information that could be used to fingerprint a user and allow web developers to use the same code path for handling battery full and battery status unknown cases.
> ]]
> to
> [[
> The reason for using full battery defaults for unknown attribute values is that this will not cause applications to degrade performance or functionality by default if information is not available. It also reduces the potential for fingerprinting.
> ]]
> I think this might better capture the rationale.

This is a good improvement to the text, thanks!


Frederick Hirsch, 4 Aug 2014, 19:28:07


You forgot to remove the old and incorrect description for dischargingTime.

Also, since the rule is practically the same for both charging time and discharging time (max if parallel, sum if serial), I would suggest using the same text for both attributes. That'd be much easier to read.
The chargingTime attribute can be set to the maximum charging time of the individual batteries if charging in parallel, and to the sum of the individual charging times if charging serially.
The dischargingTime attribute can be set to the maximum discharging time of the individual batteries if discharging in parallel, and to the sum of the individual discharging times if discharging serially.

Regards, Cathy.


Frederick Hirsch, 4 Aug 2014, 19:36:21


Thanks Cathy! This is now fixed as per your suggestion. I also embellished the section a bit more:

Here’s the updated text in context:


Frederick Hirsch, 4 Aug 2014, 19:48:04

> Thanks Cathy! This is now fixed as per your suggestion. I also embellished the
> section a bit more:

Thanks Anssi. One last bit and I'll leave you alone. :-)
At the end of the dischargingTime paragraph, s/sum of the individual batteries/sum of individual discharging times/

Regards, Cathy.

Frederick Hirsch, 4 Aug 2014, 19:51:53

> At the end of the dischargingTime paragraph, s/sum of the individual batteries/sum of individual discharging times/




Frederick Hirsch, 4 Aug 2014, 19:54:25

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