
Apply the following changes to selected action items:

There are 818 actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-1 (edit) closed Create scheduling questionnaire and distribute to WG Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2009-09-09
ACTION-2 (edit) closed Create scheduling questionnaire Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2009-09-09
ACTION-3 (edit) closed Follow up with OMTP on BONDI contributors joining DAP Thomas Roessler 2009-09-09 Organizational matters
ACTION-4 (edit) closed Follow up on policy editors Frederick Hirsch 2009-09-09 Organizational matters
ACTION-5 (edit) closed Request creation of accounts for editors listed in Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2009-09-09
ACTION-6 (edit) closed Send a reminder about TPAC Robin Berjon 2009-09-09
ACTION-7 (edit) closed Set up dial-in questionnaire for face-to-face Thomas Roessler 2009-09-23 Organizational matters
ACTION-8 (edit) closed Work with Robin and Team on TPAC schedule Frederick Hirsch 2009-09-23
ACTION-9 (edit) closed Draft requirements for App Conf & App Launcher, possibly by getting maxf or Marcos to do it Arve Bersvendsen 2009-09-23
ACTION-10 (edit) closed Do requirements for contacts Robin Berjon 2009-09-23
ACTION-11 (edit) closed Get the ball rolling for the FS API Arve Bersvendsen 2009-09-23 FilesystemReq
ACTION-12 (edit) closed Take on ISSUE-14 Dzung Tran 2009-09-23
ACTION-13 (edit) closed Come up with requirements and proposals for the Gallery API Dzung Tran 2009-09-30 GalleryReq
ACTION-14 (edit) closed Link minutes from the group page Robin Berjon 2009-09-30 Organizational matters
ACTION-15 (edit) closed Review/compare device capabilities and features Marcin Hanclik 2009-09-30 FeaturesCapabilities
ACTION-16 (edit) closed Help review/compare device capabilities and features Bryan Sullivan 2010-02-24 FeaturesCapabilities
ACTION-17 (edit) closed Provide more functional requirements Dzung Tran 2009-09-30 SysinfoReq
ACTION-18 (edit) closed Review Contacts requirements Arve Bersvendsen 2009-09-30 ContactsReq
ACTION-19 (edit) closed to review contact, camera, file-system Brian LeRoux 2009-09-30 Capture API
ACTION-20 (edit) closed Send comments about Arve's requirements for ISSUE-6 Marcin Hanclik 2009-09-30 AppLaunchReq
ACTION-21 (edit) closed Send comments about Arve's requirements for ISSUE-6 Bryan Sullivan 2009-09-30 AppLaunchReq
ACTION-22 (edit) closed Provide diffs for the BONDI versions David Rogers 2009-10-07 APIs — General
ACTION-23 (edit) closed Open an issue and start a discussion on features/device capabilities Paddy Byers 2009-10-07 featuresCapabilitiesIdentification
ACTION-24 (edit) closed Look into HTML5 security model stephen lewontin 2009-10-28 Security Policy Framework — General
ACTION-25 (edit) closed Provide BONDI white paper on features and capabilities Marcin Hanclik 2009-10-07 x-module
ACTION-26 (edit) closed Review MWABP Robin Berjon 2009-11-03 Organizational matters
ACTION-27 (edit) closed Provide a design patterns document before TPAC Marcin Hanclik 2009-10-30 APIs — General
ACTION-28 (edit) closed Document the output of the prompting discussion Paddy Byers 2009-10-21 noModalPrompt
ACTION-29 (edit) closed Enter issues based on issue-28 Paddy Byers 2009-10-28 noModalPrompt
ACTION-30 (edit) closed Create a draft Policy Requirements document Frederick Hirsch 2009-10-28 noModalPrompt
ACTION-31 (edit) closed Share information on conditional permissions on list stephen lewontin 2009-10-28 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-32 (edit) closed Look into existing work around compass API at geolocation / webapps Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2009-10-28 System Information and Events API
ACTION-33 (edit) closed Revise system api based on list feedback Dzung Tran 2009-10-28 FileSystem API
ACTION-34 (edit) closed Review Policy Requirements editors draft, see Paddy Byers 2009-11-04 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-35 (edit) closed Make sure that there is some co-ordination between Geolocation and DAP over Compass Robin Berjon 2009-11-04 System Information and Events API
ACTION-36 (edit) closed Take compass api out of system info api as a separate api document, to share with geolocation Dzung Tran 2009-11-04
ACTION-37 (edit) closed Split Compass out of SysInfo so that Geolocation can look at it, and adopt if they like it Dzung Tran 2009-11-04 System Information and Events API
ACTION-38 (edit) closed Should issue recommendation on the granularity of the security system Claes Nilsson 2009-12-16 domainSpoofing
ACTION-39 (edit) closed Check that Chaals shepperds the discussion on file API, Reader, Writer, FS Browser layers; collecting use cases Robin Berjon 2009-11-09 filesystemUseCases
ACTION-40 (edit) closed Write up security considerations section of existing File API spec. in preparation for FPWD Arun Ranganathan 2009-11-09 FileSystem API
ACTION-41 (edit) closed Start drafting a unitarian file API Ian Fette 2009-11-09 FileSystem API
ACTION-42 (edit) closed Make sure that MMI is kept abreast of our work Robin Berjon 2010-06-09 Organizational matters
ACTION-43 (edit) closed Forward specs to MMI Robin Berjon 2009-11-09 Organizational matters
ACTION-44 (edit) closed Offer use cases of policy interoperability needs Bryan Sullivan 2009-11-10 securityUseCases
ACTION-45 (edit) closed Provide use case with threat model scenarios David Rogers 2010-03-16 securityUseCases
ACTION-46 (edit) closed Provide input of capability definition and semantics Daniel Coloma 2009-11-10 featuresCapabilitiesIdentification
ACTION-47 (edit) closed Provide input on trust model and access control model definitions Laura Arribas 2009-11-10 securityUseCases
ACTION-48 (edit) closed Propose a definition for API access control, and a possible model for policy enforcement Suresh Chitturi 2010-02-24 Security Policy Framework — General
ACTION-49 (edit) closed Update the requirements doc with edits based on Laura's comments Frederick Hirsch 2009-11-10 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-50 (edit) closed Add security/privacy considerations to Contacts API inspired from Geolocation Richard Tibbett 2009-11-10 Contacts API
ACTION-51 (edit) closed Add security/privacy considerations to SysInfo API inspired from Geolocation Dzung Tran 2009-11-10 System Information and Events API
ACTION-52 (edit) closed Look at markup options for expressing implicit user consent (like <input type="file" />) Max Froumentin 2009-11-10 APIs — General
ACTION-53 (edit) closed Make proposal on saving individual contacts to different address books Robin Berjon 2009-11-10 Contacts API
ACTION-54 (edit) closed Provide use cases where contacts API needs to be aware of source of contacts Bryan Sullivan 2009-11-10 storageAwareness
ACTION-55 (edit) closed Extract prioritary APIS and put on the group home page Robin Berjon 2009-11-11 Organizational matters
ACTION-56 (edit) closed Create a wiki page for future work on APIs Robin Berjon 2009-11-11 Organizational matters
ACTION-57 (edit) closed Create wiki page with DAP draft documents Frederick Hirsch 2009-11-11 Organizational matters
ACTION-58 (edit) closed Make a concrete proposal with a vocabulary-based approach to system & events, with a few examples (e.g. battery level) Bryan Sullivan 2009-11-11 System Information and Events API
ACTION-59 (edit) closed Create a questionnaire for possible F2F in Prague in March Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2009-11-11 Organizational matters
ACTION-60 (edit) closed Create the DAP roadmap (in the wiki or wherever) Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2009-11-11 Organizational matters
ACTION-61 (edit) closed Will update home page to reflect "Future apis are not a priority" Robin Berjon 2009-11-25 Organizational matters
ACTION-62 (edit) closed Contact Prague uni to ask if we can meet on 16-18/03 Robin Berjon 2009-11-25 Organizational matters
ACTION-63 (edit) closed Review Laura Arribas 2009-11-25 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-64 (edit) closed Arribas to review last reqs document Laura Arribas 2009-11-25
ACTION-65 (edit) closed provide an editors draft of the Messaging API Niklas Widell 2009-12-28 Messaging API
ACTION-66 (edit) closed Provide an editors draft of the Capture API Dzung Tran 2009-11-25 Capture API
ACTION-67 (edit) closed Provide a first editors draft of the FileSystems API Robin Berjon 2009-12-09 FileSystem API
ACTION-68 (edit) closed Make ReSpec work on Opera (something wrong with idl method generation) Robin Berjon 2009-12-01 respec-opera
ACTION-69 (edit) closed provide use cases for the policy requirements document Paddy Byers 2009-12-11 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-70 (edit) closed Propose the list of fields for Contacts Richard Tibbett 2009-12-09 Contacts API
ACTION-71 (edit) closed Make a strawman proposal about what he things the capture should be Arve Bersvendsen 2009-12-09 Capture API
ACTION-72 (edit) closed propose a structure for a template for API specs Richard Tibbett 2009-12-09 APIs — General
ACTION-73 (edit) closed Draft a response TAG issue on privacy and policy Frederick Hirsch 2009-12-16 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-74 (edit) closed Send an email to list summarising the options for <input> or not in Capture Robin Berjon 2009-12-16 Capture API
ACTION-75 (edit) closed Send OMTP position on the file API organization David Rogers 2009-12-16 FileSystem API
ACTION-76 (edit) closed Propose input to TAG response Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2009-12-23 Organizational matters
ACTION-77 (edit) closed Provide a discussion of requirements for privacy John Morris 2010-03-03 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-78 (edit) closed Fix Seoul time in agenda to be 24:00 Frederick Hirsch 2010-01-13 Organizational matters
ACTION-79 (edit) closed Integrate his use cases in policy requirements Paddy Byers 2010-02-24 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-80 (edit) closed Write to list on properties to drop or simplify in sysinfo Max Froumentin 2010-01-13 System Information and Events API
ACTION-81 (edit) closed Flesh out Mark's device as local web service proposal, using a Geo-based example Robin Berjon 2010-01-20 restfulAPIs
ACTION-82 (edit) closed Request transition of Contacts API as First Public Working Draft when pinged by Robin Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-01-21 Contacts API
ACTION-83 (edit) closed Ping Dom when Contacts FPWD is ready Robin Berjon 2010-01-20 Contacts API
ACTION-84 (edit) closed Detail his view on double-API specification for LREST Arve Bersvendsen 2010-01-27 restfulAPIs
ACTION-85 (edit) closed Provide his thoughts on LREST based on experience from BONDI's earlier discussions on the same Paddy Byers 2010-01-27 restfulAPIs
ACTION-86 (edit) closed Update Core Devices Robin Berjon 2010-01-27 navigator.Stuff
ACTION-87 (edit) closed Look at potential /proc alignment (as a suggestion) Max Froumentin 2010-01-27 System Information and Events API
ACTION-88 (edit) closed Contact Mark about a concrete LREST proposal Robin Berjon 2010-02-03 restfulAPIs
ACTION-89 (edit) closed Request transition of Sysinfo to FPWD Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-02-03 System Information and Events API
ACTION-90 (edit) closed Deal with publication of SysInfo as FPWD Thomas Roessler 2010-02-03 System Information and Events API
ACTION-91 (edit) closed Investigate how to produce an intersection of existing APIs that is also a compatible subset of vCalendar/vCard Suresh Chitturi 2010-02-03 dataModelDiff
ACTION-92 (edit) closed Give a heads up to the IETF/W3C liaison for review and input from IETF around PIM Thomas Roessler 2010-03-03 dataModelDiff
ACTION-93 (edit) closed See with Frederick about a possible CfC for FPWD of policy-reqs Robin Berjon 2010-02-10 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-94 (edit) closed Update title of Policy requirements document Frederick Hirsch 2010-02-17 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-95 (edit) closed Draft something on privacy in policy-reqs Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-03-03 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-96 (edit) closed Rewrite existing examples as PowerBox Robin Berjon 2010-03-03 APIs — General
ACTION-97 (edit) closed Reserve Zakim for Prague F2F Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-03-10 Organizational matters
ACTION-98 (edit) closed Provide draft text for requirements document summarizing 4 privacy aspects and other suggested changes to privacy material Alissa Cooper 2010-03-10 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-99 (edit) closed Provide more detailed proposal aligned with powerbox proposal Claes Nilsson 2010-03-10 restfulAPIs
ACTION-100 (edit) closed Share information on key important privacy policy aspects relevant to DAP John Morris 2010-03-10 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-101 (edit) closed Have more detailed proposal regarding OpenProvider, discussing Richard Tibbett 2010-03-10 restfulAPIs
ACTION-102 (edit) closed Add definition from ACTION-48 to policy requirements Frederick Hirsch 2010-03-17 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-103 (edit) closed Update policy requirements revising T* Frederick Hirsch 2010-03-17 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-104 (edit) closed Add use case related to Domain spoofing and trust in the network layer (ISSUE-37) David Rogers 2010-03-17 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-105 (edit) closed Make a proposal for a license-based privacy approach Alissa Cooper 2010-03-23 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-106 (edit) closed Address how licenses could be handled by the API's Robin Berjon 2010-03-23 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-107 (edit) closed Update policy requirements document with changes proposed by Bryan, update on conformance targets as discussed and information on where privacy aspects may be addressed as discussed in meeting Frederick Hirsch 2010-03-23 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-108 (edit) closed Make a proposal on WebIDL REST mapping Robin Berjon 2010-03-23
ACTION-109 (edit) closed Write up Prague Doctrine (define in WebIDL, have mappings to JS and REST as needed, leave which is implemented up to implementers just like they could decide to map WebIDL to Java, have orthogonal installation/exposing aspects like PB defined, well, orthogonally) Robin Berjon 2010-03-23 APIs — General
ACTION-110 (edit) closed Lead the merging of Bondi/Nokia policy docs David Rogers 2010-03-23 Policy Framework
ACTION-111 (edit) closed Create framework directory, and template for framework Frederick Hirsch 2010-03-23 Policy Framework
ACTION-112 (edit) closed Separate privacy requirements on UA from other privacy requirements (on APIs, for user policies, and for best practices for recipients) Alissa Cooper 2010-03-23 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-113 (edit) closed Propose a checklist of points to verify before LC for APIs, including REST-ful, minimization, policy-binding Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-03-23 APIs — General
ACTION-114 (edit) closed Phrase the temporary privacy section Alissa Cooper 2010-03-23 APIs — General
ACTION-115 (edit) closed Add warning to sysinfo re fingerprinting privacy risk Thomas Roessler 2010-03-23 hidingIsHard
ACTION-116 (edit) closed Provide input on DCO mapping for SysInfo Bryan Sullivan 2010-03-24 System Information and Events API
ACTION-117 (edit) closed Update sysinfo with the addition of watch/threshold targets (and watchable attributes) Max Froumentin 2010-03-24 System Information and Events API
ACTION-118 (edit) closed Get rid of the empty interfaces and replace them with the generic SystemProperty in SysInfo Max Froumentin 2010-03-24 System Information and Events API
ACTION-119 (edit) closed Write up both alternatives on how to define availability of multiple properties (e.g. Network, output devices) in SysIno Max Froumentin 2010-03-24 sysinfo-availableNetworks
ACTION-120 (edit) closed Check with Geolocation WG re choice of object literals vs positional parameters in geo API Robin Berjon 2010-03-24 objectParams
ACTION-121 (edit) closed Do send out a CfC for Capture as soon as the updates are done Robin Berjon 2010-03-24 Capture API
ACTION-122 (edit) closed Talk to I18N about text search in Contacts — can we do it right (simply), or do we leave it to be implementation-dependent Robin Berjon 2010-03-24 Contacts API
ACTION-123 (edit) closed Make a concrete proposal how Contacts could support use of specific address books Bryan Sullivan 2010-03-24 storageAwareness
ACTION-124 (edit) closed Create a mockup of the contacts UI for contact picker, based on previous mailing list discussion of use cases Richard Tibbett 2010-03-24 Contacts API
ACTION-125 (edit) closed Fold in Contacts changes Richard Tibbett 2010-06-09 Contacts API
ACTION-126 (edit) closed Modify FileWriter to add the saveFile() method Robin Berjon 2010-03-24 FileSystem API
ACTION-127 (edit) closed Prepare privacy-reqs out of policy-reqs for a call for consensus for FPWD Frederick Hirsch 2010-03-24 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-128 (edit) closed Contact I18N about other potential calendaring issues Robin Berjon 2010-03-24 lunasolarCalendar
ACTION-129 (edit) closed Figure out how to specify TimeZonedDate Richard Tibbett 2010-03-24 timezonedDate
ACTION-130 (edit) closed Propose changes to calendar specification to address privacy minimization Richard Tibbett 2010-10-22 Calendar API
ACTION-131 (edit) closed Set up poll for next F2F around mid June (14-18) or first week of July, in either Helskinki, London, Seoul, Madrid Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-03-24
ACTION-132 (edit) closed look at messaging subscribe with filtering and events Max Froumentin 2010-03-25 messagingSubscribeFilter
ACTION-133 (edit) closed Change message.create(TYPE) to message.createTYPE() Max Froumentin 2010-03-25 Messaging API
ACTION-134 (edit) closed Replace Message.timestamp with Message.sent and Message.received Max Froumentin 2010-03-25 Messaging API
ACTION-135 (edit) closed Summarize the SuccessCallback patterns and use cases for each method (i.e. use Function or SuccessCallback(Message message)) Richard Tibbett 2010-03-25 APIs — General
ACTION-136 (edit) closed Change message callbacks to be of type Function Max Froumentin 2010-03-25 Messaging API
ACTION-137 (edit) closed Change sequences into arrays in Message API Max Froumentin 2010-03-25 Messaging API
ACTION-138 (edit) closed Change array of DOMString attachments to array of Blobs Max Froumentin 2010-03-25
ACTION-139 (edit) closed Fix section 5 "supported messaging types" in Messaging API to clarify handling of non-supported attributes Max Froumentin 2010-03-25 Messaging API
ACTION-140 (edit) closed Turn array of paths into array of files for attachments in Messaging API Max Froumentin 2010-03-25 Messaging API
ACTION-141 (edit) closed Update the Messaging spec to make "from" field not writable Max Froumentin 2010-03-25 Messaging API
ACTION-142 (edit) closed Propose two interfaces Outgoing and Incoming messages for messaging API Max Froumentin 2010-03-25 Messaging API
ACTION-143 (edit) closed Provide feedback on the list on Gallery API Anssi Kostiainen 2010-06-15 Gallery API
ACTION-144 (edit) closed Take an editorial pass at privacy-reqs Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-03-25 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-145 (edit) closed Provide an architectural flow for Policy Reqs Bryan Sullivan 2010-03-25 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-146 (edit) closed Send a CfC on privacy-reqs when Dom is done with edits Frederick Hirsch 2010-06-09 Privacy
ACTION-147 (edit) closed Look for an editor for the Tasks API David Rogers 2010-03-25 Tasks API
ACTION-148 (edit) closed Compare user interaction input with what already available in HTML5 / WebApps Bryan Sullivan 2010-03-25 User Interaction API
ACTION-149 (edit) closed Summarize discussions on BONDI regarding Communication Log/messaging/Telephony API David Rogers 2010-03-25 commMessaging
ACTION-150 (edit) closed Send BONDI experience with testing for device APIs David Rogers 2010-03-25 Testing
ACTION-151 (edit) closed Check who can host London F2F Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-04-07 Organizational matters
ACTION-152 (edit) closed Edit policy framework, reviewing BONDI material and editorial update Laura Arribas 2010-05-05 Policy Framework
ACTION-153 (edit) closed Refine privacy requirements (with John) Alissa Cooper 2010-04-07 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-154 (edit) closed Prepare Capture for FPWD Robin Berjon 2010-04-07 Capture API
ACTION-155 (edit) closed Prepare FileWriter for FPWD Robin Berjon 2010-04-07
ACTION-156 (edit) closed Request transition of FileWriter and Capture to FPWD Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-04-07 Organizational matters
ACTION-157 (edit) closed Add background section into requirements with some edits Frederick Hirsch 2010-04-14
ACTION-158 (edit) closed Send proposed changes to list re privacy requirements John Morris 2010-04-14 Privacy
ACTION-159 (edit) closed Note minimization in sysinfo to address ISSUE-79 Max Froumentin 2010-04-14
ACTION-160 (edit) closed List scope of remaining work on Messaging before FPWD Max Froumentin 2010-04-21
ACTION-161 (edit) closed Make a proposal for Message Management, including whether it would be split from the main spec or not Max Froumentin 2010-04-21 Messaging API
ACTION-162 (edit) closed Make SysInfo ready for pub Robin Berjon 2010-04-21 System Information and Events API
ACTION-163 (edit) closed Email i18n about the various options for calendaring Robin Berjon 2010-04-21 Calendar API
ACTION-164 (edit) closed Email the list explaining the differences between the successive BONDI approaches to messaging, and why the functionality got merged into a single API Daniel Coloma 2010-04-28
ACTION-165 (edit) closed Take the TZDate discussion to public-script-coord Robin Berjon 2010-04-28 Calendar API
ACTION-166 (edit) closed Review policy requirements and propose changes Frederick Hirsch 2010-05-05 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-167 (edit) closed Make a concrete proposal for policy framework based on his comments Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-06-16 Policy Framework
ACTION-168 (edit) closed Incorporate edits into Privacy Requirements. Alissa Cooper 2010-05-05 Privacy
ACTION-169 (edit) closed Insert temporary privacy language into the APIs. Frederick Hirsch 2010-05-05 Privacy
ACTION-170 (edit) closed Review the options for headers on emails Robin Berjon 2010-05-05 messagingHeaders
ACTION-171 (edit) closed And Dom to speak offline on testing framework David Rogers 2010-05-05 Testing
ACTION-172 (edit) closed Confirm status of sysinfo comment handling with max, and add privacy text Frederick Hirsch 2010-05-19
ACTION-173 (edit) closed Implement privacy changes noted by alissa, see Dzung Tran 2010-05-26 hidingIsHard
ACTION-174 (edit) closed Will provide an initial analysis of privacy-sensitive properties of Network interface in Sysinfo Alissa Cooper 2010-05-26 hidingIsHard
ACTION-175 (edit) closed Implement the maxAddress/SSID resolution Max Froumentin 2010-06-02 hidingIsHard
ACTION-176 (edit) closed Email Bryan to ask what his use cases are for apn, operatorName, mcc, mnc Robin Berjon 2010-06-02
ACTION-177 (edit) closed Ask the mailing about usage of roaming Robin Berjon 2010-06-02
ACTION-178 (edit) closed Make activeConnection multiple Max Froumentin 2010-06-02 Messaging API
ACTION-179 (edit) closed Get the ball rolling on documenting path forward for specs Robin Berjon 2010-06-02 APIs — General
ACTION-180 (edit) closed Ping the editors about explaining the design of Capture on the list Robin Berjon 2010-06-02 Capture API
ACTION-181 (edit) closed to review API and Ontology for Media Resource API Bryan Sullivan 2010-07-07 Gallery API
ACTION-182 (edit) closed Review API and Ontology for Media Resource API Robin Berjon 2010-07-07 Gallery API
ACTION-183 (edit) closed Drop connections[] and activeConnection, move to activeConnections[] and define clearly what "active" means Dzung Tran 2010-06-09 System Information and Events API
ACTION-184 (edit) closed Issue CfC for Framework Robin Berjon 2010-06-16 Policy Framework
ACTION-185 (edit) closed Investigate IP status for XACML Frederick Hirsch 2010-06-16 Policy Framework
ACTION-186 (edit) closed Issue CfC for XACML, noting that there are some potential IP issues to investigate Robin Berjon 2010-06-16 Policy Framework
ACTION-187 (edit) closed Issue CfC for Examples, rectrack/non-normative Robin Berjon 2010-06-16 Policy Framework
ACTION-188 (edit) closed Propose clarification language around prompting, involving Paddy and James as needed Laura Arribas 2010-06-16 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-189 (edit) closed Issue a CfC for Policy Reqs Robin Berjon 2010-06-16 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-190 (edit) closed Issue a CfC for the Privacy Requirements Robin Berjon 2010-06-16 Privacy
ACTION-191 (edit) closed Send pre-LC editorial comments on system-info and camera/Media Capture James Salsman 2010-06-16 System Information and Events API
ACTION-192 (edit) closed Request publication of Contacts pending another round of updates from Richard Robin Berjon 2010-06-16 Contacts API
ACTION-193 (edit) closed Respond to Dom's comments before next week, , Bryan Sullivan 2010-06-23 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-194 (edit) closed Do pubrules on policy and privacy requirements Frederick Hirsch 2010-06-23 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-195 (edit) closed Notify chairs of WebApps of DAP decision re file specs Frederick Hirsch 2010-06-23 FileSystem API
ACTION-196 (edit) closed Incorporate edits from James proposal Bryan Sullivan 2010-06-23 System Information and Events API
ACTION-197 (edit) closed Add to agenda next week to agree to publish updated contacts WD on 29 June Robin Berjon 2010-06-23 Contacts API
ACTION-198 (edit) closed Prepare Contacts for publications, with pubrules Richard Tibbett 2010-06-29 Contacts API
ACTION-199 (edit) closed Look into calling-in possibilities for London F2F Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-07-07
ACTION-200 (edit) closed Provide clarifications to framework document as well as to address concerns raised by Suresh Paddy Byers 2010-06-30 Policy Framework
ACTION-201 (edit) closed Review WARP from perspective of use for DAP Frederick Hirsch 2010-06-30 Policy Framework
ACTION-202 (edit) closed Include changes from ACTION-191 Dzung Tran 2010-06-30 System Information and Events API
ACTION-203 (edit) closed Add proposal from John Morris re buckets to sysinfo, Bryan Sullivan 2010-07-07 System Information and Events API
ACTION-204 (edit) closed Step into the Bryan/James thread in the hope of helping find consensus Robin Berjon 2010-07-07
ACTION-205 (edit) closed Document a couple of APIs restrictions and see how it impacts policy work Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-08-04 Policy Framework
ACTION-206 (edit) closed Contact Hixie about future of <device> tag work Robin Berjon 2010-07-14 APIs — General
ACTION-207 (edit) closed Talk to Ian Hickson about interaction with HTML5 Robin Berjon 2010-07-14 APIs — General
ACTION-208 (edit) closed Review comments from anssi WonSuk Lee 2010-07-14 Gallery API
ACTION-209 (edit) closed Review comments from anssi Kangchan Lee 2010-07-14 Gallery API
ACTION-210 (edit) closed Summarize and add issues to ruleset doc Alissa Cooper 2010-07-21 rulesetGranluarity
ACTION-211 (edit) closed Make proposal on list for sysinfo privacy section Alissa Cooper 2010-07-21 System Information and Events API
ACTION-212 (edit) closed Incorporate proposal from ACTION-211 into SysInfo draft Bryan Sullivan 2010-07-21 System Information and Events API
ACTION-213 (edit) closed Review sysinfo draft after edits made Dong-Young Lee 2010-07-21 System Information and Events API
ACTION-214 (edit) closed Request IETF community review of sysinfo API Last Call WD through W3C/IETF liaison channel Thomas Roessler 2010-01-31 System Information and Events API
ACTION-215 (edit) closed Write up issues with write/delete access for Contacts APIs Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-07-21 contactsWrite
ACTION-216 (edit) closed Reformulate gallery API to look like contacts API WonSuk Lee 2010-07-21 Gallery API
ACTION-217 (edit) closed Create an API features document, with Paddy Frederick Hirsch 2010-07-21 Policy Framework
ACTION-218 (edit) closed Provide proposal for feature architecture text regarding web and widgets cases for feature document Paddy Byers 2010-07-21 Policy Framework
ACTION-219 (edit) closed Make a concrete proposal for AppLauncher Kangchan Lee 2010-07-22 Application Launcher API
ACTION-220 (edit) closed Make a concrete proposal for AppLauncher Bryan Sullivan 2010-07-22 Application Launcher API
ACTION-221 (edit) closed Draft a security section for Messaging Maria Angeles Oteo 2010-07-22 Messaging API
ACTION-222 (edit) closed Review the Messaging security section Thomas Roessler 2010-08-15 Messaging API
ACTION-223 (edit) closed Pick up the thread on <device> Robin Berjon 2010-07-22 APIs — General
ACTION-224 (edit) closed look into <input type="contacts"> options for contacts API Wojciech Maslowski 2010-08-05 Contacts API
ACTION-225 (edit) closed Look at a common analysis grid for security/privacy across APIs Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-07-22 APIs — General
ACTION-226 (edit) closed Start TimezonedDate spec Richard Tibbett 2010-09-01 timezonedDate
ACTION-227 (edit) closed Compare iCalendar recurrence model with current Calendar API Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-07-22 Calendar API
ACTION-228 (edit) closed ping Cyrus Daboo re Calendar API Thomas Roessler 2010-07-31 Calendar API
ACTION-229 (edit) closed Go through and ensure the bindings provided map Richard Tibbett 2010-10-22 dataModelDiff
ACTION-230 (edit) closed Specify "add to calendar" based on ICS-objects opening Wojciech Maslowski 2010-08-05 Calendar API
ACTION-231 (edit) closed Look into what he can share re javascript-based android prototype of PowerBox Claes Nilsson 2010-07-22 restfulAPIs
ACTION-232 (edit) closed Coordinate with Tyler on exposing Contacts through Powerbox Robin Berjon 2010-08-05 restfulAPIs
ACTION-233 (edit) closed Update media capture form for publication next week Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-07-23 Capture API
ACTION-234 (edit) closed Seek review of html-media-capture from HTML WG, Webapps once FPWD is published Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-07-23 Capture API
ACTION-235 (edit) closed Polish Media Capture Ingmar Kliche 2010-07-23 Capture API
ACTION-236 (edit) closed Report back on IETF relationships after Maastricht meeting Thomas Roessler 2010-07-31 APIs — General
ACTION-237 (edit) closed Talk to TC-39 about TimezonedDate once it's ready Robin Berjon 2010-09-01 timezonedDate
ACTION-238 (edit) closed Inform OMA groups of our status Bryan Sullivan 2010-07-23 Organizational matters
ACTION-239 (edit) closed Prepare survey on finding a date for a F2F meeting in Seoul, in Feb/Mar 2011 Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-07-23 Organizational matters
ACTION-240 (edit) closed Look into hosting at ETRI in late Feb/early Mar 2011 Kangchan Lee 2010-07-23 Organizational matters
ACTION-241 (edit) closed Review and update policy requirements Frederick Hirsch 2010-08-18 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-242 (edit) closed Review and update policy requirements Paddy Byers 2010-07-23 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-243 (edit) closed Review sysinfo draft after edits made Dong-Young Lee 2010-08-09 System Information and Events API
ACTION-244 (edit) closed Send notice on features draft to list and ask for help progressing Frederick Hirsch 2010-08-11 Policy Framework
ACTION-245 (edit) closed Provide notice on tpac questionnaire Frederick Hirsch 2010-08-11 Organizational matters
ACTION-246 (edit) closed Request approval for FPWD for messaging and prepare publication Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-08-11 Messaging API
ACTION-247 (edit) closed Send transition request for Message API FPWD publication Frederick Hirsch 2010-08-11
ACTION-248 (edit) closed Provide a proposal relevant to ISSUE-92, sysinfo privacy prompts for operators get vs watch John Morris 2010-08-11 getVsWatch
ACTION-249 (edit) closed Review OMA CAB, vCard work and provide a summary on how we may progress Suresh Chitturi 2010-08-11 contactsDatamodel
ACTION-250 (edit) closed Add issue to contact writer corresponding to Dom's email for ACTION-215, Richard Tibbett 2010-08-11 contactsWrite
ACTION-251 (edit) closed Review privacy text related to ISSUE-78 for capture John Morris 2010-10-20 exifPrivacy
ACTION-252 (edit) closed Handle publishing Contacts Robin Berjon 2010-08-18
ACTION-253 (edit) closed Make proposals for Contacts and Messaging features in a trusted context due in three weeks Suresh Chitturi 2010-08-31 Messaging API
ACTION-254 (edit) closed Update policy requirement with proposal Frederick Hirsch 2010-08-25
ACTION-255 (edit) closed Update the requirements Frederick Hirsch 2010-08-25
ACTION-256 (edit) closed Update features to use strings for BONDI, add text regarding features/capabilities Frederick Hirsch 2010-08-25
ACTION-257 (edit) closed Define what goes on for concurrent calls to find() when there is no error callback (and step three also needs to define that); then report to group so we can do the same to SysInfo get Richard Tibbett 2010-09-29 Contacts API
ACTION-258 (edit) closed make a formal proposal for integration of forms and contacts Richard Tibbett 2010-08-25 contactsForms
ACTION-259 (edit) closed Review new version of policy-reqs Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-09-01 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-260 (edit) closed Put out cfc for policy requirements Frederick Hirsch 2010-09-01 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-261 (edit) closed Get feedback from Doug Turner and Ian Fette on Features document Frederick Hirsch 2010-09-01 Policy Framework
ACTION-262 (edit) closed Clarify in features document to clarify that BONDI and Android material are informative examples and that result will be DAP Frederick Hirsch 2010-09-01 Device APIs Permissions
ACTION-263 (edit) closed Take a stab at DAP features doc Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-09-22 Policy Framework
ACTION-264 (edit) closed Produce a spreadsheet of sorts showing overlap/mapping/correspondance between vcard4, poco, cab, and us Richard Tibbett 2010-09-01 contactsDatamodel
ACTION-265 (edit) closed Send an email to start the Contacts Schema Alignment discussion Thomas Roessler 2010-09-01 contactsDatamodel
ACTION-266 (edit) closed Prepare Access Control use cases and requirements for publication Frederick Hirsch 2010-09-08 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-267 (edit) closed Add note to capture draft regarding ISSUE-101 Ilkka Oksanen 2010-09-08 default-codec
ACTION-268 (edit) closed Send CfC for media capture API, for next week Frederick Hirsch 2010-09-08 Capture API
ACTION-269 (edit) closed Request bridge reservation for TPAC Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-09-22 Organizational matters
ACTION-270 (edit) closed Add notes to the MCAPI draft and ping Robin when ready Ilkka Oksanen 2010-09-22 Capture API
ACTION-271 (edit) closed Figure out the event loop stuff for contacts Robin Berjon 2011-03-23 contactEventLoop
ACTION-272 (edit) closed Send CfC for Device Permissions Frederick Hirsch 2010-09-29 Policy Framework
ACTION-273 (edit) closed Contact Alissa offline re ACTION-210 Frederick Hirsch 2010-09-29 rulesetGranluarity
ACTION-274 (edit) closed Ask HTML WG about task queues Robin Berjon 2010-09-29 eventsLoopSysinfo
ACTION-275 (edit) closed Review the delta between Contacts API and Mozilla's implementation Richard Tibbett 2010-09-29 Contacts API
ACTION-276 (edit) closed Handle the Media* drafts publications Robin Berjon 2010-09-29 Capture API
ACTION-277 (edit) closed Get api-perms published as FPWD Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-10-06 Device APIs Permissions
ACTION-278 (edit) closed Propose harmonisation descriptions for Contacts fields Suresh Chitturi 2010-10-06 contactsDatamodel
ACTION-279 (edit) closed Talk to the Chrome folks about capture Ilkka Oksanen 2010-10-06 persistingState
ACTION-280 (edit) closed Ping Hixie about editing <device> as part of DAP, based on answer we start CfC for publication Robin Berjon 2010-10-06 APIs — General
ACTION-281 (edit) closed Take a stab at updating the API Requirements documents Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-05-10 APIs — General
ACTION-282 (edit) closed Get the ball rolling again on Messaging issues on the list Robin Berjon 2010-10-06
ACTION-283 (edit) closed Put his ideas on <device>-alternative in a separate editors draft Richard Tibbett 2010-10-13 APIs — General
ACTION-284 (edit) closed Ping HTML chairs to see about potential joint meetings at TPAC 2010 Robin Berjon 2010-10-27 Organizational matters
ACTION-285 (edit) closed Ping web notification group to see interest in joint meeting with individuals Frederick Hirsch 2010-10-27 Organizational matters
ACTION-286 (edit) closed Check licensing issues on phonegap test suite Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-11-04 Testing
ACTION-287 (edit) closed Introduce phonegap tests during F2F Anssi Kostiainen 2010-10-27 Testing
ACTION-288 (edit) closed Introduce testing@w3c during F2F Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-11-04 Testing
ACTION-289 (edit) closed Create Wiki page for f2f agenda Robin Berjon 2010-10-27 Organizational matters
ACTION-290 (edit) closed Contact mozilla for thoughts on messaging and permission spec Frederick Hirsch 2010-10-27 Security Policy Framework — General
ACTION-291 (edit) closed Work on security model for messaging Maria Angeles Oteo 2010-10-27 Messaging API
ACTION-292 (edit) closed Review ruleset issues Frederick Hirsch 2011-01-20 Privacy
ACTION-293 (edit) closed Invite John Gregg to edit Feature Permissions API document in DAP Robin Berjon 2010-11-11 Policy Framework
ACTION-294 (edit) closed Create an editors draft for new proposed network connection API Richard Tibbett 2010-11-11 System Information and Events API
ACTION-295 (edit) closed to outline social engineering threat, API entry hurdles to websites David Rogers 2010-11-11 Policy Framework
ACTION-296 (edit) closed Send use cases for gallery API Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-12-01 Gallery API
ACTION-297 (edit) closed Draft up TZDate Robin Berjon 2010-11-11 timezonedDate
ACTION-298 (edit) closed Work with rich on test-enabling the contacts API Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-05-25 Testing
ACTION-299 (edit) closed Draft a Contacts Saving ED Richard Tibbett 2010-11-12 Contacts API
ACTION-300 (edit) closed Start working on use cases and requirements for video/audio conference à la <device> element Claes Nilsson 2010-11-12 Capture API
ACTION-301 (edit) closed Issue a CFC for the HTML media capture Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-11-17 Capture API
ACTION-302 (edit) closed Morph Messaging API into an API that wraps URI schemes options and adds attachment/success callback, and split off subscription Maria Angeles Oteo 2010-11-19 Messaging API
ACTION-303 (edit) closed Send a request for hosting June/July 2011 F2F Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-11-17 Organizational matters
ACTION-304 (edit) closed Investigate hosting a meeting in June/July in Opera's European offices Richard Tibbett 2011-01-12 Organizational matters
ACTION-305 (edit) closed Provide details of workshop at Seoul F2F (March 2011) Kangchan Lee 2010-11-12 Organizational matters
ACTION-306 (edit) closed Review Contact Blob writer proposal Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2010-12-01 APIs — General
ACTION-307 (edit) closed Send email to list with resolutions for open issues against contacts, clarifying status Richard Tibbett 2010-11-24 Contacts API
ACTION-308 (edit) closed Contact Microsoft about HTML Media Capture to get some feedback Robin Berjon 2010-12-08 captureHint
ACTION-309 (edit) closed Contact Mozilla to get some feedback about HTML Media Capture Robin Berjon 2010-12-08 captureHint
ACTION-310 (edit) closed Coordinate with the HTML WG on HTML Media Capture Robin Berjon 2010-12-08 captureHint
ACTION-311 (edit) closed Prod the list about reviewing Messaging in view of a heartbeat publication Robin Berjon 2010-12-08 Messaging API
ACTION-312 (edit) closed Prepare a draft of Contacts for heartbeat Robin Berjon 2010-12-08 Contacts API
ACTION-313 (edit) closed Send feedback on media gallery use cases Richard Tibbett 2010-12-15 Gallery API
ACTION-314 (edit) closed React on media gallery use cases Anssi Kostiainen 2010-12-15 Gallery API
ACTION-315 (edit) closed Look into pop-up windows in Permissions draft Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-05-11 Policy Framework
ACTION-316 (edit) closed Describe contacts write in Appendix of Contacts API Richard Tibbett 2010-12-22 contactsWrite
ACTION-317 (edit) closed Ping Andrei about using @role instead of mime parameters Robin Berjon 2010-12-22 captureHint
ACTION-318 (edit) closed Ping WAI about using @role for capture Robin Berjon 2010-12-22 captureHint
ACTION-319 (edit) closed Send proposed list of actions to close related to policy Frederick Hirsch 2010-12-22 Policy Framework
ACTION-320 (edit) closed Make Calendar like Contacts in every possible way Richard Tibbett 2010-12-22 Calendar API
ACTION-321 (edit) closed Review security requirements document Frederick Hirsch 2011-01-12
ACTION-322 (edit) closed Follow up on ECMA TC-39 coordination Frederick Hirsch 2011-01-20 Calendar API
ACTION-323 (edit) closed Update sysinfo related to power discussion Bryan Sullivan 2011-01-12 System Information and Events API
ACTION-324 (edit) closed Prepare access reqmts for publishing, pubrules etc Frederick Hirsch 2011-01-19 Policy Framework Requirements
ACTION-325 (edit) closed Update Messaging to clarify security considerations and URI schemes Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-01-19 Messaging API
ACTION-326 (edit) closed Create a registration form for Seoul F2F Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-01-26 Organizational matters
ACTION-327 (edit) closed Prepare Messaging for publication Robin Berjon 2011-01-26 Messaging API
ACTION-328 (edit) closed Edit the contacts to address concerns with the way writing is described, moving writing to informative appendix and updating abstract Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-01-26 Contacts API
ACTION-329 (edit) closed Maintain coordination with HTML+Speech on; include Claes in the discussion Robin Berjon 2011-01-26 Capture API
ACTION-330 (edit) closed Review SysInfo privacy considerations section, and ISSUE-64 on "generic" John Morris 2011-01-26 hidingIsHard
ACTION-331 (edit) closed Review ISSUE-64 Frederick Hirsch 2011-01-26 System Information and Events API
ACTION-332 (edit) closed Provide an editors draft of permissions API Laszlo Gombos 2011-01-26 Policy Framework
ACTION-333 (edit) closed Draft a proposal for utcOffset based on mailing list feedback (re ISSUE-106) Richard Tibbett 2011-02-16 tzContacts
ACTION-334 (edit) closed Propose resolution for ISSUE-106 Richard Tibbett 2011-02-16
ACTION-335 (edit) closed Propose charter changes related to security and privacy deliverables Frederick Hirsch 2011-02-23 Organizational matters
ACTION-336 (edit) closed Ask about sharing draft workshop agenda with WG Frederick Hirsch 2011-02-23 Organizational matters
ACTION-337 (edit) closed Find out about current status of permissions/notifications with John Gregg Laszlo Gombos 2011-02-23 Policy Framework
ACTION-338 (edit) closed Look into multiple permission/installable designs for APIs Laszlo Gombos 2011-02-23 Policy Framework
ACTION-339 (edit) closed Go through existing DAP APIs to see if there are use cases there for Feat Perms (or if the existing approaches work better) Laszlo Gombos 2011-02-23 Policy Framework
ACTION-340 (edit) closed Look at how we're doing privacy by design Frederick Hirsch 2011-02-23 Privacy
ACTION-341 (edit) closed Reserve zakim line for f2f Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-03-09 Organizational matters
ACTION-342 (edit) closed Reserve zakim bridge for DAP F2F Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-03-02
ACTION-343 (edit) closed Propose better wording for System information and events api in new charter Richard Tibbett 2011-03-02 System Information and Events API
ACTION-344 (edit) closed Propose concrete text for privacy and feature permission for draft charter Frederick Hirsch 2011-03-16
ACTION-345 (edit) closed Look at Microsoft feedback on Capture API Laszlo Gombos 2011-03-16 Capture API
ACTION-346 (edit) closed Propose a sweet and simple battery API Robin Berjon 2011-03-16
ACTION-347 (edit) closed Come up with some examples and rough ideas for simple sysinfo APIs at the f2f Laszlo Gombos 2011-03-16
ACTION-348 (edit) closed Send concrete proposal for navigator.sendMessage with URI scheme Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-03-16 messagingUris
ACTION-349 (edit) closed Figure out what are the secrets and evil plans from Thomas on privacy follow-up Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-05-11 Privacy
ACTION-350 (edit) closed Find a better wording for intents-based application launcher Robin Berjon 2011-03-22 Organizational matters
ACTION-351 (edit) closed Draft HTML Media Capture with role attribute Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-03-22 captureHint
ACTION-352 (edit) closed Find out where <device> went Robin Berjon 2011-03-22 Capture API
ACTION-353 (edit) closed Check with Claes re Web introducer contributors and bringing it to DAP Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-03-22
ACTION-354 (edit) closed Look for a new place for hosting ReSpec Issues Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-05-04 Organizational matters
ACTION-355 (edit) closed Make first draft of privacy best practices Frederick Hirsch 2011-03-22 Privacy
ACTION-356 (edit) closed Create initial editors draft for privacy best practices, ISSUE-90 Frederick Hirsch 2011-03-22
ACTION-357 (edit) closed Provide first draft of Network Connection API Suresh Chitturi 2011-03-23
ACTION-358 (edit) closed Provide first editors draft of a Battery status API Anssi Kostiainen 2011-03-23
ACTION-359 (edit) closed Split out a generic sensors API (based on ambientlight/proximity/etc) from sysinfo Bryan Sullivan 2011-03-23 System Information and Events API
ACTION-360 (edit) closed See at possibilities of APIs for access to device characteristics Suresh Chitturi 2011-03-23 System Information and Events API
ACTION-361 (edit) closed Provide use cases for device characteristics access Bryan Sullivan 2011-03-23 System Information and Events API
ACTION-362 (edit) closed Provide use cases for sysinfo-like features Kangchan Lee 2011-03-23 System Information and Events API
ACTION-363 (edit) closed See with Maria on how to proceed for updated messaging api draft Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-04-06 messagingUris
ACTION-364 (edit) closed Get the COW started Robin Berjon 2011-03-23 Security Policy Framework — General
ACTION-365 (edit) closed Help raise the COW Frederick Hirsch 2011-03-23 APIs — General
ACTION-366 (edit) closed Restart with HTML WG on getting new attribute for HTML Media Capture Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-04-13 Capture API
ACTION-367 (edit) closed Update HTML Media Capture with new attribute Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-03-23 captureHint
ACTION-368 (edit) closed Collect and summarize current use cases for Gallery API and includes a draft doc WonSuk Lee 2011-03-23 Gallery API
ACTION-369 (edit) closed Talk with Microsoft re Capture API future Robin Berjon 2011-03-23 Capture API
ACTION-370 (edit) closed Dive more deeply into Web Intents/Web Activities in view of integration Robin Berjon 2011-08-22
ACTION-371 (edit) closed Talk to Claes about how to make Web Introducer happen in the WG Robin Berjon 2011-03-23
ACTION-372 (edit) closed Talk with Opera on contributions for User Interactions deliverable Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-04-13 User Interaction API
ACTION-373 (edit) closed Prepare policy-reqs as WG Note Robin Berjon 2011-03-23
ACTION-374 (edit) closed Complete Privacy Rulesets with binding considerations Frederick Hirsch 2011-03-23 Privacy
ACTION-375 (edit) closed Add API Checklist to home page Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-03-23 APIs — General
ACTION-376 (edit) closed CfC for Calendar Robin Berjon 2011-04-06
ACTION-377 (edit) closed Bring a Capabilities Container proposal to the WG Robin Berjon 2011-04-06 Security Policy Framework — General
ACTION-378 (edit) closed Publish Calendar Robin Berjon 2011-04-13 Calendar API
ACTION-379 (edit) closed Publish Battery Status Robin Berjon 2011-04-13 System Information and Events API
ACTION-380 (edit) closed CfC Battery Status Robin Berjon 2011-04-13 System Information and Events API
ACTION-381 (edit) closed Send a CfC for Network when Suresh is done integrating the edits Robin Berjon 2011-04-13
ACTION-382 (edit) closed Send call for last input on charter to list Frederick Hirsch 2011-04-20 Organizational matters
ACTION-383 (edit) closed Handle publication of HTML Media Capture WD Robin Berjon 2011-04-20 captureHint
ACTION-384 (edit) closed Handle publication of Messaging WD Robin Berjon 2011-04-20 Messaging API
ACTION-385 (edit) closed Put out a CfC for Battery Event Robin Berjon 2011-04-20 System Information and Events API
ACTION-386 (edit) closed Ping PH re FPWD of calendar Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-04-20
ACTION-387 (edit) closed Put Network Information draft into CVS Frederick Hirsch 2011-04-20
ACTION-388 (edit) closed Start DAP rechartering process Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-05-12 Organizational matters
ACTION-389 (edit) closed Handle FPWD of Battery Robin Berjon 2011-04-27 System Information and Events API
ACTION-390 (edit) closed Make the mentioned changes to Network Info and push out a CfC Robin Berjon 2011-04-27
ACTION-391 (edit) closed Look at overlap between MediaFileData and HTMLVideoElement Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-04-27 captureHint
ACTION-392 (edit) closed Create F2F registration for Paris meeting Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-04-27 Organizational matters
ACTION-393 (edit) closed Send out a reminder to register for f2f Robin Berjon 2011-05-18
ACTION-394 (edit) closed Fix Search in Contacts and ping chairs to start Contacts LC CfC Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-05-25 Contacts API
ACTION-395 (edit) closed Do a thorough review of Battery and send to list Robin Berjon 2011-05-25
ACTION-396 (edit) closed Email the group looking for editors for Calendar Richard Tibbett 2011-05-25 Calendar API
ACTION-397 (edit) closed Coordinate with HTML WG chairs about Capture, include the HCG Robin Berjon 2011-05-25 Capture API
ACTION-398 (edit) closed Review Messaging and send feedback to the list Robin Berjon 2011-05-25
ACTION-399 (edit) closed Email Geolocation about alignment of address objects Robin Berjon 2011-06-01
ACTION-400 (edit) closed Integrate robin's feedback on messaging Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-06-01 Messaging API
ACTION-401 (edit) closed Suggest redirecting previous copy of features permissions to new one to Web Notif WG Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-06-01 Policy Framework
ACTION-402 (edit) closed Figure status of URL object in JavaScript in Web Apps Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-06-08 Contacts API
ACTION-403 (edit) closed Publish Battery heartbeat Robin Berjon 2011-06-08
ACTION-404 (edit) closed Remove networkName from Netinfo Robin Berjon 2011-06-08 System Information and Events API
ACTION-405 (edit) closed Move NetInfo to FPWD Robin Berjon 2011-06-08
ACTION-406 (edit) closed Review feature request access containers Frederick Hirsch 2011-06-08 Device APIs Permissions
ACTION-407 (edit) closed Edit Contacts to change the photo field to only take URIs Robin Berjon 2011-06-15
ACTION-408 (edit) closed Check if dom + Suresh'es comments are integrated Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-06-15 Contacts API
ACTION-409 (edit) closed Add introductory prose and example to Battery, ping Robin when done Anssi Kostiainen 2011-06-15
ACTION-410 (edit) closed Start CfC for Battery LC after Anssi has done at least the example that ties it to WebPerf; ping WebPerf as part of the CfC Robin Berjon 2011-06-15
ACTION-411 (edit) closed Reply to Jo about NetInfo Robin Berjon 2011-06-15 Network Information API
ACTION-412 (edit) closed Go through inactive specs and ping editors to get a feel for their commitment to more work Robin Berjon 2011-06-15 Organizational matters
ACTION-413 (edit) closed Contact Claudio Caldato from MS and discuss media capture Robin Berjon 2011-06-15 Capture API
ACTION-414 (edit) closed Write up an overview of the media capture landscape, with ideas of how to move forward Anssi Kostiainen 2011-06-15 Capture API
ACTION-415 (edit) closed Make all the changes to Contacts from Dom's email Robin Berjon 2011-06-22
ACTION-416 (edit) closed Investigate privacy fingerprinting issues related to DAP Frederick Hirsch 2011-06-22 Privacy
ACTION-417 (edit) closed Implement changes to battery event based on feedback, and RESOLUTION from 20110629 Anssi Kostiainen 2011-07-06 Battery Status API
ACTION-418 (edit) closed Formulate the use cases he sees for timeRemaining, and if possible an implementation strategy for when that information isn't provided by the OS Josh Soref 2011-07-06 batteryTimeRemaining
ACTION-419 (edit) closed Open a Last Call comments tracker for Contacts API Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-07-06 Contacts API
ACTION-420 (edit) closed CfC End-of-life API Requirements (CVS and published version) Robin Berjon 2011-07-26
ACTION-421 (edit) closed Add use cases and requirements, with examples, to Contacts as an example of the way this should be done throughout. Input from may be useful. Ernesto Jimenez 2011-07-26 Contacts API
ACTION-422 (edit) closed Draft the design decision motivating using a new input type=foo or not for a given feature Robin Berjon 2011-07-26
ACTION-423 (edit) closed Draft the use cases and requirements section for Battery WonSuk Lee 2011-07-26
ACTION-424 (edit) closed Draft the use cases and requirements for Messaging, perhaps even take over Messaging editing Josh Soref 2011-07-26
ACTION-425 (edit) closed Incorporate feedback for NetInfo, draft use cases and requirements section Robin Berjon 2011-07-26
ACTION-426 (edit) closed Draft the proposed design of getting rid of battery{low,critical} and adding a field that indicates state=ok/low/critical Robin Berjon 2011-07-26
ACTION-427 (edit) closed Prepare web app best practices for FPWD publication, including title change, shortname change, and adding reference to MWBP Frederick Hirsch 2011-07-26
ACTION-428 (edit) closed Make a proposal for a common Address interface for Geo/Contacts that keeps Contacts aligned with PoCo, provides a base class, shows how Geo could derive on its side Robin Berjon 2011-07-26
ACTION-429 (edit) closed Figure out if the PoCo handling of personal names is okay under I18N rules Josh Soref 2011-07-26
ACTION-430 (edit) closed Provide sample input with potential outputs related to search fields in contacts... Josh Soref 2011-07-26 Contacts API
ACTION-431 (edit) closed Review Messaging for publication Robin Berjon 2011-07-27
ACTION-432 (edit) closed Make a proposal for ISSUE-116 and ISSUE-117 Ernesto Jimenez 2011-07-27
ACTION-433 (edit) closed Reply to Anne about his Permissions questions Laszlo Gombos 2011-07-27
ACTION-434 (edit) closed Investigate if DAP could use the XPointer registration code for feature registration Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-07-27
ACTION-435 (edit) closed Update the Permissions draft based on f2f discussion and summary email from Robin in planning for FPWD Laszlo Gombos 2011-09-01
ACTION-436 (edit) closed Provide an example for Permissions WonSuk Lee 2011-07-27
ACTION-437 (edit) closed Talk to the Android people about whether the Netinfo API is used and something they think was a good idea Laszlo Gombos 2011-07-27
ACTION-438 (edit) closed Talk to Brian Leroux about the Netinfo API in PhoneGap to ask about uptake and feedback Josh Soref 2011-07-27
ACTION-439 (edit) closed Draft use cases for proximity, ambient light, and ambient sound sensors. Bryan Sullivan 2011-07-27
ACTION-440 (edit) closed Create a wiki page with the list of tags Robin Berjon 2011-07-27
ACTION-441 (edit) closed Raise the HTTP vs JS architectural issue with the TAG Frederick Hirsch 2011-07-28
ACTION-442 (edit) closed Produce a REST binding example for Contacts (client, server, protocol) Robin Berjon 2011-07-28
ACTION-443 (edit) closed Review various ruleset issues and follow up Frederick Hirsch 2011-07-28
ACTION-444 (edit) closed Investigate ACTION-360 with Suresh to figure out if it can be closed or should be reassigned Josh Soref 2011-07-28
ACTION-445 (edit) closed Review the changes needed for the home page and priority list based on the new charter Frederick Hirsch 2011-07-28
ACTION-446 (edit) closed Review security issue Frederick Hirsch 2011-08-24
ACTION-447 (edit) closed Update the home page with priority/work-on specs. Frederick Hirsch 2011-08-31 Organizational matters
ACTION-448 (edit) closed Bring ISSUE-113 to www-dom Robin Berjon 2011-09-07 initialEventFiringBattery
ACTION-449 (edit) closed Reply to$e3675fb0$aa361f10$ Laszlo Gombos 2011-09-07
ACTION-450 (edit) closed Get his CVS working; or migrate specs he might patch to Mercurial Josh Soref 2011-09-21
ACTION-451 (edit) closed Publish heartbeat of Battery Robin Berjon 2011-09-21
ACTION-452 (edit) closed Work with Josh on a proposal for Contacts names Ernesto Jimenez 2011-09-21
ACTION-453 (edit) closed Send out email calling for comments on discovery Robin Berjon 2011-09-21
ACTION-454 (edit) closed Reply to Robin Berjon 2011-09-21
ACTION-455 (edit) closed Reply to ArtB about Web Intents Robin Berjon 2011-10-05
ACTION-456 (edit) closed Write to the list to explain UA mediation in selecting sensors Josh Soref 2011-10-12
ACTION-457 (edit) closed Create an ISSUE describing the local vs remote, integration of discovery into sensors, etc. problems Claes Nilsson 2011-10-19
ACTION-458 (edit) closed Produce initial vibration api spec Anssi Kostiainen 2011-11-02
ACTION-459 (edit) closed Draft a proposal for a threshold parameter for Battery events Sakari Poussa 2011-11-10 Battery Status API
ACTION-460 (edit) closed Send cfc for FPWD for vibration Frederick Hirsch 2011-11-10
ACTION-461 (edit) closed Submit Use Cases for local media capture Travis Leithead 2011-12-02 Local Media Capture API (getUserMedia)
ACTION-462 (edit) closed Submit Use Cases for local media capture Richard Tibbett 2011-11-10 Local Media Capture API (getUserMedia)
ACTION-463 (edit) closed Draft a joint TF proposal with WebRTC Robin Berjon 2011-11-10 Local Media Capture API (getUserMedia)
ACTION-464 (edit) closed Follow up with Alex Russell on getting an example of sensors on Intents. Robin Berjon 2011-11-10 Sensor API
ACTION-465 (edit) closed Present use cases for the Sensors API Jose Manuel Cantera Fonseca 2011-11-10 Sensor API
ACTION-466 (edit) closed Update Sensor's API based on feedback, implementation etc Jose Manuel Cantera Fonseca 2011-11-10 Sensor API
ACTION-467 (edit) closed make proposal for proximity and ambient Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-11-10 Sensor API
ACTION-468 (edit) closed Look as Mozilla Labs Sharing experimentation re Messaging API Robin Berjon 2011-11-10 Messaging API
ACTION-469 (edit) closed Make a CfC for shelving Messaging Robin Berjon 2011-11-10
ACTION-470 (edit) closed Update web application privacy best practices related to active consent Frederick Hirsch 2011-11-10 Privacy
ACTION-471 (edit) closed Look into a document for Security Principles for API Design Robin Berjon 2011-11-11
ACTION-472 (edit) closed Update policy requirements for security requirements Frederick Hirsch 2011-11-11
ACTION-473 (edit) closed Coordinate with Robin on the production of a "General Security Principles in Web APIs Design" Note Frederick Hirsch 2012-10-15 Policy Framework
ACTION-474 (edit) closed Make a proposal for Network Information API Adrian Bateman 2012-10-15 Network Information API
ACTION-475 (edit) closed Propose a new Network Info Josh Soref 2011-11-11 Network Information API
ACTION-476 (edit) closed ACTION sicking to propose a new Network Info Robin Berjon 2011-11-11 Network Information API
ACTION-477 (edit) closed Draft TF charter for Intents Robin Berjon 2011-11-11 Organizational matters
ACTION-478 (edit) closed Wirk with ArtB, agree on mailing-list name (public-intents?) Robin Berjon 2011-11-11
ACTION-479 (edit) closed Take FeatPerms to ScriptLib to see if this is something that devs would be interested in, taking caveats from implementers into account Robin Berjon 2011-11-11 Device APIs Permissions
ACTION-480 (edit) closed Provide summary and request feedback from notification wg on feature permissions Laszlo Gombos 2011-11-11 Device APIs Permissions
ACTION-481 (edit) closed Work with laszlo on looking at options for querying permissions across APIs, providing fake data, etc Frederick Hirsch 2011-11-11 Device APIs Permissions
ACTION-482 (edit) closed Contacts find() may be replaced with Intents Josh Soref 2011-11-11 Contacts API
ACTION-483 (edit) closed Send proposal to list for how Contacts will move forward Josh Soref 2011-11-11 Contacts API
ACTION-484 (edit) closed Do a WBS for the next F2F for mid March Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-11-11 Organizational matters
ACTION-485 (edit) closed Ask Phonegap users to send feedback on find() Sakari Poussa 2011-11-11 Contacts API
ACTION-486 (edit) closed Build test cases for battery Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2011-11-11 Battery Status API
ACTION-487 (edit) closed Issue a CfC to shelve SysInfo Robin Berjon 2011-11-11
ACTION-488 (edit) closed Publish Vibration FPWD Robin Berjon 2011-11-23 Vibration API
ACTION-489 (edit) closed Prepare Requirements, SysInfo, Messaging, Gallery for shelving (wait for text from Deepanshu for Reqs) Robin Berjon 2011-11-23 Organizational matters
ACTION-490 (edit) closed CfC Battery LC Robin Berjon 2011-11-23 Battery Status API
ACTION-491 (edit) closed Investigate using intents for Contacts, perhaps Calendar and Thermometer Josh Soref 2011-11-30 Contacts API
ACTION-492 (edit) closed Prod DavidA and Shane about feedback on Activities/Intents Robin Berjon 2011-11-30
ACTION-493 (edit) closed Publish Battery API as LC, transition request it Robin Berjon 2011-11-30 Battery Status API
ACTION-494 (edit) closed Email the list about email etiquette and link from the wiki to WebApp's etiquette Robin Berjon 2011-11-30 Organizational matters
ACTION-495 (edit) closed Reply to China Unicom and LG about hosting Robin Berjon 2011-12-21
ACTION-496 (edit) closed Figure out if the Intents TF wants to meet as part of DAP F2F Robin Berjon 2011-12-21
ACTION-497 (edit) closed Send summary of LC comment status for Battery Last Call Frederick Hirsch 2012-01-11
ACTION-498 (edit) closed Put out a CfC for Vibration, ending next week Robin Berjon 2012-01-25
ACTION-499 (edit) closed Send closure notice on battery issue. Frederick Hirsch 2012-01-25
ACTION-500 (edit) closed Set up registration WBS for March f2f Dave Raggett 2012-02-08
ACTION-501 (edit) closed Publish Vibration LC Robin Berjon 2012-02-08
ACTION-502 (edit) closed Figure out if anything is needed to close the DSTF; announce to the TF itself Robin Berjon 2012-02-08
ACTION-503 (edit) closed Sync with James and Frederick on Web Intents agenda Robin Berjon 2012-02-22
ACTION-504 (edit) closed Send an email about the system vs browser security stuff and whether the group should do OS-level APIs (again) or at least what to do with that topic Robin Berjon 2012-02-22
ACTION-505 (edit) closed Check on attendees for Web Intents Robin Berjon 2012-02-22
ACTION-506 (edit) closed Add option to ReSpec to remove specific attributes from autogenerated Attributes sections Robin Berjon 2012-02-22
ACTION-507 (edit) closed Prepare MediaStream Capture Scenarios FPWD publication Frederick Hirsch 2012-02-29
ACTION-508 (edit) closed Review and update LC tracker log for Battery and Vibration API LC Frederick Hirsch 2012-02-29
ACTION-509 (edit) closed Prepare gUM scenarios for publication Robin Berjon 2012-02-27 Local Media Capture API (getUserMedia)
ACTION-510 (edit) closed Create new spec how WebIntents UPnP registration Claes Nilsson 2012-03-27
ACTION-511 (edit) closed Figure out how to put together a document describing how to do Intents with existing UPnP (himself or by finding someone who does it) Giuseppe Pascale 2012-03-27
ACTION-512 (edit) closed Propose linking to "Privacy by Design in APIs" from Web Intents draft when it's ready Robin Berjon 2012-03-27
ACTION-513 (edit) closed Consider updating Contacts specification to add WebIntents section Richard Tibbett 2012-03-27
ACTION-514 (edit) closed Talk to the Web Schema group about using nouns for Intents Robin Berjon 2012-07-18 WebIntents
ACTION-515 (edit) closed Write webintents demo using objects, with split type and encoding James Salsman 2012-03-27
ACTION-516 (edit) closed Propose Security Considerations section on SSL for Intents sepc Josh Soref 2012-07-18 WebIntents
ACTION-517 (edit) closed Kill Media Capture API Robin Berjon 2012-03-28
ACTION-518 (edit) closed Send a CfC about changing the design of Sensors Frederick Hirsch 2012-03-28
ACTION-519 (edit) closed Add a proposal for hidden disposition. Claes Nilsson 2012-08-15 WebIntents
ACTION-520 (edit) closed Look at WS* to see what might be relevant Frederick Hirsch 2012-03-28
ACTION-521 (edit) closed Coordinate with UPnP forum about extensions required for Intents Claes Nilsson 2012-03-28
ACTION-522 (edit) closed Write tests for Battery Robin Berjon 2012-08-31 Battery Status API
ACTION-523 (edit) closed Work on test cases for battery, vibration, and HTML Media Capture Anssi Kostiainen 2012-08-31 Testing
ACTION-524 (edit) closed Prepare charter for system level APIs Robin Berjon 2012-03-28
ACTION-525 (edit) closed Define how the Type field should be defined, forbidden characters; mime types or absolute strings James Salsman 2012-03-29
ACTION-526 (edit) closed Properly end the life of Feature Permissions Robin Berjon 2012-03-29
ACTION-527 (edit) closed Notify Web Notifications WG that DAP is stopping work on feature permissions Frederick Hirsch 2012-03-29 Organizational matters
ACTION-528 (edit) closed Provide more use cases for Networked Service Discovery Richard Tibbett 2012-05-04
ACTION-529 (edit) closed Work with greg and bryan on investigating white list/CORS for networked services Claes Nilsson 2012-03-29
ACTION-530 (edit) closed Gather use cases for bluetooth Jungkee Song 2012-03-29
ACTION-531 (edit) closed Draft DAP charter version 3 Robin Berjon 2012-03-29
ACTION-532 (edit) closed Collect use cases for qrcodes in web context Dave Raggett 2012-03-29
ACTION-533 (edit) closed Gather use cases for Gallery API Jungkee Song 2012-03-29
ACTION-534 (edit) closed Make the official TranReq for Battery, Vibration CR Robin Berjon 2012-04-25
ACTION-535 (edit) closed Ask Intents TF if they want to join our f2f Robin Berjon 2012-05-02
ACTION-536 (edit) closed Ask gUM TF if they want to join our f2f Robin Berjon 2012-05-02
ACTION-537 (edit) closed Get back to Diana about hosting Robin Berjon 2012-05-02
ACTION-538 (edit) closed Create CfC to publish update WD of HTML Media Capture Frederick Hirsch 2012-05-23 HTML Media Capture
ACTION-539 (edit) closed Prepare WD of HTML Media Capture Anssi Kostiainen 2012-05-30
ACTION-540 (edit) closed Provide logistics information for Burlington F2F Frederick Hirsch 2012-06-06
ACTION-541 (edit) closed Start CfC for FPWD of proximity Frederick Hirsch 2012-06-20 Proximity API
ACTION-542 (edit) closed Review Web Application Privacy Best Practices, complete ACTION-470, put out CfC to publish as Note Frederick Hirsch 2012-06-20 Privacy
ACTION-543 (edit) closed Check with Josh Soref on actions next week Frederick Hirsch 2012-06-20 Organizational matters
ACTION-544 (edit) closed Widen editing privileges for editing webIntents Dave Raggett 2012-06-27
ACTION-545 (edit) closed Send CfC for publishing "Web Application Privacy Best Practices" as WG Note, ending next week Frederick Hirsch 2012-06-27 Privacy
ACTION-546 (edit) closed Arrange publication of "Web Applications Privacy Best Practices" as W3C WG Note. Frederick Hirsch 2012-07-04 Privacy
ACTION-547 (edit) closed Start CfC to publish Last Call WD of HTML Media Capture, ending 5 July 2012 Frederick Hirsch 2012-07-04
ACTION-548 (edit) closed Check out why chairs got an email to announce Sony joining group but they're not listed in DBWG Dave Raggett 2012-07-17
ACTION-549 (edit) closed Prepare CfC to publish FPWD of Proximity API Robin Berjon 2012-07-17
ACTION-550 (edit) closed add event for on load to webintents spec James Hawkins 2012-07-17 WebIntents
ACTION-551 (edit) closed share proposal on list to handle dynamic insertion/removal etc of <intent> tags James Hawkins 2012-07-17 WebIntents
ACTION-552 (edit) closed Send some spec text for the way that extras work Robin Berjon 2012-07-17 WebIntents
ACTION-553 (edit) closed Summarize issue and rationale regarding SSL for inlined webintents content Frederick Hirsch 2012-07-17 WebIntents
ACTION-554 (edit) closed Make a proposal for LazyBlob Robin Berjon 2012-07-17 Gallery API
ACTION-555 (edit) closed Add mDNS adaption to the 'Web Intents Addendum - Local Services' specification for feature completion and before FPWD Claes Nilsson 2012-08-15
ACTION-556 (edit) closed Set up test repository with example, docs, manifest generation for Web Intents Robin Berjon 2012-07-18 WebIntents
ACTION-557 (edit) closed Ping DougT about light sensor to see if there's interest Robin Berjon 2012-07-18
ACTION-558 (edit) closed Draft a proposal for stills capture for gUM Robin Berjon 2012-07-18 Local Media Capture API (getUserMedia)
ACTION-559 (edit) closed Ask team if they can set up Mercurial so that only one head is allowed Robin Berjon 2012-07-18
ACTION-560 (edit) closed Coordinate with PF to figure out which DAP specs, if any, have accessibility dependencies Robin Berjon 2012-07-19
ACTION-561 (edit) closed Produce a proposal draft for a StreamRecorder API Richard Tibbett 2012-07-27
ACTION-562 (edit) closed Enter the HTML MC LC comments into the tracking tool Frederick Hirsch 2012-08-01
ACTION-563 (edit) closed Start a CfC for Light Robin Berjon 2012-08-01
ACTION-564 (edit) closed Prepare Ambient Light Events for FPWD publication, including change of shortname to "ambient-light" Robin Berjon 2012-08-08
ACTION-565 (edit) closed Propose text for HTML Media Capture to allow for alternative capture device if specified device not available Josh Soref 2012-08-22
ACTION-566 (edit) closed Propose security text for HTML Media Capture to address LC comment Frederick Hirsch 2012-08-22
ACTION-567 (edit) closed to provide proposed resolutions for HTML Media Capture last call comments, Anssi Kostiainen 2012-09-05
ACTION-568 (edit) closed Work with Robin to move darobin to move API Cookbook to w3c space and prepare for publication as W3C FPWD NOTE Jungkee Song 2012-08-29
ACTION-569 (edit) closed Follow up regarding next steps for ambient light events on list Frederick Hirsch 2012-08-29
ACTION-570 (edit) closed Send CfC for WG to progress Ambient Temperature Events, Ambient Humidity Events drafts and publish FPWD of each Frederick Hirsch 2012-08-29
ACTION-571 (edit) closed Enter HTML Media LC comment responses into LC tracker Frederick Hirsch 2012-09-05
ACTION-572 (edit) closed Move specs in the home page Roadmap to 'Exploratory Work' section Frederick Hirsch 2012-09-05
ACTION-573 (edit) closed Check with James re implementations of Pick Media and Pick Contact, plans et Frederick Hirsch 2012-09-05
ACTION-574 (edit) closed Create facebook WebIntents Pick Contacts provider Josh Soref 2012-09-05
ACTION-575 (edit) closed Put Atmospheric Pressure API experimental section of DAP Roadmap due to same reasons as Humidity and Temperature Frederick Hirsch 2012-09-19
ACTION-576 (edit) closed Send CfC for removal of search from Pick Contacts Frederick Hirsch 2012-09-26
ACTION-577 (edit) closed Draft text proposal to resolve LC-2644 Frederick Hirsch 2012-09-26
ACTION-578 (edit) closed Propose FPWD publication of "Web Intents Addendum - Local Services" on TF Frederick Hirsch 2012-09-26
ACTION-579 (edit) closed Add reference to clarify "implicit consent" in HTML Media Capture, Anssi Kostiainen 2012-10-03
ACTION-580 (edit) closed Extend CfC for removing search from Pick Contacts Intent Frederick Hirsch 2012-10-03
ACTION-581 (edit) closed Follow up on converting shelved documents to Notes (possibly not published), addressing question of shortname for revised Rec document... Frederick Hirsch 2012-10-03
ACTION-582 (edit) closed Follow up regarding DAP action status offline Frederick Hirsch 2012-10-03
ACTION-583 (edit) closed Make publication request for Network Service Discovery Frederick Hirsch 2012-10-10
ACTION-584 (edit) closed Update F2F agenda for sensor next steps, network information, and to make invitations for mozilla participation Frederick Hirsch 2012-10-24
ACTION-585 (edit) closed Review Battery test and contribute more tests Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2012-11-08
ACTION-586 (edit) closed Review Battery tests Anssi Kostiainen 2012-11-08
ACTION-587 (edit) closed Prepare Proximity LC draft and run through pubrules Anssi Kostiainen 2012-11-08
ACTION-588 (edit) closed Review exclusion period for Ambient light Frederick Hirsch 2012-11-08
ACTION-589 (edit) closed Send CfC for Last Call of Ambient Light Events Frederick Hirsch 2012-11-08
ACTION-590 (edit) closed Prepare updated WD of network information with updated status, including addition of use cases Mounir Lamouri 2012-11-08
ACTION-591 (edit) closed Work with Mounir and James to create new webintents draft that reflects web activities and issues Greg Billock 2013-03-29 WebIntents
ACTION-592 (edit) closed Provide draft sensors landscape document Niklas Widell 2012-11-09
ACTION-593 (edit) closed Build a survey for finding a week for DAP meeting March/April Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2012-11-09
ACTION-594 (edit) closed Arrange publication of updated WD of Network Information API Frederick Hirsch 2012-11-21
ACTION-595 (edit) closed Draft proposal outlining rationale and proposed spec changes to change capture attribute to booleans Anssi Kostiainen 2012-12-05
ACTION-596 (edit) closed Update publication draft to have publication date of 6 December 2012 and LC end date of 24 January 2013 Anssi Kostiainen 2012-12-05
ACTION-597 (edit) closed Announce plans for LC publication to webapps, sys apps, ping Frederick Hirsch 2012-12-05
ACTION-598 (edit) closed Follow up on F2F interest with relevant participants Frederick Hirsch 2012-12-05
ACTION-599 (edit) closed Set up agenda page for F2F to solicit feedback and ideas Frederick Hirsch 2012-12-05
ACTION-600 (edit) closed Update editors draft for HTML Media Capture using proposal and incorporating changes based on comments Anssi Kostiainen 2012-12-12
ACTION-601 (edit) closed Prepare updated WD of HTML Media Capture in preparation for publication on 18 December (assuming WG agreement 12 Dec) Anssi Kostiainen 2012-12-12
ACTION-602 (edit) closed Send summary and query to the list to start Network Information discussion Frederick Hirsch 2012-12-12
ACTION-603 (edit) closed Send publication request for HTML Media Capture Frederick Hirsch 2012-12-19
ACTION-604 (edit) closed Request offers of hosting Frederick Hirsch 2012-12-19
ACTION-605 (edit) closed Update Ambient Light specification for LC-2737 , bringing queueing order update from Proximity to Ambient Light Anssi Kostiainen 2013-01-16
ACTION-606 (edit) closed Update Proximity and Ambient Light to define events, per LC-2738 Anssi Kostiainen 2013-01-16
ACTION-607 (edit) closed Update Ambient Light per LC-2737, bringing any questions to the list Anssi Kostiainen 2013-01-16
ACTION-608 (edit) closed Update LC-2731 as completed Frederick Hirsch 2013-01-16
ACTION-609 (edit) closed Ask Rick to make proposal for change, summarizing use cases and benefits of change Frederick Hirsch 2013-01-16
ACTION-610 (edit) closed Contact Richt offline re network service discovery Frederick Hirsch 2013-01-16
ACTION-611 (edit) closed Look at automating generation of static docs out of respecs docs Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-01-30
ACTION-612 (edit) closed Review SysApps and DAP overlap and discuss with SysApps chairs Frederick Hirsch 2013-02-13
ACTION-613 (edit) closed Draft proposed OMA liaison response Frederick Hirsch 2013-02-13
ACTION-614 (edit) closed Check with richt re network service discovery API updates and WD publication Frederick Hirsch 2013-02-27
ACTION-615 (edit) closed check with DOM that CR to PR status still ok despite Battery update by member:Mounir Frederick Hirsch 2013-02-27
ACTION-616 (edit) closed Send message to Niklas re ACTION-592 then close Frederick Hirsch 2013-02-27
ACTION-617 (edit) closed Set up f2f questionnaire Frederick Hirsch 2013-03-06
ACTION-618 (edit) closed Provide sotd text for battery, vibration status updates Frederick Hirsch 2013-03-06
ACTION-619 (edit) closed Follow up with Doug re closing HTML Media Capture LC Comments Frederick Hirsch 2013-03-06
ACTION-620 (edit) closed Create test cases for battery and vibration Anssi Kostiainen 2013-03-13
ACTION-621 (edit) closed Create test cases for HTML Media Capture Anssi Kostiainen 2013-03-13
ACTION-622 (edit) closed Follow up on concrete actions based on PING input Frederick Hirsch 2013-03-13
ACTION-623 (edit) closed Prepare transition request for HTML Media Capture Frederick Hirsch 2013-03-20
ACTION-624 (edit) closed Prepare WD of Network Service Discovery for publication, including link and validity checks Richard Tibbett 2013-03-27
ACTION-625 (edit) closed Move DAP tests to Git, with help from others as needed Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-05-01
ACTION-626 (edit) closed Update Proximity spec to clarify event constructor aspects Anssi Kostiainen 2013-05-01
ACTION-627 (edit) closed Contact Robin about returning booleans versus exceptions for cookbook update Frederick Hirsch 2013-05-01
ACTION-628 (edit) closed Send email to list with final proposal to update the "processing vibration patterns" algorithm to return boolean instead of throwing Anssi Kostiainen 2013-05-01
ACTION-629 (edit) closed Ask about latency and estimation mechanism for network information on DAP list Frederick Hirsch 2013-05-01
ACTION-630 (edit) closed Send CfC re shelving Web Intents, Web Intents Addendum, Pick Media Intent, Pick Contacts intent Frederick Hirsch 2013-05-15
ACTION-631 (edit) closed Follow up with spec editors regarding status to share on list Frederick Hirsch 2013-05-15
ACTION-632 (edit) closed Follow up on implementation status for DAP specifications Frederick Hirsch 2013-05-29
ACTION-633 (edit) closed Start CfC to shelve Network Information API, first checking with editor Frederick Hirsch 2013-05-29
ACTION-634 (edit) closed Update introduction of vibration to refer to notification API Anssi Kostiainen 2013-06-05
ACTION-635 (edit) closed Check on Media Capture TPAC F2F plans Frederick Hirsch 2013-06-05
ACTION-636 (edit) closed Send public list regarding consensus regarding charter extension Frederick Hirsch 2013-06-05
ACTION-637 (edit) closed Arrange for DAP charter extension, per Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-06-12
ACTION-638 (edit) closed Review webapps approach to reviewing test cases Frederick Hirsch 2013-06-12
ACTION-639 (edit) closed Send Vibration CR CfC and make transition request once LC disposition complete Frederick Hirsch 2013-07-17
ACTION-640 (edit) closed Respond to Nick and Rigo re privacy concerns in Proximity, Light Frederick Hirsch 2013-07-10
ACTION-641 (edit) closed Do a last check on battery and vibration test cases before merging in github master Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-08-14
ACTION-642 (edit) closed Review proximity and ambient light test cases Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-09-26 Testing
ACTION-643 (edit) closed Review Ambient Light and Proximity test cases by Sept Anssi Kostiainen 2013-07-10
ACTION-644 (edit) closed Ask TAG for feedback on promises with Network Discovery Frederick Hirsch 2013-07-31
ACTION-645 (edit) closed Share Network Service Discovery editors draft with PING Frederick Hirsch 2013-07-31 Network Service Discovery
ACTION-646 (edit) closed Organize joint call with web and tv group re network service discovery Frederick Hirsch 2013-08-21
ACTION-647 (edit) closed Send cfc to progress light to cr, two week cfc Frederick Hirsch 2013-08-21
ACTION-648 (edit) closed Send cfc to progress proxmity to cr, two week cfc Frederick Hirsch 2013-08-21
ACTION-649 (edit) closed Review todo items associated with battery test cases Anssi Kostiainen 2013-08-21
ACTION-650 (edit) closed Propose changing meeting time to thur at 10 am et slot Frederick Hirsch 2013-08-21
ACTION-651 (edit) closed Close issue-129 and issue-130 Frederick Hirsch 2013-08-28
ACTION-652 (edit) closed Make proposal on list regarding multiple vibration api invocations in frames for vibration Anssi Kostiainen 2013-09-11 Vibration API
ACTION-653 (edit) closed Create issues for vibration questions Frederick Hirsch 2013-09-11
ACTION-654 (edit) closed Propose text for network service discovery to define wildcard api and feature detection Jean-Claude Dufourd 2013-09-11 Network Service Discovery
ACTION-655 (edit) closed Update test for light : Anssi Kostiainen 2013-09-11 Testing
ACTION-656 (edit) closed Update proximity test for Anssi Kostiainen 2013-09-11 Testing
ACTION-657 (edit) closed Revise battery tests for idlharness, find qa person to help Anssi Kostiainen 2013-09-11 Testing
ACTION-658 (edit) closed Review issue-149 get input on tradeoff of either failing or offering partial result (not all of request) Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-10-10
ACTION-659 (edit) closed Review web notifications last call specification Frederick Hirsch 2013-09-26
ACTION-660 (edit) closed Determine interest in progressing network information api or not Anssi Kostiainen 2013-09-26
ACTION-661 (edit) closed Ask on list regarding proximity naming question Frederick Hirsch 2013-10-03
ACTION-662 (edit) closed Make publication request for light and proximity Frederick Hirsch 2013-10-03
ACTION-663 (edit) closed Respond regarding issue-153 that it is closed Frederick Hirsch 2013-10-10 Proximity API
ACTION-664 (edit) closed Respond indicating issue-152 deferred, suggesting more detailed use case/requriements for Frederick Hirsch 2013-10-10 Vibration API
ACTION-665 (edit) closed Update vibration draft per action-652 Anssi Kostiainen 2013-10-17
ACTION-666 (edit) closed Check with internal implementers whether vibration api is consistent with chip capabilities Giridhar Mandyam 2013-10-17 Vibration API
ACTION-667 (edit) closed Draft note corresponding to resolution Frederick Hirsch 2013-10-17 Vibration API
ACTION-668 (edit) closed Respond to michael re issue-155 , existing implementations, v2 possibility Anssi Kostiainen 2013-10-17
ACTION-669 (edit) closed Send CfC to publish Notes for shelved drafts with WD publications in TR Frederick Hirsch 2013-10-18
ACTION-670 (edit) closed Review issue-156 and add clamp to vibration specification Anssi Kostiainen 2013-11-07
ACTION-671 (edit) closed Prepare shelved note publications after tpac Anssi Kostiainen 2013-11-14
ACTION-672 (edit) closed Review status of vibration issues Frederick Hirsch 2013-12-19
ACTION-673 (edit) closed Update vibration spec with note related o issue-149 and update status section to list changes since last cr publication Anssi Kostiainen 2014-01-16
ACTION-674 (edit) closed Open cfc for lc publication of vibration once ACTION-673 completed Frederick Hirsch 2014-01-16 Vibration API
ACTION-675 (edit) closed Send update on test status, pull requests on the dap public list Anssi Kostiainen 2014-01-16
ACTION-676 (edit) closed Contact w3c comm team regarding sharing status of shelved documents without news item Frederick Hirsch 2014-01-16
ACTION-677 (edit) closed Follow up with webappsec and cors review of network service discovery Frederick Hirsch 2014-01-23
ACTION-678 (edit) closed Prepare lc draft of vibration with publication date 4 feb, lc end 25 feb, updated status, link,validity and pub rules check Anssi Kostiainen 2014-02-06 Vibration API
ACTION-679 (edit) closed Arrange publication of vibration LC 3 Frederick Hirsch 2014-02-14 Vibration API
ACTION-680 (edit) closed Follow up on webappsec review Frederick Hirsch 2014-02-13 Network Service Discovery
ACTION-681 (edit) closed Follow up on letting chromium & mozilla teams know about cors addition to network service discovery Frederick Hirsch 2014-02-20
ACTION-682 (edit) closed Follow up on how to approve pull requests and to identify correct reviewers, remove inappropriate critics etc Frederick Hirsch 2014-03-06
ACTION-683 (edit) closed Draft proposal for conformance and testing related to security and privacy Frederick Hirsch 2014-03-27
ACTION-684 (edit) closed Help close pull request #376 on battery, duplicate so does not need to be incorporate Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2014-03-27
ACTION-685 (edit) closed Review priorities of cordova alignment Frederick Hirsch 2014-03-27
ACTION-686 (edit) closed React on testing html media capture privacy & security considerations Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2014-04-03
ACTION-687 (edit) closed Make request to web and tv interest group re network service discovery Frederick Hirsch 2014-04-03
ACTION-688 (edit) closed Contact implementers re network service discovery directly Frederick Hirsch 2014-04-03
ACTION-689 (edit) closed Send cfc to update html media capture with proposal for security/privacy consideration, 1 week cfc Frederick Hirsch 2014-05-22
ACTION-690 (edit) closed Reply to youenn re use cases etc Frederick Hirsch 2014-05-22
ACTION-691 (edit) closed Make cfc to update battery and do another lc per suggested changes from google Frederick Hirsch 2014-05-22
ACTION-692 (edit) closed Send cfc to remove light level event from ambient light, return to lc Frederick Hirsch 2014-05-22
ACTION-693 (edit) closed Send message to confirm firefox status and plans to update for vibration Frederick Hirsch 2014-05-22
ACTION-694 (edit) closed Check on how to communicate with ie team re dap and feedback and ask about their plans if any to join dap Frederick Hirsch 2014-05-22
ACTION-695 (edit) closed Check with microsoft dap members regarding plans for implementation and interop participation Frederick Hirsch 2014-05-22
ACTION-696 (edit) closed Update battery draft to incorporate promises change, add promises reference, update status section, spell check/link check/validation check. (cfc already approved for these changes) Mounir Lamouri 2014-06-12 Battery Status API
ACTION-697 (edit) closed Update html media capture editors draft with updated status section, spell check/link check/validation check Anssi Kostiainen 2014-06-12 HTML Media Capture
ACTION-698 (edit) closed Update ambient light api editors draft to remove lightlevelevent (involves removing section 6 as well as updating other sections), update status section, spell check/link check/validation check Anssi Kostiainen 2014-06-12 Ambient Light Events API
ACTION-699 (edit) closed Review battery and how low battery threshold is handled Giridhar Mandyam 2014-06-19
ACTION-700 (edit) closed Propose example revisions for battery Anssi Kostiainen 2014-06-19
ACTION-701 (edit) closed Provide summary of test status and next steps to dap wg Zhiqiang Zhang 2014-06-19
ACTION-702 (edit) closed Add paragraph to battery explaining model, update to 6.1 proposed by fjh Anssi Kostiainen 2014-06-19
ACTION-703 (edit) closed Prepare 3 publication drafts including validation, link check, pubrules and adding diff links to sotd for monday morning et - vibration, light, html media capture Anssi Kostiainen 2014-06-19
ACTION-704 (edit) closed Follow up re closing january cordova feedback Lisa Seacat DeLuca 2014-07-03
ACTION-705 (edit) closed Add warning to Battery API that (naive) implementation of API could negatively affect battery life Anssi Kostiainen 2014-08-11 Battery Status API
ACTION-706 (edit) closed Add resolution to lc-2945 to draft Anssi Kostiainen 2014-08-14
ACTION-707 (edit) closed Send cfc for cr for html media capture, ambient light events, vibration api Frederick Hirsch 2014-08-14
ACTION-708 (edit) closed to ask zhiqiang to complete vibration tests Anssi Kostiainen 2014-08-14 Vibration API
ACTION-709 (edit) closed Follow upon on issue-166 and Anssi Kostiainen 2014-08-14 ISSUE-166
ACTION-710 (edit) closed Look at issue-168 Anssi Kostiainen 2014-08-14 ISSUE-168
ACTION-711 (edit) closed Arrange director transition call for cr for html media capture, light, vibration before 28 aug planned publication date Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2014-08-28 Organizational matters
ACTION-712 (edit) closed Look into chartering extensibility Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2015-07-01 Organizational matters
ACTION-713 (edit) closed Follow up on status of network service discovery and plans going forward, also named web sockets Frederick Hirsch 2014-08-28
ACTION-714 (edit) closed Update implmentation report to clarify explicitly which tests are for desktop or mobile Zhiqiang Zhang 2014-09-11 Vibration API
ACTION-715 (edit) closed Send cfc to close lc-2965 with proposal to continue existing battery api with if needed Frederick Hirsch 2014-09-11 Battery Status API
ACTION-716 (edit) closed Add rwalron as invited expert to dap group Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2014-09-11
ACTION-717 (edit) closed Note on webapps list that this is alreadyin dap charter, so could be done in dap if needed, permissions api Frederick Hirsch 2014-09-11 Organizational matters
ACTION-718 (edit) closed Set up tpac breakout on web api for health care sensors Frederick Hirsch 2014-09-25
ACTION-719 (edit) closed Follow up with rwaldron Frederick Hirsch 2014-09-25 Ambient Light Events API
ACTION-720 (edit) closed Send cfc asking if vibration test and implementation report is correct and complete Frederick Hirsch 2014-09-25
ACTION-721 (edit) closed Check on call-in access to tpac plenary day breakout sessions, e.g. web api for health care sensors, next steps for web of things Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2014-10-09
ACTION-722 (edit) closed Follow up on inviting bluetooth cg presentation at breakout Frederick Hirsch 2014-10-09
ACTION-723 (edit) closed Add test for user denial of captured file leading to no capture Zhiqiang Zhang 2014-10-09 HTML Media Capture
ACTION-724 (edit) closed Check with wake lock editors on stability and suitability for fpwd on wake lock api Frederick Hirsch 2014-12-18 Wake Lock API
ACTION-725 (edit) closed Follow up with Zhiqiang Zhang re action-723 Frederick Hirsch 2014-12-18 HTML Media Capture
ACTION-726 (edit) closed Check on process for publishing rec, does group need to prepare snapshot Frederick Hirsch 2015-01-29 Organizational matters
ACTION-727 (edit) closed Contact tim and boris re joining dap Tobie Langel 2015-01-29 Organizational matters
ACTION-728 (edit) closed Discuss github issue process with dom Frederick Hirsch 2015-01-29 Organizational matters
ACTION-729 (edit) closed Update test case to clarify manual testing and to run tests and update results related to action-723 Zhiqiang Zhang 2015-01-29 HTML Media Capture
ACTION-730 (edit) closed Update the battery test suite to match latest battery spec (coordinating with marcos) Zhiqiang Zhang 2015-01-29 Battery Status API
ACTION-731 (edit) pending review Review html media capture tests Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2015-03-12
ACTION-732 (edit) closed Review html media capture tests Anssi Kostiainen 2015-02-26
ACTION-733 (edit) closed Discuss generic sensor api and use of eventtarget in geolocation wg to summarize issues to dap Giridhar Mandyam 2015-06-18 Generic Sensor API
ACTION-734 (edit) closed Contact mozilla and microsoft re interest in implementing html media capture vs shelving Anssi Kostiainen 2015-07-02
ACTION-735 (edit) closed Create editor drafts for ambient light and proximity indicating new approach toward generic sensor api, also drafts for publication to tr space Anssi Kostiainen 2015-07-02
ACTION-736 (edit) closed Send cfc for wd publication for ambient light and proximity once drafts available Frederick Hirsch 2015-07-02
ACTION-737 (edit) pending review Chat with geo chair and staff contact on future of device orientaiton Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2015-07-02
ACTION-738 (edit) closed Update current wd of wake lock and set it up so wd is updated automatically when ed updated Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2015-09-17
ACTION-739 (edit) closed Send cfc for 2 week approval of progressing with charter and name change Frederick Hirsch 2015-10-22
ACTION-740 (edit) closed Send cfc to close web intents tf Frederick Hirsch 2015-10-22
ACTION-741 (edit) closed Review battery failure results and status of testing Anssi Kostiainen 2016-01-14 Battery Status API
ACTION-742 (edit) pending review Review battery failure results and status of interop Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2016-01-14
ACTION-743 (edit) closed Discuss with tobie how to generate report showing issues reported by others and how resolved Frederick Hirsch 2016-02-11 Generic Sensor API
ACTION-744 (edit) closed Clarify battery test report , removing or explaining yellow at bottom of report Anssi Kostiainen 2016-02-11 Battery Status API
ACTION-745 (edit) closed Request review of anssi update of vibration from wg and ping (pull request version) Frederick Hirsch 2016-02-25 Vibration API
ACTION-746 (edit) closed Update pr draft to change link from implementation report to Anssi Kostiainen 2016-03-10 Battery Status API
ACTION-747 (edit) closed Create pr publication draft, updating status section to note that there were no new issues since cr, that there were no features marked as at risk Anssi Kostiainen 2016-03-10 Battery Status API
ACTION-748 (edit) closed Put tentative date of 3 may 2016 in battery pr draft Anssi Kostiainen 2016-03-10 Battery Status API
ACTION-749 (edit) closed Send transition request Frederick Hirsch 2016-03-10 Battery Status API
ACTION-750 (edit) closed Create draft security and privacy considerations section for vibration api Lukasz Olejnik 2016-03-10 Vibration API
ACTION-751 (edit) closed Prepare new vibration editors draft including errata and security and privacy consideration material from lukasz and others Anssi Kostiainen 2016-03-10 Vibration API
ACTION-752 (edit) closed to review wake lock with respect to privacy and security Andrey Logvinov 2016-03-10 Wake Lock API
ACTION-753 (edit) closed Update Web IDL Level 1 reference to reference new WebIDL CR publication in editors draft and PR draft Anssi Kostiainen 2016-03-21 Battery Status API
ACTION-754 (edit) closed Arrange dap registration for tpac mon and tue Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2016-04-21
ACTION-755 (edit) closed Register device & sensors wg to tpac Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2016-04-21
ACTION-756 (edit) pending review Start discussion on wide review of generic sensor & ambient lights Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2016-05-19
ACTION-757 (edit) closed Send email to lukasz asking re next steps for privacy or call participation Frederick Hirsch 2016-06-02
ACTION-758 (edit) closed Follow up with giri re tpac Frederick Hirsch 2016-06-02
ACTION-759 (edit) closed Try and get in touch with firefox battery owner to discuss test case outcome Anssi Kostiainen 2016-06-09
ACTION-760 (edit) closed Bring vibration to per Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2016-06-09
ACTION-761 (edit) closed Work with frederick & tobie on wide review of sensor drafts Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2016-06-09
ACTION-762 (edit) closed Get new updated test report Anssi Kostiainen 2016-06-23
ACTION-763 (edit) closed Check if a cfc is needed for proximity wd Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2016-07-07
ACTION-764 (edit) closed Work with riju on preparing a wd for proximity Anssi Kostiainen 2016-07-07
ACTION-765 (edit) closed Ping marcos & domenic on battery issue #5 Anssi Kostiainen 2016-09-01
ACTION-766 (edit) closed Check for new requirements on vibration from gamepad/vr Anssi Kostiainen 2016-09-01
ACTION-767 (edit) closed Prepare new wd of sensors for wide review Anssi Kostiainen 2016-09-01
ACTION-768 (edit) pending review Start wide review of generic sensors & ambient light Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2016-09-01
ACTION-769 (edit) closed Open issues on missing webidl ref in concrete sensors Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2016-09-01
ACTION-770 (edit) pending review Ask frederick to start a fpwd call for consensus for concrete sensors once webidl references have been added Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2016-09-01
ACTION-771 (edit) closed Prepare agenda for sensors meeting @ tpac Anssi Kostiainen 2016-09-12
ACTION-772 (edit) closed Send transition request for fpwd of concrete sensors Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2016-09-15
ACTION-773 (edit) closed Find a ping person for joining us at tpac for discussion on privacy Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2016-09-15
ACTION-774 (edit) closed Transfer as github issues Andrey Logvinov 2016-09-15
ACTION-775 (edit) closed File apa's comment as a gh issue on the vibration repo Anssi Kostiainen 2016-10-13
ACTION-776 (edit) closed Send formal answer to apa wg comment Frederick Hirsch 2016-10-13
ACTION-777 (edit) closed Edit battery to document privacy concerns related to issue 5 Anssi Kostiainen 2016-10-13
ACTION-778 (edit) closed Review tets results pull request for ambient light Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2016-12-08
ACTION-779 (edit) closed Propose changes to address garbage collection issues Tobie Langel 2016-12-08
ACTION-780 (edit) closed Accept pull request for ambient light Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2016-12-08
ACTION-781 (edit) closed Track changes in generic sensor api and update ambient light tests accordingly Wanming Lin 2016-12-08
ACTION-782 (edit) closed Review pull request for wake lock api Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2016-12-22
ACTION-783 (edit) pending review Let the tag know about the updated wake lock spec Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2017-01-19
ACTION-784 (edit) closed Ask tag to put wake lock on agenda Frederick Hirsch 2017-02-02
ACTION-785 (edit) closed Update milestones on generic sensor issues Tobie Langel 2017-03-16
ACTION-786 (edit) closed Import motion sensors explainer in Kenneth Christiansen 2017-03-16
ACTION-787 (edit) closed Review screen orientation api with alexander Alexander Shalamov 2017-04-15
ACTION-788 (edit) closed Prepare html media capture for updated cr Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2017-04-13
ACTION-789 (edit) closed Publish cfc for orientation sensor and motion sensors explainer Frederick Hirsch 2017-04-13
ACTION-790 (edit) closed Send note to group about scheduling das f2f at tpac for thur fri Frederick Hirsch 2017-04-13
ACTION-791 (edit) closed Prepare transition request for html media capture to cr Frederick Hirsch 2017-04-13
ACTION-792 (edit) closed Enter screen orientation issues into github Alexander Shalamov 2017-04-13
ACTION-793 (edit) closed Discuss f2f alternatives/approach with dom Frederick Hirsch 2017-04-27
ACTION-794 (edit) closed Send transition request for orientation sensor specification and fpwd of motion explainer note Frederick Hirsch 2017-04-27
ACTION-795 (edit) closed Review outcome of w3c workshop on trust and permissions for web applications Frederick Hirsch 2017-04-27
ACTION-796 (edit) closed Look at potential for a permissions-oriented w3c meeting/workshop Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2017-11-30
ACTION-797 (edit) closed Provide a list of important questions and concerns that need answers - for which a workshop might help Tobie Langel 2017-04-27
ACTION-798 (edit) closed Submit publication request for orientation sensor and motion explainer Frederick Hirsch 2017-05-11
ACTION-799 (edit) pending review Prepare a new cr draft for battery Anssi Kostiainen 2017-05-25
ACTION-800 (edit) closed Take a stab a level-1 issue classification Alexander Shalamov 2017-06-22
ACTION-801 (edit) closed Check with dom on cr versus pr for html media capture Frederick Hirsch 2017-07-06
ACTION-802 (edit) pending review Update html media capture references for publication, e.g. html5 Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2017-09-07
ACTION-803 (edit) closed Comment on how to update html spec to include sandbox flag for wake lock Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2017-07-06
ACTION-804 (edit) open close issues that are no longer relevant Andrey Logvinov 2017-07-06
ACTION-805 (edit) closed Work with frederick on getting a wide review question on sensor specs (- proximity), pointing out motion sensors explainer Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2017-09-14
ACTION-806 (edit) closed Get in touch with webvr cg on wide review of motion sensor specs Anssi Kostiainen 2017-09-14
ACTION-807 (edit) closed Run self-review questionnaire on sensor specs Alexander Shalamov 2017-09-14
ACTION-808 (edit) closed Look into the need to get wide review of revised battery Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2017-09-14
ACTION-809 (edit) open Review automotive specifications with regards to generic sensor api Alexander Shalamov 2017-09-28
ACTION-810 (edit) closed Send email confirming cfc conclusion Frederick Hirsch 2017-09-28
ACTION-811 (edit) closed Review charter Frederick Hirsch 2017-09-28
ACTION-812 (edit) closed Review tag feedback for generic sensor / als and prepare list of changes for next review with mikhail Alexander Shalamov 2017-10-12
ACTION-813 (edit) closed Work with anssi on requesting transition of wake lock to cr Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2017-11-30
ACTION-814 (edit) open Talk to marijn to understand why geofencing api work was abandoned Reilly Grant 2018-10-30
ACTION-815 (edit) open Discuss with chrome api owners whether to deprecate ondeviceorientationabsolute event Reilly Grant 2018-10-30
ACTION-816 (edit) open Take an action to rebase #49 Anssi Kostiainen 2018-10-30
ACTION-817 (edit) open Add a note to deviceorientationevent that "implementors need to be aware that the future work is now happening on the generic sensor-based specifications" Anssi Kostiainen 2018-10-30
ACTION-818 (edit) open Investigate what popular computer vision js libraries are available. Reilly Grant 2018-10-30

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Anssi Kostiainen <>, Reilly Grant <>, Chairs, Fuqiao Xue <>, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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