IRC log of tagmem on 2009-10-22
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 16:59:44 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #tagmem
- 16:59:44 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 16:59:52 [jar]
- zakim, this will be tag
- 16:59:52 [Zakim]
- ok, jar; I see TAG_Weekly()1:00PM scheduled to start in 1 minute
- 17:00:34 [Zakim]
- TAG_Weekly()1:00PM has now started
- 17:00:41 [Zakim]
- +Jonathan_Rees
- 17:01:01 [Zakim]
- +Raman
- 17:01:19 [Zakim]
- +Ashok_Malhotra
- 17:01:56 [noah]
- noah has joined #tagmem
- 17:02:06 [Zakim]
- +Noah_Mendelsohn
- 17:02:33 [raman]
- raman has joined #tagmem
- 17:02:40 [noah]
- zakim, noah_mendelsohn is me
- 17:02:40 [Zakim]
- +noah; got it
- 17:02:47 [noah]
- zakim, who is here?
- 17:02:47 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Jonathan_Rees, Raman, Ashok_Malhotra, noah
- 17:02:48 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see raman, noah, RRSAgent, jar, Ashok, Zakim, DanC, ht, trackbot
- 17:03:06 [Zakim]
- +DanC
- 17:03:45 [ht]
- zakim, please call ht-781
- 17:03:45 [Zakim]
- ok, ht; the call is being made
- 17:03:47 [Zakim]
- +Ht
- 17:03:48 [jar]
- scribe: Jonathan Rees
- 17:03:50 [jar]
- scribenick: jar
- 17:04:02 [jar]
- chair: Noah Mendelsohn
- 17:04:33 [ht]
- zakim, please mute me
- 17:04:33 [Zakim]
- Ht should now be muted
- 17:05:42 [DanC]
- agenda + site-meta last call comments due 6 Nov (siteData-36 issue-36)
- 17:05:43 [DanC]
- q+
- 17:06:01 [jar]
- zakim, agenda?
- 17:06:01 [Zakim]
- I see 11 items remaining on the agenda:
- 17:06:02 [Zakim]
- 1. Convene [from DanC]
- 17:06:03 [Zakim]
- 2. Approve minutes of prior meeting(s) [from DanC]
- 17:06:07 [Zakim]
- 3. Administrative items (Brief) [from DanC]
- 17:06:08 [Zakim]
- 4. Privacy policy [from DanC]
- 17:06:08 [Zakim]
- 5. Security [from DanC]
- 17:06:09 [Zakim]
- 6. Forbidding hyperlinks [from DanC]
- 17:06:09 [Zakim]
- 7. HTML [from DanC]
- 17:06:10 [Zakim]
- 8. Pending Review Items [from DanC]
- 17:06:12 [Zakim]
- 9. Overdue Action Items [from DanC]
- 17:06:13 [Zakim]
- 10. Any other business [from DanC]
- 17:06:15 [Zakim]
- 11. site-meta last call comments due 6 Nov (siteData-36 issue-36) [from DanC]
- 17:06:28 [jar]
- zakim, next agendum
- 17:06:28 [Zakim]
- agendum 1. "Convene" taken up [from DanC]
- 17:06:42 [jar]
- zakim, next agendum
- 17:06:42 [Zakim]
- I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, jar
- 17:06:47 [jar]
- q?
- 17:07:06 [DanC]
- ack danc
- 17:07:33 [ht]
- zakim, unmute me
- 17:07:33 [Zakim]
- Ht should no longer be muted
- 17:08:47 [Zakim]
- +John_Kemp
- 17:09:11 [ht]
- zakim, please mute me
- 17:09:11 [Zakim]
- Ht should now be muted
- 17:10:29 [jar]
- zakim, next agendum
- 17:10:29 [Zakim]
- agendum 2. "Approve minutes of prior meeting(s)" taken up [from DanC]
- 17:11:13 [jar]
- Minutes of 23-25 Sept F2F - table approval
- 17:11:31 [jar]
- discussion of 2 week limit
- 17:11:42 [jar]
- approved minutes 1 oct
- 17:11:48 [jar]
- 17:12:09 [jar]
- john k will read minutes of oct 8; take up approval next time
- 17:12:28 [jar]
- zakim, next agendum
- 17:12:28 [Zakim]
- agendum 3. "Administrative items (Brief)" taken up [from DanC]
- 17:12:34 [ht]
- me
- 17:12:36 [jar]
- who will be at TPAC?
- 17:12:49 [DanC]
- DanC has joined #tagmem
- 17:12:50 [jar]
- ashok, raman, noah, henry,
- 17:13:09 [Zakim]
- +DanC.a
- 17:13:21 [DanC]
- I plan to be at TPAC
- 17:14:02 [jar]
- Noah has worked out meeting time with HTML WG
- 17:14:38 [jar]
- exact time depends
- 17:14:57 [jar]
- danc: What shall we talk about?
- 17:15:19 [jar]
- noah: Thanks to those who responded to the issue summary request
- 17:15:46 [DanC]
- (re shepherd... here I was thinking I wasn't shepherding any issues, but when I checked, I found the site-data thing was in my court)
- 17:15:59 [jar]
- noah: Reminder about call for exclusions; period ends today.
- 17:16:30 [jar]
- noah: What HTML-related things might we want to discuss at TPAC?
- 17:16:45 [jar]
- noah: (re session planning)
- 17:17:15 [DanC]
- Zakim, who's on the phone?
- 17:17:15 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Jonathan_Rees, Raman, Ashok_Malhotra, noah, DanC, Ht (muted), John_Kemp, DanC.a
- 17:17:20 [jar]
- danc: How about a poll.
- 17:17:52 [raman]
- level of enthusiasm on call is depressing
- 17:19:13 [jar]
- jar: Won't be at TPAC, no particular desires around TAG/TPAC discussions
- 17:19:47 [jar]
- raman: Individual discussions will be the important thing
- 17:19:50 [ht]
- zakim, unmute me
- 17:19:50 [Zakim]
- Ht should no longer be muted
- 17:20:31 [jar]
- ashok: Would like to ask whether there has been any progress since last meeting - anyone listening to the TAG?
- 17:21:01 [jar]
- ... authoring guidelines, extensibility, URIs, ...
- 17:21:03 [DanC]
- q+ to note progress on spec modularity
- 17:21:41 [jar]
- ... not that there hasn't been any; just would like to track progress ...
- 17:22:08 [jar]
- danc: Could you (Ashok) go over last time's notes?
- 17:22:54 [jar]
- noah: Ian did prepare an authoring draft and wants us to review it
- 17:23:09 [DanC]
- (I spent some time looking at the authoring draft, as did masinter)
- 17:23:11 [Zakim]
- -John_Kemp
- 17:24:12 [jar]
- noah: (continuing poll) Would like to go over our minutes in prep for TPAC
- 17:24:19 [Zakim]
- +John_Kemp
- 17:24:21 [noah]
- ACTION-319 on Noah: Consider HTML media type issue for TPAC agenda(s) Due: 2009-10-29
- 17:24:32 [DanC]
- Zakim, who's on the phone?
- 17:24:32 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Jonathan_Rees, Raman, Ashok_Malhotra, noah, DanC, Ht, DanC.a, John_Kemp
- 17:24:59 [noah]
- I was supposed to get input from Larry as input to my ACTION 319 on media types. Was hoping Larry would be here today to clarify status.
- 17:25:05 [jar]
- ht: RDFa is something where we could get some benefit from discussion
- 17:26:10 [jar]
- noah: consider the HTML media type issue
- 17:26:32 [jar]
- ht: yes, remember Tim's desire to have XHTML handled properly when served with text/html
- 17:26:43 [ht]
- s/served with/served as/
- 17:27:12 [noah]
- ACTION: Noah to respond to HTML WG chairs with suggested TPAC topics -- see minutes of 22 Oct
- 17:27:12 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-320 - Respond to HTML WG chairs with suggested TPAC topics -- see minutes of 22 Oct [on Noah Mendelsohn - due 2009-10-29].
- 17:27:33 [jar]
- danc: (continuing poll) about URIs, what is the time scale? sequencing of the two specs (IRI / HTML5)
- 17:28:56 [jar]
- johnk: RDFa / microdata is worth discussing. also distributed extensibility
- 17:29:13 [Zakim]
- -DanC.a
- 17:29:23 [noah]
- zakim, who is here?
- 17:29:23 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Jonathan_Rees, Raman, Ashok_Malhotra, noah, DanC, Ht, John_Kemp
- 17:29:25 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see DanC, raman, noah, RRSAgent, jar, Ashok, Zakim, ht, trackbot
- 17:30:01 [Zakim]
- +DanC.a
- 17:30:04 [Zakim]
- -DanC.a
- 17:30:10 [DanC]
- zakim, drop DanC
- 17:30:10 [Zakim]
- DanC is being disconnected
- 17:30:11 [Zakim]
- -DanC
- 17:30:16 [Zakim]
- +DanC
- 17:30:22 [jar]
- (note to minutes editor: remove "(Brief)" from agendum name)
- 17:30:52 [jar]
- zakim, agenda?
- 17:30:52 [Zakim]
- I see 9 items remaining on the agenda:
- 17:30:53 [Zakim]
- 3. Administrative items (Brief) [from DanC]
- 17:30:55 [Zakim]
- 4. Privacy policy [from DanC]
- 17:30:55 [Zakim]
- 5. Security [from DanC]
- 17:30:56 [Zakim]
- 6. Forbidding hyperlinks [from DanC]
- 17:30:56 [Zakim]
- 7. HTML [from DanC]
- 17:30:58 [Zakim]
- 8. Pending Review Items [from DanC]
- 17:30:59 [Zakim]
- 9. Overdue Action Items [from DanC]
- 17:31:00 [Zakim]
- 10. Any other business [from DanC]
- 17:31:01 [Zakim]
- 11. site-meta last call comments due 6 Nov (siteData-36 issue-36) [from DanC]
- 17:31:35 [Zakim]
- -John_Kemp
- 17:32:16 [jar]
- noah: Call for agenda for TAG meeting at TPAC
- 17:32:18 [Zakim]
- +John_Kemp
- 17:32:26 [jar]
- zakim, next agendum
- 17:32:26 [Zakim]
- I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, jar
- 17:32:41 [noah]
- q?
- 17:32:45 [DanC]
- ack danc
- 17:32:45 [Zakim]
- DanC, you wanted to note progress on spec modularity
- 17:32:54 [jar]
- zakim, next agendum
- 17:32:54 [Zakim]
- agendum 4. "Privacy policy" taken up [from DanC]
- 17:33:17 [DanC]
- action-318?
- 17:33:17 [trackbot]
- ACTION-318 -- Noah Mendelsohn to send note to Device APIs and Policy (DAP) Working Group on behalf of the TAG -- due 2009-10-15 -- OPEN
- 17:33:17 [trackbot]
- 17:33:17 [noah]
- * From minutes of 8 Oct 2009: RESOLVED that that LMM edit 2009Sep/0073 lightly as discussed 8 Oct and Noah send to Device APIs and Policy Working Group on behalf of the TAG
- 17:33:17 [noah]
- * ACTION-318 Send note to Device APIs and Policy (DAP) Working Group on behalf of the TAG - on Noah Due: 15 Oct 2009
- 17:33:59 [noah]
- Continued
- 17:34:06 [jar]
- action-318 due october 25
- 17:34:06 [trackbot]
- ACTION-318 Send note to Device APIs and Policy (DAP) Working Group on behalf of the TAG due date now october 25
- 17:34:43 [DanC]
- (does it matter when we send our thingy to the DAP WG? ht? (picking on you somewhat arbitrarily))
- 17:34:59 [jar]
- ashok: There's a similar note on policy [...] to media annotations WG -- should we make a more general statement?
- 17:35:32 [jar]
- danc: Not my style. The anybody/nobody/somebody problem
- 17:35:40 [jar]
- [DAP WG]
- 17:36:21 [noah]
- ACTION Noah to bug Larry about his input to ACTION-318
- 17:36:21 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-321 - Bug Larry about his input to ACTION-318 [on Noah Mendelsohn - due 2009-10-29].
- 17:36:43 [jar]
- zakim, take up next item
- 17:36:43 [Zakim]
- agendum 5. "Security" taken up [from DanC]
- 17:37:27 [jar]
- This is what wants an answer:
- 17:37:51 [noah]
- NM: I'm not sure whether the link in the agenda is also pertinent
- 17:38:28 [noah]
- On Wed, 24 Jun 2009 19:22:35 +0200, Henry S. Thompson <>
- 17:38:28 [noah]
- wrote:
- 17:38:28 [noah]
- > One point of clarification: my (admittedly imperfect) understanding
- 17:38:28 [noah]
- > was that the most important parts of CORS have to be implemented
- 17:38:28 [noah]
- > _server_-side for the proposal to achieve its goals. If that's true,
- 17:38:29 [noah]
- > browser deployment alone is insufficient. Is that a misunderstanding
- 17:38:32 [noah]
- > on my part?
- 17:38:33 [noah]
- As was pointed out elsewhere in this thread it was.
- 17:38:36 [noah]
- I was wondering if the TAG considers this item closed or wishes to know
- 17:38:38 [noah]
- something more, in which case I'd like to hear about it! I'm trying to
- 17:38:40 [noah]
- wrap up email threads and this is one of them. Thanks!
- 17:38:42 [noah]
- Kind regards,
- 17:38:47 [noah]
- Anne van Kesteren
- 17:39:20 [DanC]
- (this = the confused deputy stuff or the server/client-side stuff?)
- 17:39:33 [noah]
- I think so Dan
- 17:39:43 [DanC]
- which?
- 17:40:00 [jar]
- raman: Not a security expert, but have heard individuals I respect question it
- 17:40:07 [DanC]
- (a) the confused deputy problem in 0042 or (b) the server/client-stuff in 0095
- 17:40:29 [jar]
- noah: Appropriate for the TAG to become a focal point
- 17:40:30 [noah]
- q?
- 17:41:02 [jar]
- ht: Looking to see current state of the thread that my email kicked off
- 17:41:09 [DanC]
- q+ to speak to the confused deputy problem
- 17:41:52 [jar]
- noah: Does CORS go to LC on its own?
- 17:42:11 [DanC]
- q_ to note that the confused deputy stuff isn't in the CORS issue list
- 17:42:17 [DanC]
- q+ to note that the confused deputy stuff isn't in the CORS issue list
- 17:42:37 [noah]
- q?
- 17:42:51 [jar]
- raman: If we have things to say, we should do so now, not wait for their LC
- 17:42:54 [noah]
- q+ to say that if more research is needed, now is a good time to kick it off
- 17:44:05 [noah]
- Dan, I'm curious whether is about CORS at all
- 17:44:09 [jar]
- danc: Regarding 0042 - distinction between "Anne and others" don't see a problem and "the WG" doesn't see a problem
- 17:44:29 [ht]
- 17:44:29 [jar]
- ... But confused deputy is not in their issues list ...
- 17:44:43 [jar]
- ... Mark M if he has a problem with this needs to get this onto their issues list
- 17:44:50 [Zakim]
- -John_Kemp
- 17:45:02 [jar]
- ht: The thread peters out into unresolved disagreement
- 17:45:28 [Zakim]
- +John_Kemp
- 17:45:53 [jar]
- ... we could say: Doesn't look like you're done, but I see that there is no open issue
- 17:45:59 [jar]
- ... what is their process?
- 17:46:23 [jar]
- danc: I think Mark M has raised an issue, and it ought to be added to their list
- 17:47:08 [DanC]
- s/it ought to be added/I'm inclined to ask the chair to add it/
- 17:47:34 [DanC]
- (the difference is: their chair might clarify the way they handle issues)
- 17:48:10 [jar]
- noah: Propose ht to send a request on behalf of the TAG, that the WG open an issue [re confused deputy]
- 17:49:13 [jar]
- noah: alternative: ht to send a request (not directly on behalf of TAG) etc
- 17:49:26 [Zakim]
- -John_Kemp
- 17:49:34 [jar]
- q?
- 17:49:45 [noah]
- q-
- 17:49:57 [DanC]
- 17:50:32 [jar]
- danc: But that's not what the 8 oct message was about.
- 17:50:35 [noah]
- DC: I am talking about the message of 8 Oct., not 19th
- 17:50:46 [jar]
- danc: Two parts of this agendum on today's meeting.
- 17:51:17 [jar]
- ht: Thought this was about 19 October.
- 17:51:29 [jar]
- danc: Put aside confused deputy for now.
- 17:52:13 [Zakim]
- +John_Kemp
- 17:52:17 [jar]
- noah: There was a problem with the agenda..
- 17:52:53 [jar]
- danc: OK to let 8 Oct (0095) drop.
- 17:53:17 [jar]
- ht: Not competent to judge this...
- 17:53:37 [raman]
- need to leave --- bye all!
- 17:53:41 [Zakim]
- -Raman
- 17:53:51 [raman]
- raman has left #tagmem
- 17:54:04 [jar]
- noah: This question (about server side deployment) more appropriate for CR time
- 17:54:34 [noah]
- NM: Seems to me that need for interoperable server side implementations might be an important CR exit criterion.
- 17:54:49 [jar]
- The confused deputy piece comes from
- 17:55:14 [jar]
- (note to minutes editor... make sure to get the 2 issues untangled in the minutes)
- 17:55:43 [jar]
- Discussion of CR exit critieria. Can criteria be added after LC?
- 17:56:10 [jar]
- danc: Usually some of these decisions wait until discussion with the director
- 17:59:08 [ht]
- Sorry for the delay -- the discussion has clarified the current
- 17:59:08 [ht]
- relevance of client-side implementations, and as far as that goes the
- 17:59:08 [ht]
- TAG is happy.
- 17:59:08 [ht]
- 17:59:08 [ht]
- We do assume that demonstrating interoperable server-side
- 17:59:09 [ht]
- implementation will be a necessary part of your CR exit criteria --
- 17:59:11 [ht]
- could you please confirm that?
- 17:59:13 [ht]
- 17:59:21 [DanC]
- +1
- 17:59:31 [jar]
- q+ jar to talk about 1215 vs. 0095 and apologize for mixing them up
- 17:59:31 [noah]
- should that be s/could/would/ ?
- 17:59:38 [DanC]
- ack danc
- 17:59:38 [Zakim]
- DanC, you wanted to speak to the confused deputy problem and to note that the confused deputy stuff isn't in the CORS issue list
- 18:00:29 [jar]
- Agreement that HT should send that (see above "Sorry for ...")
- 18:00:30 [DanC]
- ack jar
- 18:00:30 [Zakim]
- jar, you wanted to talk about 1215 vs. 0095 and apologize for mixing them up
- 18:00:56 [noah]
- I was the one who mixed up 1215 and 95, I'm pretty sure
- 18:01:16 [noah]
- JAR: I think we're now OK on server side
- 18:01:46 [noah]
- JAR: The one that Henry sent on behalf of the TAG is the 1215 message, on confused deputy. Should they open an issue on that?
- 18:02:12 [DanC]
- 18:02:13 [jar]
- 18:03:25 [jar]
- no.
- 18:04:09 [ht]
- "the new functionality
- 18:04:09 [ht]
- > provided would, on the one hand, be insufficiently secure while, on
- 18:04:09 [ht]
- > the
- 18:04:09 [ht]
- > other, discouraging the provision of something more satisfactory.
- 18:04:10 [jar]
- ht: There are two parts to the paragraph in (1215).
- 18:04:11 [ht]
- "
- 18:04:37 [jar]
- ... Anne responded to the part about server side deployment, asking if that was still an issue for us...
- 18:04:50 [noah]
- I'm still not convinced that the IRC log is getting how the parts of this discussion fit.
- 18:05:07 [noah]
- JAR, are you grokking enough of this to clarify when you edit later?
- 18:05:24 [jar]
- ... but that's not the deeper question posed at the end, about how secure it will be.
- 18:05:32 [ht]
- 18:06:32 [jar]
- 2nd part of 1215 = the "even if it did" part, which gave rise to "unaddressed security concerns" thread (0014 see above)
- 18:06:36 [ht]
- 18:07:00 [jar]
- ht: 0102 is from Mark Miller. You never want confused deputy vulnerabilities; that's what matters.
- 18:07:01 [ht]
- s/0014/0104/
- 18:07:11 [ht]
- s/want/addressed/
- 18:07:41 [jar]
- ht: That thread has not been reflected as an issue, or been brought to a resolution
- 18:08:01 [noah]
- q?
- 18:08:30 [jar]
- danc: And Anne is the editor, and says "I and others don't see an issue"...
- 18:08:46 [jar]
- noah: We agreed to say something right?
- 18:09:17 [jar]
- noah: Henry will send a note to Art
- 18:09:33 [jar]
- zakim, take up next item
- 18:09:33 [Zakim]
- agendum 6. "Forbidding hyperlinks" taken up [from DanC]
- 18:10:15 [DanC]
- URIs, deep linking, framing, adapting and related concerns Rotan Hanrahan (Friday, 16 October)
- 18:10:19 [jar]
- danc: Rotan H brought this to the TAG
- 18:11:05 [jar]
- noah: As you recall... TAG worked on "deep linking" way back when
- 18:11:51 [noah]
- TAG Finding on Deep Linking:
- 18:12:23 [jar]
- ... and now some sites are saying "don't link to me *at all*"
- 18:12:30 [noah]
- From the finding's conclusion:
- 18:12:31 [noah]
- Attempts at the public-policy level to limit the usage, transmission and publication of URIs at the policy level are inappropriate and based on a misunderstanding of the Web's architecture. Attempts to control access to the resources identified by URIs are entirely appropriate and well-supported by the Web technology.
- 18:13:17 [jar]
- q?
- 18:13:32 [noah]
- JAR: I think people are looking for legal advice
- 18:13:41 [DanC]
- q+
- 18:13:44 [noah]
- NM: Finding is anappropriate?
- 18:13:59 [noah]
- JAR: No, but now we need a legal reading.
- 18:14:34 [jar]
- danc: But web architecture is social, it's the whole thing.
- 18:14:38 [noah]
- +1
- 18:14:42 [DanC]
- s/social/also social/
- 18:14:46 [jar]
- ... There's no other body that can take a stand here.
- 18:14:52 [jar]
- ... (than the TAG)
- 18:15:29 [jar]
- noah: Maybe take deep linking finding and turn it inside out?
- 18:15:51 [jar]
- ... linking generally, with deep linking as a special case.
- 18:15:54 [DanC]
- q+ to note that our deep linking finding (and webarch) goes to far in saying "the long-random-number /capability URI pattern is bad"
- 18:16:22 [noah]
- I think that's covered in metadata in URI finding, no?
- 18:16:27 [noah]
- Still could fix this one.
- 18:16:34 [ht]
- Oh bother, /me is late -- bye!
- 18:16:39 [jar]
- danc: Problem, it says don't use security by obscurity. But long random numbers are used to good effect... so that needs revision
- 18:16:43 [Zakim]
- -Ht
- 18:17:13 [jar]
- noah: So it seems we could do better.
- 18:17:31 [noah]
- Dan and I both seem intrigued about doing better, anyone else?
- 18:17:59 [jar]
- ashok: On a conversation about mobile devices, there was a question that a URI couldn't be made public for security reasons.
- 18:18:19 [jar]
- noah: URI for a device - such as a phone?
- 18:18:32 [jar]
- noah: Web server associated with it?
- 18:18:35 [jar]
- ashok: Yes
- 18:18:55 [jar]
- noah: URIs move through the network in the clear a lot, yes?
- 18:19:31 [jar]
- johnk: Often there's a proxy, which might not be talking http on the far side (to the device)
- 18:19:51 [jar]
- noah: Is this really the web, between proxy and the phone?
- 18:20:20 [DanC]
- (indeed, it's using web technologies, but it's not "The Web". or something... I've never found a good way to write this up... it's somewhat like too. and intranets.)
- 18:21:12 [noah]
- q?
- 18:21:20 [DanC]
- ack danc
- 18:21:20 [Zakim]
- DanC, you wanted to note that our deep linking finding (and webarch) goes to far in saying "the long-random-number /capability URI pattern is bad"
- 18:21:22 [noah]
- ack Danc
- 18:21:27 [jar]
- johnk: Not sure that mobile phone URIs are relevant to this discussion...
- 18:23:19 [jar]
- vs. ticketmaster etc.
- 18:24:06 [DanC]
- issue-25?
- 18:24:06 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-25 -- What to say in defense of principle that deep linking isnot an illegal act? -- CLOSED
- 18:24:06 [trackbot]
- 18:24:31 [noah]
- q?
- 18:24:43 [jar]
- jar: Will a revised finding serve the present need?
- 18:28:00 [noah]
- q+ to say, speaking for myself, I don't want to hang up on the legal issues
- 18:28:19 [noah]
- ack next
- 18:28:20 [Zakim]
- noah, you wanted to say, speaking for myself, I don't want to hang up on the legal issues
- 18:28:21 [jar]
- q?
- 18:29:40 [jar]
- noah: What needs to be said: You should understand the value of network effects. That understanding needs to influence your legal decisions. This affects what the web will be like.
- 18:30:50 [jar]
- noah: If we can say something about legal precedent in addition, that's good too
- 18:31:35 [DanC]
- ACTION DanC: ask W3C management for writing resources re hyperlinking
- 18:31:35 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-322 - Ask W3C management for writing resources re hyperlinking [on Dan Connolly - due 2009-10-29].
- 18:31:44 [DanC]
- agenda?
- 18:32:03 [jar]
- jar: When you're deciding whether to publish a URI, you're not going to ask what web architecture is, you're going to ask whether you're likely to be sued
- 18:32:05 [Zakim]
- -Ashok_Malhotra
- 18:32:20 [jar]
- 18:32:34 [jar]
- rrsagent, make logs public
- 18:32:45 [jar]
- rrsagent, pointer
- 18:32:45 [RRSAgent]
- See
- 18:39:37 [Zakim]
- -noah
- 18:39:38 [Zakim]
- -John_Kemp
- 18:39:38 [Zakim]
- -Jonathan_Rees
- 18:39:39 [Zakim]
- -DanC
- 18:39:39 [Zakim]
- TAG_Weekly()1:00PM has ended
- 18:39:41 [Zakim]
- Attendees were Jonathan_Rees, Raman, Ashok_Malhotra, noah, DanC, Ht, John_Kemp, DanC.a