See also: IRC log
Stephane: attended interesting conference last week on ict for development, read above links for a quick travel report
<Betty> Thanks a lot Stephane for the URL.
stephane: any comments ?
<Adesina> Arun is online?
<Arun> yes I am online
on nicolas to send links to his project
<scribe> done
Lauri to report on work in education
Lauri to send link to nokia magazine
Lauri to send info about unesco project
<scribe> done
<Adesina> Hello Lauri
raphael to send a summary of the project review in
<scribe> pending
<Adesina> no report
stephane: we are going to move mediawiki this
... people would have to register again
will let people know
stephane: another point: the workshop in maputo we are organizing in april
agenda will be released this week
i will send that to the group
arun: deadline for paper ?
stephane: around 20 march
(not for the abstract but for camera ready paper, deadline for abstract passed already)
adesina: persented in april2008 in canada at
wireless forum
... need to look at needs and infrastructure
health worker==knowledge worker
e-health: use of ict to deliver health services
why wireless is important:
need less power and is portable
project in rural south africa
<Arun> Are we not assuming that GSM is available to most
<Arun> ?
adesina: one server with a sim card, and every day health worker synchronize their phone by bluetooth
used in uganda
with 400 pda
slide 13
reduced the time to get data from village
from 6 months to few seconds
now the project use GPRS
<Arun> Q: What is the area covered by a wireless server ?
in 2004 no GPRS
very long and costly to provide data over GSM
gprs major benefit in cost reduction
and for bandwidth
gsm not enough, higher capacity required
this project look at power also
using solar panel
very sustainable
<Arun> Q: Who pays for the wireless servers and PDAs?
plan to use 3g network
slide 15
now slide 18
in 5 areas
- technological: device...
- telecom infrastructure includiing policy
- power
- cost
- organizationnal
about telecom
relying on satellite is very high
slide 22
slide 25
factors involved
being in rural or urban is very important
the type of devices is impacted by hte application and impact the type of network
slide 26
user issue number 1
issue on language very important
slide 27
screen size is an issue
slide 28
amida was designed in india
low-cost device with internet for developing countries
no commercial interests in it
olpc has triggered interest
slide 29
user hardware 2
the price of lapotp is dropping quickly
prices are near phones
adesina: done
<Adesina> done
arun: couple of comments and question
i thought gsm was largely available
but you said that you need ad-hoc infrastructure
<Betty> Q: It sounds to be a multi aspects project (e.g. health, electricity power, telco). Who are all parties involved in it? When & how long do the preparations take?
Adesina: gsm not reliable not quick enough
<Adesina> low-cost laptop=netbook
Arun: gprs vs wireless
<Arun> wouldn;t GPRS be cheaper than using WiFi
<Arun> wireless servers would be costly and less reachable
adesina: depend the way you use it
gprs because economy of scale, and commercial availability
more appropriate
<Arun> Adesina - community pays for it
but depend on other factors
wifi might be cheaper or not, depend the local context
arun: how end-user are behaving ? are they using laptop ?
<Arun> Is illiteracy not an issue with patients
<Arun> ?
depending what the patient needs to do, mobile phone might be enough or not
user interface is important
depend on the content itself
<Arun> so, people are fine with using SMS ?
<Lauri> I don't hear anything? I will re-dial to cc
<Arun> Thanks Adesina.
adesina: local languages is very important
icons used in some projects are also potential solution
against illiteracy
but few mobile phones can support them
another issue
<Arun> Icons have their own problems since different manufacturers would provide different icons and users needs to learn 'the icon language'.
<Lauri> Lauri is back in cc
Betty: It sounds to be a multi aspects project (e.g. health, electricity power, telco). Who are all parties involved in it? When & how long do the preparations take?
adesina: the one in uganda
started by an ngo
satelife (?)
the one in south africa done by university of cape and meraka institute
adesina: funding always a problem
stephane: what is your role ?
adesina: reviewing
stephane: could-you work on a summary ?
Adesina: already on the roadmap
Next Meeting March 2 2009