Suite B Interoperability

Suite B is a set of cryptographic algorithms intended to protect sensitive data communication and critical authentication systems. Suite B cryptography has been selected and approved by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for use by the U.S. Government and specified in NIST standards and recommendations. Information on Suite B and the NIST Suite B standards and recommendations can be found at the following web site:

Suite B defines multiple levels of data security protection based on the sensitivity of the underlying data to be protected. These security levels are defined in NIST FIPS 140-3.

XML Signature 1.1 and XML Encryption 1.1 are normative specifications produced by the XML Security working group in the W3C. These specifications have required and optional normative statements on implementations, including ones related to Suite B support. The elements, algorithms, and methods marked as REQUIRED in XML Signature 1.1 and XML Encryption 1.1 support the lower NIST security levels; those marked as OPTIONAL support the higher NIST security levels.

Suite B's components are:

The XML Security requirements, including the Suite B components, are described in

XML Signature 1.1 Suite B Implementations

All XML Signature 1.1 implementations are Suite B interoperable when they support all of the following Suite B algorithms or methods, as listed in the "Algorithm/Method" column, with their associated required values, as listed in the "REQUIRED" or "OPTIONAL" column, in the table below:

XML Signature 1.1 Suite B required algorithm support
Suite B Component XML Signature 1.1 Element Algorithm/Method REQUIRED in the XML Signature 1.1 specification OPTIONAL in the XML Signature 1.1 specification
Signature SignatureMethod ECDSA ECDSA-P256 with SHA-256: ECDSAwithSHA256 ECDSA-P384 with SHA-384: ECDSAwithSHA384
Key Exchange DEREncodedKeyValue ECDH 256-bit key: id-ecDH, ecdsa-with-SHA256, secp256r1 384-bit key: id-ecDH, ecdsa-with-SHA384, , secp384r1
KeyInfo X509
KeyValue dsig11:ECKeyValue N/A
Hash DigestMethod SHA SHA-256 SHA-384

Suite B does not impact the canonicalization method or the transform algorithm used by the XML Signature 1.1 implementation.

XML Encryption 1.1 Suite B Implementations

All XML Encryption 1.1 implementations are Suite B interoperable when they support all of the following Suite B algorithms or methods, as listed in the "Algorithm/Method" column, with their associated required values, as listed in the "REQUIRED" or "OPTIONAL" column, in the table below:

XML Encryption 1.1 Suite B required algorithm support
Suite B Component XML Encryption 1.1 Element Algorithm/Method REQUIRED in the XML Encryption 1.1 specification OPTIONAL in the XML Encryption 1.1 specification
Encryption EncryptionMethod AES-GCM N/A
  • 128-bit key:
  • 256-bit key:
Key Exchange KeyDerivationMethod ConcatKDF N/A
AgreementMethod ECDH N/A
KeyWrap AES
  • 128-bit key:
  • 256-bit key:
Hash DigestMethod SHA SHA-256 SHA-384

Suite B does not impact the canonicalization method or the transform algorithm used by the XML Encryption 1.1 implementation.