This wiki has been archived and is now read-only.
NOTE: This document is no longer maintained because the Web Applications Working Group was closed in October 2015 and its deliverables transferred to the Web Platform Working Group (WPWG). The WPWG has a Coordination document.
This wiki contains information about the relationships and coordination points between the Web Applications WG (aka WebApps) and other Working Groups such as the Device API WG (aka DAP) and the HTML WG.
WG charters formally define each WG's scope, deliverables, related groups, etc. The information in this document is superseded by the WGs' Charters.
The information is this page subject to change at any time. Members of the WGs mentioned here are encouraged to update this document. Change requests should be submitted to public-webapps@w3.org.
WebApps and the CSS WG coordinate on the following specification:
- Fullscreen - this is a joint deliverable between the two WGs
- Shadow DOM - see CSS WG's CSS Scoping Module
- view-mode Media Feature
WebApps' specifications do not include any normative references for any of DAP's specifications.
The following DAP specifications include one or more normative references to WebApps' specs:
- Several of DAP's API specs reference WebApps' Web IDL spec
- DAP's HTML Media Capture spec has a non-normative reference to WebApps' File API spec
The DAP WG is interested in the following specs being produced by WebApps:
- The File API spec
The following specifications were part of the HTML WG's HTML5 specification effort but were moved from the HTML WG to WebApps. Naturally, these specifications are a coordination point for the HTML WG and some of them are of interest to other WGs in W3C and/or other standards organizations:
- Server-sent Events
- HTML5 Web Messaging
- Web Sockets API; protocol discussions on IETF's HyBi mail list
- Web Storage
- Web Workers
In addition to the above specifications, one or more of HTMLWG's specs have a normative dependency on WebApps' specs. The list of the these specs is maintained in the HTMLWG's Normative Reference wiki.
WebApps also has a joint task force with the HTML WG regarding WebApps' Editing APIs. See the Task Force's charter for more information.
WebAppSec WG
The WebApps and WebAppSec WGs have the following spec as a joint deliverable:
- Cross-origin Resource Sharing aka CORS
Web Annotations WG
In WebApps' 2014 charter, the Anchoring API is listed as a potential joint deliverable with the Web Annotations WG.
Technical Architecture Group (TAG)
WebApps and the TAG work together on the following specifications: