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From Media Fragments Working Group Wiki
Time dimension
<dimension> = 't' <unit> = 'npt' | 'clock' | 'smpte' | 'smpte-25' | 'smpte-30' | 'smpte-30-drop'
Range: <dimension> ':' <unit> '=' <start-pos> '-' [<end-pos>] Content-Range: <dimension> ':' <unit> ' ' ( <segment-start-pos> '-' (<segment-end-pos> / '*') ) '/' ( <resource-start-pos> '-' (<resource-end-pos> / '*') )
- Note 1: In the case of the clock unit, the value of <start-pos> and <end-pos> MUST be double-quoted (since it can contain a dash). Yves will work out the production rules in ABNF.
- Note 2: We need to add an additional note stating that all <*-pos> must be of the same unit!
- Note 3: There is no problem of having a dash in the unit since it is before the space or equal
A Range request might optionally contain:
Accept-Ranges: <dimension> ':' <unit> [',' <dimension> ':' <unit>] (unlimited number of occurrences)
Examples for the time dimension
Range: t:npt=10-20 Content-Range: t:npt 10-20/0-75
Range: t:npt=45- Content-Range: t:npt 45-*/10-*
Range: t:smpte-30=0:02:00-0:02:01:15 Content-Range: t:smpte-30 0:02:00-0:02:01:15/0:00:00-*
Range: t:clock="2009-07-26T11:19:01Z"- Content-Range: t:clock "2009-07-26T11:19:01Z"-*/"2009-07-26T00:00:00Z"-*
Space dimension
The WG considers that extracting a region from an image should be done with the query parameter when transcoding is required (most of the cases). From the specification point of view, the Range and Content-Range headers are not further specified.
Track dimension
Range: 'track' '=' <track-value> [',' <track-value>] (unlimited number of occurrences) Content-Range: 'track' ' ' <track-value> [',' <track-value>] (unlimited number of occurrences)
<track-value> = quoted strings | token | RFC2047 strings
- Examples for the track dimension
URL: http://www.example.com/video.ogg#track=foo,bar Range: track=foo,bar Range: track="foo,bar" Range: track==?utf8?q?foo?=,=?utf8?q?bar?= Range: track==?utf8?b?Zm9v?=,=?utf8?b?YmFy?=
ID dimension
Range: 'id' '=' <id-value> Content-Range: 'id' ' ' <id-value>
<id-value> = quoted strings | token | RFC2047 strings