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Future issues

From Media Annotations Working Group Wiki
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collection of issues for future work

- contribution/promotion our specs to the market and real implementations (e.g., browser vendors, contents owners, etc)

- mapping extensions (e.g., ebook metadata, schema.org, etc)

- semantic graphs: the discussion on including named graphs when processing lc comments of the ontology doc

- alignment with HTML/WebApps/DAP WG (e.g., filereader API, mediacapture API, etc)

- there is interest in semantic annotations, cf the discussion on including named graphs when processing lc comments of the ontology doc

- participants of the wg to present results in their organisations to raise interest for implementations

- apps and cloud services are interesting fields for future implementations of the api

- previously collected issues: Candidate_Additional_Elements

- it might be useful to revisit the requirements in the use case doc and check those left aside in the first version