World Wide Web Consortium
TPAC 2008:
W3C Technical Plenary / Advisory Committee Meetings Week 20 - 24 October 2008

Schedule (based on chairs questionnaire results)

Sunday (CSS Group) | Monday (Groups) | Tuesday (Groups) | Wednesday (Technical Plenary) | Thursday (Groups+AC) | Friday (Groups)

Sunday 19 October
09:00 -18:00
CSS Group Meeting

The CSS WG meeting is open to the CSS WG participants (registration). No observers are allowed on that day (observers will be allowed, with the Chair's agreement, at the CSS WG meetings of Monday and Tuesday). Lunch will be available for the CSS WG participants only that have registered for the meeting.

Groups who have arranged for teleconference facilities may use the TP2008 dialout page to have Zakim call the speakerphone in the meeting room.

08:30-09:00 Registration
10:30-11:30 Refreshment Break
12:00-14:00 Lunch - Restaurant le Féréol
15:00-16:00 Refreshment Break
Room Cap. Group Name (acronym)
Observer policy
Azur 30 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Daniel Glazman/Peter Linss → agenda
Not Member confidential
No observers allowed

Monday 20 October
08:30 -18:00
All Group Meetings

The All Goup Meetings are open only to W3C Interest and Working Group participants, Incubator Groups, AC representatives, Chairs, AB, TAG, Offices staff and W3C Team (registration). Special permissions for guests not included in the groups described above must have been arranged beforehand with the Group Chair.

Groups who have arranged for teleconference facilities may use the TP2008 dialout page to have Zakim call the speakerphone in the meeting room.

08:00 Registration
08:30-18:00 All Group Meetings - See the table below for groups/locations
10:30-11:30 Refreshment Break - Lobby, Agora (To allow for flexibility in group meeting schedules, food and beverages will be available for one hour, and groups are welcome to take their break at any point during this time.)
12:00-14:00 Lunch - Restaurant le Féréol Lunch will be in two shifts: 12-1pm and 1-2pm (Meeting Planners will coordinate w/ Group Chairs.)
15:00-16:00 Refreshment Break - Lobby, Agora (To allow for flexibility in group meeting schedules, food and beverages will be available for one hour, and groups are welcome to take their break at any point during this time.)
Room Cap. Group Name (acronym)
Observer policy
Azur 35 Cascading Style Sheets WG (CSS)
Daniel Glazman/Peter Linss → agenda
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
8 19 Common Web Language - EI XG (CWL-EI)
Hiroshi Uchida
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
1 19 Efficient XML Interchange WG (EXI)
Michael Cokus
Member confidential
Observers allowed
3 19 Forms WG
John Boyer
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
5 19 Internationalization Core WG (I18N)
Addison Phillips
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
Iles C 35 Media Fragments WG
Philippe Le Hégaret
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
Riviera A 50 Mobile Web Best Practices WG (MWBP)
Dominique Hazaël-Massieux
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
138 19 Multimodal Interaction WG (MMI)
Deborah Dahl
Member confidential
Observers allowed
Esterel 25 Protocols and Format WG (PF)
Al Gilman/Michael Cooper
Member confidential
Observers allowed
Riviera B 50 Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences IG (SWHCLS)
Susie Stephens
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
Riviera C 50 Semantic Web IG (SWIG)
Ivan Herman
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
9 19 Synchronized Multimedia WG (SYMM)
Thierry Michel
Member confidential
Observers allowed
Conseil 16 Technical Architecture Group (TAG) - Morning
Stuart Williams
No Observers allowed
(the proceedings will be made public later)
136 19 User Agent Accessibility Guidelines WG (UAAG)
Jim Allan
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
Iles A 35 Web Applications WG - Group 1 (Formerly WAF WG)
Art Barstow
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
Iles B 35 Web Applications WG - Group 2 (Formerly Web API WG)
Charles McCathieNevile
Member confidential
Observers allowed
6 19 XML Security WG (XML Sec)
Frederick Hirsch
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
7 19 XSL WG
Sharon Adler
Member confidential
No Observers allowed

Tuesday 21 October
All Group Meetings

The All Goup Meetings are open only to W3C Interest and Working Group participants, Incubator Groups, AC representatives, Chairs, AB, TAG, Offices staff and W3C Team (registration). Special permissions for guests not included in the groups described above must have been arranged beforehand with the Group Chair.

Groups who have arranged for teleconference facilities may use the TP2008 dialout page to have Zakim call the speakerphone in the meeting room.

08:00 Registration
08:30-18:00 All Group Meetings - See the table below for groups/locations
10:30-11:30 Refreshment Break - Lobby, Agora (To allow for flexibility in group meeting schedules, food and beverages will be available for one hour, and groups are welcome to take their break at any point during this time.)
12:00-14:00 Lunch - Restaurant le Féréol
Lunch will be in two shifts, 12-1pm and 1-2pm, (Meeting Planners will coordinate w/ Group Chairs.)
15:00-16:00 Refreshment Break - Lobby, Agora (To allow for flexibility in group meeting schedules, food and beverages will be available for one hour, and groups are welcome to take their break at any point during this time.)
Room Cap. Group Name (acronym)
Observer policy
Conseil 16 Advisory Board (AB)
Steve Zilles
Member confidential
No Observers allowed
Azur 35 Cascading Style Sheets WG (CSS)
Daniel Glazman/Peter Linss → agenda
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
1 19 Efficient XML Interchange WG (EXI)
Michael Cokus
Member confidential
Observers allowed
3 19 Forms WG
John Boyer
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
5 19 Internationalization Core WG (I18N)
Addison Phillips
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
8 19 Japanese Layout Taskforce (JLTF)
Felix Sasaki
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
Iles C 35 Media Fragments WG
Philippe Le Hégaret
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
Riviera A 50 Mobile Web Best Practices WG (MWBP)
Dominique Hazaël-Massieux
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
9 19 Model-based UI XG (Moved to Friday Afternoon)
Dave Raggett
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
138 19 Multimodal Interaction WG (MMI)
Deborah Dahl
Member confidential
Observers allowed
Esterel 25 Protocols and Format WG (PF)
Al Gilman/Michael Cooper
Member confidential
Observers allowed
Riviera B 50 Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences IG (SWHCLS)
Susie Stephens
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
Riviera C 50 Semantic Web IG (SWIG)
Ivan Herman
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
136 19 User Agent Accessibility Guidelines WG (UAAG)
Jim Allan
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
Iles A 35 Web Applications WG - Group 1 (Formerly WAF WG)
Art Barstow
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
Iles B 35 Web Applications WG - Group 2 (Formerly Web API WG)
Charles McCathieNevile
Member confidential
Observers allowed
6 19 XML Security WG (XML Sec)
Frederick Hirsch
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
7 19 XSL WG
Sharon Adler
Member confidential
No Observers allowed

Tuesday Evening, 21 October
Advisory Committee Opening talk and Advisory Committee Dinner

The meeting and dinner are only open to Advisory Committee representatives, Chairs, AB, TAG, Offices staff and Team. The AC meeting will be considered Member confidential.

18:45-19:30 Refreshments - Riviera C
19:30-20:00 AC Opening Talk - AC Meeting agenda [draft] (Member-only) - Riviera C
20:00-21:45 AC Dinner - Restaurant Le Féréol

Wednesday, 22 October
Technical Plenary Day
+ Reception

The Technical Plenary Day and Reception are open to W3C Interest and Working Group participants, Incubator Groups, Advisory Committee representatives, Group Chairs, AB, TAG, Offices staff, Team, Invited Guests, and Invited Press.

08:00 Registration
08:45-18:15 Meeting - Technical Plenary Day Agenda [draft] - Riviera A, B, C
12:00-13:30 Lunch - Restaurant le Féréol
19:00-22:00 Reception - Iles

Thursday, 23 October
Advisory Committee Meeting

In order to avoid groups having to meet on Saturday, the Advisory Committee meeting will take place in parallel with groups on Thursday afternoon. AC meeting participants who are also in groups meeting on Thursday PM should, if possible, coordinate with their Groups to be absent, and arrange their group meeting schedule to minimize the difficulties due to their absence.

The Advisory Committee meeting is open only to Advisory Committee representatives, Chairs, AB, TAG, Offices staff and Team. The AC meeting will be considered Member confidential.

08:00-13:30 Registration (To make registration a smoother and quicker process, Advisory Committee representatives, Chairs, AB, TAG, Offices staff and Team, are welcome to register as early as 08:00.)
13:30-18:00 AC meeting - AC Meeting agenda [draft] (Member-only) - Iles A, B, C

Thursday 23 October
All Group Meetings

The All Goup Meetings are open only to W3C Interest and Working Group participants, Incubator Groups, AC representatives, Chairs, AB, TAG, Offices staff and W3C Team (registration). Special permissions for guests not included in the groups described above must have been arranged beforehand with the Group Chair.

Groups who have arranged for teleconference facilities may use the TP2008 dialout page to have Zakim call the speakerphone in the meeting room.

08:00 Registration
08:30-18:00 All Group Meetings - See the table below for groups/locations
10:30-11:30 Refreshment Break - Lobby, Agora (To allow for flexibility in group meeting schedules, food and beverages will be available for one hour, and groups are welcome to take their break at any point during this time.)
12:00-14:00 Lunch - Restaurant le Féréol Lunch will be in two shifts: 12-1pm and 1-2pm (Meeting Planners will coordinate w/ Group Chairs.)
15:00-16:00 Refreshment Break - Lobby, Agora (To allow for flexibility in group meeting schedules, food and beverages will be available for one hour, and groups are welcome to take their break at any point during this time.)
Room Cap. Group Name (acronym)
Observer policy
Iles A 35 AC Meeting set up
Iles B 35 AC Meeting set up
Iles C 35 AC Meeting set up
Conseil 16 Advisory Board (AB) - morning
Steve Zilles
Member confidential
No Observers allowed
138 19 Authoring Tools Accessibility Guidelines WG (ATAG)
Jeanne Spellman
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
136 19 Education and Outreach WG (EO)
Shawn Henry
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
Esterel 25 eGovernment IG
Jose Manuel Alonso
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
9 19 Embedded OpenType WG (EOT)
Bert Bos → agenda
Member confidential
Observers allowed
Riviera C 50 HTML WG
Dan Connolly
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
8 19 Math WG
Patrick D F Ion
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
Azur 35 Media Annotations WG
Philippe Le Hégaret
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
Riviera B 50 OWL WG
Alan Ruttenberg
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
10 19 Policy Languages IG (PLING)
Renato Ianella/Rigo Wenning
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
135 19 Protocol for Web Description Resources WG (POWDER)
Phil Archer
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
7 19 Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
Erik Dahlström
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
Riviera A 50 Ubiquitous Web Application WG (UbiWeb)
Dave Raggett
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
1 19 Voice Browser WG (VB)
Jim Larson
Member confidential
Observers allowed
5 19 Web Security Context WG (WSC)
Mary Ellen Zurko
Member confidential
Observers allowed
3 19 XHTML2 WG
Steven Pemberton
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
6 19 XML Processing Model WG (XML PM)
Henry Thompson
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed

Friday 24 October
All Group Meetings

The All Goup Meetings are open only to W3C Interest and Working Group participants, Incubator Groups, AC representatives, Chairs, AB, TAG, Offices staff and W3C Team (registration). Special permissions for guests not included in the groups described above must have been arranged beforehand with the Group Chair .

Groups who have arranged for teleconference facilities may use the TP2008 dialout page to have Zakim call the speakerphone in the meeting room.

08:00 Registration
08:30-18:00 All Group Meetings - See the table below for groups and locations
10:30-11:30 Refreshment Break - Lobby, Agora (To allow for flexibility in group meeting schedules, food and beverages will be available for one hour, and groups are welcome to take their break at any point during this time.)
12:00-14:00 Lunch - Restaurant le Féréol Lunch will be in two shifts, 12-1pm and 1-2pm (Meeting Planners will coordinate w/ Group Chairs.)
15:00-16:00 Refreshment Break - Lobby, Agora (To allow for flexibility in group meeting schedules, food and beverages will be available for one hour, and groups are welcome to take their break at any point during this time.)
Room Cap. Group Name (acronym)
Observer policy
138 19 Authoring Tools Accessibility Guidelines WG (ATAG)
Jeanne Spellman
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
136 19 Education and Outreach WG (EO)
Shawn Henry
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
Esterel 25 eGovernment IG
Jose Manuel Alonso
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
9 19 Embedded OpenType WG (EOT)
Bert Bos → agenda
Member confidential
Observers allowed
11 19 Emotion ML Incubator Group
Marc Schröder
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
Riviera C 50 HTML WG
Dan Connolly
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
8 19 Math WG
Patrick D F Ion
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
Azur 35 Media Annotations WG
Philippe Le Hégaret
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
Conseil 16 Mobile Web For Social Development IG (MW4D) - Morning
Stéphane Boyera
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
Riviera B 50 OWL WG
Alan Ruttenberg
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
10 19 Policy Languages IG (PLING)
Renato Ianella/Rigo Wenning
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
2 19 Product Modelling XG (W3PM)
Michel Böhms
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
135 19 Protocol for Web Description Resources WG (POWDER)
Phil Archer
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
7 19 Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
Erik Dahlström
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
Conseil 16 Technical Architecture Group (TAG) - Afternoon
Stuart Williams
No Observers allowed
(the proceedings will be made public later)
Riviera A 50 Ubiquitous Web Application WG (UbiWeb)
Dave Raggett
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
Riviera A 19 Model-based UI XG (Afternoon)
Dave Raggett
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
1 19 Voice Browser WG (VB)
Jim Larson
Member confidential
Observers allowed
5 19 Web Security Context WG (WSC)
Mary Ellen Zurko
Member confidential
Observers allowed
3 19 XHTML2 WG
Steven Pemberton
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed
6 19 XML Processing Model WG (XML PM)
Henry Thompson
Not Member confidential
Observers allowed

Related: W3C Events Calendar (Member-only)