See also: IRC log
Yam has registered. Shane is trying to get out of a conflict.
Roland indicates we are expecting 5 in attendance and others via teleconference.
<scribe> ACTION: Send potential agenda items to Roland [recorded in]
Steven has sent request for a transition call in. No response yet as far as we know.
Group was asked to raise objections if they had any. Yam has no objections. Roland has no objections.
The group had been given one week to review.
Roland: Given that there had been no objections on the mailing list and the three proposers and the people are in favor, suggests we go to last call.
Yam: I concur
RESOLUTION: The XHTML 2 Working Group agrees to forward the rdfa-syntax document to last call.
<scribe> ACTION: Shane inform rdfa-syntax editors and task force of the resolution. [recorded in]
inputmode has not yet been included in the XHTML 1.1 draft.
the DOCTYPE requirement and version attribute requirement have been added.
Roland briefed coordination group and there was no objection to the groups we plan to ask for reviews.
Roland still needs to write the transition request. This is in progress.
Roland: Question about a bunch of actions that pertain to CURIEs.
<Roland> oops, my mistake
<Roland> ACTION: Mark and Shane to explore the attribute vales issue in an update [recorded in]
<Roland> to the CURIEs draft.
<Roland> [recorded in]
<Roland> action4 is completed
CURIE draft and rdfa spec are reconciled now.
Shane responded to the commentor about value space of CURIEs
need to produce DoC, but otherwise ready to go.
<scribe> ACTION: Shane produce disposition of comments of document for xhtml-role in preparation for a second last call. [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: Everyone review xhtml-role at and register any objections to a second last call no later than 12 February. [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: Shane to solicit comments about xhtml-role draft via e-mail. [recorded in]
Roland will put XFrames and longdesc on the f2f agenda.
XML Events 2 should be the major topic of next week's meeting.
<Steven> XForms happens to be discussing that spec right now!
<Steven> (Events2)
Shane thinks we need to update it or include the schema implementation in XHTML 1.,1 Second Edition.
Roland will put this on the agenda for next week or the face to face.
RRSAgent make record public