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The document describes and presents test cases for the Protocol for Web Description Resources (POWDER). The test cases aim to indicate the correct formats of POWDER documents and illustrate various crucial aspects on the usage of POWDER documents, such as locating a document and infering information of off it.
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This is a Public Working Draft, designed to aid discussion and solicit feedback. it was developed by the POWDER Working Group. This first and clearly very early version is designed to show the expected structure and scope of the document as it evolves. The group expects to advance this Working Draft to Recommendation Status alongside its other normative documents.
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As part of the POWDER specification, the POWDER Working Group provides a set of test cases. The present document discusses these test cases. They are intented to facilitate and exemplify the creation of POWDER documents of varying complexity and provide a means to assert the conformance of software applications designed to handle POWDER documents.
The document provides a description of the various test types, the format that was used and the structure of the manifest files that accompany the tests.
The tests are classified with respect to the issue they aim to examine. The main concerns are the syntactic validity of a document, the equivalence between various forms of POWDER documents, the ability to locate a POWDER document associated with a resource and the ability to infer information about a given resource from a POWDER document associated with it. The following sections indicate the classification of the tests included in the test suite and describe their structure.
The parser tests are initially separated into positive and negative parser tests. Each test examines the valitidy of a POWDER document against a conformance requirement of the specification. The documents included in the positive tests meet the requirement they are tested against, whereas those included in the negative tests violate a given element of the conformance model.
Each test consists of one POWDER document and a Manifest file. The POWDER document is named posNNN.xml or negNNN.xml if it is included in the positive or negative parser tests respectively. The Manifest file is named ManifestposNNN.rdf or ManifestnegNNN.rdf.
These tests include pairs of documents. The first peer is a POWDER document, named powderNNN.xml and the second is a POWDER-S document, named powdersNNN.xml. Each POWDER-S document is what should be derived from its corresponding POWDER document when applying a transformation on the latter. The transformation may not be performed via the GRDDL transformation [GRDDL] defined by the POWDER specification, but the output POWDER-S document must be equivalent.
The locator tests comprise of pairs of documents. The first document defines a web resource that contains a reference to a POWDER document while the second one is the POWDER document itself. Any locator should reach the POWDER document via the resource. There are tests for each means of locating a POWDER document, as defined in the DR document included in the specification [DR].
The tests use two documents. A POWDER document and a POWDER-S document. Each test runs an XPath query [XPATH]against the POWDER document or a SPARQL query [SPARQL] against the POWDER-S document. The queries are given as a file named xpathNNN.xp or sparqlNNN.sq. Each file is accompanied by a manifest file, named ManifestxpathNNN.rdf or ManifestsparqlNNN.rdf which defines the information infered by the query. The results are given in a file named respxpathNNN or respsparqlNNN.
The Manifest files associated with the POWDER tests follow the schema developed for the RDF test cases [RDF-TEST]. Furthermore, the said schema is extended to include some new properties and types, as defined in the POWDER test ontology (TBD).
Each test is associated with a Manifest file, identified from the URI formed from the file's URL with a fragment test. A given test has a rdf:type explicit, within the scope of:
Where the wdr namespace is bound to @@@ and rtest is bound to
The name of the original author of each test is given using a dc:creator property.
The description of the test is given as a value of a rtest:description property.
The input document for a test is given as a value of a rtest:inputDocument property, whereas the expected output document, if applied, is given as a value of a rtest:outputDocument property.
The status of a test included in the suite, declared using a rtest:status property can be in the set of the following values:
TBD Link the test files here