W3C Workshop on Authoring
Welcome to Dublin and the Alexander hotel
- Thanks to MobileAware and the Irish State Development
Agency, Enterprise
- Thanks to The Programme Committee:
- Stéphane Boyera (W3C/ERCIM)
- Rotan Hanrahan (MobileAware)
- Kazuhiro Kitagawa (Keio University)
- Rhys Lewis (Volantis Systems)
- Fabio Paternò (ISTI - CNR)
- Dave Raggett (W3C/Volantis Systems)
- Thomas Roessler (W3C/ERCIM)
- Kevin Smith (Vodafone)
- Jean Vanderdonckt (Université catholique de Louvain)
- Petri Vurimaa (Helsinki University of Technology)
- Charles Wiecha (IBM)