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State of the Semantic Web

Stavanger, Norway, 2007-04-24

Ivan Herman, W3C

What will I talk about?


Let us look at some results first!

The basics: RDF(S)

The basics: RDF(S) (cont.)

Ontologies: OWL



Querying RDF: SPARQL

Of course, not everything is so rosy…

How to get RDF data?

Data may be around already…

Data may be extracted (a.k.a. “scraped”)

Linking to SQL

SPARQL as a unifying point?

diagram showing a sparql that can be connected to an rdf datafile, a document via grddl, and to a database via an sparql/sql bridge

Missing features, functionalities…


Rules (cont)

“Light” ontologies

New versions of RDF and OWL?

Other items…

A major problem: messaging


RDF is not that complex…

Semantic Web Ontologies on the Web!

SW Ontologies some central, big ontology!

Semantic Web an academic research only!

Some Semantic Web deployment communities

The “corporate” landscape is moving

Data integration

General approach

  1. Map the various data onto RDF
    • assign URI-s to your data
    • “mapping” may mean on-the-fly SPARQL to SQL conversion, “scraping”, etc
  2. Merge the resulting RDF graphs (with a possible help of ontologies, rules, etc, to combine the terms)
  3. Start making queries on the whole!

Remember the role of SPARQL?

A number of projects in the area

Traditional Chinese medicine example dump

Example: ontology controlled annotation

Pfizer's application

Example: find the right experts at NASA

Expertise locator for nearly 20,000 NASA civil servants using RDF integration techniques over 6 or 7 geographically distributed databases, data sources, and web services…

Nasa applicaiton screen dump

(Courtesy of Clark & Parsia, LLC)


Vodafone screen dump

Other Application Areas Come to the Fore


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