SMIL 3.0 Testcases (features introduced in SMIL 2.0)

Linking Module

Dan Zucker, Invited Expert
Thierry Michel (,W3C

New SMIL 3.0 Features :
[Animation] [Content Control] [Layout] [Media] [Metainformation] [SMILtext] [State] [Structure] [Timing] [Namespace and Doctype].

Other SMIL 3.0 Features (Introduced in SMIL 2.1):
[Layout] [Media] [Transition].

Other SMIL 3.0 Features (Introduced initialy in SMIL 2.0):
[Animation] [Content] [Layout] [Linking] [Media] [Metadata] [Structure] [Timing] [Transition] [Time Manipulation] [Profile]


The following testcases for the Linking Module features remain unchanged from the SMIL 2.0 Test Suite.
(The test cases remain the same, apart from having been updated with the SMIL 3.0 Namespace and DTD declaration).


SMIL Linking Module
Test # Feature Test (test file) Expected Behavior  
1 Basic linking  
1.1 shows "destination" image
(smil, source)
  1. shows "destination" image. Used as destination
  2. SMIL file in linking tests.
1.2 link to src with new presentation
(smil, source)
  1. click on "source" image to see "destination" image in new presentation
1.3 link to src but replace content
(smil, source)
  1. click on "source" image to see "destination" image in same presentation
1.4 click the src to see "destination" image
(smil, source)
  1. click on "source" image to see "destination" image
1.5 click the anchor to see "destination" image
(smil, source)
  1. click on black square to see "destination" image
1.6 linking-ext-dps-pause
(smil, source)
  1. test the "pause" value of destinationPlaystate attribute with external link
1.7 linking-ext-dps-play
(smil, source)
  1. test the "play" value of destinationPlaystate attribute with external link
1.8 linking-ext-show-def
(smil, source)
  1. test the default value of show attribute with external link
1.9 linking-ext-show-new
(smil, source)
  1. test the "new" value of show attribute with external link
1.10 linking-ext-show-pause
(smil, source)
  1. test the "pause" value of show attribute with external link
1.11 linking-ext-show-rep
(smil, source)
  1. test the "replace" value of show attribute ('default value') with external link
1.12 linking-ext-sps-pause
(smil, source)
  1. test the "pause" value of sourcePlaystate attribute (when show="new") with external link
1.13 linking-ext-sps-play
(smil, source)
  1. test the "play" value of sourcePlaystate attribute (when show="new") with external link
1.14 linking-ext-sps-stop
(smil, source)
  1. test the "stop" value of sourcePlaystate attribute (when show="new") with external link
1.15 *** REMOVED ***
(smil, source)
  1. goal: test the default value of show attribute with internal link (into the same document)
1.16 test that an anchor defined on a region behind another region with a background color is not active
(smil, source)
  1. any anchor shouldn't be active
1.17 test that an anchor defined on a region behind another region is not active
(smil, source)
  1. the anchor should be active only on the qt video
1.18 test that an anchor defined on a region behind another region is not active
(smil, source)
  1. the anchor should be active only on the image
1.19 test that an anchor defined on a region behind another region is not active
(smil, source)
  1. the anchor should be active only on the smile image
1.20 test that an anchor defined on a region behind another region is not active
(smil, source)
  1. the anchor should be active only on the smile image
1.21 test that an anchor defined on a region behind another region with a background color is not active
(smil, source)
  1. any anchor shouldn't be active
1.22 test a simple case interaction between an anchor and z-order
(smil, source)
  1. the anchor defined on the bottom image should be active
1.23 linking-zorder-trans
(smil, source)
  1. test that a transparent region (or not curently visible) in front of a region where is defined a anchor doesn't affect this anchor visibility
1.24 test that a first region with transparent area in front of a region where is defined an anchor doesn't affect this anchor visibility
(smil, source)
  1. the anchor defined on the bottom image should be active
1.25 test the actuate attribute on an a element (case 1)
(smil, source)
  1. when you play the document, you should see only the smile image
1.26 test the actuate attribute on an a element (case 2)
(smil, source)
  1. when you play the document, you should see only the smile image after 2 secondes
1.27 test the default value of actuate attribute on an a element
(smil, source)
  1. when you play the document, you should see the frown image playing during 2 second,
  2. then the smile image
1.28 test the actuate attribute on an anchor
(smil, source)
  1. when you play the document, you should see only the smile image
1.29 test the actuate attribute on an anchor
(smil, source)
  1. when you play the document, you should see only the smile image after 2 secondes
1.30 test the default value of actuate attribute on an anchor
(smil, source)
  1. when you play the document, you should see the frown image playing during 2 second,
  2. then the smile image
1.31 test a circle shape with pourcent values coords, and a fit attribute
(smil, source)
  1. test a circle shape with pourcent values coords, and a fit attribute
1.32 test a circle shape with pixel values coords, and a fit attribute
(smil, source)
  1. test a circle shape with pixel values coords, and a fit attribute
1.33 test a circle shape with mix pourcent and pixel values coords, and a fit attribute
(smil, source)
  1. test a circle shape with mix pourcent and pixel values coords, and a fit attribute
1.35 test a circle shape with pourcent values coords
(smil, source)
  1. test a circle shape with pourcent values coords
1.36 test a circle shape with pixel values coords
(smil, source)
  1. test a circle shape with pixel values coords
1.37 test a circle shape with mix pourcent and pixel values coords
(smil, source)
  1. test a circle shape with mix pourcent and pixel values coords
1.38 test a default shape
(smil, source)
  1. When you play: drop the move over any part of media, and you have to see the graphic mouse cursor changed,
  2. If you click, you have to jump.
1.41 test a poly shape with pourcent values coords, and a fit attribute
(smil, source)
  1. test a poly shape with pourcent values coords, and a fit attribute
1.42 test a poly shape with pixel values coords, and a fit attribute
(smil, source)
  1. test a poly shape with pixel values coords, and a fit attribute
1.43 test a poly shape with mix pourcent and pixel values coords, and a fit attribute
(smil, source)
  1. test a poly shape with mix pourcent and pixel values coords, and a fit attribute
1.44 test a poly shape with pourcent values coords
(smil, source)
  1. test a poly shape with pourcent values coords
1.45 test a poly shape with pixel values coords
(smil, source)
  1. test a poly shape with pixel values coords
1.46 test a poly shape with pourcent and pixel values coords
(smil, source)
  1. test a poly shape with pourcent and pixel values coords
1.47 test a rect shape with pixels values coords and a fit attribute
(smil, source)
  1. test a rect shape with pixels values coords and a fit attribute
1.48 test a rect shape with pourcent values coords and a fit attribute
(smil, source)
  1. test a rect shape with pourcent values coords and a fit attribute
1.49 test a rect shape with mix pourcent and pixel values coords, and a fit attribute
(smil, source)
  1. test a rect shape with mix pourcent and pixel values coords, and a fit attribute
1.50 test a rect shape with pixels values coords
(smil, source)
  1. test a rect shape with pixels values coords
1.51 test a rect shape with pourcent values coords
(smil, source)
  1. test a rect shape with pourcent values coords
1.52 test a rect shape with mix pourcent values and pixel values coords
(smil, source)
  1. test a rect shape with mix pourcent values and pixel values coords
1.53 test a shape with a video
(smil, source)
  1. when you play: drop the move over any part of rect, and you have to see the graphic mouse cursor changed,
  2. if you click, you have to jump. when you select the link.
1.54 test that an anchor defined on a region behind another region is not active
(smil, source)
  1. the anchor should be active only on the image