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Name: Anne Cregan

Location: Sydney Australia

Employer: NICTA (National Centre of Excellence for Information and Communications Technology Australia)

Affiliated: University of New South Wales

OWLF2F: apologies

I'm on the OWLCNL task force, helping to design a standard Controlled English Syntax for OWL. I was responsible for starting Sydney OWL Syntax after the need for an English syntax was identified at OWLED2006.

I'm interested in RIF and SPARQL interoperability with OWL.

I'm also a member of the W3C's Uncertainty Reasoning Incubator Group.

My academic background includes (in my first degree - BSc(Hons) ): Pure Maths, Physics, Statistics, Data Mining, (Psychological) Measurement Theory, Human Intelligence and Cognitive Psychology.

After my first degree I worked for some years, and my commercial background has played around the borders of IT, Management, Intelligent Marketing, Data Mining and Internet. I also did most of an MBA, until it got boring and repetitive.

In 2003 I enrolled in a PhD in the Artificial Intelligence Department at UNSW. My PhD (which I am trying to finish while now working full-time) is in Semantic Technologies, more specifically, Symbol Grounding for the Semantic Web. Actually it has quite a philosophical flavour.

My commercial background has played around the borders of IT, Management, Intelligent Marketing, Data Mining and Internet.

My current day job at NICTA is working on Situation Awareness in a Military Domain, as a joint project with the DSTO (part of the Australian Department of Defence). We are using Ontologies, DL reasoning and FOL reasoning for information fusion. I'm also involved with some other NICTA projects, including Smart Applications for Emergencies.

If I sound a bit vague on the phone, please remember it's probably 3 or 4am in the morning for me!