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<scribe> Scribe: Sharron Rush
<scribe> ScribeNick: sharron
first agenda item, everyone update availability for meetings in December and january
previous comment was from shawn
<shawn> ACTION: eveyone update [recorded in]
shawn: no bojections to meeting
next week?
... look at third agenda item - mapping
<shawn> draft:
<shawn> for discussion:
shawn: plan was to pull this info
from WCAG document itself and for WCAG to work on it
... draft is done, more in process and review. EO needs to do
its part so release is not delayed
could the statement not be so absolute about "success criteria in no way supersede..."
<shawn> WCAG 2 FAQ "When should I start using WCAG 2.0?"
judy: 2 things - ok to drop "in
no way," but need to get feedback about how to message
... as long as we still say "not"
<shawn> ACTION: Judy followup on WCAG 2 FAQ "When should I start using WCAG 2.0?" [recorded in]
helle: maybe we are overlooking the fact that 2.0 is still a draft. Understanding that while it is a draft it does not superced
judy: yes, could clarify that
shawn: is an FAQ question about when to start using - should we link?
helle: must be careful not to oversell while it is in transition
shawn: remove two of three links in second paragraph
helle: can we see text?
... don't want to be linking in a circle
shawn: look at suggestions for
other changes. One idea for title is "Mapping WCAG 1.0 to 2.0"
what about "comparison" instead.
... consideration for translation
William: camparison makes more sense
Helle: agree
sylvie: understand "mapping" and would translate using a word like "corresponsing"
helle: is it a comparison or is the document actually mapping the relationship?
<shawn> comparison
shawn: it includes WCAG 1.0
checkpoints to WCAG 2.0 success criteria and techniques
... in draft the table is in priority order with new
requirements at the end that are not mapped above. Should new
items be first?
sharron: new items should be first
sylvie: move new items up, and question about new draft - from June?
shawn: new one not yet posted but will be soon. We are considering presentation rather than content today
helle: at least include bookmark notification that after new requirements will be new.
(correction)...after mapping will be new
william: why not use 2.0 as organzaning the table and map from that with NA for new items that do not correspond to 1.0
shawn: design question. Mock up of options
<shawn> Mockup of options:
shawn: find "Live Audio Only" two icons above...what do you think they do?
helle: rely on alt tag to indicate what they do
william: assume it takes to top of document...can I get back, yes. Second one does the same thing
Doyle: did not look at them, did not get my attention
william: arrow one is typical. flying saucer one is not clear, but does same thing as first
sharron: relied, like helle on alt text for orientation to function
shawn: start at top, look at buttons, text links. What do you think of text vs icons for these functions?
doyle: don't use icons, custom things being built into web sites require learning. I depend on functions I know and don't navigate using these kinds of customization options
shawn: these will only appear if
customization has previously occurred. If you don't customize,
you will not even see these
... preference for text vs icons for function
william: are there significant number of people who will use these?
shawn: yes. we assume advanced user that will find use for this function
judy: first reaction is to blow by them. Since you referred to them, I looked, hovered and was mystified by how they came up with this icon for this text. Less intrusice, more helpful option needed
shawn: what about plain text links? shown above
judy: more useful, not brain teaser, still need restore to default settings
shawn: that is what "previously saved settings" is meant to do
helle: could not even refresh page, had to leave and return
shawn: please submit as bug
doyle: button with text is better than icon
shawn: editors are looking at more visually appealing options
<achuter> Yes
helle: what does customize with
settings mean?
... it is not intuitive
shawn: should we spend more time? if we can make it more easily intuitive, it would be great
alan: have a few minutes only
justin: i can be available now for 10, 15 minute
shawn: shall we discuss now?
alan: ok
justin: ok
shawn: anything else on Quick Reference?
<achuter> I prefer the icons. Can't understand why the customize icon is on every success criterion
<shawn> "Customize the list with your settings"
helle: is it a button, when I was on the split screen, it does not fit
shawn: send screen capture
shawn: what are people saying?
sharron: scepticism
alan: same
sharron: no blame, experience
alan: mentally no need to consider until it is final
helle: within government working
groups, I just told them it was final, it would go through,
gave no opportunity for scepticism
... continue with positive bracketing
justin: people tired of process, disillusionment with standards development, difference between promise and reality, head down
shawn: messaging in January?
helle: emphasis on transition,
especially when a site is in compliance with 1.0
... benefits of change
justin: nearing the finish line kind of message...get ready to go. Start getting people ready to use and adopt.
shawn: challenges are that final decisions must wait until comment period has ended.
alan: see comments approaching zero
judy: put it in context of other
specifications at W3C, give people persepctive in realtion to
other W3C processes
... must be careful about not emphasizing too much about let's
go with it, but continue to do public education about what
Candidate Recommendation phase is, encourage others to
correction: "perspective in relation"
shawn: that won't appeal to those justing is talking about
judy: keep getting materials out there and eventually practices will catch up
shawn: remember that comments on this draft due Feb 1, review their response to our previous comments for January
shawn: who can review and send comments?
william: i will
shawn: will send more comments as well, and get PF and/or Liam to review as well
<scribe> ACTION: William to review draft ARIA FAQs, comment [recorded in]
<shawn> MWBP-WCAG Relationship documents
<shawn> Draft intro page:
shawn: how does it work overall?
william: in terms of content? we should be looking more ahead and know and recognize that the devices are changing, evolving, integrating new technologies at rapid pace. This technology is transforming everything
shawn: what about saying mobile "devices" rather than "phone." ?
william: accessing involves
interaction, putting things on the web as well as
... put a number on it...a billion
justin: 3 billion
shawn: "phone" is more friendly, reflects everyday use. "device" is more inclusive and reflective of actual use. For this document now...which is better?
sharron: must we use only one?
shawn: not necessarily
<scribe> ACTION: editors will consider use of device in title and phone as appropriate [recorded in]
look at high level again...enough to make basic point? too much?
sylvie: what do the terms in brackets mean?
shawn: options for different wording
sylvie: sometimes document talks to developers, sometimes not
shawn: what is your recommendation?
sylvie: choose who your main audience is and direct comments to them, or make it more general.
william: "what most people don't realize..." is jarring
shawn: meant to make the point of "Guess what?! there is significant overlap..."
william: audience is in change log
justin: very broad audience...orient them to two sets of guidlines, there is an overlap, here's how they relate
shawn: alan has been working on
one HUGE doc that has comparisons to 1.0 and added 2.0 and it
got to be very large. Now have separated into discrete pages.
One document but sections are on different pages.
... Look at the mapping the overlap (or something to that
effect) document. Thought to bring it out as WAI
... any objections? comments on title?
doyle: i like the current title.
I am very interested in the subject matter, important as a
disability issue.
... "common barriers" is clear and cuts across to me
shawn: we discussed shorter title / nickname / acronym...thoughts, comments?
<shawn> How Web Accessibility & Mobile Web Overlap (WAMO): The Relationship Between Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and Mobile Web Best Practices (MWBP)
shawn: How Web Accessibility and
Web Overlap as title
... peripheral documents not ready to be published
... is above an acceptable title for Alan's document?
justin: does not communicate that
it is a technical document
... I thought alan's doc was the technical mapping between the
various guideline documents
<shawn> Making a Web Site Accessible to People with Disabilities and Mobile Devices
what about simply "Accessibility and the Mobile Web"
<shawn> Making a Web Site Both Accessible to People with Disabilities and Usable for Mobile Devices
<shawn> Accessibility and Mobile Devices
doyle: shorter communicates well
judy: shorter is good
shawn: one of the issues is
"people with disabilities" is a long phrase for a title
... but do we lose meaning by leaving it out?
<shawn> "Web sites that are [accessible|usable] from a mobile phone."
shawn: justin's doc refers to
"accessible from mobile phone'
... is that a problem in terms of confusing disability access
with other kinds of access?
judy: why would that be a problem?
shawn: because it is not referring to disability
Judy: oh yes, that is a problem
<shawn> that can be accessed from a mobile phone
Judy: connotations are not successful
justin: i can access a web page if I can get there, pull it up. To make it accessible is the POUR aspect of the web site
shawn: you were talking about making it accessible with no relation to disability?
justin: yes
... phones can be accessible and not usable
shawn: isn't that what the mobile BP does? if a site meets BP is it reasonably usable?
justin: i'll check
doyle: asked a friend with CP what phones he uses and the controls are so bad that access for people with disabilities is affected by the tools as well...they are just awful! There is an overlap
<shawn> business case pointer both ways
sharron: maybe the reason we have the language problem is because the problems we face with bad design on phones mimics the experince of someone with a disability.
shawn: maybe a link to the
business case?
... remember to update availability
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.128 of Date: 2007/02/23 21:38:13 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: Sharron Rush Found ScribeNick: sharron WARNING: No "Present: ... " found! Possibly Present: Doyle Jack Judy LC P11 P4 ScribeNick Shawn Sylvie WilliamL aaaa aabb achuter alan correction draft eo helle joined justin sharron william You can indicate people for the Present list like this: <dbooth> Present: dbooth jonathan mary <dbooth> Present+ amy Regrets: Wayne Henny jack (possibly_Andrew) Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 14 Dec 2007 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: editors eveyone judy william[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]