IRC log of BioRDF on 2007-10-22

Timestamps are in UTC.

15:01:58 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #BioRDF
15:01:58 [RRSAgent]
logging to
15:02:03 [ericP]
Zakim, this is BioRDF
15:02:03 [Zakim]
ok, ericP; that matches SW_HCLS(BioRDF)11:00AM
15:02:10 [dbooth]
Meeting: BioRDF
15:02:11 [ericP]
Zakim, please dial ericP-cw
15:02:11 [Zakim]
ok, ericP; the call is being made
15:02:13 [Zakim]
15:02:14 [dbooth]
Chair: Susie
15:02:16 [Zakim]
15:02:28 [ericP]
Zakim, who is here?
15:02:28 [Zakim]
On the phone I see +1.781.662.aaaa, DBooth, Olivier_Bodenreider, Don_Doherty, EricP, ??P19
15:02:30 [Zakim]
On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, dbooth, Don, Susie, ericP
15:02:49 [Zakim]
15:02:51 [ericP]
Zakim, ??P19 is matthias
15:02:52 [Zakim]
+matthias; got it
15:03:11 [Don]
New draft of SfN poster:
15:03:21 [Don]
15:04:07 [matthiassamwald]
matthiassamwald has joined #biordf
15:04:34 [eneumann]
eneumann has joined #BioRDF
15:04:43 [matthiassamwald]
holger stenzhorn (currently at DERI) will also be joining the call soon.
15:06:25 [Zakim]
15:06:43 [ericP-test]
ericP-test has joined #BioRDF
15:07:00 [ericP-test]
webirc working for ericP
15:08:06 [ericP]
ericP has changed the topic to: BioRDF weekly telecon -- agenda:
15:08:48 [dbooth]
Scribe: DBooth
15:09:01 [Don]
15:09:06 [dbooth]
Scribe next week: Kei
15:09:12 [dbooth]
Topic: SfN Poster Update - Don
15:09:25 [ericP]
agenda + SfN Poster Update - Don
15:09:25 [ericP]
agenda + Meeting Updates (F2F, ISWC BOF, WWW, Bio-IT World) - Susie
15:09:25 [ericP]
agenda + URI note - Jonathan
15:09:25 [ericP]
agenda + Knowledgebase extensions - Alan
15:09:25 [ericP]
agenda + Clinical data set assessment - All
15:09:28 [ericP]
agenda + AOB
15:09:36 [ericP]
Zakim, take up agendum 1
15:09:36 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "SfN Poster Update - Don" taken up [from ericP]
15:10:41 [ericP]
-> SfN Poster
15:10:53 [dbooth]
Don discusses poster image
15:11:47 [dbooth]
EricP: Picture is in the blue box? Don: yes.
15:15:30 [matthiassamwald]
15:15:30 [dbooth]
15:16:13 [ericP]
q+ to ask about graph in blue box and to suggest graph shapes next to each query
15:16:22 [ericP]
ack matthiassamwald
15:16:57 [dbooth]
Matthias: May it should be a little bit simplified for the audience. We want to reach out to the neuroscientists -- not only hard core bioinformatics people. Not sure what should be changed. maybe take out one query and rely on the graphics? What does .ttl? EricP: Turtle extension
15:18:31 [ericP]
i recommend s/Medline TTL/Medline RDF/ if i understand what it means
15:18:35 [dbooth]
Don: I agree with you, but after going through it I couldn't really tell a long story about solving a problem yet, though we come up with the results of the query. My thinking was that most aren't going to understand SemWeb. It's a way to shed some light on what/why we're doing. If they step through this they'll see it isn't just magic.
15:19:54 [Zakim]
15:19:54 [eneumann]
zakim, who is here?
15:19:55 [Zakim]
On the phone I see +1.781.662.aaaa, DBooth, Olivier_Bodenreider, Don_Doherty, EricP, matthias, Kei_Cheung, Eric_Neumann, Jonathan_Rees
15:19:59 [Zakim]
On IRC I see eneumann, matthiassamwald, RRSAgent, Zakim, dbooth, Don, Susie, ericP
15:20:10 [dbooth]
DBooth: Key value add is joining multiple dataset? Don: Yes DBooth: i think that shoudl be more evident. Perhaps in the title.
15:20:47 [Susie]
zakim, +1.781.662.aaaa is Susie
15:20:47 [Zakim]
+Susie; got it
15:20:51 [dbooth]
Don: Cannot change the title.
15:21:11 [dbooth]
DBooth: But you could add a subtitle: 'Combining PubMed, Medline, etc'
15:21:17 [dbooth]
Don: I'll think about how to do that.
15:21:18 [ericP]
ack dbooth
15:21:20 [ericP]
ack me
15:21:20 [Zakim]
ericP, you wanted to ask about graph in blue box and to suggest graph shapes next to each query
15:21:48 [dbooth]
EricP: Echo Matthias's point, blue box is Medline TTL?
15:22:03 [dbooth]
Don: I guess we don't need to talk about that at all.
15:22:19 [dbooth]
EricP: Then call it "Medline RDF" instead.
15:22:25 [eneumann]
Don, I can't seem to find any URL on the poster-- shouldn't there be one for these wishing to find out more?
15:22:25 [dbooth]
Don: You're right.
15:23:00 [dbooth]
EricP: Echoing DBooth, "Queries over 12 distinct databases" might be good.
15:23:18 [dbooth]
... In the big blue box you have a graph with shadings. What does the bullseye signify?
15:23:47 [dbooth]
Don: Just to be easier to see. (Distance from the mesh term.)
15:24:09 [dbooth]
EricN: Outside piece tends to refer to the gene, then moves to the articles. That might be good to illustrate.
15:24:40 [dbooth]
Don: If you look at the 3 green lines of matches, it's looking at the query of what it would match.
15:24:51 [dbooth]
Susie: Could you add a key?
15:24:56 [Zakim]
15:25:10 [dbooth]
EricP: inner arc is unlabeled. Maybe no space, but would be nice.
15:25:35 [dbooth]
... Perhaps label concentric circles by type.
15:25:50 [dbooth]
... And is this graph answering all the queries at left?
15:26:16 [dbooth]
... Then if you can miniaturize the picture and show only the portion of thhe graph that is touched by it.
15:26:34 [dbooth]
Don: You're right, that would be good.
15:27:36 [alanruttenberg]
alanruttenberg has joined #biordf
15:28:28 [dbooth]
Susie: It doesn't seem like all of the references are complete. No parens around "21". And Elizabeth and Alan don't have affiliations.
15:29:00 [dbooth]
... Talking about updating the exhibit screen snapshot, how are you coming on getting a new figure?
15:29:03 [dbooth]
Don: Not yet.
15:30:09 [dbooth]
Susie: In the figure at the right you refer to properties, but in the table at the bottom you refer to predicates. Consistency would help. It would be nice to make clear to folks that the knowledge base is available for people to play with. I'll add a link.
15:30:33 [dbooth]
EricP: You could use tinyurl for a couple of queries.
15:30:44 [dbooth]
Susie: Deadline?
15:31:55 [dbooth]
Don: We should be happy with the poster by a week from today, but a week from Friday would be last possible changes.
15:32:10 [dbooth]
zakim, next agendum
15:32:10 [Zakim]
agendum 2. "Meeting Updates (F2F, ISWC BOF, WWW, Bio-IT World) - Susie" taken up [from ericP]
15:32:44 [dbooth]
Susie: Registration deadline is past. Agenda is on the wiki -- I believe final version.
15:33:29 [dbooth]
Alan: What about having Chimezie do a presentation on his work? It would serve a number of purposes.
15:34:09 [dbooth]
Susie: I didn't feel that we should, because the agenda has been fixed for a while and because others had requested and I said we didn't have time (Tim Clark and someone else).
15:34:10 [ericP]
15:34:19 [sstephen]
sstephen has joined #biordf
15:34:54 [dbooth]
Alan: It's a little bit different for Chimezie because pieces of his work have shown up in our work product, and because there's interest in exactly what he's doing, so it speaks directly to the current content.
15:35:05 [ericP]
15:35:18 [dbooth]
Susie: He coudl talk informally without having a scheduled slot.
15:35:44 [dbooth]
EricP: Can you propose a schedule modification of what would be taken out?
15:36:19 [dbooth]
Alan: I'll look at that. Mostly want to address what's important for the mtg, and one element is that we have clinical people that we've brought in.
15:36:35 [dbooth]
ACTION: AlanR to look at F2F schedule and propose schedule change
15:36:50 [dbooth]
EricP: Anybody have a problem with minor sched changes?
15:37:49 [sstephen]
15:37:51 [dbooth]
Susie: Vipul said he's happy to keep the agenda the way it is, if there are people signed up to attend specific days. But if everyone signed up for both days, he'd prefer to do his Friday.
15:38:34 [dbooth]
Matthias: DERI wants to send someone but has not yet registered.
15:38:49 [sstephen]
Ronan Fox from DERI Galway would like to visit the HCLS F2F
15:38:56 [dbooth]
EricP: I'll check with admin to see if it is possible.
15:40:00 [sstephen]
Bron Kisler from CDISC would also like to participate int he F2F on Friday
15:40:10 [dbooth]
ACTION: EricP to check with admin to see if it is possible for Ronan Fox DERI rep to attend both days and Bron Kisler for Friday
15:40:51 [dbooth]
EricP: I see one person from Bristol-Myers-Squib for Thursday only.
15:41:12 [dbooth]
Susie: Do you think Bron will really attend, since he didn't?
15:41:17 [dbooth]
AlanR: Yes.
15:43:48 [dbooth]
EricP: About 7 signed up for guest registration.
15:44:18 [dbooth]
s/Bristol/Charles Hand, Bristol/
15:45:07 [dbooth]
Susie: I'm inclined to think we should keep the agenda as is.
15:45:30 [dbooth]
AlanR: should we move some part of the KB presentation to the day before?
15:46:10 [dbooth]
AlanR: I'll look at moving the times to accommodate Chimezie.
15:46:24 [dbooth]
EricP: Anyone mind if Susie makes a minor change for that?
15:47:00 [dbooth]
Susie: Given that we've turned down others, might be best if he presents in the context of the Next Steps round table.
15:47:54 [dbooth]
EricN: I think we should put him in front center of the round table. We have a lot of speakers in the COI, since in that domain we really should listen to him. Could be as part of Clinical Observations. Would be a missed opportunity if he didn't present.
15:48:33 [dbooth]
AlanR: Maybe he can be added as a speaker on an existing topic. I agree with the general sentiment of not disrupting or offending.
15:49:15 [dbooth]
Susie: I agree with the importance of what Chimezie's topic. Just need to be sensitive. Do we want to have the TAG discussion during beer on Thursday?
15:49:32 [dbooth]
... I would think it would make sense for them to join the discussion on URI Note.
15:49:44 [dbooth]
... Should we invite them for that hour session?
15:50:08 [dbooth]
Jonathan: I think so. Part of it? Second half?
15:50:46 [dbooth]
AlanR: Better to schedule it separately. Better for HCLS to get info and feedback in an uncluttered way, whereas TAG will focus on specific TAG issues.
15:51:01 [dbooth]
Jonathan: Then when should we meet with them?
15:52:05 [dbooth]
DBooth: Check with TAG about when they could meet.
15:52:56 [dbooth]
Jonathan: Make ssnse for all of HCLS to meet with TAG?
15:53:12 [dbooth]
DBooth: No, it's very specialized.
15:53:54 [dbooth]
Jonathan: I'm afraid if I talk to them 1 on 1 I'll get different answers.
15:54:25 [dbooth]
EricP: I think I can represent the TAG's view if I meet with them.
15:55:10 [dbooth]
Jonathan: I get a lot of talking with TAG members. There's a huge potential in discussing our use case.
15:55:59 [dbooth]
.. What is the SemWeb roadmap and how can we make the HCLS meet it?
15:56:39 [dbooth]
EricP: So a small group of us to meet with the TAG would be sufficient?
15:56:46 [dbooth]
(Others agree)
15:57:21 [alanr]
alanr has joined #biordf
15:58:05 [dbooth]
ACTION: EricP (with Jonathan) to schedule mtg with TAG
15:58:23 [dbooth]
DBooth would like to be a part of that, BTW.
15:58:27 [Zakim]
15:58:28 [Zakim]
15:58:29 [Zakim]
15:58:30 [Zakim]
15:58:31 [Zakim]
15:58:57 [Zakim]
15:59:21 [dbooth]
EricP: About 15 people registered from the WG, then another 10 invited as chairs, etc. and then about 5 guests.
16:00:07 [dbooth]
EricN: Should we go through the list of member orgs and encourage them to come?
16:00:16 [dbooth]
EricP: May be too late for this meeting, but yest.
16:00:20 [dbooth]
16:00:33 [dbooth]
16:00:45 [dbooth]
16:01:08 [dbooth]
rrsagent, make logs public
16:01:40 [Zakim]
16:01:45 [Zakim]
16:01:46 [Zakim]
16:01:51 [dbooth]
rrsagent, draft minutes
16:01:51 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate dbooth
16:02:13 [Zakim]
16:02:14 [Zakim]
SW_HCLS(BioRDF)11:00AM has ended
16:02:15 [Zakim]
Attendees were DBooth, Olivier_Bodenreider, Don_Doherty, EricP, Kei_Cheung, matthias, Eric_Neumann, Jonathan_Rees, Susie, Alan_Ruttenberg
16:02:33 [jar]
jar has joined #biordf
16:02:43 [jar]
jar has left #biordf
16:03:08 [dbooth]
16:05:12 [dbooth]
Present: Alan_Ruttenberg Don_Doherty Eric_Neumann Eric_P Jonathan_Rees Kei_Cheung Olivier_Bodenreider Susie_Stephens DBooth
16:06:11 [dbooth]
rrsagent, draft minutes
16:06:11 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate dbooth
16:06:40 [dbooth]
Topic: Next Meeting
16:07:00 [dbooth]
EricP said he will help Kei get IRC going, and Kei will scribe next time.
16:07:39 [dbooth]
Present: DBooth, Olivier_Bodenreider, Don_Doherty, EricP, Kei_Cheung, matthias, Eric_Neumann, Jonathan_Rees, Susie, Alan_Ruttenberg
16:07:45 [dbooth]
rrsagent, draft minutes
16:07:45 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate dbooth
16:08:44 [dbooth]
zakim, bye
16:08:44 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #BioRDF
16:08:48 [dbooth]
rrsagent, bye
16:08:48 [RRSAgent]
I see 3 open action items saved in :
16:08:48 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: AlanR to look at F2F schedule and propose schedule change [1]
16:08:48 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
16:08:48 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: EricP to check with admin to see if it is possible for Ronan Fox DERI rep to attend both days and Bron Kisler for Friday [2]
16:08:48 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
16:08:48 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: EricP (with Jonathan) to schedule mtg with TAG [3]
16:08:48 [RRSAgent]
recorded in