WS Policy WG

28 Feb 2007


Maryann, Charlton_Barreto, Mark_Temple-Raston, Symon, Chris_Ferris, Abbie_Barbir, Mark_Little, Fabian, Prasad_Yendluri, Dale, Arnaud, Sergey_Beryozkin, Frederick_Hirsch, m2, Ashok_Malhotra, whenry, asir, Tom_Rutt, Umit, Dan, Yakov


<whenry> Check out the big brain on Zakim ;-)

<Yakov> 1.617.630.aabb is Yakov

invite rrsagent

<cferris> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2007Feb/0175.html

<scribe> scribe:Ashok

<scribe> scribe: Ashok

Abbie will scribe next week tentatively

Minutes of telcon on 2/21 approved.

Next mtg 3/7. Paul will chair.

f2f on March 13-15. Please register asap.

Mtg in Ottawa im May. July mtg in Dublin

Asir: What are the details of the interop?

interop testing adjacent in another room

prasad: is there a plan re. when testing on which round occurs when

chris: we have not set a schedule for the testing
... round 1 nd 2 you can do on yr own
... some done on site
... most of the interop will be round 3 ... this will be the focus
... MS and IBM have published endpoints. Hope others will do the same.

prasad: will the testing folks need 3 days?

asir: at last interop it took 3 days
... took some time to set up

<prasad> What set-up is needed? May be I need to know the details?

asir: then 2 days of testing... so, yes, it will take 3 days

<prasad> So that we can have our IT be prepared for it

asir: we need a static IP address ... same address for 3 days

prasad: we need to discuss ... perhaps offline

<cferris> ACTION: Chris to add agenda item related to interp preparation/set-up

<trackbot> Created ACTION-236 - Add agenda item related to interp preparation/set-up [on Christopher Ferris - due 2007-03-07].

prasad: chris, please add agent item on this for next week

asir: do the to have to register for the meeting?

chris: that would be nice
... if there are non-WG members among the testers then we have to be careful what we discuss from a IP POV

<asir> Chris, thank you for patiently answering all my questions!

<cferris> acl pra

chris: anyone who will be present in Sunnyvale shd register
... done with interop testing?

Editors report

maryann: DaveO is not here. Perhaps Frederick could report.

Frederick: There is not much to report.

<asir> there were two items

chris: the CR did go out today ... thanks to editors especially

<cferris> ACTION: Felix to update public home page with interop scenario link

<trackbot> Created ACTION-237 - Update public home page with interop scenario link [on Felix Sasaki - due 2007-03-07].

asir: ask chairs to link to interop on public home page

<prasad> There was also a question on who maintains the interop test results table?

asir: ask chairs to delegate collection of interop testing results to testing team

<cferris> ACTION: Paul and Chris to discuss how to collect and maintain interop results (e.g. who does this)

<trackbot> Sorry, amibiguous username (more than one match) - Paul

<trackbot> Try using a different identifier, such as family name or username (eg. pknight, pcotton2)

<prasad> May be this one also should go into the agenda items I requested earlier

<cferris> ACTION: PaulC and Chris to discuss how to collect and maintain interop results (e.g. who does this)

<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - PaulC

<asir> ACTION: Pcotton2 and Chris to discuss how to collect and maintain interop results (e.g. who does this)

<trackbot> Created ACTION-238 - And Chris to discuss how to collect and maintain interop results (e.g. who does this) [on Paul Cotton - due 2007-03-07].

Action Item Review

213 -- still open

225 - done

226 - done

227 - pending

228 - done

229 - done

230 - done

231 - done (Tom did it)

232 - chris: partially done... talked w/Bob. Sat in on WS-A call on Monday. There is progress

233 - done

<cferris> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2007Feb/0170.html

<asir> it is http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2007Feb/att-0170/ws-policy-features-02-27-2007.html

234 - chris, forward yr note to WG. Mark it done.

Adoption of test cases

chris: pl. look at the test cases

asir: a description wd help
... we had some emaild discussion. Some need more work

prasad: let's accept those that have no suggested changes.

<cferris> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2007Feb/0041.html

a) XML ID - asir -- needs a bit more work

chris, can you move forward?

asir: I have a lot on my plate. I can help someone else

no one volunteers

asir: i'll take it

<cferris> ACTION: Asir to work on xml:id, refactoring wsu:id test cases and update scenarios accordingly

<trackbot> Created ACTION-239 - Work on xml:id, refactoring wsu:id test cases and update scenarios accordingly [on Asir Vedamuthu - due 2007-03-07].

asir: i will change wsu:id to xml:id

chris: just put the changes on the archive

b) XML Base

asir: ready for acceptance

<asir> link is at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2007Feb/0107.html

c) Policy MIME type

asir: looks good. we can add to round 4. Need some explanatory text

d) UDDI scenario -- link is bad

<prasad> UDDI: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2007Feb/0106.html

prasad, I got several +1s

asir: great piece of work ... i have some minor comments ... there are many testcases, can we have unique names. ... also, pl use example.com policies ... should be integrate with other document or have 2 documents ... recommends 2 documents

<umit> good catch, Prasad

prasad: on the CR, ignorable requires 2 interops, others have 4

chris: the others requiring 2 are in the attachment spec

e) External Attchment for WSDl 1.1

I had sent out the question, Asir also wants the answers

asir: we require test cases for feature 22 and 23
... can you provide test cases for 2.0 also

I can try

<cferris> ACTION: Ashok to provide feature 22 (wsdl2.0) test cases using wsdl2.0 documents in the round 3 scenarios

<trackbot> Created ACTION-240 - Provide feature 22 (wsdl2.0) test cases using wsdl2.0 documents in the round 3 scenarios [on Ashok Malhotra - due 2007-03-07].

f) covered

Liasion items

a) WS-Addressing

Chris: I had a discussion with WS-A folks... they will probably

Tom: One remaining issue needs discussion. Sent to the WGs.

<cferris> ACTION: Tom to copy wsp wg with his concrete proposal from the ws-a wg on resolving the LC issue

<trackbot> Sorry, amibiguous username (more than one match) - Tom

<trackbot> Try using a different identifier, such as family name or username (eg. trutt, tjordahl)

fabian: Tom's note talks abt prohibiting behavior. WS-Policy does not prohibit behaviour

Tom: This is what needs discission

Chris: Let's take to e-mail

Tom: Send to both lists

<umit> In my recollection of the task force, there was general agreement that understanding an assertion that has nesting, you would assume that you would understand the dependent behaviors

b) Call for Impls

Chris: we are in CR,,, congratulations
... Note on WSDL 1.1 Identifiers ... let's defer till Dave is here

TOPIC CR interop scenarios and testing

<asir> ACTION: Chris to prepare test cases for feature 43 -- Negative testing.

<trackbot> Created ACTION-241 - Prepare test cases for feature 43 - Negative testing [on Christopher Ferris - due 2007-03-07].

asir: We missed an item under 6 -- external attachment testcases need expected outcomes

Explains how external attachment testing works

<asir> ACTION: Ashok to provide expected outcome docs for Feature 23 test cases

<trackbot> Created ACTION-242 - Provide expected outcome docs for Feature 23 test cases [on Ashok Malhotra - due 2007-03-07].

Chris: Back to item 10
... Defer till Felix is here.
... IBM and MS have published their endpoints
... Msgs 71 snd 72

prasad: is publishing endpoints required for W3C process

Chris: Not required

prasad: the rounds that are completed in March are not

chris: no, test may be rerun. new people may join, etc.


Issue 4318

We refer to earlier version of Security Policy. Latest version has some changed assertions.

umit: testbed uses latest version... docs refer to earlier version

tony: we do not have a public version of security policy
... there is still not a public version of security policy. we now have a CR version

<abbie> easy guys

<abbie> yes, plus we have no knives

<umit> it is simple, I could not open an issue against the test cases

are the cameras rolling?

<umit> when I posted the bug

<abbie> yes, drama TV

chris: can we wait until there is a public review draft
... it's a non-normative reference

Umit: I wd like this issue to be recorded against the testcases

asir: many of us are confused abt what issues Umit is talking abt

umit: there are 2 issues ... content of some assertions have changed ... there is also an issue on which reference to use

Symon: Security Policy is using old version of WS-Policy

asir: I thought they took a reference to the CR version of policy, Tony?

Tony: yes

Asir: Symon, please check

monica: first, the framework has an example and a namespace. second, the link in the test cases says 2005 but goes to the 2006 version.

<asir> Monica: that is consistent with the artifacts that I found at the WS-SX TC

<asir> Symon, please check with the actual docs on the WS-SX TC archive

chris: security policy now refers to both versions of WS-Policy
... we are testing WS-Policy not security policy. So, it's not an issue.
... can we decide, when we go to PR, to refer to the latest public version of security policy?
... If folks agree, we can close this issue.

asir: we shd give action to umit to check the examples

Umit: when we change the namespace we can change the examples

asir: someone needs to do some homework

chris: examples are non-normative

Maryann: You can assign a standing action to the editors

asir: I will volunteer to track changes to the examples. There is no rush.

<cferris> ACTION: Asir to produce a list of change areas in the framework and attachments specs related to a change in the reference to the oasis ws-sec policy spec to reference the latest available published committee draft

<trackbot> Created ACTION-243 - Produce a list of change areas in the framework and attachments specs related to a change in the reference to the oasis ws-sec policy spec to reference the latest available published committee draft [on Asir Vedamuthu - due 2007-03-07].

Action shd be due in a month ... not next week

Asir: Shd cover primer and guidelines also

Chris: Now to address the testcase ... I think we need a separate bug
... Umit do you have a ptr to the testcase that is using the old assertion?

<asir> Round 3 test case is http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2006/ws/policy/interop/Round3/WSDL11/Round3.wsdl

Chris: so, Umit, you don't have a problem with the testcases as written?

Umit: Yes

Chris: I would like to adjourn. Remainder of agenda next week.

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Ashok to provide expected outcome docs for Feature 23 test cases
[NEW] ACTION: Ashok to provide feature 22 (wsdl2.0) test cases using wsdl2.0 documents in the round 3 scenarios
[NEW] ACTION: Asir to produce a list of change areas in the framework and attachments specs related to a change in the reference to the oasis ws-sec policy spec to reference the latest available published committee draft
[NEW] ACTION: Asir to work on xml:id, refactoring wsu:id test cases and update scenarios accordingly
[NEW] ACTION: Chris to add agenda item related to interp preparation/set-up
[NEW] ACTION: Chris to prepare test cases for feature 43 -- Negative testing.
[NEW] ACTION: Felix to update public home page with interop scenario link
[NEW] ACTION: Paul and Chris to discuss how to collect and maintain interop results (e.g. who does this)
[NEW] ACTION: PaulC and Chris to discuss how to collect and maintain interop results (e.g. who does this)
[NEW] ACTION: Pcotton2 and Chris to discuss how to collect and maintain interop results (e.g. who does this)
[NEW] ACTION: Tom to copy wsp wg with his concrete proposal from the ws-a wg on resolving the LC issue
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.128 (CVS log)
$Date: 2007/03/08 13:31:08 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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Found Scribe: Ashok
Inferring ScribeNick: Ashok
Found Scribe: Ashok
Inferring ScribeNick: Ashok
Present: Maryann Charlton_Barreto Mark_Temple-Raston Symon Chris_Ferris Abbie_Barbir Mark_Little Fabian Prasad_Yendluri Dale Arnaud Sergey_Beryozkin Frederick_Hirsch m2 Ashok_Malhotra whenry asir Tom_Rutt Umit Dan

WARNING: No meeting title found!
You should specify the meeting title like this:
<dbooth> Meeting: Weekly Baking Club Meeting

WARNING: No meeting chair found!
You should specify the meeting chair like this:
<dbooth> Chair: dbooth

WARNING: No date found!  Assuming today.  (Hint: Specify
the W3C IRC log URL, and the date will be determined from that.)
Or specify the date like this:
<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

People with action items: ashok asir chris felix paul paulc pcotton2 tom

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