Judy: Reviews agenda
Topic" Follow-up discussion on WCAG Basic/Web ABC/WCAG-on-the-Street
Shawn: Reviews last week's
discussion. Talks about the notes that were shared. This
prompted comments about WCAG 2 being difficult, hard for
developers, concerns by developers, etc.
... The focus of discussion turned to how to deal with some of
these issues.
Wayne: The issue of whether WCAG 2.0 might be flawed in its readability.
Judy: Talks about conversation with chairs of other WG who are trying to work that issue. WAI staff are thinking of doing a copy-editing pass before the stabilization draft. She explains the details of what they are doing, but the bottom line is that they are working to address the readability issue.
Judy: Given the background, what are peopl's thoughts?
Wayne: have been thinking abt this since last week -- think that there is a mis-match between the intended audience and the actual audience..
Wayne: See wording in e-mail: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-eo/2007JanMar/0043.html
judy: ...the actual audience, the way they've written it, is evaluation tool devs and users -- it is written almost like a machine-testable language ...the intended audience though was the human implementor ---
judy: ...and so maybe what eowg needs to do is to write the human side of it
Andrew:... but appeared to be written for testing-tools developers
Liam: agree that it is written for engineers
Justin: agrees
Harvey: Do we need to apply the KISS principle? (keep it simple stupid)
Judy: We could write something to make it 'as humanly readable as possible'
shawn: http://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG20/quickref/
Shawn: Suggests possible
approach. Gives the background. Talks about reviewing editor's
copy. Recognized that some things apply to particular
situations rather than generally. Talks about the Quick
Reference. Can we make the wording of the guidelines and
success criteria easier while maintaining technical
accuracy> Initial impression is that we can.
... We can also perhaps add a few simple sentence to clarify
some difficult concepts
... Summary - Simplify language, improve quick reference by
hiding some things, add brief notes to clarify difficult
<shawn> shawn reviews item a, b, c, c in the agenda
<Zakim> Liam, you wanted to ask about specificity
Shawn: has the benefit of not adding a new document and making the documents better
liam: raises concern that examples would cover the range of things
shawn: wants to 'turn off' things that do not apply to them, but not change the 2.0 guidelines
liam: concerned that people not exclude something that does apply to them
Liam: Just wanted to raise a caution about the specificity of what gets turned off... making sure that people don't think things don't apply to them because of an odd implementation.
Sylvie: how is that different than what we are doing with current guidelines?
Shawn: The first step would to help clarify guidelines first. However, in some cases we would need additional notes.
<Zakim> shadi, you wanted to dwell on views and user expectation
sylvie: clarifies that shawn is proposing to do all of these things
shadi: thinks shawn's approach is
... may want to do it based on functional basis - in other
words based on role
jack: shadi's point is great
liam: information architect, interface designer, interaction designer, content editor
wayne: disability resource provider
shadi: visual designer
Liam: animator
Liam: captioner
shadi: evaluation tool developer!!!
judy: strong reaction with
several people in support of this
... what about organizations that do not have these specific
shadi: [to clarify, wasn't intending to go down the "roles" route as much but to cover some different user expectations]
<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to get in the record the idea of re-organizing info, e.g., by topic, by level...
helle: may want to move more to a database interface that people could select particular functions
shawn: re-organizing wcag 1.0 by topic. May want to reorganize information by topic or by level
<shawn> ACTION: shawn, for [formerly-known-as-Quick-Reference] consider offering option of re-organizing info, e.g., by topic, by level. also, view by role? [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/16-eo-minutes.html#action01]
Wayne: this sounds like it may the way to go and reflects his experience with sharing it with others
Liam: another role: web analytics
Judy: Cautions about using the
word 'simplify' so that it is clear that we do not intend to
change guidelines
... How would the approach Shawn suggested meet the goals?
Judy reads goals from Requirements and changelog for WCAG Basic
William: Depends
Helle: Not quite sure - needs to review things more close
Andrew: Shawn's suggested approach will address some goals but not others. He gives examples.
Helle: What is the relationship with Henny's work with Shawn's suggestion.
Shawn: Henny's document is overall how to transistion. There is a second document as well.
<Zakim> shadi, you wanted to raise that mom&pops may be secondary audience
Henny: Unless we address we the core issue of readability, there may be fragmentation.
Shadi: The primary audience may be other than 'mom and pop' operations
shawn: Comparison of WCAG 1.0 checkpoints to WCAG 2.0 ("checkpoint mapping") http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/appendixD.html
justin: would be interesting to get a group of 10 or 12 developers and ask them what they want. similia to a focus group
shadi: [I'm wondering who the primaray audience(s) is and if WCAG 2.0 document is addressing them adequately]
Liam: I really like justin's idea
<Zakim> Andrew, you wanted to also ask about role of application notes
andew: what are working group's intentions with application notes?
<Zakim> Liam, you wanted to ask why fragmentation is a problem
Judy: it depends on how it is being done. In some cases it is faithful and accurate to the original, but in others it changes the meaning
Andrew: hear hear
Wayne: agrees with Henny's
comment that we may not be addressing the real problem. WCAG
2.0 is
... Other specifications are technical and then have
explanations of what they mean. WCAG 2.0 has the technical part
but is missing the explanation
judy: ...the rules in wcag 2.0 are expressed like formal notation, but they lack the explanation that we describe what all these things actually mean
Andrew: http://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG20/quickref/
shawn: What are your experiences with the WCAG 2.0 Quick Reference? What do you hear about others' experiences with the Quick Reference?
Henny: title does not work. It is
more than a Quick Reference.
... more of a starter kit. Information is useful
Henny:: "Quick reference" undermines how useful it can be or rather doesn't explain what its use is and could be
Andrew: Moderately useful. Experience is within organization. Most experience is with people focusing on WCAG 1.0
sylvie: Does not know many people using the quick ref, so I can't give feedback on people's reactions.
William: Title is off putting
Doyle: It seems fairly good for what it is, somewhat comprehensive, formidable. Probably needs to be re-organized.
Judy: Agrees with Doyle's comment. It is formidiable. Needs to be more user-friendly.
Justin: Agrees.
judy: ...don't kick people into the deep end quite so much; need warm/fuzzy holding their hand through the process
Harvey: Agrees. Starts out assuming that people know more than they probably know to begin.
Judy: Let's revisit the title. What should the document be called for the reference we want to have?
Judy: wm: concordance
William: concordance
Doyle: smart reference guide
Doyle: Smart is good. Smart Reference Guide
William: how it works
Henny: implementation planner
Shadi: PPT
Justin: how to make
your html & css site accessible
How to make your CSS and web site
Henny: practical ....plannning
Henny: WCAG 2.0 implementation planner
Andrew: personalize portal, pick which bits you want to include or not
Henny: practical planning tool personalized planning tool
Liam: my wcag 1
Liam: my WCAG2
William: everything you
alwyas wanted to know abt...
everything you always wanted to know about
wcag 2
shawn: Shadi proposes written together myWCAG2 (wiki style)
Judy: Given some of the writing
tasks needed in the next few months, it will have an impact on
the teleconference meetings
... It could be that instead of meeting every Friday, we may
need to meet 2 or 3 times a month.
William: Short focused meetings, may be the way to go.
Wayne: Prefers fewer but full length.
Liam: Keep people on the list. So, we keep people engaged and things moving forward.
Doyle: I agree
Judy: Shawn and I will come up with a schedule.
Shawn: Still have a weekly meeting, but deal with a topic if a document is not ready to discuss
Wayne: Perhaps a rotate chair?
Judy: Clarify about work on
Section 508 that is going on. Gives background on Section
... Differentiates between Section 508, ADA, 228. There is also
international involvement, Going through all of the
technologies. About a third of way through to coming up with
new recommendations.
Helle: yes very interested
Wayne: yes too
William: Any UN involvement?
Judy: Talks about the work there
is going on there.
... Cluster some conference things together. Talk about
international efforts.
Helle: Talks about some conferences she attended recently.
Judy: May have agenda for next week, especially if others present certain topics.
Henny: I've been talking to the UN