See also: IRC log
<Christophe> Locations in TCDL: summary:
cv: server side vs client side scripting
... generally tools view generated code
saz: when we say a test fails, what do we point
to as the trigger for the failure?
... simple case, image missing alt, can point to the image and say it's
missing alt
... in scripting, do we point to raw, unprocessed, server-side script page,
or to generated code?
... Christophe has posted about this
cs: generated code depends on user input; error
could be in different places depending on input
... so suggest location pointer into generated code, with information about
the input used
... in cases with no user input, could use HTTP-RDF to build up the
appropriate headers
cv: also applies to cases with user input
saz: focus on what we need to point to
mc: asks who the pointer is for - author or
evaluator - and can we count on having access to server-side code at both
evaluation and report time?
... also not sure there's always a single place in server-side code where the
error caused
cs: evaluators also audiences of our test suite
mc: so we're only talking about being able to
point into our test suite?
... in that case maybe desirable to point to that, but unsure we need such a
rich means of expression
saz: also depends on test procedure
... in some cases, test procedure just looking at the HTML seen by the
... if we had, e.g., PHP test procedures, then we might want server-side
... also raise question of whether there is something we can point to in all
cv: HTTP-RDF provides most of the expression we
... we're working mainly with generated code
saz: setting aside metadata and request headers
and focusing just on pointers
... suggest default is to point to the generated content, if there's
something to point to
ci: question still if there's client-side
... so need more complete criteria
cv: but when, e.g., JavaScript changes DOM,
it's the DOM you analyze
... don't typically track the place in the function where element
mc: sounds like, server-side or client-side, it's the results of the script we have to point to
cv: we don't have way to point to script functions etc.
saz: we track the exchange - user input and
system output
... and determine if there are problems in the system output (generated
ci: this line of reason works if you use DOM-based scripting
mc: non DOM scripting is document.write?
cv: that's stil DOM
ci: was thinking of it as not
mc: you still get generated content, even if not referenceable by XPath
cs: how do you reference?
mc: character offset?
cv: what about alerts? need to refer to a generated element to reference
saz: also need to record user input in a
different way for client-side input
... HTTP-RDF doesn't express client-side input
cs: use ExpertGuidance element
mc: for alerts, suggest using element that
triggered it to appear
... for user input, should be expressable in name-value pairs
cv: also have to account for UI events
... ExpertGuidance for that
mc: can record user input into a script for
... though that's not all that usable except for playback
cs: e.g., for forms, you don't want something to play back, you want to provide instructions on what to put into form
mc: agree, script might not be useful, maybe store name-value for form inputs and ExpertGuidance for other relevant actions
RESOLUTION: reference generated code whenever possible; use ExpertGuidance for client-side user input; user HTTP-RDF for server-side user input
cs: review templates available in wiki for group to review
mc: suggest for content review template, use "how does test sample address technique" rather than "does it" to prompt more thorough review
<Tim> I agree with MC
saz: have open action to update wording from checklist
but we don't have more detail there
scribe: should we work on checklist, or review sample to test process?
mc: think we need to run it through a practice,
then discover weaknesses and port back to checklist as needed
... each iteration do on different test cases so we don't lose value by
cs: have some test cases available now to do this
mc: suggest some people be reviewers, and some be "reviewees" who receive reviews without having looked at test case themselves
cv: would like to finish refining the wording before we take this to experimental implementation
saz: as we modify process, will update both checklist and templates
cv: question from Tim about multiple reviews
tb: keeping track of who's reviewing what
saz: that's what status list is for
... that links test with current reviewer
tb: could you have more than one reviewer working a particular aspect at one time?
saz: according to our process, it's sequential
with each step done by a single person
... suggest organizing templates as table
<scribe> ACTION: Shadi to post wording cleanup of review checklist [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: Vangelis to tweak review templates based on discussion [recorded in]