ISSUE-44 - Public View
XHR: Overloading in the IDL
- State:
- Product:
- XMLHttpRequest
- Raised by:
- Bjoern Hoehrmann
- Opened on:
- 2006-03-19
- Description:
The current draft does not say which "IDL" is used to define the XHR interface, but as far as I can tell overloading is not allowed in OMG IDL. We need to either explain this in the document or change the IDL such that the conflicts are removed. The later can be achieved with void open(... all arguments here ...); void send(in DOMObject data) ...; Where the implications are explained in the member definitions and the language bindings as appropriate, so this is a change in form only. .setParameter in Core does something similar to what I propose for send(), optional parameters are new in the DOM-like W3C APIs. In addition, there should be clear reference to the IDL specification. Shouldn't send() raise an exception if the method does not support the type of data passed to it, btw?
- Related emails:
- ISSUE-44: XHR: Overloading in the IDL (from on 2006-03-19)
- Re: ISSUE-44: XHR: Overloading in the IDL (from on 2006-03-19)
- Re: ISSUE-44: XHR: Overloading in the IDL (from on 2006-03-22)
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Related notes:
2006-05-16: The plan is to leave it at that...
2006-08-10: The only real solution to this problem is to specify a Web API IDL document.
2006-09-18: IDL is non-normative.