Open Actions - Public View

There are 67 open actions listed in the system.

ID State Title Person Due Date
ACTION-6 OPEN search for XHR tests Jonas Sicking 2007-03-15
ACTION-60 OPEN draft text with dire warnings about putting new events into the null namespace instead of one's own Andrew Emmons 2007-01-31
ACTION-65 OPEN survey Persistent Storage APIs Mark Baker 2006-10-07
ACTION-68 OPEN Verify that the Mozilla implementation of xslt dom api is compatible with Safari Maciej Stachowiak 2007-01-19
ACTION-93 OPEN Check how Opera deal with DOMAttrModified when change affect .prefix .specified Gorm Eriksen 2006-10-02
ACTION-105 OPEN Summarise the discussion in ACTION-70, make an issue and propose to close it. Jonas Sicking 2006-10-07
ACTION-107 OPEN Test on IE7 and see if event names are case sensitive 2006-10-07
ACTION-111 OPEN Write a section on security considerations raised by the DOM 3 spec. Andrew Emmons 2007-01-31
ACTION-112 OPEN Write description of how other specs achieve comaptibility with D3EV Andrew Emmons 2007-01-31
ACTION-118 OPEN Make sure the spec is clear as regards issue 50 Jonas Sicking 2006-11-30
ACTION-124 OPEN Draft a proposal for adding more options to addEvtListNS so that people could have more control over e.g. the bubbliness of their events Jonas Sicking 2006-12-25
ACTION-125 OPEN Draft text for a specification conformance section in DOM Level 3 Events. Andrew Emmons 2007-01-31
ACTION-129 OPEN Write Window Object 1.0 "examples of usage" section Maciej Stachowiak 2006-10-19
ACTION-131 OPEN Window 1.0 needs to define "being the same object" in such a way that it is an equivalence relation Maciej Stachowiak 2006-10-07
ACTION-133 OPEN Update DOM3EV to refer to ECMAScript bindings clarifications spec Andrew Emmons 2007-12-31
ACTION-137 OPEN Write test cases for XHR behaviour when a page is closed Jonas Sicking 2006-10-07
ACTION-154 OPEN Test and come up with solution for how to set Referer: header. Jonas Sicking 2006-10-07
ACTION-155 OPEN Check what browsers do for binary data, and make a proposal Gorm Eriksen 2006-10-02
ACTION-157 OPEN Specify how complex types work Jonas Sicking 2006-11-30
ACTION-159 OPEN Update the E4DOM spec with his improved text Jonas Sicking 2006-11-30
ACTION-161 OPEN Poke TC39 about their exception for DontDelete Jonas Sicking 2006-11-30
ACTION-162 OPEN Check whether to treat undefined as null Jonas Sicking 2006-11-30
ACTION-170 OPEN Talk to MMI/Ink about pressure 2007-03-15
ACTION-171 OPEN Make a proposal to change mutation events such that they are easier to implement Maciej Stachowiak 2006-09-30
ACTION-172 OPEN Make a proposal for lock-down of the tree during mutation events Jonas Sicking 2006-10-07
ACTION-173 OPEN Make a proposal for the other X/Y things like clientX/Y Gorm Eriksen 2006-10-02
ACTION-174 OPEN Specify keypress, keyCode, charCode Doug Schepers 2008-06-01
ACTION-175 OPEN Write up proposal for abstracted key events Maciej Stachowiak 2006-10-07
ACTION-182 OPEN Specify relative URI resolution for the location object for JavaScript only in language bindings per resolution of ISSUE-67 Maciej Stachowiak 2006-10-19
ACTION-183 OPEN Put location string conversion rule in JS language bindings per resolution of ISSUE-68 Maciej Stachowiak 2006-10-19
ACTION-184 OPEN Specify optional bool requirement to location.reload per resolution of ISSUE-69 Maciej Stachowiak 2006-10-19
ACTION-186 OPEN Generate use cases for variables in XPath Robin Berjon 2006-12-25
ACTION-187 OPEN Post to the (public) list to see if there\\\\'s overwhelming desire for evaluateContext Jonas Sicking 2006-09-30
ACTION-189 OPEN Write draft proposal for DOM 3 Core browser / webapp profile Maciej Stachowiak 2007-03-15
ACTION-192 OPEN Add support for native arrays to ECMAScript DOM Bindings Jonas Sicking 2006-11-30
ACTION-199 OPEN Write security section [XHR] 2006-09-26
ACTION-203 OPEN Baker to cut and paste the Persistent Storage spec Mark Baker 2006-09-26
ACTION-219 OPEN Handle communication between the SVG WG and the WebAPI WG regarding wheelDelta, checking minutes, asking WAPI not to change, etc. Charles Mccathienevile 2007-10-31
ACTION-226 OPEN Write spec for keyboard stuff 2007-02-01
ACTION-227 OPEN Create spec covering keycodes, longkeypress, and mobile / soft key issue 2007-02-01
ACTION-230 OPEN Publish the timeline to the public Charles Mccathienevile 2007-02-01
ACTION-240 OPEN try to get responses to email onto the public list Sunava Dutta 2007-11-09
ACTION-241 OPEN Chase i18n and XML to clarify whether XML 1.0 allows for extending legal characters Charles Mccathienevile 2007-11-16
ACTION-245 OPEN Write double-click tests Carmelo Montanez 2008-02-13
ACTION-246 OPEN Add informative examples of different click counts for dblclick Andrew Emmons 2008-03-05
ACTION-247 OPEN Provied test template Carmelo Montanez 2008-03-15
ACTION-254 OPEN Create a test repository Doug Schepers 2008-03-12
ACTION-255 OPEN Propose a metadata framework for tests Carmelo Montanez 2008-03-12
ACTION-256 OPEN Get feedback from major implementers regarding how to best make a test harness that will work for them Doug Schepers 2008-03-12
ACTION-257 OPEN Talk to RIM to see what their wheel event is like Doug Schepers 2008-03-12
ACTION-258 OPEN Review Mozilla bug for pixel scrolling and consider wrt mousewheel proposal Doug Schepers 2008-03-19
ACTION-259 OPEN Give deadline for next week regarding mouse wheel Doug Schepers 2008-03-19
ACTION-260 OPEN Review DOMMouseScroll wrt mousewheel proposal Doug Schepers 2008-03-19
ACTION-261 OPEN Test to see if there is an order to keydown and keypress Doug Schepers 2008-03-19
ACTION-263 OPEN Draw up state chart diagram for key flow Doug Schepers 2008-03-26
ACTION-264 OPEN Research line and pixel mode for mousewheel Doug Schepers 2008-03-26
ACTION-265 OPEN Add new mousewheel to the DOM 3 Ev spec Doug Schepers 2008-03-26
ACTION-268 OPEN Test zoom in/out on keyboard Travis Leithead 2008-04-02
ACTION-269 OPEN Cross tests keyup keydown and keypress Carmelo Montanez 2008-04-09
ACTION-270 OPEN Document Key Identifiers on wiki Doug Schepers 2008-04-09
ACTION-272 OPEN Place keyboard use cases into the wiki Doug Schepers 2008-04-16
ACTION-273 OPEN Add keyboard use cases into the spec Doug Schepers 2008-04-16
ACTION-274 OPEN Start keyIdentifiers chart on the wiki for various charCode and keyCode values and browsers Doug Schepers 2008-04-16
ACTION-277 OPEN Send reminder to group to review legacy key events for next week Doug Schepers 2008-05-21
ACTION-278 OPEN Send e-mail regarding better telcon time request Doug Schepers 2008-05-21
ACTION-279 OPEN Edit spec to add mousewheel updates Doug Schepers 2008-05-21
ACTION-280 OPEN Incorporate info on mousewheel event in conjunction with Olli\\'s info. Doug Schepers 2008-06-04