slide 41
Copyright © 2005 W3C (MIT, ERCIM, Keio)
Data categories
< dirRule > containing:
@ selector required, value is XPath expression selecting nodes to which rule applies
@ dir required, values " ltr ", " rtl ", " lro " or " rlo "
Global use:
<its:rules its:version="1.0">
<its:dirRule dir=" rtl " selector=" //*[@direction='rtlText'] "/>
<par> In Arabic, the title <quote xml:lang="ar"
direction="rtlText"> W3C ، نشاط التدويل </quote> means
<quote> Internationalization Activity, W3C </quote> . </par>
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Slide 41 of 50
In the example on this slide, the content actually has markup to perform the same role as the its:dir attribute. We use a global rule to indicate that all direction attributes with a value of rtlText are equivalent to its:dir="rtl". (In an actual implementation, you would probably want to define rules for all possible values of the direction attribute - we kept things simple for the example.)