W3C Workshop on Internationalizing the Speech Synthesis Markup Language III — Summary

13-14 January 2007


On 13-14 January the Voice Browser Working Group held the third Workshop on Internationalizing SSML in Hyderabad, India, hosted by Bhrigus and IIIT Hyderabad.

The minutes of the workshop are available on the W3C Web server:

There were more than 15 attendees from India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Japan, Italy, US, France, and the UK.

Motivation for internationalizing SSML includes:

This workshop was more narrowly focused than the previous workshops, specifically targeting languages of the Indian subcontinent. Topics discussed during the Workshop included:

The major "takeaways" are:

We have started to review these new topics and will continue to do so as we continue the work on SSML 1.1 in the next face-to-face meeting in Beijing.

Daniel C. Burnett and Kazuyuki Ashimura, Workshop Co-chairs

The Call for Participation, the Logistics, the Agenda, the Presentation guideline and the Minutes are also available.

Dan Burnett and Kazuyuki Ashimura, Workshop Co-chairs
Max Froumentin, Voice Activity Lead

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