See also: IRC log
<Wayne> Yes I did. sorry
i'm going to start calling you an adsent minded professor! :)
<Wayne> That is an occupational hazzard.
<scribe> scribe: doyle
<scribe> scribenick: shawn
priorities online:
shawn notes that we have weak, rough coverage of promoting web accessibility at
Doyle: promoting web accessibility a high priority. talk to someone on bus, in a classroom.
Helle & Shawn: disability advocates etc. not know *web* *accessibility* (just building accessibility, e.g.). also not know issues with other disabilities (e.g., just blind)
Doyle: here also need simpler presentations of the issues, executive summary to educate developers
<scribe> ACTION: wayne revise current Deliverable 2 based on teleconference discussion, and put it as priority 1 [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: wayne check with liam about priorities, and willingness to edit 1st priority doc (note his logo project still seems too big & long term, and thus would be lower priority) [recorded in]
Doyle: initiate grassroots
activites, cities can be working on, get people working on
issues locally
... [within corporation] current EO docs address issues with
business. missing straightforward doc for someone advocateing
web accessibility
... a simple version of accessiility issues
... e.g., online timesheet not accessible
<judy> note that these are in random order, and incomplete
<judy> + relate it to other kinds of disability advocacy, so that people can see the parallels, and use cross-over strategies
<judy> + intro saying that you can do a lot to impact web accessibility w/out knowing a lot of technical detail
<judy> + remind the importance of advocating across different disability needs, and fend off myth that disability needs conflict between different groups
<judy> + talk about the range of resources in which advocacy around Web accessibility might be needed
<judy> + lay out some different approaches, e.g. a tiered level of awareness, communication w/ organizations w/ inaccessible sites, sharing resources for more info, providing bcase rationale & resources, pushing the need to comply, & eventually additional pushing more if needed
<judy> + link to some simple sample materials to use in advocacy
<judy> + provide some tips on approaches/discussions that do work (e.g. demonstrating barriers) and that don't work well or might backfire & lose ground
<judy> + awareness for advocates about how to find policy resources that in some cases require compliance
<scribe> ACTION: william look at judy's list and how it relates to what WAI already has [recorded in]
Doyle: also talk about how people can use the web to advocate?
<scribe> ACTION: wayne to get someone to start requirements document, and secondarily an outline for the doc itself based on today's discussions [recorded in]
personas online at:
<scribe> ACTION: wayne to add a link to and to just for reference [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: Wayne, Doyle, William, Helle send to email list your input on which are the primary personas for the Promoting/Advocating document [recorded in]
zaki, who is here?
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.127 of Date: 2005/08/16 15:12:03 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: doyle Found ScribeNick: shawn Default Present: Wayne_Dick, Shawn, Doyle_Saylor, Judy, Helle_Bjarno, Loughborough Present: Shawn Wayne doyle Helle william Regrets: Liam Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 14 Sep 2006 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: about check doyle helle liam priorities send wayne william willingness with[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]