Proposal for allowing URIs in CURIE-only attributes
- State:
- Product:
- RDFa
- Raised by:
- Ben Adida
- Opened on:
- 2009-09-02
- Description:
Mark Birbeck: """ On yesterday's telecon we discussed one way we might tackle the problem that a number of people have raised about putting URIs into @rel and @rev. I think we should say from the outset that in many ways there is no problem to solve; I believe Toby, Shane and Manu have pointed out a number of reasons why confusion about the data generated, should not arise. However, we discussed on the call that rather than coming at the issue from the standpoint of 'there's nothing to fix, so let's do nothing', we should instead look at it from the point of view of an additional feature. ... """
- Related emails:
- ISSUE-235: Proposal for allowing URIs in CURIE-only attributes (from on 2009-09-02)
Related notes:
No additional notes.