SKOS Implementation: Vocabularies stored in the NSDL Metadata Registry

Raised by:
Sean Bechhofer
Opened on:
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== Vocabulary Implementations ==
NSDL Metadata Registry

* vocabulary title(s)
The Registry currently hosts 71 vocabularies:

21st Century Skills
Core Processes
GEM Assessment Vocabulary
GEM Education Level Vocabulary
GEM Subject Vocabulary
Glossary for Arts and Cultural Education
Hebrew GMDs
Honorific Name Prefixes
Instructional Methods
NSDL Education Level Vocabulary
NSDL Learning Resource Type Vocabulary
NSDL Registry Administrative Vocabulary
NSDL Registry Agents Vocabulary
NSDL Registry AP Properties
NSDL Registry Schema Properties
NSDL Registry Status Vocabulary
NSDL Registry Top Level Thesaurus Vocabulary
Plant Types
RDA applied material
RDA Aspect Ratio
RDA base material
RDA Base Material for Microfilm, Microfiche, Photographic Negatives, and
Motion Picture Film
RDA Book Format
RDA Broadcast Standard
RDA Carrier Type
RDA Choruses
RDA colour
RDA Configuration of Playback Channels
RDA Content Type
RDA Conventional Collective Titles
RDA Digital File Characteristics
RDA Emulsion on Microfilm or Microfiche
RDA Extent of Cartographic Resource
RDA Extent of Still Image
RDA Extent of Three-dimensional Forms
RDA Font Size
RDA Form of Musical Notation
RDA Form of Tactile Notation
RDA Format of Notated Music
RDA Frequency
RDA Generation of Audio Recording
RDA Generation of Digital Resource
RDA Generation of Microform
RDA Generation of Motion Picture Film
RDA Generation of Videotape
RDA Groove Characteristic
RDA Groups of Books in the Bible
RDA Groups of Instruments
RDA Illustrative Content
RDA Instrumental Music for Orchestra, String Orchestra, or Band
RDA Layout
RDA Layout of Tactile Musical Notation
RDA Media Type
RDA Mode of Issuance
RDA Polarity
RDA Presentation Format of Motion Picture Film
RDA production method
RDA Production Method for Manuscripts
RDA Production Method for Tactile Resources
RDA Recording Medium
RDA Reduction Ratio
RDA Solo Voices
RDA Special Playback Characteristics
RDA Standard Combinations of Instruments
RDA Track Configuration
RDA Type of Recording
RDA Video Characteristics
Service Type Vocabulary
urban explorers - site features CV

There are 125 additional 'experimental' vocabularies in the registry sandbox

* name of person and/or organisation responsible for the implementation
Jon Phipps, Diane Hillmann, Metadata Management Associates (

* a list of the SKOS constructs used


although most SKOS constructs are available, these are the ones in active

* URL(s) where the published SKOS data may be obtained, if the data are
publicly available

The main Registry:

The Registry Sandbox:

The NSDL Metadata Registry was funded in 2005 by the U.S. National Science
Foundation (NSF) to provide management services for controlled vocabularies
maintained for use in the NSF National Science Digital Library (NSDL). The
Registry has pursued a mandate to enable collaborative, group-based,
multi-language vocabulary management and provide a stable platform for
delivering controlled vocabularies for use in both RDF- and XML-based
environments -- vocabularies may be referenced as either simple W3C XML
Schema or RDF Schema. Vocabulary changes are captured and time-based
snapshots and named versions may be referenced. Subsequent work has begun to
implement a similar model to allow more complex RDF vocabularies to be
managed in the framework.

Registration of Agents and Vocabularies is not restricted, but the primary
agents have been NSDL and Resource Description and Access (RDA -

The Registry is also available as Open Source Software...

== Software Implementations ==

If you are notifying us of software as an implementation, please
provide *at least* the following information:

* name of the software (e.g. SKOSEd)

NSDL Metadata registry

* name of person and/or organisation responsible for the implementation

Jon Phipps, Diane Hillmann, Metadata Management Associates (

* URLs for software home page and/or download location if
publicly downloadable

* can the software read SKOS data?

Not at present (we're working on import and validation)

* can the software write SKOS data?


* can the software check consistency of SKOS data with respect to the SKOS data

The software provides a tightly controlled, collaborative editing
environment for describing controlled vocabularies and thesauri using the
SKOS vocabulary. The model does not currently allow inconsistent or invalid

The registry has been designed to enable collaborative, group-based,
multi-language vocabulary management and provide a stable platform for
delivering controlled vocabularies for use in both RDF- and XML-based
environments -- vocabularies may be referenced as either simple W3C XML
Schema or RDF Schema. Vocabulary changes are captured and time-based
snapshots and named versions may be referenced.

The NSDL Metadata Registry was a very early adopter of SKOS, predating the
formation of the current working group, and is updating their original SKOS
model in order to adopt the current standard.

The software is written in PHP, uses the Symfony PHP framework, and has a
MySQL database, although the software has been designed to be
Related emails:
  1. ISSUE-209: SKOS Implementation: Vocabularies stored in the NSDL Metadata Registry (from on 2009-05-05)
  2. Re: SKOS Implementation: Vocabularies stored in the NSDL Metadata Registry (from on 2009-05-05)

Related notes:

2009-05-05: TYPE: Vocabulary

2009-05-05: URL: