SKOS Implementation: SKOS editor

Raised by:
Sean Bechhofer
Opened on:
Described in: [ ]

* Name of Software:

* Person/organisation responsible:
Simon Jupp, University of Manchester, UK.

* Availability/URL:
SKOSEd is open source and the code is available from
SKOS API is written in Java and source code and Jars are available here

* License:
GNU Lesser General Public License

* Can the software read SKOS data?

SKOSEd and SKOS API support reading SKOS data in a variety of formats including
RDF/XML, Turtle, OWL/XML, OWL Functional Syntax, Manchester Syntax.
The SKOSEd plugin reads all SKOS constructs but only provides internal
representations for constructs that are valid OWL 2. For example, SKOSEd does
not support the use of lists required to represent OrderedCollections.

* Can the software write SKOS data?

SKOSEd supports writing SKOS data in a variety of formats including RDF/XML,
Turtle, OWL/XML, OWL Functional Syntax, Manchester Syntax.  The SKOSEd plugin
allows creation of all SKOS constructs that are valid OWL 2.

* Can the software check consistency of SKOS data with respect to the SKOS data

SKOSEd supports checking the logical consistency of a vocabulary with respect to
the SKOS data model semantics.

* Description:
SKOSEd is a plugin for the OWL ontology editor Protege 4 [1]. It has support for
viewing, creating and editing vocabularies represented in SKOS. SKOSEd extends
Protege 4 to provide a suite of views that are more useful and offer extended
functionality to SKOS users, this includes a hierarchy view that exposes the
SKOS Concept broader/narrower hierarchy. Other features include the ability to
view entailments computed by the reasoners available for Protege 4, and the
ability to interact with and extend the underlying OWL data model for SKOS.

SKOSEd is built on top of the SKOS API. The SKOS API provides an abstracts Java
interface for the constructs defined in the SKOS data model. An implementation
of these interface is provided via the OWL API (
This affords many benefits which include:
	1 - Access to a wide range of parsers and renderers
	2 - Access and extend the underlying OWL representation of the SKOS data model
	3 - Supports popular description logic reasoners for consistency checking and
computing entailments.

* Publication:
To be published - Simon Jupp, Sean Bechhofer and Robert Stevens. A Flexible API
and Editor for SKOS. ESWC 2009. LNCS 5554. pp 506-520, 2009

1 -

Related emails:
  1. ISSUE-202: SKOS Implementation: SKOS editor (from on 2009-04-27)
  2. Re: SKOS Implementation: SKOS editor and API (from on 2009-04-27)

Related notes:

2009-04-27: TYPE: Application

2009-04-27: URL: